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Squatter takes over abandoned RV... Until I take it away!

May 16, 2024
another had to go to the impoundment yard for 30 or 45 days, however long this one leaves the impoundment yard. going up and we go together to the Caravan upstairs I want to know why the color of your truck is the same as mine because you copied my genius I'll let you think that slides in woo you want to know how I did it you push it with the truck no no I didn't go in and find the button that said slide and I pressed it and went to look at you, this took a little thought but I did the same with the awning, the awning went almost all the way on our th I.
squatter takes over abandoned rv until i take it away
I just went and pushed the retractable awning and it I folded everything up, it has power for the batteries, so now we're just pumping up some tires and then we're good to go. I took out the axle shafts and then, uh, I know you like physical work. I end up in a lot of physical work, we'll call it, okay, you know it and I have a disease, right, yes, stupidity, don't try it at home, yes, yes, it's called too stupid to say that there is no disease, yes, that one It's the truth, but hey, people here have messaged me, ask if I'm hiring.
squatter takes over abandoned rv until i take it away

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squatter takes over abandoned rv until i take it away...

I'm not, but Greg needs some drivers. If you want to do these things regularly, this is probably not the way to advertise it. Thanks for the brand, but they actually like the really good stuff, like they like that you're like the local kids on high. -finish cars and nice things, yes here is the rule if you want to work for Greg and mainly for Crystal because Crystal is really the boss. Greg works for Crystal. um, I just work here. Two rules: you have to like good equipment and keep it well, keep it. clean, yes, and you have to like working for good people and being in the Redmond area, those are three rules.
squatter takes over abandoned rv until i take it away
I can't tell the rules anyway, we're airing and then we're caravaning out of here, so I couldn't figure it out. I figured out how to make this door stay down because there is nowhere to put a hole for a bungee and Greg came up with the best idea. Thinking of Greg, we really had fun getting this problem solved. Look, but don't tell anyone that, yeah, especially. the boss, okay, we're ready to go, try our luck at Scil House, you're in a little truck, you drive by, yeah, I'm going to pass you on the road and I'll just push you into the salt, you pull that one truck uhhuh yeah, that's a nice truck because it looks a lot like mine, be fair to be fair, it was its colors first, that's right, no, the red one was mine first, the red one was mine first, that's just red, it had red, white and black. yeah originally yours were all white I had red and then you did the red, white and black and then I did the red, white and black so you copied me so I copied you again oh my god as you can see , it's a brutal competition between telecom companies around here we don't really like each other at all, just mortal enemies from the start, so I just snap and check it out, well, we're not in the junkyard, we're back in home, uh, we went to the at the junkyard they left all that stuff with no problem, everything was smooth and easy, yeah, those are tank steps and then I did a bunch of other things and now I'm back home, so You are probably wondering this and many people are.
squatter takes over abandoned rv until i take it away
You've probably already commented that there's something on your lens right there, not anymore, you've probably already commented about how we kicked that lady out of her RV and took it


from her, but that's not at all what happened and yeah, I waited until the end . of this video to address that fact, so those comments have already been made and then the algorithm sees the audience engagement and helps this video advance all the way through the algorithm, but there's a trailer here so I'm leaving to sit down The story with that RV is that it's not those ladies at all, so she had to get out and walk


That mobile home was inhabited and belonged to an older gentleman who lived there on the street with her and the city. they have outreach workers the county has outreach workers that go out, talk to these people, they know who they are, they check on them, they know what's going on there and this guy was not in the best shape of health so he ended up being placed. to the hospice where it is now and will probably stay, so you probably also noticed that this RV was not impounded, it did not have the 30 day hold, it went straight from the street to the junkyard and that is because this gentleman owner He voluntarily handed it over to be removed and scrapped because it has no value.
He knows he is in Hospice now and will never be able to live there again and he left it willingly to do that. That's how I had to skip the whole impound and the 30 day hold and title possession as well as the other one that Greg pulled out had to go to his impound yard, the one he ended up dragging there came out of his imp yard then went through the whole tight title sale process, that's all the story behind this RV, that lady had nothing to do with that thing, she's someone who saw an empty RV sitting there and got in it and that's a big deal with a A lot of these RVs you see in the woods and stuff like that.
We do these cleanings. This is how things end: someone will abandon something or have to abandon something for some reason we don't know, as if this guy has a legitimate reason. for having to leave that thing there, he had no choice and this guy did the right thing, it's unfortunate that he was in that situation in the first place, but he did the right thing by telling the city to throw it away. get rid of it, but in just a little bit of time someone else moved in and that happens very regularly, where the last person who lived there could be 2, three, four, 10 different people than whoever put it there or moved away. originally undid. from that it was


whatever, you don't know who is what and who last used it and who is on it now those things are passed around and exchanged, so the best that can happen once they are


or given They give up or they end up with things like this was so they would clean them up and get them out as quickly as possible because if they leave them sitting, that kind of thing happens, they will move it here, they will move it there, this person will


it, move it. there they'll end up in the woods in a pile of mess, pollution and trouble, so the quicker you can get that stuff out the better for everyone, since luckily you have to skip a lot of the paperwork process because the guy voluntarily abandoned it, unfortunately someone else got there first before us that's why she just left with nothing because nothing there was hers so that's the backstory any way we did it.
Liss is towing in Redmond. amazing people are looking for drivers if you are interested and like nice trucks, much nicer than mine, the nicest trucks all this side of the Cascades. I would say probably in Oregon they have nice things and they


care of them, so if you're into that kind of thing, cool people, go see them also if you're in Redman, you need towing, roadside assistance, things like that, they're the people to call, that will be it for this one. I think I'm going to give him that truck. a bath and then go take a shower and see you next time

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