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SQUID GAME | S01E01 - "Red Light, Green Light" | Spoiler Review & Breakdown | 오징어 게임

May 05, 2024
that this is crazy, just wait until we move on, six


s left, five more to go and I feel like they're going to keep upping the ante and so on. The question will be: If we all decide to quit, maybe no one will get the money, but we will all get out alive. Are we too selfish not to do it or will we really do it? I feel like that will be something that might come into play later. I'm surprised how much I rooted for the main character in the end because the way he started I really didn't like him.
squid game s01e01   red light green light spoiler review breakdown
You only know if I meet that type of person in real life. I would despise that person so much that you have this daughter that he needs you and he needs you to be responsible because I think I have a strong reason why irresponsible parents bother me, that's a huge reason why it bothers me, so to start the show. Let's date this guy who is like taking away his mother and not being very concerned about being responsible for his daughter, like he obviously loves his daughter, but like he's not responsible, like you know he took the money he was supposed to spend on it, yes, and bet.
squid game s01e01   red light green light spoiler review breakdown

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squid game s01e01 red light green light spoiler review breakdown...

It's like what kind of person he makes him. I have heard that gambling is considered a disease. It's an addiction. Yes, gambling addiction is considered a disease. Yeah, I don't have a dog in that fight because I don't have a gambling addiction, so no. I don't know anything about it, I haven't read it, but still it's like when you have a child to me, that changes everything, so I didn't really like it at first, but I liked the actor and I liked the form. he was filming himself, I liked the way he was setting himself up because I could feel where everything was going.
squid game s01e01   red light green light spoiler review breakdown
I'm fine, I see you know the trajectory, you sort of know based on my suspicion of what the show is about and you know what's going on. and the way the headhunter or the um, what else would you call it, the person who goes scouting? Yeah, I guess the talent scouts, yeah, um, first of all, that guy's a great actor. I think I've seen it before. I feel like he's, I just don't know where I've seen him before, he looks very, very familiar, um, but yeah, that whole scene was cool and then like the exchange of "okay, I'll slap you instead of getting a hundred grand." , it was as if." It's easy like you see exactly why someone would do that and it makes you see that his face is all red, so he's also not punching like he's looking for some hard slaps, and from a cinematic point of view, cinematic storytelling, all that , I think this is solid, the way they do it is great, the colors in the show, the framing, it tells a very, very compelling story, even if you don't have the subtitles, even if you're just watching the silence, all of this It makes sense to you.
squid game s01e01   red light green light spoiler review breakdown
Yeah, that's the important thing here, from the facial expressions to the camera angles, to know where you are environmentally and you'll still get this even if you don't have any audio and that's a sign of good storytelling in my opinion, because Even if you miss the subtitle, you still know what's going on. Yes, there were times when I wasn't even paying much attention to the subtitles because I could understand what was happening just visually. It's an extremely visual show, even the little things that I'm sure the guy won't come back to maybe until the end of the show, but the lone shark is a great choice for an actor like casting.
This is really strong because I was afraid of that guy. They were our first seconds. with this boy and I was afraid of him, yes, that is a very strong casting, it is very strong, I don't know if it is writing, directing, everything came together, acting, acting, yes, everything was like I was afraid of him, so they did a great job. good job making me feel good when they were killing all the people like I forgot what the word for that is when you're just cleaning the house you know well you're getting rid of the people who aren't going to make it.
You know what I'm saying, there's this term in my head, I forget what it is, it's when you make a big change to your YouTube channel and you lose subscribers that aren't on board, yeah, that's what I associated with in conversations with mcns. and stuff like that when you make a big change on the youtube channel that's what's here and yeah they're calling people who are weak like the people who got scared and ran away yeah yeah well you obviously won't make it . because you're not following the rules you're not listening and you're afraid you're not doing it you don't have the guts to follow this I thought it was really interesting that it was the old man who immediately understood what was happening like why he was the only one who moved for a few two rounds.
He probably he saw some. He literally has nothing to lose. Because he has a brain tumor. He's going to die anyway and he's already old. at this point he's like anything, it's weird because you root for him but you don't know anything about the guy, you don't know if he's a bad guy, well yeah, that's also what's interesting about the characters they're introducing, you know, like our main character, we don't like him, but then there are things that he does or I just don't know, I feel like his heart is in the right place, like he's well-intentioned even though he does some really despicable things like stealing from his mother, yes, and bet.
This is one of those things that you get from Korean cinema, is that you just have mixed feelings, yeah, and you just have to move on and That's life, yeah, like it's not black and white in any way, it's very colorful and there's a lot of gray there, it's frustrating, well yeah, and we like it, we have that girl and the pickpocket girl, like that with her, that's really awesome. good casting because what happens is you know she stole the main character and then you hate her, but she's really cute, yeah, and then you're like oh, but do I hate her because she's kind of cute and it's almost like she's a wolf in sheep's clothing or something, she has a tough side, yes, but I think it comes from her past, which I'm sure we'll learn more about her, being this woman with a small body that's nice to look at, makes make it easy to feel sympathy for her, even though you probably shouldn't, yeah, you don't know anything about this chick, she might be the most evil of the whole group, I mean the fact that she did that. guy in the middle of a


she knows that her life in her death is over, but she doesn't love that guy because she has done something horrible to him like I don't know what her pimp was or we don't.
I know not, because she was talking about it, you know, he seemed to imply that maybe she owed him money or something and sure, he kept making her do things to pay it back, but it never seemed to be enough and so on. she ran away, I thought she said you missed the subtitles. I'm a very fast reader, but yeah, something is going on there, like she absolutely hates it, but I wonder if that's going to change as people start playing it. He understands that she hates them, but there are people that I hate, I don't know if I would throw them on the ground to be shot, you know what I mean, yeah, I wouldn't, yeah, I thought everyone around me had me like that. hooked yeah and it leaves you with a lot of questions like who the hell is this for because it can't just be for this person I mean maybe it's this guy who is a billionaire and puts this game together just for fun yeah because because netflix normal It's just not enough, right?
You know, you have to watch, you have to watch real people kill each other, like in the old days of gladiators and stuff, well, I imagine that as the show goes on maybe Maybe we find out that it's for some kind of wealthy elite audience, that's yeah, that's what comes to mind is that it's for people who have infinite money to spend, they just need something in life, exactly they need something that be like a gladiator ring, I think the sickest part of all this is that they are taking this innocent children's game and making it horrible, yeah, well, I mean, if you think about it the way he described the


game to the At first, it's like you don't win. then you died or something, a lot of kids games are like that, they're very absolute, it's like you win or you die, and yeah, it's interesting that they actually took it literally, yeah, it's like you really die, well, I'll take the game Seriously, then, don't you think how interesting the way it is carried out in general?
I mean, I guess this is true for anything like this. I haven't seen a Battle Royale, I read and watched the hunger games. and in a scenario like that I feel like it's one of those things where you can't stay there because then you'll die, you have to move, but if you move wrong you die, you have to move at the same time as the red





stuff, right, yeah, and it's fascinating to me because, like you know, it's about targeting people who run away, which is the wrong move because if you run you get shot, you're not following the rules and there's something notable In that in Me and I we can't articulate it, it's something about humanity and survival, yes, and being attentive, I suppose there is something there.
I haven't found the words for it, but it's a thought brewing there, maybe me. We'll have it in the next episode, well, it's kind of a test of human nature, isn't it, because it's testing your will to survive, yeah, and to survive, your willingness to play the game and how far you'll go to survive and to what extent. You're going to achieve your goal even if it means that in the end the main character literally steps on another person to cross the finish line like, oh no, he stepped on another person by accident, but they did show it twice, but I think that it's a symbol of, you know, people literally stepping on each other to get out of a bad situation.
Well, they showed a specific shot of someone getting their head stepped on and whoever it was because he's a random jogger who was probably shot. or themselves that person didn't trip that person stepped on someone's head to keep moving forward and you're right, there's something there about how we'll step on each other just to get to the finish line, unlike the Indian who stopped right away that That's what I was going to say before and I forgot. I thought it was a remarkably good choice. I don't know why they did that, but I thought it was a remarkably good choice to have that Indian guy because he stays.
You see it and you don't forget it, well, yes, because I think I read an article about the actor who plays him, yes, but from what I understand, the director specifically wanted to cast an intelligent non-Korean in that role. Yes, and it really stands out. He has been living and working in Korea for seven years. I think he's fine, yeah, I'm just saying it was a good choice because you remember him right away. oh you don't look like everyone else yeah it's your turn but you speak korean that's cool well the clever thing about that is that when they showed their face it was for a split second and it was recorded on almost everyone people who spoke.
At that moment they all became key characters, yes, but for me he was the one who stood his ground the most for obvious reasons, right, yes, with respect to what we were saying a second ago, just to conclude, there is something about the survival of the fittest that's there in my head. I don't know, I feel like there's a life lesson there about how to behave in times of crazy danger. It's like running in a frenzy isn't the best idea. Don't panic. You have to evaluate the situation and find the way forward. because if you panic you're going to ruin yourself and that's not good for anyone, yeah, right, and again I'm having a hard time finding that thought that I'm trying to articulate, but I feel like you know good stories leave you. thoughts to analyze as lessons for not always, but as you want to know when you watch a James Bond movie, there is not really a lesson that you are learning that way, but like well, often good stories leave you with lessons, things to chew on and Wow, okay, that's something I would apply to my life because art influences life, life versus art, etcetera, etcetera, and there's something about how to survive in life in that game at the end I'm trying to get hooked, but I can.
I don't really like getting the words right, you know what I mean, but I hope it makes some kind of sense. I firmly believe in surveillance wherever you are. I'm a big believer in vigilance and taking care of yourself even when I go for a walk around the neighborhood, I do as much as I can 360 degrees in terms of my awareness of where I am because you just don't know what's lurking, you know I'm one of those idiots that are in a restaurant I like to see the front door, you know, you just don't know what's going on, not that someone is coming for me specifically, but I want to know what's going on.
I like everything the show does and I like that it makes you think and it makes you consider at least to some extent your own life and how you should live it. I think that's the thought, I'm sure you know that and I'm sure as we go along I'm already reflecting on a deeper thought, but I want to see more of the show before I articulate it guys, thank you so much for hanging out. I hope you enjoyed it. If you're watching this on YouTube, hit the subscribe button, bell icon, all notifications and vote for this, and if you're watching this on Patreon thank you so much for supporting us here looking forward to episode two.
I'm Jaby Kawai. I'm Achara Kirk. Peace.

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