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SPOT A BAD CAR SALESMAN: INSTANTLY!!! 13 RED FLAGS! - Auto Expert 2021 The Homework Guy Kevin Hunter

Jun 08, 2021
how to



a bad car


today i'm finding 13 car




that should be a deal breaker for you, they certainly are for me, ignore these red


and you'll waste a ton of time with a jerk or you. You'll be driving home in a car you'll soon wish you never bought. Hi, I'm Kevin Hunter, aka Homer's Guy and author of It's the Best Thing You Can Do, this video is brought to you by the Task Force. of super high intensity training for car buyers and a very smart group of car


s on your side, much to the disappointment of some car dealers, we are on a mission to create the smartest car buyers in the country, if you appreciate the videos of the type of task. and want to support our efforts, there are many ways you can join in and help us.
spot a bad car salesman instantly 13 red flags   auto expert 2021 the homework guy kevin hunter
Let's address the huge problem of bad car salespeople. Unfortunately, they're plentiful out there, so you'll have to sort through a bit, but in the end, it's worth it. Here's why one of the biggest keys to getting a great car deal is finding a great car dealer. It's difficult, I admit, but not impossible. Unfortunately, the good guys in the


mobile business are outnumbered in a sea of ​​incompetence. But today we'll help you quickly identify those bad car salespeople so you can find good help much faster. When you know how to


a bad car salesperson, you'll improve your future car deals immediately.
spot a bad car salesman instantly 13 red flags   auto expert 2021 the homework guy kevin hunter

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spot a bad car salesman instantly 13 red flags auto expert 2021 the homework guy kevin hunter...

There are 13 red flags when I'm in a car park, the first red flag appears immediately when the guy is nothing but a loser, more red flags appear in quick succession after that, I can literally leave in five minutes and so can you, because the sleazy just can't help. They themselves don't wait to see 13 red flags and neither should you, you can leave on the first one. I wait for a second or third red flag just as a courtesy to the poor guy because I want to give him a chance and I also want to change the car business so I give him a few extra chances, but then I do it.
spot a bad car salesman instantly 13 red flags   auto expert 2021 the homework guy kevin hunter
Are you ready for this? Let's do it. 13 warning signs of a bad car salesman Number one. Super high enthusiasm. This is just weird and over the top. enthusiasm like the level of exaggerated theater a normal greeting between two strangers is nothing more than hello, how are you? Tell me how I can help you or something when someone at a car dealership talks to you like he's high on a Red Bull. a serious red flag this false motivation does two things it actually helps the car salesman offset the guilt for trying to snowball you it lulls them to sleep that's why the trainers push this technique they tell the salespeople they just aren't excited enough if You're not selling everything, false enthusiasm is also designed to get you in trouble because, frankly, it surprises you.
spot a bad car salesman instantly 13 red flags   auto expert 2021 the homework guy kevin hunter
Almost nothing good is going to happen if this guy doesn't stop hyperarousal mode and say, "Hey, man, I'm so glad." to see you guys, what a wonderful family, hey, where do you come from? Yes, that doesn't fly, don't put up with this nonsense. This is where I raise my hand and say, enough, I'll give them a second chance and pretend you didn't do all those songs and dances, take a deep breath and try again if he doesn't get it and doesn't immediately come down, you know, to planet earth, Well, that's when I say, you know I'm going to do it.
Get me a couple of Red Bulls so I know where you're coming from and that's when I'm gone. It's one-hit chance number two. The immediate pitch starts with telling you what an amazing dealership you just arrived at and what an incredible inventory of cars they have. I have to go to Superman's finance guys, you know, in that back office that will rip you off later, everything comes to light immediately, the bad car salesman presents things to you faster than a farmer throwing garbage from the back of the barn, if you can. You won't get the guy to stop trying to sell you the moon.
Well, just walk away slowly and take one small step for man, one giant leap for humanity. Well, you know it's monumental, so you might as well be proud to walk away. You are helping us. changing the car business by denying a sale to some idiot number three tons of pressure you know exactly what I mean you can barely breathe it's like facing a goalkeeper on the soccer field the bad car salesman will stand in front of you and do everything What I can to prevent you from thinking about anything other than what they offer you. The experience is overwhelming and makes you feel very uncomfortable.
You don't need any excuse to finish this. You just need to have the courage to say, I'm here for one thing and one. The only thing is to take out a pencil. and paper and write this and I make them do it if you can't comply. I'm happy to say goodbye and continue with my car shopping elsewhere. That's exactly what I tell them and then I tell them exactly what. I want if he doesn't understand it right away, I will tell him that someday you will go far, but not today and not with me, and that's when I see my way to door number four.
He hammers out the financing and loan qualification from the beginning. you are paying cash, do you plan to finance? Do you know what your payment goal is? how much are you paying now? Do you know what your credit score is? Yeah they just bombard you with questions like that the guy will go crazy asking you to fill out an application and get the finances going this is where you say thanks for reminding me I need to talk to my own banker and then you walk away without an explanation number five it's about the salesman the bad guys in the car business they subscribe to the wiifm channel that's the what's in it for me channel they don't really care about you while they're too into themselves they wear fancy clothes a strong wave of cologne hits you very expensive and endless ramblings about how amazing you are' You won't hear unequivocal terms that you're in the best of hands, it's time to point out the obvious, the only thing you're missing, my friend, is a mirror and then you hit the road, some day he might remember you, probably while admiring himself. mirror number six they don't understand what it's like to be in your shoes this is absolutely key for the salesperson to understand you the bad salesperson is simply too impatient to get to know you and wants to get to the point and that's getting their hands on your money, they never know It has occurred to them that buying a car is as important a decision as moving or choosing a new university to go and do business with people who have a little patience and want to understand where you are coming from. when he asks you about your business and he has no idea who you are, it's time for you to say that you know it's been interesting not meeting you and then you leave the number seven, there's only superficial value or what I call lukewarm value in what they do.
I'm offering you, you know exactly what I mean, they emphasize all the features, all the details and completely avoid the bottom line of what a good car deal actually looks like every time they present you with something in life that has value. clear for you, you know? What I mean is that you want to get to the end of your seat and learn more. You are very interested. So when what they're trying to do is superficial value, valuable to you, you're only interested in being sold to. something you don't really care much about and you know the difference.
It's time to say those things that remind me of a penny. It may be interesting but it's not worth much and that's when you walk away knowing that somewhere out there Abe Lincoln is probably smiling right now. eight can't understand the word no we made a whole video on this topic make sure you watch it you'll know exactly what I mean no means I don't only do business with people who understand that word number nine insincerity I don't I don't know about you but I have a very sensitive bs meter when it comes to sincerity, everything feels fake with an insincere salesperson, they avoid things that need to be said and don't ask questions that need to be asked, it feels weird that they come. like a plastic banana when there is no connection between you and the seller, you should just leave it to a person who is really in tune with you, they would see this lack of interest on your part and could say: are you sure you don't want to just start again or try this another day a sincere person is not afraid to ask questions like that an insincere person will not ask you anything other than what your monthly payment goal number 10 is the two solution options that a bad car salesman gives you offers to any challenge or objection you raise, no matter what it is, anything you say that they didn't want to hear results in them running down a new goat trail that always has a fork, goes one of two ways, both lead to the sale What they want When it feels like they're trying to guide you, it's time to say, you know, buddy, you need to go on a road trip with someone else and then get behind the wheel of your own car and leave the number 11, they don't don't link your real needs with the real solutions that the


mobile offers.
The solutions they present are more in line with what most clients want. I can't stand the phrase from most customers or the nonsense from our customers. I don't care what anyone else says. the planet wants a car when I'm there I only care about what I need in my vehicle and he better listen carefully if he drops the line from most customers I often say I'm really sorry to interrupt the fun you were having with everyone those other customers today and then I go to number 12, it is not a two-way dialogue, the salesperson keeps talking because he is trying to avoid questions or objections you may have, you realize that you are almost silent and only get to talk with his permission It seems funny, but that's true.
Have you ever been on that annoying phone call that you thought you couldn't hang up on but wished it had ended 30 minutes ago? This is the conversation with a bad salesperson. He speaks. mile a minute like you signed up for a seminar and whatever is selling that day when the flow of information makes you feel like a dog sticking its head out the window, well it's time you said what a shame it isn't I can stay until the end. I'm sure it's amazing and then you get out of there number 13 no communication loop real communication comes with an effort to understand you in real conversations we use what are known as feedback loops because we are not trying to force each other to do anything. and we really want to know if people understood us, we ask ourselves follow-up questions that are very natural questions and then we confirm what we think we heard.
There is a communication loop. You don't get any of this from the bad seller. The only loophole in his tactics. it's constantly quoting yourself like i said before he continues this is when you quote yourself this isn't my first rodeo and then you ride straight into the sunset i hope you learned today that meeting a bad car salesman is a bit like trying a new food that you know you don't like the moment it touches your tongue you're inclined to spit it out a bad car salesman has the same effect on you trust your gut and then walk away before you go shopping for a car watch this video again it is the goal of all task team members to not only make each of you the best equipped car buyers out there, but also to change the car business.
When you walk away from a bad car salesperson, you punish behaviors that no one wants them to learn. or leave and everyone wins either way if we made you a smarter car buyer today and you appreciated the video, please consider giving us that big thumbs up and leaving a comment below using the


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We actually look for emails with that on The title receives hundreds of emails, so please bear with us if you love what we do and want to leave a tip on the Paypal or Cash app. The links you are seeing appear here, make sure you find them in the description. box below or simply visit us on the web. There are also many other ways you can support us and we really appreciate everything you do. Your efforts help us spread the word and take down those bad guys in the car business who haven't done it yet. I learned that fairness and honesty are the best business model.
Thank you all for coming to see us today. See you in our next video, you guys are great. I'm Kevin Hunter, until next time, take care everyone.

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