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Jun 29, 2024
This is Gary, the snail famous for being SpongeBob's best friend, he has a beautiful shell and is always hungry, but although Gary may seem like another pet that lives in Bikini Bottom, he actually hides a very



. I'm about to prove that Gary is really the prince. from an alien snail planet and was sent to Bikini Bottom to destroy and take over the city using an army of intergalactic snails. When you finish watching this video, you will never look at Gary the same way again. This is the truth about Gary now, to start this


we first have to establish who the creators of the show want us to create.
spongebob conspiracy theory 6 gary s dark secret
Gary is Gary, whose full name is actually Gerald Wilson Jr., and is SpongeBob's pet snail. Steven Hillenberg, the creator of SpongeBob SquarePants, originally planned for Gary to be just a joke. deep down in the show, he wasn't even going to be SpongeBob's only pet to share the spotlight with a singing clam named Shelly; However, early test screenings of the show revealed that audiences really liked Gary and thought he was an underrated character, so the show's writers decided to incorporate him more into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants, as a result, Gary debuted in the first SpongeBob SquarePants episode titled Help Wanted.
spongebob conspiracy theory 6 gary s dark secret

More Interesting Facts About,

spongebob conspiracy theory 6 gary s dark secret...

Today is the big day. Gary, although he is not on the screen for long, it is shown that Gary is nothing more than a simple snail that keeps SpongeBob company in his pineapple. I mean, the strangest thing he does is meow like a cat, but beyond that he doesn't. Is he more than SpongeBob's pet or is he? While the first episode doesn't give us many clues about Gary's true identity, he hasn't been on the show for long before we start to see Gary doing some very interesting things in episode 4 of season 1 titled boating school, we see SpongeBob try to take his driving test no, no, no, no, no, no, FL, okay, FL, no, but after failing, he goes home and cries in her bed and talks to Gary about how she feels.
spongebob conspiracy theory 6 gary s dark secret
I'm tired of failing that navigation exam. I've already taken it 37 times and while the two are talking, the show's hosts decide to try and give Gary something. boots in one of the random shots, but then they suddenly disappear moments later, a little suspicious considering Gary doesn't have legs. Later in the episode we see Gary riding a unicycle with pedals that are very difficult for his small body to reach, another small but strange moment considering once again that he has no legs, while these two moments could easily be ignored as just a joke. quick from the creators of the program.
spongebob conspiracy theory 6 gary s dark secret
I think this is actually the first time we get a glimpse of who Gary really is and things only get crazier from here, so now that we've established that something strange may be going on with Gary, let's investigate this idea further. I think there are three main ways we can show that Gary is more than just a snail. These include his incredible talents, his shape-shifting body and his super intelligent brain, so let's start with the first point, his incredible talents throughout the show, we see Gary doing things that a normal snail definitely couldn't do in the Season 8 episode, Treat Gary is trained by SpongeBob using a snack called Snail Bites while training, not only do we get to see how far he is willing to go for some food, but we also get to see some of SpongeBob's amazing hidden talents.
Gary: He is able to lift 1,000 pounds with just his eyes. he can somehow jump out of a plane and open a parachute, he is able to create this incredible sculpture, he can escape from a straitjacket while tied up and submerged underwater, and he can operate a motorcycle by jumping over a bunch of school buses and a through a ring of fire. I don't know about you, but if my pet did that I would be more than impressed, but you could argue that this is just one time in the show and doesn't really prove that he has amazing talents throughout the show, which is fair, so here are some quicker examples in season 3 episode Rocker from Valve.
Gary is shown riding a skateboard in the season 12 episode RV Pineapple, we see him driving a bus. Which SpongeBob and Patrick seemed totally fine in the Season 7 episode of Pal Feri, a giant sea creature almost eats SpongeBob, but Gary saves the day by using a rope to whip and fight the monster like a fish and In the season 12 episode Gary Has Legs, SpongeBob gives Gary a pair of arms and legs that Gary is. somehow able to attach to his body and use it, yes that one is strange, now there are many more examples that I can use throughout the show, but I think these examples alone show that Gary has some incredible talents, but his incredible abilities are not the only ones.
The only thing about him, let's explore the second point on the board: Gary shapeshifts. While Gary may look like a regular snail most of the time, we've actually seen him change shape quite a bit, for example in the season 4 episode, have you seen it? This snail, when Gary goes to eat his food out of nowhere, grows two pairs of arms. Since when did Gary have arms? But another thing about Gary that's always changing is what's underneath his shell. Whenever we see Gary without his shell, he usually only has one shot. body, but sometimes he has a bump where the show is supposed to be, sometimes he has a record player, sometimes it's a real machine, while other times it's okay, you understand what I'm saying now.
My third and final point is that Gary is super smart, the most obvious. The example is in the season 1 episode, Bedtime, in the episode SpongeBob decides to visit the dreams of his friends such as Patrick, Mr. Krabs and Squidward, and finally goes to Gary. He is transported to a huge library full of walking books and runs into Gary, who appears as a human snail hybrid dressed in a purple SpongeBob SquarePants cape Gary, how dare you invade the sanctity of my dreams. Gary This version of Gary is very intelligent and gives SpongeBob some wisdom about his dreams.
Dreams have been considered windows to another realm, let me. Not to ruin that perfect sleep with an oral stain, but to adjust my daily night so it can return. Emily Dickson wrote that while this is just a dream, I think that, like real-life dreams, it reflects Gary to some extent, while I don't. I think Gary is


ly a rancid human hybrid. I think Gary is pretty smart or Elsie couldn't be that wise in his dreams. In the episode Hello Bikini Bottom, we get another clue that Gary might be pretty smart when SpongeBob says this. Don't cry, Mr.
Krabs, you can have Gary's College fun money here. Gary must be pretty smart if SpongeBob thinks he's going to college, so we finally complete our list. We can be sure that Gary is more than just a snail because of his incredible talents, his shape-shifting body and his super intelligent brain, but there is one more thing I have to tell you about Gary and once you know this, you will never go back. to look at Gary the same way. Gary's childhood family has always been a bit of a mystery within the show we know from the movie Sponge On The Run.
Gary and SpongeBob first met at Camp Coral when SpongeBob offered some food to hungry Gary. , but what was Gary doing before he met SpongeBob SquarePants? Does Gary have a family? Well, we actually see Gary's family. In the episode Fools Rule, a man arrives at the bikini bottom looking for Gary, as he believes he is from a line of royalty and needs to be crowned King of the family tree. Man shows that it is revealed that Gary is not only real but he is also cousins ​​with Patrick now, if this seems unbelievable I will agree with you and in fact I have some proof that this family tree is totally fake in the spin-off From SpongeBob SquarePants, the Patrick Star show, we see that Patrick's parents look completely different from the family. tree, this is my dad, this is my mom, woo and we also know from the episode that I'm stupid that Patrick has a history of believing that Random Starish are his parents hi mom hi dad son, did you recognize us this time oh that's right, Honey, we don't have a son, oh yeah, so while you can throw out the whole family tree, I really think there's some truth to Gary being royalty, this is where things start to get crazy, the story original of the movie The Sponge on the Run was intended. to reveal that Gary is actually from an alien planet light years away, where all snails live in harmony.
The planet was ruled by a king and queen who turned out to be Gary's parents, making Gary the prince of this alien planet. One day, the planet was attacked by an army of intergalactic cats seeking to destroy the snail species, forcing Gary's mom and dad to put their little prince in an escape capsule and shoot him into space. Gary would eventually reach Earth, where he would land in Bikini Bottom, an underwater paradise that no Cat could ever reach because, as we know, cats hate water and after Crash Landing, hungry for food and nowhere to live , he would meet SpongeBob one fateful day at Camp Coral and they would become best friends, but if you thought Gary's backstory was crazy, wait until he tells you about his plans to destroy and take over Bikini Bottom, wait because This


is far from over, so now that we know Gary is a prince from an alien snail planet, we have to wonder what happened to the snails.
On his home planet, did everyone become cat food once the cats took over? To answer this question, we need to look at the reason why Gary was sent to bikini bottom in the first place. Yes, his parents wanted him to escape and find a safe place to live, but I also think they sent him because they knew Bikini Bottom would be an ideal place to relocate if the cats were successful in taking control of his home planet. he. Having Gary already in a bikini bottom would make this process much easier, but you might be. I wonder why Gary cares about snail species.
He has such a good life in Bikini Bottom. I mean, he can try to raise his parents, but why all the snail species? Well the answer lies in the fact that he is a prince and has a royal responsibility to take care of his people and I think Gary is currently raising an army to take over the bikini bottom so he can make room for the people to live. alien snails, but I know what you're thinking and that can't be true. some proof in the episode Chatterbox Gary SpongeBob buys Gary a color that allows him to speak Hello Papa Bob Papa when SpongeBob asks Gary what he dreams about Gary's answer it's very interesting what you dream about mainly I dream that I'm flying above Everything That is sweet as I breathe burning destruction upon my enemies.
Pause when I first saw this video. I was so confused why Gary would call the Bikini Bottom residence his enemies, but if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Gary has this perfect alien snail city to move into, however he is too overcrowded, if he gets rid of the bikini bottom residence he can free up space for his fellow snails and they can finally be safe again. Now you may wonder how Gary is going to take over the city. He needed an army of snails to do it, where would he get an army of snails?
And my answer would be: Would you have seen Bikini Bottom? It is already filled with lots of snails in the episode Sanctuary. SpongeBob decides to rescue and adopt as many snails. as he can and at the end of the program this is the number of snails he has living in his house. Sean Andy Mr. Butter Mrs. Butter I'll still say 258 258 snails that could definitely make a small army, not to mention Gary has an entire planet. of snails that were desperate to escape and come live in the bottom of a bicycle, but now you may be wondering if there is any proof that Gary is even forming an army of snails and to that I say, oh yeah, there is in the sponge Out of the water. movie when the world of Bikini Bottom is centered in chaos because the Crunchy Crab runs out of Krabby Patties.
Guess what Gary is doing. He is at SpongeBob's house preparing an army of snails. What better time to take over Bikini Bottom than when it's already in chaos. Gary even refers to himself as king of the snails what do you mean king of the snails proving his royalty and his power over the other snails and if you want even more proof in the SpongeBob video game The Cosmic Shake G is shown once more like a powerful King who has snails around him serving and protecting him and if that's not crazy enough, if you take a look at the palace that Gary is in, we see references to all the clues the show gave us about the real Gary's identity, it's like the show's creators are yelling at us to find outwho Gary really is, so now that we have proof that Gary is planning to destroy and take over the bikini bottom, one question remains: Will Gary save SpongeBob during The Invasion or will he go down with the bikini bottom, now that we know?
Gary's plans to destroy and take over Bikini Bottom, how does SpongeBob fit into all this? I mean, he's a citizen of Bikini Bottom, no bikini bottom would equal no SpongeBob SquarePants, well, not entirely. SpongeBob has been there for Gary since he came to Bikini Bottom, so I think he would want to save SpongeBob, the only problem is when the invasion starts and all the snails are instructed to destroy everyone who lives in the city. . Gary couldn't guarantee that SpongeBob wouldn't get hurt as a result. I think Gary has developed a cool way of protecting SpongeBob and anyone else he wants to save by turning them into snails and we actually saw this happen in the episode on the show I Was a Teenage Gary, We See So Much Bob Sponge like Squidward.
They turned into snails after being injected with snail plasma. Now, if you're like me, you might be wondering why a doctor would even have a serum that could turn fish into snails, but what if I told you that he's not actually a doctor in several episodes? we see the doctor change color in some episodes, he is purple, in others he is orange, we also see him change between having human hands in some episodes and fins in others and in the episode, once he appears, he appears to have super strength lifting a piece wooden 10 times his size, wait a minute, the doctor is a shape-shifting fish who is smart enough to treat patients and has amazing abilities like super strength, it all makes sense, the doctor is an alien snail who is working with Gary to create a serum to turn SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward into snails so they'll be safe from the bikini bottom invasion and just like that, we finally know. who is Gary W that was a crazy theory who knew Gary was royalty if you enjoyed this theory make sure to subscribe and if you haven't checked out my previous


theories yet you won't regret it thanks again for watching I'll see you next time

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