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Speedrunning a rhythm game is hard

Mar 31, 2024
As you know, most


s are pretty flexible in terms of going as fast or slow if you're lame as you want and honestly it's pretty


to limit that on the players' part, maybe you could make the main character an old man who He has problems. walking or something, but that's not fun at least in theory, I don't know, but you know, the only genre of video


s that forces everyone to play at the same pace,


games, heavenly


is one of my favorite games , especially in the rhythm category I played. It was constantly growing and I wanted to find some silly excuse to play it in a video, so today I'm quickly running a rhythm game.
speedrunning a rhythm game is hard
How does that actually work? I have no idea, but this is what I set out to do. As the gaming masochist that I am, I wanted to make sure I had some sort of challenge capable of driving me to the brink of insanity, so I'm going to run the all-metal category, which means I only have a certain amount of bugs. per minigame before I fall from prize-game greatness to lowlife scum, and since I'm not running a game that no one else has run before having competition for the first time, there are already a decent amount of runs submitted, so To compete with them I need to make sure I get first try medals throughout the game every time I get them 50.
speedrunning a rhythm game is hard

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speedrunning a rhythm game is hard...

I need to play 50 rhythm games in a row without messing up. I thought about doing a perfect race and then I did a try the game to see how


it would have been and I thought no, this would actually make me want to stop breathing so here we go, this is my experience, running with speed, the 14 year old rhythm game, rhythm heaven fever for my first race, just wanted. playing the whole game to just see how it went, you know, learn what I needed to practice, get my rhythm and you know what was a bit of a crazy first try, I only messed up in two games in the whole run. which is this game where you're a puny little shrimp man pumping yourself up to hit a punching bag in front of a crowd of a couple hundred people and remix 10 of course if you've played rhythm please you already know the remix 10. the game organizes all the minigames into columns and after playing four of them there is a remix which is like a mix of the entire column.
speedrunning a rhythm game is hard
It's really cool, but for the last remix it's an almost four-minute game of every minigame you've ever played. Up until that point, like I said, very cool but also terrifying from a speedrun perspective, plus getting approval on two minigames, that means I was perfectly prepared for everyone else and I was surprised that it's not that bad, in fact 96 percent is not so bad. I even started thinking, oh man, if I manage to run this faster than anticipated, I might not even be able to make a video. I was worried that I would make it, I would try to do it and then I wouldn't know what to talk about, which I don't, I have. a video, as you can see, I went into attempt 2 with a great feeling of confidence, ready to complete my second attempt and immediately lost the first half, so attempt 3 was going well, making a few more mistakes than usual. but I was still doing well enough to keep getting medals, then I was able to dunk, which I hate, I hate it and it's the worst, you're an in-between thing and you have to dunk against the other things for this blimp to go quick or something, honestly.
speedrunning a rhythm game is hard
The whole concept of this is beyond me, but I was barely missing the marks and when I say barely I mean I was still playing against them, but in a way that's like I definitely didn't make a perfect dunk. Some other games have this visual. and throughout the race I was telling my friends Jordan Kelsey, who was helping me take notes and keeping me company, saying I have no idea if that means I was completely wrong or if it was a close dunk, but we'll give it a try. for you, that kind of thing and then after the game is over I need to look up if that's bad or not, it's bad apparently it's bad, baby jim, okay, run dead 12, well, I guess I got that answer, I started another run after that and I was wrong from the beginning, before I could do anything the timer starts after choosing the new file and clicking Yes when asked to continue, and immediately after there is a very long tutorial , but by running a quick run strategy, you can actually skip that annoying little tutorial.
After clicking Yes, immediately click the start button and restart the game. I see this run is cool, it has cool jumps and stuff anyway, I missed the reset button, it's insignificant and no big deal, but I reset it anyway because why should I leave it on an extra half? Second loss of time like that, my mental game for that race was already unrecoverable. The fifth attempt was underway until I messed up too much at the flock walk, the game where you are a bird in a group of other birds, all migrating and walking at the same time.
At the same time they trampled me, so yeah, I felt like I was getting worse and worse. The first run was almost perfect right away and now I felt like I was losing my charm. Why did I have to curse him? Why did I have to think I was going? be too good for this challenge, but then I started this race, a race where I was doing better than ever before remix 1 remix 2 remix 3 I was getting perfect, maybe an occasional mistake or two, but that was all there was to it that I was in the zone it didn't matter, I was getting perfect, it still gives me the same normal metal, but I was doing well and it was also a general calm feeling.
I didn't mention it, but on my first race I was on the verge of fainting or something, my anxiety was through the roof. I knew it didn't even matter, but the whole race I had to breathe deeply and tell myself to calm down and stuff, my hands were shaking, but after a few runs, my running speed my anxiety. it had gone away and I was calm and focused until I got to the end of the game then it started flowing again and I felt like my heart rate was so high I should have stopped immediately and had someone take me to urgent care we need a doctor she was Trying to speed up the race, pace, honey, isn't it a rhythm game?
I started with samurai slice 2 which worried me a lot because it was the second time I got this far since the first run, I didn't mention it but the reality The reason I lost my second attempt was because of this game so now there is a trauma there. Jordan and Kelsey stayed silent so I could focus as much as I could, and as I started to get involved, Jacob joined the call. Jacob, you are a great friend and I was very glad you joined, but oh my gosh, I was sweating so much. Hello, hello, how are you doing?
Hi, the pace is going well so far. Jaden is in focus mode. I guess how far this is. We just finished remix seven, uh, we're about three percent done, you're kind. Are you guys okay, did you come at a good time? Oh, phew, I was sweating a lot, phew, okay, I'm moving on, honestly, I was still doing great. It wasn't until love ended two that I made my first four mistakes. a very scary game but I still squeaked on a side note uh, I have no idea of ​​the technicalities of how many errors I get per game.
I was just hoping and praying the entire race, then it was time to be in Figure Fighter 2 again. The game that officially ended my first run I played religiously after that, desperately trying to make sure I would never fail again. This game is also deep in the race. It's like one of the bottom five in the whole game, so I lost on that one. I was pretty stung the first time, after a lot of nervous words to encourage myself, I got into it and you know what happened, I knocked it out of the park for five mistakes that cost me the race until I got to one I can continue.
With each minigame onwards, my anxiety increased exponentially even more. I was doing great, but that's what terrified me. I didn't know when the mistakes were going to happen and I felt like at any second I could kill the race because I could. Unfortunately, I'm being completely honest when I say this was probably the worst nervous anxiety I've ever felt in my entire life, a pace, sky, fever, fast running, I was breathing deeply every chance I could, I felt like I had chills, I wish . to take a break and calm down maybe get a cold towel but I couldn't because you know it's a fast race I was saying things like I can't stand this oh no I can't my chest hurts I feel like my ribs are going to break get off me , okay, take a deeper breath of some water, maybe I hate this feeling, I don't want to live with this feeling anymore, maybe I was starting to hallucinate or something, but I felt like I was literally having nervous heart palpitations, we both scenarios. are equally likely, but I somehow held it together on the outside and made it to the grand finale remix 10.
This was also the game I practiced the most after Figure Fighter 2, so I was technically prepared but not mentally prepared. I was falling apart mentally. falling apart so to speak, but I didn't have time to try to calm down, that would be a waste of time of course, so without hesitation I had to start considering everything, although I couldn't hear the game because of the sound of my heartbeat that I was doing. Pretty decent, but then the first mistake happened. Technically I don't know how many errors it counts, but it's okay, it's supposed to be the first one and then it happens again moments later.
This is what I was talking about before when I don't know if that. Does it count as a real bug or not, can I search for it? Does the Internet have the answer? I don't know, maybe probably, but I'm too into it to check at this point, so I'm not going to keep running, go ahead, it happens again. I wasn't ready to switch to tap dancers and I missed my q literally being bullied in the game. Everything is falling apart little by little. Now I don't think I can make any more mistakes. I know for sure.
No, not at all, but. that's what was filling my head at this point. I continued and god no, I missed three of the little points. I'm sure it's over now. I don't know how many technical mistakes I've made at this point, but it seems like a lot too, now I'm completely in the dark, whether I'm on my way to passing or not, I'll add in my remix practice 10 at the end there's a little credits minigame, you know , like the ones I skipped where you tap a beat to make the little pet fly in the air there's one part I just couldn't understand and that was the double tap where he likes this little jump and there wasn't a single time in the training I could I got that part and I always missed it and when I needed it the most I got it in the race no, that's it, I don't know how many mistakes there were, but there were too many, my heart sank, man, all that work was just a failure to end all that anxiety that I'm going to have to relive, I just didn't know if I could handle it physically, I wasn't kidding about the heart palpitations, the hallucinations, all I could do was sit at the bottom of the beat, god, and wait. in my opinion I don't know I don't know about that I really don't know no don't say it don't say it oh my God I don't know how but I did it I finished the race I was free, I officially played all the sky rush minigames and I didn't fail in win a medal on the first try in none of them.
One hour, 53 minutes and one second. That's my final score. How does that compare to the world record? Honestly no. Not even close, I really don't know how they saved so much time. My main assumption is that playing on the Wii is much faster in terms of loading time. I was playing on a Wii U and that could affect how quickly everything loads. I do not do it. I know, but there's no way I'm going to play on a Wii for YouTube either. Do you know how crunchy this footage would be? I'd rather take the time I wasted so I don't have to cross my eyes just to rewatch my footage.
So how does my run compare to people who did the same run in the second best Wii U run? You know what I'll take. I have no idea how this guy ended up saving about 10 seconds but being the second best pacer on Wii U. Sky rush, all metal racer is fine by me, I'm settling and I'm proud, well I'll probably lose this one record hours after this video goes up completely, but that's how it works, people message me for weeks, months after my Cooking Mama 2 Speed ​​Run video was posted. Like Jaden, you're no longer the world record holder and it's like, I know, thanks for rubbing it in my face.
I'm trying to get by here. No, I'm kidding, I'm actually very happy. People started running around cooking mom, especially the burnt cake. percent, anyway I felt honored in a really weird way after trying my luck and


in a game that honestly has a semi-active right now, sort of dead bass, now I realize


is terrifying , especially if the content is along the lines that II'd probably like it more if I did it for fun in my free time, but yeah, well, I'm happy to have finished my race regardless, I had a great time and it feels good to know I have a halfway decent pace, honey, now A skill. that will be very useful absolutely never, I really still can't believe I almost had a panic attack because I was running full speed at the pace of the sky, but hey, just put it on the resume, I guess I'm sorry, the videos have been coming out more sporadic in terms of frequency.
Honestly, the reason is because they're longer overall, which takes a lot more time to animate, but they're fun. I like the videos, I think they're fun, maybe if I stock up on a bunch of videos. for about six months I can post regularly like a normal content creator for a month and we can all pretend it's normal and awesome just an idea I don't know anyway thanks for watching and I appreciate all the support you guys have for me. we will talk later goodbye

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