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Starfish Leaf Bookmark Tangle Art Lesson #421

Jun 08, 2021
welcome, I'm Melinda Bardot, a czt certified zen


teacher and today we're starting a new series on


s, it's summer reading time and as a librarian we love summer reading, we like to hand out


s and I'm retired, but when I was librarian I would like to make bookmarks and just hide them in books around the library, so maybe you would like to do them as random zen


acts and I would post these ones we just placed. Put them in the library they are random acts of zentangle and whoever found them. God preserve them, so maybe you can do it with your bookmarks at your local library or other places where you can read, so today we are going to make



, something that can be done and this whole series will last for the next four weeks and This whole series will be in different angles that you can put on a marker and different ways you can fill your marker.
starfish leaf bookmark tangle art lesson 421
Well, let's put this aside and first of all, I'm going to start with an edge and this edge. I'm going to start with two dots and a line and I'm going to go around my border, my tango could be my marker doing this so you can look at it closer, you can see that's what I'm going to do so just two little dots and then one short line dot dot dash and now I'm turning the corner you can't really see that was the end but I'm just turning the corner and I'll try to turn I just turn the corner wherever it ends and that one has two points and then I'll make it longer so come across that, so there we have our mechanical book, all with a little border around it and now I'm just going to draw a line with my pin and this



is from Cecile grat GRA 80.
starfish leaf bookmark tangle art lesson 421

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starfish leaf bookmark tangle art lesson 421...

I'm not quite sure if I said that correctly, but that's how we did it, so we're just going to put some what I call these little leaf shapes, but I know they have a name where they point at both ends, so it looks like a little flower and I like to go ahead and echo inside and then complete this. I just think that part. Like and now we're going to take and I'm going to draw from this point to the stem and from this point to that stem and here it comes to the center and here down to this Center and then I'm I'm going to fill in I don't know if this is exactly how Cecile did his, but this is how mine turned out and I think that's what zentangle is all about: do what you want.
starfish leaf bookmark tangle art lesson 421
I tried several different versions looking at it. I came out and couldn't think of anything that I really liked, but I really liked how this just filled that space with a little bit of black and you can change it up a little bit if you want and you can. I realized. Cecile made some that were simple and I like mine to be a little bold or bigger. You can see that the shape of my leaf is a little bit bigger and then echo that interior or aura depending and then color and this is where I take a lot of Be careful not to press hard with my pen, sometimes when I complete I tend to press a little hard with my pen and we're ready to draw from this point down and from this point down, so now we can complete it. and we just do it.
starfish leaf bookmark tangle art lesson 421
I like my lines to come together so that it creates a little bit of thick ink in that corner. Now I noticed she facilitated a few where she only did maybe just one, but I wasn't sure I really liked her. I'm going to put two and you can leave a space or you can make one right where it ends and just work down and I like to use this shape right there as kind of the shape that I draw in, but I went and used a different blind echo and it looks like I can get another one here now that we have all of those in our bookmark, we go in and we'll add, we can add some accents and I just go to add some of my favorites, which is a little bit of a quick queue and you can see how that smoothes that out and I, and I don't.
I'm particularly fast, I do one, two, three, I just like to add so it comes out and fills some of that space to have them and then I like to go back and add a little dot to the end of my fescue and then I'm like, who does that? Need something else that can be added here. they're our trusty little circles or orbs anywhere there's a little space where you can add your orbs and they just smooth it out and I like to make my orbs in different sizes so I have different sizes of herbs let me peel the skin off a little bit and let's shade it in a little bit here on this, I actually need it, take off my glasses, you say when you're getting older and your eyes just don't, I think I've completed it well, then I look at it. without my glasses oh it's not that good so now I'm just going to take my pencil and I'm just going to use a little bit of graphite so I'm just going to put a little bit of graphite just on the tips that I was I'm not sure what I wanted to do here and then I'm going to take my shading stump and I'm going to blend them out and we can't take and I'm going to find oh, I think I'm going to use my little burgundy pin and I'm just going to add some of my dots, fill them in with just a little bit of color, just a little bit of burgundy or brown, so just filling in some of those circles just to give it a little bit of color.
Sometimes I just like to add a little bit of color and there we go, we have our marker, I haven't shaded this one yet. I might add a little bit of blue to it and shade it who knows, let's see if I have my I have a blue. pencil and I think I'm going to apply this shade x from below. I have to let this dry a little bit because when I mix it with the odorless paint thinner it will shave, I mean, blend or set a little bit, so if I don't want that to blend, you can see that some of these.
I just made the lines a little different, so let's pull out my older paint thinner and depending on how you made yours, you have something. shading with very simple colored pencil and a little bit older, less paint thinner, how fun it is that there we have them and thanks again for looking and have a great day.

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