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Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Remastered!

Mar 10, 2024
my ring now, oh. Dear, what will I do


, the little blue kitty has arrived, he's a


for you, doctor, robo stash, I'll take it as a compliment, my ring, oh no, he's found the ring, I hope he doesn't grab it, the bad guys, catch him, yeah Got it, see you later, robotic brain. I'm out of here, it's so predictable. I'm actually disappointed. What is this? An impenetrable force field. It seems that my genius has once again triumphed over your speed. I cant go out. Yes, we did it. I finally caught the blue monster yeah let's celebrate what I was monologuing that's incredibly rude whoa what do you think pretty amazing right please if my powers fall into the wrong hands it could be dangerous so let me go and I'll leave the earth forever wow you really touched my heart however your power will not fall into the wrong hands they will be in my hands let's take some of that power what's happening stop this I think this is a secret layer robotic something stops what is this transport a dismembered robot oh it destroyed another no Is there much job security these days? no, it's a difficult time for my family, oh dear, leave your transport here yes sir, now we must work on our don't worry, I have an idea, do you really think this will work well?
sonic the hedgehog movie remastered
We're about to find out, stop. identification as necessary we are robots obviously you are robots the older brother model from another mother yes oh can you approve the previous model lacks quality in fact we are very good at our job so on my tenth day I am a world leader I think that I will remake the statue of liberty in my image so it's yeah just go down the minefield stay on the path and you'll be fine then go with the robotic guards and go straight through the tunnel and then you'll see us come on , do it.
sonic the hedgehog movie remastered

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sonic the hedgehog movie remastered...

Hello, no, they canceled my pizza order again, as frustrating as it is, we are about to power up my latest most amazing invention. I need you to concentrate, a little more, just bring a little more bread with less cheese, more concentrate. I have that cheese bread it would help, but we can try it, just come with me. Do you think Sonic is really down here? I don't know, but my leg is so good. I hear something you don't understand. You don't know what you're doing. I think I hear this way please help stop doing this to me just let me go look it's Sonic let's save him well hello well you're just in time for the main event moderation badmix oh honey I'm a genius I've calculated every possible scenario and thought a thousand steps Go ahead there's nothing you can do that I haven't already planned for this let me go now what have you done didn't you see this coming boy I'm this close and you don't want to know What am I so close to Sonic?
sonic the hedgehog movie remastered
Are you OK? Sonic, are you okay? Now I am, thank you guys, I can't believe you came to save me, of course we came, we are his friends, he is in big trouble, sir, my dear girl. Like everyone in history who has tried to thwart my plans, you are too late. I've harnessed Sonic's power in my team-generated suit g g eggs hey egg boy, there's nothing funny about my team-generated suit, don't do eggman, it's not an egg, I'm not an egg man, I'm a genius now, My little blue friend, I'll show you what real power is like, listen, eggman, these are my friends and I'm not, I won't let you hold them down, let me, you can.
sonic the hedgehog movie remastered
Don't stop me, look at this. Oh, I just want money for lunch. I'm going to have to take care of him alone. What do you think of that blue kitten? Sonic. You can't stop me now. I am the fastest man in the world. Peyton Paxton. once I'm gone you'll be safe, what's not Sonic, you can't leave, I'm counting on you, be safe and run fast, chili dogs, you may be fast, but not as fast as me, oh my little one blue friend That's where you're wrong, you care about doing it wrong, finally you two will pay for what you did in the park, I don't think so, yes, this time we came prepared.
The badniks attack, what's happening? Eggman can't keep up, oh yeah. I'm warming up, I have to leave my seat, are you doing? Stop hitting them. The robots fight. Come on, take them. You are tired but slow. Not even close. I could do this all day. What's happening? Sonic. I'm starting to feel a little sluggish and slow down. Not a chance, I just thought you might be feeling a little homesick, now you're going to pay because you have to do it in bulk, let's get out of here, yeah, you feeling tired, creature, try this on for size, those robots you made They were a total failure, what he intended.
What I'm saying is that they were no match for us, it's a piece of cake, it doesn't matter, boy, once we have the full power of this creature, my robot army will take it all and you must already realize that I will not give up. You're right, I know. I'm always right and that's why I have to go. No, Sonic, don't go. No, I won't let you leave. You do not have another option. See you, Eggman, I didn't see Dr. Uncle Robotnik, I'll save you, Sonic, that's right. so smart, yeah, I thought you were leaving, well I guess you showed Eggman who had the bigger brain, ah shit, it was nothing, so what's going to happen now?
Yes, will you stay? I don't know guys, how can I stay? What if more people like robotnik try it? to steal my powers that's what friends are for yeah we'll have your back no I couldn't if something ever happened to you guys in case you guys didn't realize we saved you yeah but you need us just as much as we do to you, yes.


and you can stay with us our mom loves


s let me think about it chili dogs okay let's do it wait where did robotnik and marvin end up? I sent you to meet an old friend, uncle robotnik, sorry, I'm like this, where?
We this place seems quite primitive technically speaking? The amount of time it would take to develop the technology to come back from a place like this maybe one thousand two thousand years something like that at that stage but for me I'll be home for Christmas Christmas but I'll just call an uber uh no I don't have any reception , I was going out with school tonight, we have this size, you're embarrassing yourself, your mother and I, okay, follow me, I'll take care of everything this way, I'm sure it's the biggest die I've ever seen my life, it's not a dog, it's a dinosaur, run, uh, wow, what is this place?
He is here. I found it, I hope I'm not too late, robotnik, you may think. You're fast but me Sonic the hedgehog is faster it's a hide and seek trap please little kids.

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