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SpongeBob Revenge of the Flying Dutchman - Longplay (100%) [4K]

Jun 10, 2021
What a silly dream Mr. Krabs had when closing the shelly crustacean like that ever happened. I have a feeling that today will be like no other day. Now I wonder where Gary is. He should probably accompany him before going to work. I can't make Krabby Patties. pies while I'm half naked now where did I leave my pants never fear mermaid man because you are not alone in your fight against injustice good morning gary wait I'll tell you about my crazy dream where the shelly crustacean closed oh you Don't say you had a dream too . Wow, something really bad is going to happen.
spongebob revenge of the flying dutchman   longplay 100 4k
AHA. That's really bad. Well, I know exactly what you need to cheer yourself up. I'll go find your favorite stick, don't you think? Little friend Gary would like to play fetch, oh yeah I guess that's fine, then move next to his fetch stick and press the action button to pick it up. Then you can take the stick to Gary and delight him. You didn't think I was going to do it. go to work without a quick game of fetch, now gary come on boy go much more more what did you dig up outside boy hmm there's something written on it I think it says damn alpine donut or elsie I wonder what means that, well, maybe we.
spongebob revenge of the flying dutchman   longplay 100 4k

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spongebob revenge of the flying dutchman longplay 100 4k...

I should see what's inside oh don't be so soggy gary what harm can there be in just a little peek just what I always wanted a little muddy bottle just think of all the fun we can have cleaning it here come on who summons me from my endless dream I'll have yours eyes as appetizers and your insides as dessert because I'm the Flying Dutchman, I'm sorry, just go back to your bottle and we'll bury you back in the yard so you can be quiet I'll never go back to that prison again and what is this you've gotten yourself into? my treasure?
spongebob revenge of the flying dutchman   longplay 100 4k
Oh, I hate it when someone messes with my doubloons now, what should I do with the lowly rascals who dared to agitate me? Let me consult. my rule book on ghostly actions hmm, in the event of an accidental discovery and interruption of my loot, the perpetrators must serve for an eternity in my damn calm, well, I've never been to sea with a talking block of cheese before , but rules are rules, so I have to take it with me, are you ready? Wait, Mr. Dutch, sir. Technically speaking, I wasn't the one who found it. Gary was the one who dug it up.
spongebob revenge of the flying dutchman   longplay 100 4k
Oh, that's a relief. It looks like this little critter can do 10 times the work. If he can survive my hypnotic spell oh no, no, gary, that's not what I meant, take me, not him, him, him, too late. My decision is made. Now I have to check the hidden treasures on my ship to make sure no one. I've been spreading that around, but I'll be back soon to pick up my new crewmate. Say goodbye before he comes back, don't worry Gary, I'll think of something and he'll be the kind of something that will save you, you bet.
Oh, it looks like something in my backyard is blocking the door. Ah, who's afraid of the big bad Dutchman? Not to us. I've heard that I really need to get to that other ledge, but I don't think I have it in me. Don't be discouraged. you can do it, press jump and then you can slide a little further if you press jump again before you land. Who would leave a letter like that? It's like someone wants me to find her. It's not an ordinary mosaic of letters, it's a compilation of clues. all the letters that spell your name and you will have enough clues to find a hidden treasure.
Gee Patrick, it's all right, it's not right, it's not right, something fell on my ceiling and now my TV isn't working, I can't go up there to fix it. little thing and I'm missing all my favorite shows oh that's a shame I wish there was something I could do to help ah but you can get there if you try holding down the crouch button and then pressing the jump button to get to high places. Are you waiting for SpongeBob SquarePants? I mentioned my programs. A true friend would go up there and make my life whole again.
Uh oh, barnacles. Okay, looks like I found your problem. There is a big thing in your thing and everything has been out of shape, but it also shows. Big for me to move, you don't need to move it when you can just pull it apart, look at the container and press the action button to karate chop it, my TV is fixed, you saved me from thinking about SpongeBob, save your gratitude, my cheerful friend pink. all in a day's work for a sponge like me, but maybe you can help me with a problem I have. You see, it all started this morning when Gary and I were playing tag.
I thought twice who wants to stay home and watch TV on a day like this I'm going downtown to see the new construction site maybe you can meet me there and let's play mermaid man and vertical guy the last one there's a nematode look at this one stop by bus huh, I wish I could do it take a long bus ride just think of all the amazing places outside of bikini bottom and all the fun things you could do your wish can easily come true all you need is the right ticket for this stop bus when you have the right ticket jump on the bench and the bus they will stop for you oh mr crab he warned me about playing hooky but they look so fun maybe just a quick ride while no one is looking ah you little troublemaker those hooks can be very dangerous but I promise not to tell you if you use your fishing net to hang from them, that's the only safe way to do it so, oh, clams with tartar sauce in the trash again looks like Mr.
Crab is going to have to call the exterminator, no Hurry because these clams are just one part of this cycle. of life when a clam closes its mouth you can jump on it and throw it very high, sometimes there are valuable things hidden in high places, well that's not very scary, how does Squidward expect to protect the garden from him? It's true, it's not scary when it stands still, but it's really something when it moves you see that little fan nearby you can blow on the fan with your reef blower to activate the mechanism so thank you oh uh foreign knuckles bring it I asked you little vermin The time has come for You Won't Join My Ghost Team.
There's no use fighting him. Your destiny has been decided now. Look here what I have for you. That's right, look at clingy little Gary. pirates and I don't want to say anyone hello


how nice of you to finally join us squidward good to see you you won't believe what just happened to gary and me I don't have time for another one of your ridiculous stories mister crab wants you Let's get to the Krusty Crustacean right away so he can tell us some important news important news Maybe Mr. Crab is going to announce the Employee of the Month What are we waiting for?
It's me, keep chatting and I'll see you there when you're done that's what it's like trying to hear the news before me eh well let's see who can get to the knucklehead crustacean first ah sure whatever once again we see that more legs doesn't mean more speed and once again See that more holes in her head means less stays inside her, okay you two, stop your jabran. I have some difficult news to tell you. Business has been very slow lately, so I'm going to close the krusty crustacean until it's picked. Up again she closed the grumpy girl I think I'm going to faint you guys can stay around here or go home but I can't pay you either way I'm sorry, well, isn't that great?
I'm going home to think of some ways to pay the bills see you later


jeepers mr. crabs why do you think our business is so slow? No one seems interested in going out anymore, they think it's too much trouble to leave the house, too bad we can't move the shelly crustacean. to their houses spongebob that's all we'll do that yeah what's that oh you want to move the krumpy crustacean I should get a hammer nevermind I'm going downtown to fix things you take this bus ticket and I'll meet you there? as soon as you can, so this is the bikini bottom in the center, how am I going to find Mr.
Krabs in such a big place where the streets never end and the buildings go on and on and on? SpongeBob, I'm glad you finally made it, boy, between you and this cart and me there's nothing stopping us now what exactly is your plan Mr. Krabs it's like you said spongebob if no one wants to leave the house then we'll take them the krusty crustacean i'm talking about food delivery i'll put it out take out a bag full of burgers every time enough orders come in you need to grab the bag and get to all of our customers before it's too late there might even be some tip money To you, this sounds like fun, mr.
Crab, great, these deliver to a single Location 17 Seashell Street, go to Seashell Street, then look for 17 in the building, then leave the food at the door. Our food is very popular, so be careful of rude characters who might try to take it from you. Now go to her, boy, stranger. So, oh, so, wow, I'm ready for the next installment, Mr. Krabs, this installment is a little more complicated. There is a building under construction nearby and it is full of very hungry workers. Find the two workers who place the order. Some of the other workers might try it. to take the food from the order so so so foreign so so tall villain don't try to escape because I'm the barnacle boy super mate you really made me go there for a minute Patrick, where did you get that big costume I mailed you 450? seaweed bar wrappers and I got both official costumes from the mermaid man show oh you have both costumes oh can I be mermaid nano please oh please oh please oh I would really like to but I have had so hungry since I ran out of seaweed? bars, if only I had something delicious to eat, another bag of delicious Krabby Patties served hot, who wants a piece of this cupcake?
Now this delivery will not be easy at the three different parties called from the high-rise apartments, krabby patties, I'm saved. Now we can play Mermaid Man as long as we want. I put your costume in that tent over there. SpongeBob, beware of evil. Here we go. Make sure you visit both buildings, good luck so, foreigner. Wow, I just need a few more sand dollars and then maybe I can get Sandy a gift. Well, this is your last installment. Four orders have been received from this neighborhood. The first destination is 88 Albatross Avenue. I saw someone else who looked like a delivery guy, so be careful, hurry up, boy.
Time is running out, that's foreign, your food, thanks Patricio. Did you just deliver food to my client? Hello, SpongeBob, are you delivering food for Mr. Krabs? also Patrick, I'm the only one who delivers food for Mr. Crab now tell me what are you doing here do you think you're the only one who can be a delivery boy well now I have a job too and it's not my fault that you are slower than me so If you'll excuse me, some of us have work to do, Mr. Krabs would have told me that if he hired someone else.
No, there's definitely something fun going on here and I'm going to find out who's behind it. Good job, SpongeBob. We've made enough money to get through the day um Mr. Crab, did you hire another delivery guy? Don't be crazy, boy, why would he hire someone else when I can make him do all the work for nothing? But I will tell you if Someone was interfering in my business. I would follow him until I found out what was really going on. Follow Emma. That's not such a bad idea, just make sure you don't get too close or they'll see you're following them anyway.
I'm going to pack these things soon and head home thanks for all your help boy there's no better feeling than having a full stomach and pockets full of money and now a nice long nap in the office, yes it's a nap long. I wish then I can serve you a customer well come in place your order you have the wrong idea crustacean just look at this little treasure and let yourself rest that's right sleep look there goes your delivery rival now is your chance to find out who is behind this don't let it slip away this time hello spongebob tartar sauce you're going to have to be more careful if you don't want him to see don't let him out of your sight but don't get too close either so I'm sorry, Mr.
Krabs, but all those people who ordered food told me they already had it full You useless lackey, uh, I mean, okay, others will soon be phoning in their orders and we'll be ready and waiting to intercept their calls, aha, I'm onto your little plan now, Mr. Crab, it's pretty clear that you're the one who's been trying to put the krumpy crustacean out of business, hello spongebob, are you a useless lackey too? Now I'm really confused, Patrick, why would Mr. Crab try to put himself out of business because he's a worthless lackey. Shut up, you ignorant buffoons, Plankton of course, you charlatan fools, who else has the intellect to come up with a plan like that?
I would have succeeded too if it weren't for their utter incompetence. Does this mean no? You won't get that raise, let's face it. The evil plankton does not pay or receive very good tips. Your days posing as Mr. Krabs are over. You may have won that round of Spongebob Squarepants, but I don't need a costume to separate your grumpyhead of his fortune. Behold the biggest attraction to ever appear in the world of bikini bottom friends. Everyone will spend so much money here that they won't have any left over to buy their pathetic Krabby Patties. No, I'm going to the jellyfish fields to watch the invertebrates get tangled in torture nets.
Dad, I hate to admit it, but that world of friends seems fun, yes, fun, where did plankton say he was going? Uh, fields of jellyfish, hey, squidward, what's up with all the things on your lawn? A squid has to pay the rent somehow so I'm having a little garage sale to make a few extra sand dollars now leave me alone so I can read my book what you're reading is called how to defeat evil spirits okay now please let me read how to defeat evil spirits that's just what I need can I? Please borrow your book Squidward how can you borrow my book after I've finished it okay so check out my garage sale or whatever but stop asking about my book hey Squidward this one big acorn is surely making a strange humming noise.
Buttercup, give me that beehive my cousin gave me on the coast. No, I mean this big buzzing acorn in the display case, I bet Sandy would. Really like that, oh yeah, I bet your little squirrel friend would really like that acorn, why don't you buy it in her name? Your price, garden merchant. I'll sell it to you for 200. Start saving your tip money. I really need that book. Save Gary I just want you to lend him to me for a while but how am I going to take him away from Squidward? you must sneak up on him while he sleeps so he doesn't wake up how to defeat evil spirits chapter 8 the



any poor soul the


awakens must suffer his


for all eternity.
The only defense against the Dutchman's magical powers are his most personal treasures. These are objects that he carried near him while he was alive. He finds the seven lost treasures so he can confront them. the dutchman once and for all that's all i have to do is find the seven lost treasures of the dutchman to end this once and for all barnacles i thought this would be a challenge i'm ready to buy this acorn now squidward well well so I won't have to sit here all week after all the acorn is yours. I'm sure Sandy will love it.
Hi Sandy, good to see you. You won't believe what happened to Gary and me this morning. Let me guess. Curiosity got the better of you again, yeah, I guess you could say that, well, don't worry you little varmint, this squirrel knows exactly what you need to cheer you up, a good old fashioned karate match, just get into my sand when you're good and Done, okay, now listen because I'm going to remind you how this all works. We have little time to break up all this rubbish in your garden. The person who breaks the most things when time is up is the winner. tell me what moves are legal if you have the guts I will teach you some moves you can press the action button to do karate and press the action button a couple of times chain attacks together press the action button in the air to do a kick I have everything that ready ready wow wow wow oh oh I must admit spongebob that was a fight you did good for a sea bug oh you weren't so bad for a land bug oh that plum took all the fire out of me I'm going home to take a nap, right?
Why don't you stop by my tree dome and pay me a visit? Okay, that sure was a wave of sand to cheer me up. I wish I could do something special for her. I know I'll give him a gift, but. How would Sandy like it? I love visiting Sandy in her tree dome. Where else, bikini bottoms, can you worry about dying from all this air? That's weird. I don't feel as dry as I normally do and I don't need my helmet at all. Oh, the ground here is soaked, fun, failure, bring your soft little body here, what happened here?
Sandy. I got really excited after our karate match and wanted to practice some more, but I guess I got carried away because I accidentally made some holes. In the dome, this spot is filling up faster than 11 gallons in a 10 gallon hat. What can I do to help see if you can find something to plug the holes in the dome? You have to plug all the holes to stop the water. Coming in so mission accomplished all the holes are covered thanks SpongeBob you are a real lifesaver this place will probably stay soaked for days as for me I'm going to go up and dry off all those holes in my dome made this place wetter inside than outside outside, I sure could use something special to spruce up this old tree.
Hello, SpongeBob, come back soon. What you have there. I thought you would like this. It's a very strange acorn that makes funny noises when you shake it. Maybe you can use it. As a decoration for your tree, why isn't this the most stylish Doohickey you've ever made? Saul. This will look great on top of my tree. Wait a second while I put it there. Sponge Bob. This is not an acorn. Get up here right now. That? Seems to be the problem Sandy, ah, that acorn you gave me is nothing but a rush full of angry bees and wasps.
Now someone has to get to the top of the tree and lower it down. Let me guess someone is bright yellow and a little boxy. Okay, I'll see what I can do to get the hive off your tree, oh, so, well, that hive is off your tree, so, no hard feelings, right, that's a good start, but now I've got all these vermin


around. . Over here, gather them all together if you do a good job, I might even have a reward for you, like this, like this, like this, so there's no more stingy things on your tree dome.
Sandy, that was so much fun fighting with SpongeBob, I'm going into my tree. home to rest see you later spongebob so lady of chaos how long did you think you could hide here? Prepare for another defeat. That's supposed to scare me. I've been practicing since our last game and I've learned something new. moves now pay attention we have little time to break all this junk in my tree house whoever breaks the most things when time runs out is the winner now here are some advanced moves hold down the crouch button and then press the crouch button of action to attack in all directions you have all that ready ready go wow wow must contain immense karate powers spongebob well shaken that was a fight oh broncos bring it so I've been looking for you sorry but my garage sale is over you should have arrived in time if you wanted to buy something I never buy what I want I just take it and you are what I'm here for another member of my ghostly crew but according to my book on evil spirits the flying dutchman is just I'm supposed to take the ones that disturb his rest, but that little snail is working great and my old computer is so lazy.
Can't we ignore that rule just this once? Just think how nice it will be when you're a member of the Dutchman's crew uh ah there's nothing like a little play time in the jellyfish fields to make everything okay again so so so oh wow hello young man, you're here for the jellyfish fishing competition jellyfish fishing competition that sounds fun tell me oldest my name is a rusty scupper and the competition is sponsored by my bait shop it's been going on for days the first contestant to gather 100 jellyfish and bring them here is the winner does the winner receive a prize? of course I keep the prizes in my pen the winner can choose whatever they want except the racing snails those old ones are no longer fit for racing now go out and start catching jellyfish a 2500 reef blower I always wanted one of these, so strange, so oh wow, I want to see friend world for me plankton how can I get in?
You would take the bus in a bikini but you need a special bus ticket that also works for the ferry and I don't think a Mr. Krabs employee is going to get one of those. Me, even if I want to spend all my sand dollars on Chum World and make you rich, nice try, but all those holes in your head must have dried up your brain. I gave special instructions to all my Chum World clowns not to give you a bus ticket. Oh, and if you see one of my clowns here in the jellyfish fields, tell them to stop fooling around and get back to work.
Patrick, why aren't you jellyfishing with the rest of us? Are you OK? Hello, SpongeBob, my tummy hurts, I think that's what it was. That funny square thing I ate, I sure wish someone could get it out of my belly, get out of my belly, square thing, wow, I feel so much better, thanks, hey, look, there's another one of those tasty little square things and it's all mine . Not everything is supposed to go into your mouth, Patrick, you're just jealous that some of us find better snacks than you, so wow, you must be one of Plankton's carnival clowns, hey buddy, don't tell Plankton that you saw me today.
Okay, I don't want to get into trouble, maybe we can make a deal. I won't tell Plankton where you are if you give me your bus ticket to Chum World and I give you my bus ticket, then I'd be in real trouble, but I'll tell you what's cool, if you can defeat me, then you can keep the ticket, okay, okay, I give up, here's your stinking bus ticket, the bikini bus will take you to the world of friends, I have to find a new line of work, so foreigners, do it, um. um so um oh foreigner so wow now like this then something happens like I told you before it takes 100 jellyfish to win this competition well then feast your eyes on this rusty stash we have a winner now you can choose one of the prizes inside the corral oh , I always wanted a reef blower 2500 what a prize, not that crap but this is what I want, the reflower that defines reflowers, ok go ahead and try it to make sure it fits you.
My poor snails, sorry, I've never used one of those before. From now on, use a changing tent to put on that reef blower just to be safe. You can press the action button to roll something large with it or to activate a fan. and some creatures are actually afraid of the reef blower, like my poor old racing snails, how am I going to be able to bring them back into my pen? Don't worry, Rusty, I'll hurt all your snails in the pen using this shit, you did it. Boy, all my snails are accounted for, bring them over, so spongebob, spongebob, oh where is it, I'm tired of being alone all the time, get ready, a sweet pink one because soon you'll be part of my pirate crew, part of A pirate crew, oh well, well.
Well, I won't be alone anymore, uh, okay, now I'm just going to hypnotize you so we can, what are we waiting for? Let's go now, so keep your eyes on this Patty, listen, am I going to be part of your team or? No, hello, SpongeBob, I want to give you a hand, of course, Andy, what can I do? I joined Operation Clean Sweep. We're cleaning out all the junk that floats up to our bikini bottoms. You can help me by rolling all the trash balls you see into the sewer where they belong there are six trash balls in total and you can roll them with your wreath blower yeah, yeah, Sandy, you can count on me, like that, like that, like that, like that, Thanks for all your help, SpongeBob, now I can go to my tree dome and practice. karate bring it there we go everything and cover the way it should be if it's cleaning you enjoy it then I have the ship for you stay back you are not a good ghost fighter because I have a knuckle sandwich with your name on it there is no I need to resort to violence when I can just hypnotize you into obeying Hi Larry, where is this bus going?
Everyone knows that this is the busta goo lagoon, the land of eternal sun and surf. I'm just waiting for my friend to show up so I can give him my extra bus ticket an extra ticket Can I borrow it for a while? I haven't been to Google Lagoon in a long time. Sorry little one, I only have an extra bus ticket. Please, no, I can't do it, but I just want to borrow it. Listen, nothing will. convince me to give away this extra ticket, well maybe for 50 jellyfish that I can use to make my favorite snack.
Is there any way you can let me borrow your extra ticket to go to the lagoon? I won't give this ticket away even for 50. medusa now beats the dwarf so watch out friend world here I come how do you play this game? Well, the inflation game works like this. The globe is surrounded by four buttons. You have to press all the buttons very quickly to inflate the balloon and burst it. Do you need me to repeat that? Stop stomping, so what do I need to play this game? All you need is a good throwing arm to play the bull's-eye jump.
You have to try to get a ball into each of the three portholes on the side of the ship. Understand, keep your eye on the anchor and start shooting hoops, that was luck, all luck, I mean, good job, dear friend, here's your prize, so, oh, um, then, then, then, just I turn around to play this game. is to roll this ball to the top of the field, but you have toachieve all the objectives along the way, so do you want to try it? Let's get this ball rolling. hello arc so ah so ah so ah foreigner uh ah um um you're a difficult customer but plankton gave me specific orders not to let you into the big top listen clown we can do this the easy way or the hard way orders are orders but uh, so Maybe we can make a deal.
I'll illuminate five nearby targets and if you can extinguish them all very quickly, then maybe I could use that as an excuse to leave this door, illuminate them, and get away. I beat your challenge, clown, so here. your stinky breath somewhere else come on, wave a fan, move it woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof , wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow , wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow , wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, uh, for the last time, I'm not giving away I'm just taking a long walk to think about all the ways I can use these jellyfish, there's jellyfish jam and jellyfish jambalaya, candy jellyfish and jelly pie, tentacle twists and jelly popsicles, I can't take it anymore, take the bus ticket and hand them to them, ha ha . jellyfish ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha larry, this place is an ocean swell, thanks again for lending me your extra ticket, well, well, look what he brought the tide, it's that guy who catches jellyfish, tries to keep his distance, okay, I don't want my friends to see us talking together, oh right.
Larry, but can you tell me where you got that belt? It has very clever lyrics. You mean my championship belt. I won this at the lagoon tough man tournament. He now he stops talking to me. It's okay, people could see us. What if I just sing? so maybe no one will notice oh once there were two guys who met on the beach one needed a belt that seemed out of reach that's it I'm out of here buddy maybe I can find some peace and tranquility in the lighthouse. Excuse me, but can I sit in your lifeguard position?
Of course not now, win, you little weakling. Cool, oh, cool, cool, I thought I told you to slow down, hey man, what's up with this dock? handles all shipping for the bikini bottom. We can handle orders of any type or size. Our next shipment will be a huge shipment of magic bottles. It seems like everyone is trying to bottle that Dutchman because of the curse on him. Do you want to order one? you mean I can get one here sure no problem at all it's only 300 sand dollars tax included just let me know when you're ready to pay for your order hey don't run on the beach this do it so um foreigner so so uh so So, so , again, I already told you I'm not giving up my championship belt, now stop asking me about it, buddy, I can see my song needs another verse, oh, once there were two guys who met on the beach, one needed a belt that seemed out of my reach had a big letter that would open a treasure but the big guy carrying it didn't want to take it tartar sauce where can I go to get away from you?
Maybe I can hide in that old wreck, do it, hey, not running on the beach, I'm serious this time, buddy, don't talk, don't sing and there's no way I'm taking off my tough man championship belt, that's it, larry, you leave me no choice but to invoke my greatest singing powers, get ready, who are your two companions? We met on the beach, one needed a belt that seemed out of his reach, it had a big letter that would open a treasure, but the big guy wearing it didn't want to take it off, so SpongeBob decided to sing a mythical song, if you believe it.
I'll give up, boy, are you wrong? Okay, that's enough. You want my belt so bad, then you'll have to earn it the same way I did in the tough guy arena, just come on board when you think you're ready, tough guy. The rules are very simple, we have a short period of time to bust things. The person with the highest score at the end wins the belt, but be warned, anything goes. If you have any questions, then let the battle begin. a lot of heart little friend the championship belt is yours time for a seaweed shake hey no running on the beach you're looking for trouble get off the beach run hey no running on the beach i would like to order that magic bottle please and here are the dollars sand to pay for it great, the order will be on the next ship which should arrive any moment now that the lighthouse is working again.
I'll go open the door, you better get to the end of the dock, you might miss the boat. I thought I told you to slow down, get off the beach, so this, hey, don't run on the beach, I thought I told you to slow down, I thought I told you to slow down, I hope I made it to time, yes, I see the ship now. approaching approaching looking good not slowing down but definitely getting too close i gotta move my legs fast so ah there's no reason for me to stay here now that the dock is demolished if i were younger i would sift through that rubble for anything useful. back to the jellyfish fields for me hello oh wow oh so bring it on get off the beach run I thought I told you to slow down sorry it's time for you to join me ghostly crew, oh fear not, my little friend, remember what the book says that the treasures you have found will protect you from its magic.
Show some respect for your new captain. Look, his powers have become as weak as stewed seaweed. Hey, be careful with me. I'm not the ghost I used to be, but who is SpongeBob? Go yourself, but don't get too confident, you still have to find the remaining treasures if you're going to break the Dutchman's spell on your friends, you'll never find all my treasures, you won't step on me, well, two shoes, bring it on, um bacon. I'm sorry, Captain, but we've located the little bug that's been causing you all these problems. Do we continue to move our cargo down?
No, on the side, you don't stand a chance, square pants, look there, one of those cannons survived the Dutchman's fall. ship, it may have given you exactly what you need to find your friends, that's what I call a special delivery, why don't you jump inside and see where it leads lol, well I tried but there doesn't seem to be anyone there here? Well go home buddy, your friends are counting on you now more than ever. Only you can save them from the


of the Flying Dutchman. You're right. I've come too far to disappoint you. to steal my loot oh believe me I have no interest in touching your loot I just want to find my friends and bring them home you must mean those new crew members the dutchman has all those fancy pants on his ship while we're stuck here in the graveyard Wow, that doesn't seem very fair to me, to make matters worse, someone grabbed my loot while I was polishing this cannon, so now I'm stuck here without pay, I wish I could do something to help you, Mr.
Pirate, but I need to find a way to pass that other ship if I'm ever going to get my friends out of here I'll tell you to bring me a bag of loot and I'll see what I can do to help you get it. via uh wow um now that's a loaded loot sack first jump into the cannon then aim when you're ready hit the action button to shoot yourself out of the cannon wow keep it there little scallop steven isn't that you? Who's been digging through my loot? You mean the loot stuffed in the crack of this ship?
Uh no, I don't know anything about that. It was probably the Dutchman again. His haul is bigger than anyone's, but he still comes here to get it. his hands on even more he just can't get enough loot will you let me use your cannon if I bring you new loot? Surely you can cross that hell to the next ship. I think I saw some just sitting around. there, if you know what I mean, foreign music, um, that sack was so big I could barely grab all that loot, go ahead and use my cannon whenever you want, I'm going to hide this where the Dutchman can never find it.
Wow, Wow, none. I'll pass especially loot thieves there are no loot thieves here like pirates ah, I could have sworn I saw someone who looked like you right before my loot was pinched. I used to love worming my loot in this place, but now I don't have any loot, so if I understand this correctly, you wouldn't turn down new loot even if it came wrapped in a dirty old tarp, are you kidding me? Everyone wants more loot, no matter what package it comes in, and I'd rather play with my loot than protect it. this old cannon, so go, wow, where did you get this?
You really have to know where to find the best loot. Watch that canyon for me. Okay, wow, stay there, hold your ground, and identify yourself. Let me guess, you lost some loot. Want something? more loot, wow, how did you know that's how it is with you pirates, take this loot, stand aside and let me bring you some more so you'll let me use your cannon, okay, okay, I'll just wait for you here, like this what wow? You're okay, thanks for you know what, good riddance, wow, bring it on, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, my quick Gary overboard, like that, oh, but I liked being a pirate, go get it, SpongeBob , nice SpongeBob, ah, what took you so long?
SpongeBob, well, well, then you've got my old flying boat overboard and all your friends on it, but at least you won't run away from me, you'll be my cabin boy from now until the seas run dry, give it up, Dutchman. your disturbing nights are numbered I will clean your cock with your sponge hello I do not recommend that you get angry with him now ah who is afraid of the bad Dutchman you do not understand the book you borrowed from squidward was not entirely accurate in fact it was a little out of date according to the new edition the treasures you gathered have made you mostly immune to the dutchman's powers but not completely immune so be prepared for a tough fight i'm not ready i'm not ready don't you take a chance square pants i'm the flying dutchman i'll never you'll defeat show some respect for your new captain tremble me wood where are we going now spongebob I don't know patrick what do you think Mr.
Krabs the krumpy crustacean for everyone a feast like no other oh Mr. Krabs I'm so happy yeah that's it what I call a celebration I I I I I I I I I I I I I HATE YOU KNOW YOU KNOW THIS GET OUT YOUR PAYMENT PAYMENTS MAKE SUCH A BIG BARRIER REEF WOW MAKE E PAR Okay, so you have a big barrier reef.

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