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Sports Media vs Bronny James

Jun 29, 2024
Mark, you were just in Chicago for the combine, what are the scouts saying about bronnie? Well, they wanted to keep judgment on him until they saw him, they saw he was listed as 61 and they saw he was a 40.5 vert, but I said, what would you do? Do it right now before I go and play, what would you do? And they said we wouldn't select him. Both said they would not select him. I said, "Okay, let me give it a couple of days, let's see what happens after they see it." play now this is his opinion after watching him play Scout one.
sports media vs bronny james
I still don't think he's ready, but he did some good things. He is on the smaller side, so he will have to be elite on defense. You can see that he has good vision and makes correct passes. He makes good shots, he'll probably need more time if the Lakers don't draft him. I don't see anyone drafting him, teams would want him in two directions and I don't think the clutch wants that. It gets a little more difficult. The other Scout I spoke to, a positional athlete, does not function like an elite athlete. The teenager caught between two positions should be a point guard based on his size, but he can't run an offense.
sports media vs bronny james

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He has disadvantages as an undersized shooting guard. Because he can't shoot zero four from three one day, one from three, the other day he needs screens to create space and his only score came on paint floaters and he can only go left, his strength is assumed to be defensive, but it is a confrontation of change. every major player who turned it on scored is a poor man's Davon Mitchell, not an NBA prospect in my opinion, not my words, words from two veteran NBA Scouts, okay welcome back to the channel . A couple of months ago I made a video where I talked about



, how you have to study them and how bad it is now, when I talk about those things, one of the points I mentioned is that



doesn't know how to talk about a certain NBA player because they are always looking. for the next NBA player looking for the next person who can face us and one of the points that I made in that video is that they don't know how to do it because they misinform their viewers, so in this video we are going to be talking about bronnie James and his NBA draft actions and how it's ruining the sports media and misinterpreting their views and how it's supposed to actually be and I'm worried about trade talks I'm the MVP I'm the MVP of this league of the I mean the best basketball players in the world in the world I was honored with the MVP the MVP the best basketball player in the world and when I lose this is what I have to go through you're up 20 what's the story are you not happy or are you only half happy or you're still happy because you're up 20 the job isn't done the job is done I don't think so, it's okay, you work all year for it, man Shaq, the most dominant player in the world.
sports media vs bronny james
The championship is ours I love it it's beautiful Mah 2G baby you love it it's showtime folks so if you didn't know Bronnie James is the son of LeBron James and he declared for the NBA draft and He also declared for the transfer portal. At the time of recording this video, he is declared for the NBA draft and will be in the NBA draft if I'm not mistaken, so when we talk about these certain things, I'll probably play a clip before this thing. I'm saying that where the Scouts went to the draft combine, they went to where Bronnie was practicing and gave his opinion on Brony.
sports media vs bronny james
Unbiased veteran NBA scouts said they basically said if the lost and lers don't draft him, they won't see him. that they draft him, if they draft him, he will be a late second round pick, what they are projecting for him is basically a budget Davon Mitchell, so when we talk about these certain things, we are giving so much coverage to a player that is a Davon Mitchell's budget. Which, to be honest, I don't know who is in this NBA draft right now. I'm not a big college basketball watcher, I'm not a big high school basketball watcher because I watch the NBA.
I only watch basketball with people I know. There is a lot of talk about them going into the draft. I'm going to watch his games, so when Bronnie James entered the NBA draft and I know he had a health exam, he only averaged five points, but I really wanted to see why. Why is he not as tall as he predicted? It's because of his points because how he's playing, but Bronny James really doesn't, he's not biased, he's biased, he really just needs more time, he doesn't need to go right now, he's still in his first year. a health scare um during his first season at the U at USC he needs more time but when we talk about this play we are talking about LeBron James' son we are not even talking about Brony James anymore look, you have to praise his professionalism because when they did the questions and he answered almost perfectly.
I saw him working out and he was throwing the ball well. He had a 40-inch vertical, so to be fair, he gave himself some credit coming from college, where the numbers weren't showing up. in the combine, but I like the competition because Davon Mitchell is what he said, he said he was a poor Davon, but still at least bronnie understands that that's the goal. Davon Mitchell Drew Holiday Derek White, that's the goal and I respect that, but they said what's the rush, I mean it's their TR Davon Mitchell was a lottery pick, he's fine and he's a very good defensive player, poor man, okay, DAV, but in general, when you're LeBron James, son, when you're LeBron James, a lot of things are going to be made on himself his measurements at the combine, killed the three-point competition, you know, shot that star drill that showcases his athletic abilities and his hopes of improving his draft stock, and there's no one better to get involved in this than our draft expert, Jonathan Gavot.
Let's say this, we have to stop, we have to stop while the media and everyone else shines a light on Brony because it's other players who deserve our attention, right, the lottery guys, the guys who are actually yes, who are GNA are drafted in the first round as if we were talking about a guy, a young man who will possibly go late to the second round or not be drafted at all, which I have never done in my four years of working here, I have never sat at the table, we're We're talking about a second-round pick, but this is LeBron James' son and that's a legitimate story.
One of the best of all time has a son who is trying to play in the NBA. You have to give Bonnie credit for trying to say the right thing and prove it. in the right places and at the end of the day, by the way, I like to see LeBron in the stands like a proud father. I like that he is a great number one scorer in the NBA. What does that have to do with his son being a Scottish boy? I was playing for the Lakers, we don't light up Scotty Pip and his son like this, we can't move the gold post and we feel like we're going to do it when it's convenient, when we say nepple baby, that means you have the same career, you know parents to children, so for those who are Hollywood producers, your son or daughter gets a job, but if you have the same dreams and get a little benefit of the doubt, this is the guy who can do it. we talked about this, y'all, this is a guy who has given his life to the game LeBron James and if the byproduct is Ronnie nodding a little, maybe there is, although maybe it's okay Krick Perkins, who is actually crazy . because I don't agree with Kendrick Perkins on that.
Kendrick Perkins made a comment that said basically we're not even talking about Le Bronie James, we're just talking about LeBron James and we project LeBron James' ability onto LeBron James and that's a problem. We can't project how good LeBron James is onto his son because LeBron James' son is his own person, his own entity, he wants to play basketball and he just wants to play every time Bronnie James gets an interview and tries to talk to the sports media. I always ask him about his dad, how he feels about playing with his dad, how he feels about these things with his dad, but he doesn't ask him how he wants to play basketball and bronnie always answers in a good way, he always says that He just wants to play and he just wants to make a living.
He still doesn't try to do anything with his father's name, which is good because the sports media doesn't know how to build a face for the franchise they know. to build faces of the NBA, that's why every time a young player plays well they always talk about him with a question mark because they don't know, because they don't know how to talk about a certain player, you talk about LeBron. James is such a problem that the people in this NBA draft who are projected as top 10 number one lottery picks barely get any coverage on these sports media talk shows and when you talk about sports media, when you talk. about basketball you have to cover what is conf what is um what is real information that will be included in the NBA draft no one wants to hear about a person who is a budget Davon Mitchell may not even be a draft pick the NBA with all due respect to Brony, but there are players that are really better than him in this NBA draft that are projected to be number one, number two, number three in the overall selections that deserve their fls, of the They deserve to talk, but you can't talk about them because LeBron is James' son and that is the problem, I understand that Bronnie James is going to give you coverage, he is going to give you numbers because you are talking about LeBron James' son, but when you are NBA , when you're talking about basketball, you're talking about these certain things you can't just keep using LeBron James constantly over and over again because it's going to make people not want to watch when it comes to ESPN when it comes to the first strike when it comes to all these basketball shows, their ratings go People don't respect their opinions because of the way they talk about certain things.
When you talk about LeBron James, you can't sit here and project all of Lebron James' accomplishments onto his son. an enormous pressure on a young man he is 18 years old he is still trying to earn his living you cannot project that because the sun is everything son it is always great argument to be number one number two all the time and all the time the score you get I'm going to put that automaton on their child so there is a lot of pressure for a young person to try to pass. That's not something you should do.
You should look at Bonnie James objectively, impartially, unbiasedly and look at how he's playing at the combine, we have Scouts, we have veteran Scouts who say that's not who he is and that he still needs to grow. He's not that good of a basketball player. He is a budget deavon. Mitchell Davon Mitchell was a lottery pick but he and DAV Mitch know their defense and he's a role player so if you're a budget Davon Mitchell you're pretty much a bench RoR or a d-tier role player and I'm not trying to say bny J is going to be trash.
I think bronnie James still has incredible upside. I've seen games played after his health issue when he's actually playing and Bronnie James has a tremendous upside he just needs to learn and play a little more he still needs to grow so all I ask is the sports media when we talk Of these certain things that we need to allow, we need to really talk about these players that are under his control instead of talking about a player that is projected to be a second-round pick or that wasn't even picked in the NBA draft. We're talking about them because LeBron James is their father, there is no success with Bronnie James, there is no success with LeBron James, it's just because the sports media sucks, we have to talk about some of these players, who are the next generation emerging because LeBron James is about to leave.
LeBron James is about to retire next. Five to 10 years and we're not going to let these young players get coverage so these young players have confidence. We had these young players like Anthony Edwards, we built them up so high. We compare them to the all-time greats and then immediately tear them apart. down, which is something we should not do, we should allow these players to gain confidence, they play badly, okay, let's talk about how they can improve, let's criticize them, but let's not criticize when they lose confidence, they deserve criticism because he he he he played badly in the last F he played, but eth still has a tremendous advantage, he can still be the fa of the NBA, but we are not going to talk about that, we are going to constantly talk about how he failed, the Minnesota wolves had a Timo.
It sucks because of how Anthony played and why he's not Michael Jordan when you shouldn't be comparing yourself to Michael Jordan anyway, you should be comparing these young players to these all-time greats with these crazy expectations that they don't need. We are still young and they are still growing, stop comparing these players to these all-time ratings and allow these players to learn and flourish please. Sports media needs to improve because sports media objectively sucks, that's why most people don't respect their opinions. or even watching sports media because it sucks for more people instead of watching these NBA YouTubers like Legend win like Kennylike Rusty Buckets because they actually give good opinions and are not biased towards them and allow you to learn and criticize on top of these sports media TV shows. that's not what they just talk about they just talk about narrative they talk about how they want how they want you to feel instead of what's really happening it's the 12 126, baby SW I'm tired of all these hoes sneaking around trying to set up You pick me up if you play with the game , let's get it up SW, I have to blow it all up, there's no choice, iug with this green, you said I like it, you got my, you run to me, I'm going to ruin it. like franklin I made it swing when I ran down, you wouldn't know it has some cars and I show it, but I promise you I'm going to go bankrupt from all that business.
I broke my back, I got stuck deep, I took out the track, yeah I took that and you won't get it back and that's a fact

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