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Sorsha Responds!

Jun 29, 2024
How's it going Dazzlers, welcome back to Daz Games and other Daz Watchers today, delving back into Sasha's world. Do you remember Sasha, lovely young lady? um she made a video, she made a video saying she was a racist white vegan and I reacted. she saw my reaction and y'all went crazy on me you were like DZ DZ she saw it you gotta look at her looking at you and then we want to see you looking at her looking at you man it's like it's like another dimension before I look at it, I just want to say a couple of things that Daz see it's a comedy series okay I made that video and sometimes I make a video on a certain topic based on a certain person who is talking about the topic and I express my views. the views are too exaggerated for comedy purposes I am a comedian you have seen my other channel you have seen my Vines you have seen my other content I do nothing unless it makes people laugh for the purpose of this fact In this video I am going to try not to make too many jokes.
sorsha responds
I'm going to see her looking at me the way you want her to and we're going to see what she has to say about my thoughts. and I'm going to approach it in a non-comedy way because apparently when I do my comedy a lot of you take it very, very seriously, like you don't have to take it seriously. I'm just kidding, it's a joke and I don't mean to offend anyone by doing this, let's just watch the video and I would appreciate it if you could make it to the end so we can talk about it, let's see how she looks at me.
sorsha responds

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sorsha responds...

They've been telling me to watch this video of the games. Is there a little German? I know it's a little German. It's Daz um, but I think you might have an accent. Don't know. Doz looks at Soraa. You saw one of my videos now I'm going to watch it by watching one of my videos Why am I glad I bought tea for this? Let's look at this. Gamesz looks. We are seeing. What was that? I hope it was because you were uncomfortable. when you were restless and I wasn't the first thing you thought about me I'm glorious just be serious D for just 20 minutes just be serious for once face that pretty face apparently he's a racist vegan I don't know what the vegan part has to do with anything to be honest if you're vegan it's okay you're not hurting anyone just shut up it's okay I'm not going to shut my mouth about spreading a good message about Spreading the truth about the truth bombing about waking people up for the good of animals, people, our planet and your own health.
sorsha responds
I'm not going to shut up because it's a big deal, okay, no, no jokes, guys, seriously, Sasha. When I said shut up, I didn't mean for you and all vegans to shut up. I also don't want to give the impression that I'm making everyone go vegan because they're not, but I felt frustrated because in real life I've been there at parties or events and people have approached me, maybe I've had horrible experiences with people who say they are vegan and come up to me because I'm eating a sandwich that has chicken or something like that and say: do you know what you're doing?
sorsha responds
And I respond like I usually do with sarcasm and say, um, eating a sandwich, it's time for lunch and then they say no, no, no, you're eating. a tortured animal and then they get into one, unload on me and won't leave me alone. I don't want you to shut up, you clearly care about what you're saying and good for you, good. about you, I respect that you're out there, okay, and this is me, I'm not joking, I'm being serious with you now, you're out there and you're giving your message, the message you want to give, so no, I don't . "I don't want you to shut up, it's your channel, it's the Internet.
I have one opinion, you have a different one, that's all at the end of the day and we probably won't agree on that, but I just can." I can't stand it when people come up to me and I'm eating meat and they express their views like no, they don't think I know how the chicken got into my sandwich, they don't think I know how the meat ended up. on my plate I know what's going on, that's fine and to be honest, no, I'm not 100% happy with it, but I enjoy meat, I enjoy cooking, I enjoy cooking with meat and the fact of the matter is I try to make sure that that my meat is killed in the most humane way possible and many vegans are going to say that there is no humane way to kill them and then they are going to say that because I have had it all in my face before.
If people had already told me all this, what would happen if they hung their children and gave them an electric shock so they wouldn't feel anything and then just killed them in their sleep as if we were humans and humans can eat? meat, we're not like lions or anything, we can't just go out and hunt our food with Spears, it's the only way to really mass produce and me and kill me, it's unfortunate, I live in the country like I said. in my last video where I see little lambs running around and I feel guilty because they are lovely little creatures but I enjoy eating them I know what happens I'm not stupid I know how the meat ends up on my plate but I choose to eat it Anyway, it's okay, I choose to eat it anyway, It's no different from people who smoke.
Personally, in my opinion, I don't understand why someone would fill their lungs with smoke and encourage lung cancer and stuff, and then you say. that meat gives you cancer to be honest fries too much salt the air can kill you nowadays search on google write I have a sore throat you have cancer you are going to die let alone so many things give you cancer it's okay just try it and live as healthy as possible and I hope you don't get that terrible disease, okay, but I don't understand people who smoke, okay, I don't understand it, but I don't make a whole channel about doing it, you know?
It's up to them, they know the risks, they know the damage it causes to them and to others, you know, parents, my mom smoked all the time and I had asthma, she didn't go out in the backyard, she didn't go, she just smoked, smoked, smoked all day and you know what. I've lost contact with her but you know she smoked all the time she was like a chain smoker with me in the house. I would never do that to my children, but that's In my opinion, people still know the risks, people know how horrible it is for them, the people around them and the environment, but they still decide to do it and it depends on they.
I'm not going to run up to them and just try to do them. I feel like a piece of shit because you want to smoke a cigarette it's none of my business I choose to eat meat I'm sorry that's all I just like meat and the majority of the population of this planet also likes to eat meat watch the video then it's possible that Have you seen the recent tweets that have been going on. No, I've never seen you before. Oh my god that's so true at least she could laugh like I feel like you have a good sense of humor and a good head on your shoulders like I feel like you know I actually like you I don't have a problem with you at all I never have a no problem with anyone when I make a video about Jacob Storus do you think I have a problem with a child I don't have any problem with a child the child is actually a very nice guy when I met him it was wonderful how we got along in the end I don't hate people what I review I only do it because you, my followers, are interested in my opinions I don't know why the Opera is here he is the Phantom here anyway I think it's great that people are, oh, she's actually laughing from my video, although that's good, name your video.
So I'm a racist white vegan. if you're against it, you're against racism, that's not what you call to get people's attention, you said you were racist to get people's attention, that's not it, that's not really how you get attention In this world, you get the wrong attention if you make a video saying I'm racist. You will get the wrong attention. You'll get people like me who will look at that title and wonder: why would you claim to be something so horrible? A good title and also people have done it. calling me a racist white vegan, so it's like you know what I'm going to use that as a title and help get views, so they called you a racist white vegan, which doesn't make any sense if someone comes to you. and he called you a racist, it's probably because you said something racist, no one would call you a racist white vegan for no reason, that doesn't make sense, Sasha and you, I mean, okay, you've admitted it, you literally called him that to get. most views, that's right, um, if that's your tactic, fine, um, but if you're against racism, doesn't that mean you say you're against discrimination?
She's adorable, like she can't, you have to admit, she's okay, this is one of those. Guilt Trip videos about why she's perfect and I'm not, because she's vegan. Okay, I'm going to shoot myself. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not perfect because I'm vegan and you should feel bad for taking your life in Freedom. of an innocent being you should feel bad for exploiting, torturing, raping, enslaving and massacring an innocent being, you should feel bad and not only that when you consume animal products you are keeping world hunger alive, you are destroying our planet in which everyone we live and share.
That, hopefully, future generations will be able to make a living off of What are you using to power your computer right now? Your hair looks terribly curly. What have you done before? Have you used electricity? Do you know where electricity comes from? This is another thing that Vegans Tell Me Now I want to, I want to emphasize here because it seems like I'm bashing vegans, literally 99.9% of vegans on the planet are normal people. They stick to their diet, they stick to their beliefs, and they're fine. Okay, I'm not bashing vegans. If you are vegan, I don't mean to offend you, you have every right to eat what you want and believe what you want to believe, and I'm not saying veganism is wrong, I just don't like it, it's the same with feminists.
Okay, if you have these beliefs, that's okay. I believe in feminism. I believe in equality for all, but when feminists take to the streets and demand that men's dicks be cut off, it's wrong, it's gone too far. Sasha. You're going too far with this, okay, I know you want to spread your message, okay, this is something that you're obviously very passionate about and believe in, but when you bring up the issue that a lot of vegans do, which I don't do. I don't really see that it has anything to do with veganism, with the destruction of the planet, unless you wear a loincloth and live in a cave.
You are doing something, using something, supplying something, buying something that has had something to do with the destruction of this planet. It's this idea that these types of vegans don't all listen to me, these types of vegans who think they're perfect because of their lifestyle or at least they may not be trying to portray that, but it seems like that, it seems like I don't. did it. Not like a cow's ass, therefore I'm a god, it just gives the impression that you're trying to have a perfect lifestyle. You are using a lot of products right now and they may not have been tested on animals.
They may not be blah, blah, blah. blah, but they were made somewhere in a factory with emissions and like you are part of the destruction of this planet, if you are a human being, if you don't want to participate in it and you are so guilty, go live in a cave, no light a fire to cook anything because of the smoke, as you know, just don't do it against discrimination unless you are a psychopath. I'm sorry, and you just don't care and want to. taking the life and freedom of innocent beings and destroying our planet and keeping world hunger alive, then yes, you are a psychopath, like you are crazy, that is not healthy to think that it is okay to take the life of a sentient being who breathe.
I noticed that you are being much more careful with your words now sentient beings, in the last one you mentioned the term non-human human animals, which means that we are also animals that you know, look, I'm not, I'm not as stupid as all this. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, okay, I'm serious, okay, are you many of his followers? We'll probably look at some of the comments right now before we continue with the video, let's see what your followers think of me. The vegan diet would do this guy's body a lot of good, trust me, here come the fat jokes.
Here come the fat jokes. I'm fat because I eat meat, that's logical. I love Daz, but his video really bothered me. I love you Sasha, thanks for helping me. become vegan you are amazing no matter what anyone says if my last video upset you. Sorry, like I just said, I wasn't talking about all vegans and you can literally tell I'm joking, you know? I'm not going to make myself feel guilty because I eat chicken. I've been sorry since it reached one million subscribers. It has been very different. In reality, it has never changed. Okay, every YouTuber who hits a million and becomes famous is accused of being famous. oh they've changed, they do it for the money, they do it for the fame, oh they don't care anymore, the perfect example is PewDiePie, you know, he has so much money he could buy me, clone me, sell me and buy me again. but he continues to make videos every day and these videos take a long time to believe it or not every day we don't do it for the money we don't do it for the fame there may be people out there who certainly don't do it and my content has never changed, In fact, this is the first video where I would actually say my content has changed because I'm serious.
I'm not joking and making comedic content, which I likedo. I have to be serious to show him. Guys, the difference, you know, I'm not just a brain dead idiot. I don't think my content has changed at all. I have always been the same. I have given you what you wanted to see that. as long as I enjoyed doing it and that's it, if you think I've changed just because I hit 1 million subscribers and I'm famous on YouTube, that's up to you, but I've never changed, I've always been. Same in my opinion, if it's rubbish, please die in a fire, please, thank you, okay listen, I don't agree with Sorha on one issue, we might even get along, we might even let's get along, but if you go to someone else's video and tell them they die, you're in your head, there's something psychologically wrong with you.
I've said this over and over again, don't go on other people's videos and Witch Hunt, don't tell them to drink bleach, don't tell them not to do it. Tell another human being that they must die or take their own life. What happens to you. You can go to prison for that. They can arrest you. I have reported people who have done that. Remember the kid Alex who was a fan? One of mine who took his own life due to bullying and online harassment pushed him over the edge when he started a YouTube channel. Do you remember those people were found and arrested?
Okay don't go to Saa's channel and tell her she should die I had a different opinion and I only watched the video because you told me so but I didn't say this girl needs to die that's horrible don't do it psycho don't tell anyone that I should die in a shoot, it happens to you I want to stop because that's not what I do it for, I'm just watching videos and doing comedy, that's all I do within your own species, which is discrimination because you're against others species because You are not okay with respect to discrimination.
Let me show you something. Alright. You say you are against discrimination and you like acts of um gty, harassment and oppression, and blah blah blah. You've made over seven videos about PewDiePie and one of them was called why PewDiePie is the dumbest YouTuber that's not a fact it's just your opinion you've used your followers to call someone stupid stupid irrelevant and you're against it and you're on against this kind of thing but you're over it I made about five six seven videos or something like that. I don't know how many in total, I can't be bothered to tell about PewDiePie and others, and then you and then you seem to target other YouTubers and claim to be a warrior for your because I will support him, that's fine, but on your channel you choose great YouTubers, it's Gabby's show Piepie is here joke for joke, like you use all these big names and aim like they're not living your LIF style if you want to like it. your message out there make a video message about veganism make a video message about what animals go through like what you're doing is you're just looking at other YouTubers who have big names and impacts on this site and I really do. .
I think, as you admitted at the beginning of the video, you're doing this to get views. He is not someone who is honest and truthful about what he is trying to spread. This is not someone who is really, at the center of it all, doing it. for a good cause, you're doing this and you're targeting specific people because you're trying to get views and you literally admitted it in your video. I don't do what I do to get views if I wanted to get views if I wanted to get a million views. I would just make a video about Leafy or I would make a video about PewDiePie or you know, all my videos would be about other YouTubers, which seems to be what YouTube channels are about nowadays, all these YouTubers fighting each other. another like me I could do that's easy you know I could talk about YouTubers I don't like that that's okay if you're going to do if you have to make claims that you're here for the protection of animals then continue with that that's okay but you're not doing that when you make a video called why PewDiePie is the dumbest YouTuber, that's not a fact, it has nothing to do with veganism, it's just your opinion, but it turns out that almost 50 million people like it. you're a little defeated there it's too sexy do you want to see it oh this is when I bite my lip here it goes on its back me too a little that's me flirting with you oh look at that I think she was impressed I think she was impressed I think she likes me bite your lip.
Did you like it? I thought she looked sexy sexy since this video goes on for a long time guys. I appreciate that they stay with me in this season with plants and they are cooked. they have stuff on them and they are processed if you eat them raw in their natural whole food form right there, no cooking, no baking, no seasoning, no frying, nothing, they wouldn't taste delicious, yeah, that's why you cook them and season them like that That's what I don't understand, vegans come up to me and think like they're telling me something new, something I don't know, I know all this like you come up to me and say, do you know that chicken? you're eating he was murdered in a slaughterhouse not like me you're not you're not telling me anything I don't know like I'm going to stop the sound and say what are you serious?
I thought the cow fell and broke its neck and the farmer said, oh, what are we going to do? We're going to have to make a burger out of it now, otherwise it's just taking up space. You know, I thought they signed a contract that she said. you know what I don't mind being a hamburger it's okay I get it I get it I know what happens to my meat I know how it ends up in my soundwich and then in my stomach like you're not telling me something I'm not I don't know, I know all this .
I want people to know. Hello, I am vegan. Guess what I'm vegan. I'm vegan and neither are other YouTubers. We make these videos about veganism because we know how important it all is. right, if it's a big deal then stick with it, don't use other YouTubers to get your message across, I don't like making a lot of videos about PewDiePie and her diet. I mean, you've been so wrong. on poods like he's with you like he's literally with you he's joking and like you're taking it all seriously and you're making videos out of it like it's almost like you know your views are going down and then you're making videos about puddings because you know it's gonna get a lot of views like if you're really here I'll say it again for the animal support so do it keep it up keep doing what you're doing you know if I have? a message, I keep it.
I don't use PewDiePie if I want to spread a message about cancer or bullying or this or that. I don't use poods. The Po has to do with that. messages, what's coming to you guys, I always try to be careful with what happens because some people have no idea, that doesn't automatically make them a bastard because they consume animal products because that's what they've been taught and it's like their normal normal society their normal society and it's their normal society like it's normal for them to do that it feels normal that's what everyone else is doing so why is it bad like how is it bad like what if they don't know I don't convert them.
They are bastards, but if they fully know it, are okay with it and continue to consume animal products, then yes, they are bastards, so since I know that animals are killed for their meat and I continue to eat it, I am a bastard, a psychopath. , actually I'm a psychopath, okay, and I'm a bastard like this look. This is not what veganism is about. Well, people like you who come up and yell in my face when I eat a chicken sandwich. in the middle of the street okay, give vegans a bad name, I'm going to stop the video here because I feel like it doesn't matter anymore, that we're not going to see each other face to face and I don't want to give a bad name to vegans who just They go about their day to day life, that's not what I'm trying to do if you don't want to participate in the slaughter of animals, okay, I don't really see it as slaughter, the animals are given a stun. usually with a rod or two rods on the side of the D head and put them to sleep, they come out as if the tests they did have shown that they really don't feel anything. and it just rings, it just puts them to sleep and then they usually cut their throat which bleeds them out and they die in their sleep, they don't feel any of this, they don't know any of this is happening and I Although that's still not perfect because we're Realistically, there is no perfect way to kill an animal and eat it, it's just part of life in the video.
You also mentioned that we are all animals, we are equal to them, you said. The reason you called them non-human animals is because we are all the same and the only reason Lions do that is because they need to do it to survive, we don't need to do it to survive because you know we don't. It is not necessary to live on meat, it is true that we can survive without eating any meat and eating vegetables that do not have a central nervous system, but meat is not exactly that bad for you. I know they say too much red meat can give you bowel cancer as if there are many things that can give you cancer, as I mentioned smoking is one of them and I don't understand why people do that, but it's up to them, it's their life, They're not bastards, they're not.
They are not psychopaths because I believe something different from them, they are just people and I believe in equality, equality for everyone and that equality includes freedom, you have the freedom to make your channel and do what you want with it, I have the freedom to do what I want. be. I want to go with my channel and eat whatever I want, yeah okay, a lot of your followers think I'm fat. One of your followers said he was morbidly obese. I'm obese and I don't understand why people think. that's an insult because it's true I'm fat that's like looking at the sky and saying you're blue you're blue it's obvious but if that's all you have about me is that I'm fat and I eat meat then I'm not such a bad guy because there are people there out right now and they go around and behead people they called Isis, you know, they have babies and they cut them up as if there were people and a lot of people.
I would say: Oh, so you cry because ISIS kills a baby, but you don't cry over the death of a cow. Sorry, I don't see any problem with eating meat. I understand that there are ways to kill them that are unacceptable. but I don't support that, I don't support that type of murder. I think they shouldn't feel pain if we are going to eat them. I think Sasha to end this video like it's never my intention to offend anyone, but really I just think that the fact that he eats meat offends you anyway so it doesn't really matter what he says or does unless he's prepared to eat it. nothing but vegetables, you will never be happy with me and that's fine, like I'm not here. on Earth to please you and no one else what I suggest you do is with your channel continue to spread your message do what you think is right and notice that like me who have a WWE belt and are 30, that's fine.
I'm just kidding most of the time. I'm trying to find humor in the world. I'm a 30 year old man and I'm just making sense of it all. I'm making sense of this new generation. I'm watching these videos that I've never seen before and I love it and it's interesting and I love talking about different topics and discovering new things and I never want to offend anyone. I just want to do humor and I just want to learn new things. but I'm still going to eat meat I'm sorry if you're vegan it's okay you're not an idiot you're not a bad person there are just some vegans out there who give them a bad name if one of them is more bitter, I don't know, sometimes it's a little extreme, but I think she is a good girl.
I don't have a problem with her and I don't think she really has a problem with me other than that I eat meat. I hope that's the case anyway, but what can I do about it? The kids love Crest, my channel is doing well and I'll see you in the next video. Stay dazzling.

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