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Sprint Car BRAWL at Bristol! | Wreckfest

Apr 24, 2024
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Sound Head Entertainment, as always I am at Soundhead and we are here at the last great coliseum and we have breakfast once again for something spectacular. We have a new mod to play with the 410 Sprint cars. Have arrived. a whole new model to play with and the same lot and working drivers that we know and love, let's see, obviously, one is where our dreams become nightmares that we will try to minimize and that turn them into memes. getting sick a little bit, but we're alive somehow, somehow we'll get out of it, they're just going to save the wreckage for here in turn three, I guess that works, two gentlemen, and it's huge, Dave Marcus, from back to the track. we barely got going guys oh my god oh damn just when i was looking away jerry smoked matt kinses where are you going to go oh there's a bunch there's nowhere to go we're all going to the pile facing ty gibbs and it's getting even worse, they've asked us to die again.
sprint car brawl at bristol wreckfest
Look at my flyer, which was illegal in about 28 states. Well, we grabbed the VHS tape and ran up to the tower so we could watch this again while the big one in Bristol is going on. Look. the greatness of this we have to see it again, you'll even get a better idea when you come into frame here and look at the wild man I know, racing these cars on this pavement ain't exactly how it's done, but look at the results look at poor jerry nader being thrown through the air, he doesn't deserve this, it's just a shame we're starting from the outside because it seems destined for doom when brad is trying to show up here and he's already in. the wall, we're inside it, there's nowhere to go ourselves to the wall, that's a great start, oh I'm not the only one having problems here, okay, we'll get some places back or not all mack's heads They will be placed in the middle of the the road has nowhere to go but towards him I'm sorry for that matt oh my god who is that up there just throwing his sausage away? oh, it's Dale Jr. there's nowhere to go right in the middle of a group of them just beating their way through, we're rusty here he's going to get him out of the way that's a little closer that pile is forming in the front we're waiting we're saying oh we're in the lead what the hell I think I know how we got the advantage look The massacre down here, Dale Jr, looking around, it looks like a war zone back there and up here we have to get through too oh we have Oh no, well, it's certainly not the first time I'm a few centimeters shorter. but let's see how we got there first, they took us out, we should have known it was going to be bad news, when that was Brad, that caused that too, then we put it on Matt Kenzit and that started building up there. we just go through these four guys and then we end it by just barely clipping the front wing of someone who was getting a little caught there and he somehow rips the wheel off and it's our day, oh rewind, not that, they're taking me away from Stuart Freeze. and I don't think I even know who he was, but that was dirty and this is dirty too.
sprint car brawl at bristol wreckfest

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sprint car brawl at bristol wreckfest...

This is a dirty front stretch. Jerry Navy is once again getting hit here in our adventure today. What the hell did he say? We have to take it easy. That guy won't duplicate them, for God's sake, and Matt's going to line one up with Rusty there, oh, I could see that coming from a mile away, we're packing like crazy trying to dodge Trevor Bane and Dave Mark will be on the half. off the road going around the race track so we'll pick it up too why not the more the merrier oh what light work from the man himself come on dear that didn't go to the planet Matt Kids I'm getting mugged the class of 2000 rookies and I'm about to get really oh he's only wearing a strap, I don't even know what that means when it sounds good and this is not good at all.
sprint car brawl at bristol wreckfest
I'm stuck. I'm going to have to put it in reverse. always a good sign oh no oh you love putting one on a car that's already out of the race good job johnny my eyes are deceiving me he's my lord and savior brad let me lead this defense dead without warning no nothing just dead so You I would really like to hunt down whoever it was and try to fight them with the helmet still on and I refused to take it off and then call them wine even though I'm the biggest and I'm going to call that Harvard. king 2.0 and then I'm going to watch some more replays of me getting destroyed by the nascar rivers 2000 class because that's what happened like we just saw and then the two cars and I do hot wheels let's go ahead and get a look at the crime scene here it looks like that yellow car pushed the other car into traffic, so it looks like we have a multi-target assault and we'll have the plan here, oh okay, or Tim could just divert me. richmond from the damn beginning that works dude oh I just did a 360 that was cool.
sprint car brawl at bristol wreckfest
I'm going to have my own display in the hall of fame for what I just did, oh, oh, I could be, oh, they're losing how. Can't we drive around a bowl? People, it's a bull, oh my God, cars are flipping over me, we've got cars hitting me around here, oh, Rusty and I are going to the wall, aren't we? Yeah, we, oh, I'm going the other way. I'm trying to cover this event. They are destroying me. I'm more like a war correspondent than a racing driver at this point. This is, oh, that was good, I'm definitely not a racing driver after what I just did there. and that's a well-deserved beating and oh oh oh cut cut look at that how many hot wheels are we going to do today? you know let's just go back sorry what the hell and I'm let's send it, send it oh here we go that's the yellow car it could be the one from before let's go catch it it's down and we're spinning like a top we're doing a booker t spinner rooney for the fans well we have to evaluate everything that just happened, there's a lot to unpack here first these cars, it's just that everyone here has an l because you can't drive from one corner to another immediately without dying, that's an l for all eternity There's no good reason for me to then get the eternal double l when I decide to fire it again and drive it straight into the other wall and just line up for a double hit, so anyway I'll be waiting for my contract from Rick Ware Racing any day now.
Every once in a while, of course, we get our revenge, maybe not even on the car that did it to us, but it feels good anyway, are you kidding me, Tim Tim, what's wrong with you? Don't answer, just keep going, Stewart, freezing. middle of the road, okay, we're in 21st place. It's a phenomenal start. Someone is on the fence. Let's dodge the cards like a mine. Tim Richmond was in the accident. That's something you hate to see again in a minefield. The doors here until six have David Pearson up here and Joey Logano and they just troll around him, just a characteristic look at the silver fox's superiority that was too glorious and even, oh, he did it again and I'm sure I did it and I.
He beat those guys, look at this guy, look at Pearson, oh he finally got eliminated but that was glorious, what a run of the man, oh and that puts us in the lead, holy sweet mother of hurdles, so in the nearby hole where it was, it opened. On the other side, damn it, Dale and our son, would you like to maybe not be stopped right in front of me? That would be, what are you doing? What is happening with this car? That doesn't even make sense and there are people turning around back there. oh, this is going to be oh, he missed it and I hit him oh, I thought Nathan was going to smoke it and then they were putting obstacles in my way, throw Dave Marcus in my way, jerry, I won't stand for this, we're going to have our way with you before That this ends there we see you then he's in the race and we're going to turn to win on the other side of the line to pick up the dub with a donut and then of course we have the replays and it wasn't It was a nice race, we They served from the beginning, we had to come back from behind, we ran into almost everyone on the field, we had a couple of runs with a couple of different stacks, we dodged that one at the beginning and of course we didn't have that much. good luck on the oh come back while we pile into one here dale jr gets stuck in front of us and we still worked our way back trying to get that crown and a couple of guys came for that ass back there look at them squeezing in on the guys .
Back off, that's a problem and, uh, running to the finish line here while we get dealt some bad jerry nadeau hands in front of us and he throws some cars in our path and we get revenge oh how ironic, I was defending nedo before and then finish in which he eliminates it, proving that once again I am the true finisher and you might think we are done but we are not because of course there is a Bristol Dirt design so let's try it now. It's extremely bumpy, I don't know why it's so bumpy but it is, it's hilariously bumpy and not perfectly suited to


cars, as you can see they're already piling it up and flipping it, Benny Parsons is entering the pit lane.
OMG, we just found out who else except Morgan Shepard. Oh, the old rivalry continues and we're getting stuck on the berm here and I think we're stranded, so it might be. I'm pretty sure they call this place. Thunder Alley and I think we just found out why because we're going to get a pretty clear shot in the alley here of some pure, uncut carnage cars getting stuck in the air, a couple of them almost making it to the pits. hard way, but everyone kept their cereal in the ball somehow, we're destined to have a little first shift meme here with those potholes running over us over and over again, let's make more donuts, let me jump over this thing before from hitting brandon jones wasn't here packing another one on the side i think it was great wiki we gotta pack up here we're gonna have to split up we're gonna push wendell scott back hold my beer window look at this oh eric joe's gonna slide it to the bar red and that went down as fast as I did he just held this and I did it and we're stranded again it's over let's see how much we can do on the high side here I love it.
Only good things happen here up there we throw figures to get to that clean bottom side of course the mechanism is running rampant in this game it always has it will probably always create a wholesale spot and they still refuse to get to a corner cleaning . We're going to destroy it down here too, yes, they will. He will give Brenda a kiss. She went down the road for Jeremy Mayfield. Up here we have an accident for the lead. Let's run for it. I'm going to jump over the wall. We'll almost make it. I'll hit you somewhere else on top of the pit while I pack it up oh Benny Parsons, why are you going down and smashed me on the high side last time?
I have to correct myself on the low side too. That's a little messy. We were supposed to pick one of the other guys, so they just threw us over the group. We have to keep it in order and somehow we do. I don't know how, I don't know how we're alive. I have no remote idea and who wiki is going to test me on the outside, that was a brilliant move. I'm going to use Blainey as a riot shield here. Oh, we converted it. Shout out to his life-size Sprint car tattoo. Oh, Morgan's chapter was just walled off. out of his fucking cell, but we'll give him a little one-two combo and I'll screw myself in the fucking process, come on, come on, morgan, come on, oh, I think Morgan's been forcibly eliminated from this race, it would seem that he has seen. better days I've lined up for a look my brain has seen better days Stuart Freeze just runs into whatever he can see in front of him again exhibiting Terminator-like characteristics I'm going to go to the pits again and this time we do it get over the slight turnaround that put us on a journey we're driving to get out of this thing, oh don't do it, oh, a little advice for more that will put us back on the sword, sorry, Fellaini, oh, we. we're going to do the oh I thought we were about to make the pass for the lead bird he went for it he goes to the fence we're going to send him to an early autograph session with the fans and he leaves us in his place we have to go gimme a push harrison give me a push come on come on oh he loves himself let's smoke it we take each other out we're both dead oh isn't it nice we're both dead go home no one wins oh vickers having his revenge takes us to the wall takes us to the stack takes us to denny oh don't stop now why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why I don't even see why I care To dodge plus these brakes, I'm just going to crash into everyone, see you, Briscoe and Gallagher, and gone or whoever you were, see you later, we'll see you, Betty Parsons, oh, you're doing great, aren't you okay?
I think I've seen enough, let's go ahead and throw this here for no good reason, let's see what happens, oh my god, barrel control, brain control, damn it, close to the cameraman, fire truck control, we need that ambulance For a mental evaluation, okay, oh, allvickers. the walk from the end to the top of the track just to get me captured in 1440p might as well be 4k Are you serious and think terminators don't exist? How many more facts and proof do we need? Oh we're on a slide, my goodness, I can't believe we didn't pile Briscoe deeper into that wall, he was, he was getting ready for one to seventh here with a couple laps to go, we could still have a career training us. all the way past sterling into fifth place look let's let marcus lead the way here good job mate oh and there's nowhere to go and I'm at the top of the pile you ever just screwed up because that That's what just happened, and I can. teven get out of here we're stuck this is going to have to be a restart I didn't think we'd ever see the day on this track well I guess we did there you go oh on the wall on the wall don't do it I'll throw it in the trash now that We come out of turn four, where am I supposed to go besides take out Terry Labonte?
Where can I go? I can't even get to my dub. My dubbing is unattainable. I lost the wheel. I have lost the wheel. I better be able to drag my ghost corpse to this finish line, please let me have this, let's get to the game, pimp, give me enough of a slap, just give me that completion sign, there it is, we've captured another two-for-two dub on the day, well, what better? There's another way to incorporate a completely new mod like these 410


s than to take them on a destructive tour of Bristol like we did here today.
I think it was great and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did because I think this set of cars. There will be some fun installments in the future and that's where we'll end here today. Thank you, as always, ladies and gentlemen for watching and I'll see you all next time.

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