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Spider-Island: Part 2 | Marvel's Spider-Man | S1 E21

May 29, 2024
No one is sure what caused this outbreak, but recent data suggests that nearly 90% of the


of Manhattan appears to have acquired


powers and, according to our sources, New Yorkers are upset. Most people are delighted to be back with you, Bob, so yesterday there were only three people with the


gives me energy for miles and Gwen today 1.5 million. What could go wrong? Hey, look where you stay, buddy, people work in this building. A city full of amateur Spider-Man. This has to be Harry Osborne's worst nightmare. Hey, Harry, only Pete wanted it. to check in and see how you are dealing with all these spider people, have you had any symptoms or is the mask still helping?
spider island part 2 marvel s spider man s1 e21
Call me don't worry there's a professional spider in the house spider Gwen always has to be careful when you're walking around town that's her that's her she's the best come on now you're just embarrassing me there you are it's official everyone loves you I feel like I barely I'm tolerated it's your creepy costume it's creepy why the spandex too? tight red blue Shock I made the eyes too small, didn't I? I didn't realize I unleashed the power of your spider insecurities. Seriously, a city full of spiders is a recipe for disaster. Have a little faith in New York.
spider island part 2 marvel s spider man s1 e21

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spider island part 2 marvel s spider man s1 e21...

You and I convert these powers. In a good thing, everyone else might as well, unless someone has spider jealousy too. Powers I didn't know. I'm not jealous, it's just having powers. It's not all fun in games, it's not relaxing. Spidey, today is a beautiful day. I doubt there are any. big problems commenting how there won't be big problems total newbie mistake whoa what hit that thing i made joking the name and that's what i call a spooky costume there's no chance this is all a misunderstanding and that explosion was an accident, TRUE? The guy really has a skull face.
spider island part 2 marvel s spider man s1 e21
I don't want to jump to conclusions. No kid in pajamas is going to stop Crossbones, but I could use a laugh watching you try. The conclusion officially jumped to let's do this. Spidey, no, we don't have one. enough experience, leave this to me, did you forget that we fought that sneaky Spider-Man together, but that was different? If you both talk too much, Gwen, save that driver, I'll distract Crossbones now that sounds like a plan, hey, have a nice one, I think you've got some bacon or something in your teeth, trust me, I thought I'd not say nothing, let's get you out of here, why does everyone in this town get the power of Spight?
spider island part 2 marvel s spider man s1 e21
St me, maybe you're a late bloomer, oh God, are you sure you still want me to sit here. one, you know, sometimes I say quite a few stupid things. No fan will stop me from taking what I want. fans. I prefer exuberant young newcomers who are willing to give their best. Yes. Who are you calling a fan now? I'll tell you what to get. Around this city it's never been easier now that we have these nets the same as the rest in perss thanks spidergwen oh and uh you too Spider-Man our job is done here there's no reason for us to stay get it oh that's funny too You steal my jokes, right?
There is something good left, what is so heavy and this device seems to be made of vibranium? This is potentially dangerous, so we should take it to an expert wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, spider Gwen, wait, I was going to say, take it to the police, you know? like a responsible superhero would and where the police will take him to Horizon, where we have one of the only vibranium scanning microscopes in the world, if Crossbones wanted it, it could be some kind of weapon, so time is of the essence. I'm just cutting. Cut out the middleman I still don't think it's a good idea to contaminate evidence and all that, when did you become such a wet blanket?
Hey, first my costume is creepy and I'm a wet blanket, that's what people really think of me, okay? I'll guide you along the way, okay, I'm the one going to school, oh yeah, right, that's Ana, something's wrong Anna, are you okay, where are you? This is so strange, how do you live like this? This is the worst, believe me, I had the same thing. The problem at first was this whole situation with the pigeons, which is best left alone, he said it's like learning to walk on one foot and put your hand over the other, then relax and let go if you say so.
This will take a while to get used to the spider powers you always wanted, trust me. It's going to be amazing, we can all be like Spider-Man, hooray, so Ana, we came across something and you're the only expert I know, huh, this looks like pure vibranium. Do you have any idea how rare that is? As weird as using spider powers. Wow, a micro-encrypted key of the type used by high-security government facilities. We shouldn't even touch it. I told you what we're going for. I'll take this Black Widow. Spider-Man. Iron Man. He has a file on you, he says you have potential. but all I see is a kid who stole high-security government technology.
It's not what it seems. We were trying to help. That vibranium is a key. For what do you use it? We are in the process of determining it. It's up to the professionals, don't move the key, hand it over to the hydra agents like real life hydra agents, this is really bad, right, the hydra is formidable, but so am I. Do you seriously think you can handle me? Looks like you're missing some Intel hydras. I have some improvements Hydra 2 is anyone, not a spider. The Avengers can make some pretty solid handcuffs, but a little spider strength should do the trick.
How do you do it? This isn't as easy as I thought it would be, don't worry, I'll train. you on the fly or you know, the spider is making stupid jokes,


of it, no lesson, use your environment to your advantage, office equipment, take that, eat Des, is that using your environment, a full desk, You seem to have the strength of a spider, get that key. Crossbones will be satisfied with your failure, check it out. Ana spiders can use all surfaces. Look at that spider web shot. Everything is in the rest. I am open. Ona, you're up, stay away.
Black Widow is down and you fans are no match for wow. it's all in the doll I told you that's destroying them there's no way she could no she's so amazing and even stronger than I thought oh that explains it now she's a black widow spider that seems a little redundant you say redundant I I say amazing I know. It's a little confusing at first, but since I'm the only spider power expert in the world, let me show you how to do it. I think I got it, yeah, I guess, so what do we do now?
We get information about where I am. I'll ask the questions here, trash bag, it's time for you to sing like a canary, what are you doing? An interrogation, don't worry, I've seen tons of cop shows, answer me or this will go on your permanent record, hey, he can. I won't answer if you haven't asked any questions. Hydra agents are international criminals. I doubt they care about their permanent records. I guess spider interrogation isn't a power. Okay, I'll tell you everything. Alright, what's the key for him to go to the National Vibranium Reserve? Why does Crossbones need Vibranium so much?
I don't know, but with everyone in town getting powers, it's chaos, he hatched a plan to steal the Vault and all the confusion, I see I'm not such a bad interrogator after all. I've seen worse, how long were you there during the safe missions? Hydra operates under strict radio silence. The rest of Hydra won't know that Crossbones was caught and they'll still head to the vault, so if we beat them there, we can set a trap. We are sure you can come. I don't think that's what he meant, Spidey. I think she's planning a solo mission.
Oh come on, we were the ones who took down Crossbones and got the key. Let us be your backup, you may need help. Fine, but I make the decisions and someone stays here to guard these hydraulic troops until they can be captured. I'll make these spider powers are still wearing me down. I need more practice before fighting Hydra again. I guess I'm leaving, believe it or not, this is my first vault break-in, but I've broken into prison before so I can handle this, don't worry about me widow, trust me, he'll be here, but the Boss will make sure Crossbones is never found out.
Again, okay, our plan to beat Hydra here is a huge failure. Now, what change in tactics did you mention? A boss. Lo Hydra clearly has a bigger plan at play. We need more surveillance. I bet your spy phone is loaded with games, huh? Because spying seems like a lot. of boring waiting if you consider saving the world boring, that's fair, believe me. Espionage is never boring for long. Be careful crossbones with spider powers, that's a little unfair, you were right, spider brat, I was a late bloomer, those cops found out the hard way. him, you two handle the others, the others greet Hydra as if to say it's not a


y until the power of the EV Army spider arrives.
Level of play, how does it feel to be her like everyone else? I can't say I'm a big fan, one of these targets took the key to the vibranium vault get it, pull a stall, drop what I left my spy dictionary at home we dive Follow my example she wants us to purposely lose that one idea sounds terrible what you're saying it's not the first time that I have an Avenger at my feet and it won't be the last uh without Black Widow what are we going to do she was our leader we surrender here we go the key to Hydra and my fat girl's plans bank account thanks for bringing this back, very helpful of you that's even more vibranium than the boss thought this job keeps getting better what do you plan to do with us? two teenage heroes fine, but a captured Avenger 2.
I expect a pretty nice bonus for including you in the deal, why? bring the key are you supposed to be some kind of expert? I've been a hero for like 5 months and I already know it's a bad idea because now Crossbones is giving us a free trip to her leader and I need to know who she is, it's Hydra. I know, but which faction are different factions, we take down this unit, another one just shows up, but we take out the guy above, the whole plan fails and the world becomes a safer place. I didn't think of it like that, it's okay.
You're still new to this, okay, that guy has a TV face on his body. I'm so out of my leak, arnam Zola, now we know, oh I see you've led my troops to Victory Cross BS, pure vibranium, you will. You'll finally be able to forge the unbreakable weapons you've been designing, so naturally, this won't be cheap. Look, your plan worked now. Can we fight? I like how you think you think, sorry, crash this party. Zola, sorry, no, sorry, crossbows. Don't worry, I'll contain them Hydra, nice try, I got you, you're not, did you end up surrounded or not, we won't make it easy for you Zola the P ATT for a sorry bunch of you, you mess with a spider you mess with. all of them what's going on here we saw footage of the new Chopper on the loose we knew you were in trouble you got my daughter out of the way of a speeding car Spidey you saved her life and you got me out of a burning building now that we have powers too it's time we called you back they really like me they really like me spiders let's do this hey Hydra I guess I have a team to contact me you ruined a big score for me don't intervene that's our friendly neighborhood hero I can take him down. no who talks too stupid your fan club managed to capture Hydro's troops who did not escape with Zola good job I don't know how to thank you all thank you we should thank you with everyone getting powers you are more important than You ever showed us that all this doesn't give It's not scary or strange, we could actually be heroes.
I admit it. I'm impressed that I accidentally stumbled upon Victory because I'm really good at it to inspire people. Stark told me we should be vigilant. about you I'm surprised to say I agree here you know you were right Gwen this is good I knew you would come help me help looks like a job for your friend friend L neighborhood spider Gwen how about you take this? One, no problem, you know, maybe an


full of spider people isn't going to be as bad as I thought, here you go, lady, oh, another day, another victory, I could get used to this, something's going on, no.

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