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Sonic Games That're Trapped On Dead Consoles

May 06, 2024
Sonic is one of the biggest icons in gaming history, but despite this, there are many Sonic


that are stuck in purgatory on old game


, so let's take a look at some of them as well. which I'm already cheating with the first entry since This game isn't on a console, but I thought, how many times can I talk about Sega Sonic the Hedgehog? This is an arcade game released in 1993. You may find the name of the game a bit silly, it seems a bit strange to include the name of the development company as part of the name of the game, it's like calling Zelda the legend of Nintendo Zelda, but the reason this happened is probably a Japanese trademark issue with the Sonic name between Sega and another Japanese arcade game developer, taito. responsible for iconic arcade


like Space Invaders and Bubble Bobble, released an arcade game in Japan called Sonic Blast man and there may have been a conflict over the name Sonic, which is why Sega ended up trademarking this game and many other early Japanese products from Sonic going by the name Sega Sonic now none of that has anything to do with why this game hasn't been re-released on any other platform yet, but hey, like I said, I don't know how many times I'll be able to talk. about Sega Sonic the Hedgehog, so anyway it's strange that this game hasn't received any kind of port unless you want to count things like waku waku Sonic Patrol Car or Sega Sonic Popcorn Shop.
sonic games that re trapped on dead consoles
This is the first full Sonic the Hedgehog arcade game, so there are a few. historical value, one reason may be because this game uses a trackball to move your characters, so it's possible that Sega didn't know how to create a port that they could control faithfully like the original. An interview with Sonic co-creator Yujinaka and GameSpy actually backs this up. As Naka stated there were plans to include Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Gems Collection, but due to the difficulty in emulating the trackball controls with standard game controllers, it was scrapped. This is a sad reality for many games with strange control schemes. the armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel, the two characters who debuted in this game, returned to the franchise in Sonic Mania plus as playable characters, so it's not like Sega forgot about these guys or that they refused to acknowledge the existence of this game while not very likely.
sonic games that re trapped on dead consoles

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sonic games that re trapped on dead consoles...

I don't think it is impossible for this game to be re-released. I'll give this game a 3 out of 5 chance of being re-released. Knuckles Chaotix. This 32x game from 1995 has a few things going for it. This game has Mighty and was the debut of the Chaotix team as playable characters who have become relatively notable Sonic characters. I'm not very familiar with the 32x from a technical perspective, but the 32x is an add-on for the Sega Genesis, so it is possible. The architecture is more complex, which makes it difficult to emulate accurately, but at the same time it is still essentially a 2D classic Sonic game and we have seen that the Retro engine that was used for the mini remakes of the other classic Sonic games is enough for the job, but probably the biggest problem that is causing this game to not become to throw out is that no one cares about this game, no one is putting it in their top 10, top 20, not even their top 40 favorite Sonic games, I don't even think so.
sonic games that re trapped on dead consoles
Sega cares about this game, the 32x was much more of a Sega of America thing. It's very obvious that Sega of Japan cared very little about 32x. The add-on launched in Japan less than two weeks after Psycha's big next-gen console, the Sega Saturn. which was already a death sentence for 32x and to make matters worse, the already minuscule library of 32x games in the United States was even smaller in Japan with a total of only 18 32x games released in Japan. Sonic fans don't really care. about neko mayhem and Saga doesn't care about knuckle mayhem so yeah the next knuckle mayhem is Sonic R released in 1997 for Sega Saturn.
sonic games that re trapped on dead consoles
This is an interesting case because this game has seen several re-releases from a PC port to its occlusion in Sonic Gems Collection; However, for the last decade and a half, this game has been M.I.A. It could simply be because, among most Sonic fans in the gaming community as a whole, Sonic R is not considered one of the good Sonic games it could. It must also be because this is a Sega Saturn game and the Sega Saturn era is easily the most forgotten era of Sonic in history. Even the Dark Ages of Sonic appear more frequently in a Sonic community than the Saturn era.
Sonic 3D Blast also came out during this era, however that game has been re-released a lot more than Sonic R. I think the reason Sonic 3D Blast is re-released more often is because while 3D Blast was released on the Saturn, It also has a version on Genesis and this is the version. You'll likely see it released on other platforms due to the Genesis version. 3D Blast is grouped with all the other classic Sonic games by association. It's like even The Benchwarmers and Waterboys get championship rings when their NBA team wins the finals. Another Sonic game for the Saturn is Sonic Jam and it's a collection so it's pretty obvious why it hasn't been re-released in recent years and the years that fans have warmed up to Sonic are a few but I still don't think it's likely to see a port anytime soon I'll give this game a 1 in 5 chance of getting a re-release.
Let's move on to Sonic Pocket Adventure. This is a game that 99 of the people who watched this video have never played. This game was released in 1999 for the Neo Geo Pocket color, which I believe makes it the last Sonic game released in the 20th century. The reason this game hasn't been re-released is pretty obvious. I mean, do you have a Neo Geo Pocket color? This is dark. game on a little-known console and introduced no impact for new characters in the series. I give this game a 0.5 out of 5 chance of being re-released. I'm not going to say it's impossible because hell I pray and got a re-release on Switch Online our next game is strange Sonic Shuffle for the Dreamcast released in 2000 this game is another one that wasn't particularly well received but it's interesting as it's a game of Sonic Party, it's no secret that this is a pretty obvious attempt by Sega to capitalize on the success of Mario Party.
They even got Mario Party developers Hudson to work on this game, so hey, I have to give Seca some credit for going all the way when it comes to copying Nintendo's. homework this is a concept I would love to try again for a second this really isn't a game I hear people talk about at all I wouldn't call it obscure but I wouldn't call it popular either for that reason no I don't think Sega has any real reason to relaunch this game. I would give it a 0.75 out of 5 chance of being re-released. Next on the list is the Sonic Advance series, which began in 2001 with the release of Sonic Advance.
Game Boy Advance I'm not going to waste my time here. I'm absolutely amazed these games aren't on Steam or Nintendo Switch or something. These games were on the Japanese Wii U eShop, but for some reason they never got a Western version. launching the event series is highly appreciated by the fan base and they all had good reviews as well. Sega could easily release all three games in the collection for 15 at most 20 bucks and it would be great with the Aero


Genesis games that were for kids in the 90s. They are what advanced games were for kids in the 2000s.
Great 2D Sonic fun. If I had to pinpoint why these games haven't been re-released in the United States, it might have something to do with the fact that the now-defunct company THQ were the publishers of the first two Sonic Advance games in North America and were also the publishers of Sonic Advance 3 in North America and Europe. Nordic games acquired a lot of Thq's assets, so maybe Sega has to make some kind of deal with the Nordics, but hey, I'm not an expert. On topic, in any case, I give a 4 out of 5 chance for these games to be re-released similarly to the last entry.
Then we have Sonic Battle released in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance, which was also published by THQ. Unfortunately, in North America and Europe, although Sonic Battle has its fans, it wasn't received as positively as the Advanced Series, so I don't really see this game being re-released, perhaps I could see it being included with the Advanced Series if They were going to make a collection similar to what the Game Gear games released to Sonic's gym collection. You could probably also host a Sonic pinball party there for a big Sonic GBA collection. Anyway, I give Sonic a 1 in 5 chance. battle to be re-released and a 0.5 out of 5 chance for Sonic's pinball party now this is where things start to get interesting Sonic Hero was released in 2003 for the GameCube PS2 and Xbox this is the first mainline Sonic game on the list , making it really surprising that it's been so long since the game was re-released.
Sonic Heroes sold very well, probably because it was multiplatform and thanks to the success of the adventure series, the advanced series and the Sonic X cartoon, the Sonic brand was at the top. At the time, this game was also my first Sonic game, so it's because of this game that I will always be stuck in the endless, depressing spiral of being a Sonic fan. The reason this game may not have had a recent re-release is probably because the game's reception wasn't great, it didn't have particularly good reviews and even fans of the series feel that Win 3D Sonic starred in it lost some of its luster. .
I've heard that's another reason why this game hasn't been renewed. -released in recent years possibly due to the engine the Sonic Heroes game used runs on the now-forgotten renderer engine that was developed by Criterion Software which was acquired by EA, although games created with renderware have been ported and re-released, so I don't think it's a technical issue with the renderware itself, maybe it's a legal concern with the renderwear license now that EA owns Criterion. I'm not sure I'd give Sonic Heroes a 3 out of 5 chance of being re-released next. Oh yeah. I don't think I need to explain this too much.
Weapons, curses, strange decisions in the story. 0.01 in five chances of this game being re-released. I'm pretty sure Sega wants you to forget this game ever existed. Well, back to the good stuff. with the Sonic Rush series that started in 2005 with the release of Sonic Rush on Nintendo DS as the advanced series, this is another portable Sonic series that fans like a lot, it introduced a popular character in Blaze the Cat, it's really simple, Of high speed. increases the fun and has the best music the Sonic franchise has to offer. As for why these games haven't had a re-release, it might have to do with the fact that these games are for the Nintendo DS, the DS is one of the strangest


Nintendo has ever made, making it difficult to transfer its games to other platforms.
The DS has two screens, one of them is touch screen and there is also the microphone that the console has. The Wii U also has access to two screens. one was a touch screen and a microphone, so it made sense that there would be a handful of DS games on the virtual console for that system, but not many DS games were released and now the service is gone, so yeah, I guess. that kills any chance of the Rush games being re-released on the Wii U and I think the Wii U was probably the best console for the job outside of the 3DS, the Rush series made frequent use of the DS's dual screens and touch screen, so re-releasing these games for other platforms would be complicated.
However, these games are still quite popular and both had good reviews, so I would give the Rush series a 3 out of 5 chance of being re-released. I have another series here and that is the Sonic Riders series which started in 2006 with the release of Sonic Riders on GameCube PS2 and Xbox with a PC release later that year. The writers series is another one that is a bit iffy. The writers' series was never revised. well, and the latest game in the series, Sonic Free Riders, is considered one of the worst Sonic games ever made. Free writers are also exclusive to the Xbox motion control hack.
The Xbox connects, so it's another strike against the game, the first two Sonic Riders. The games have their fans and you can't go wrong with the Sonic racing series, but it seems like Saga is more interested in Kart Racers these days. I've never been the biggest fan of the series, but I will always enjoy its sense of style, the Sonic Rider series has the advantage of being a series, although I highly doubt the fool will re-release any of these games individually. Sega could easily include these games in a collection, so I'll give the series a 1.5 out of 5.
Likely to be re-released next is Sonic 06. This game won't be coming back. I give it a 0.00001 chance in five of being re-released. Next up is the Sonic Rivals series that started in 2006 withthe launch of Sonic Rivals. on the PSP of every Sonic subseries, from the adventure series to the Rush series to the writers series, the Rival series is probably the most forgotten. I've never heard anyone mention these games. I actually played these games quite a bit growing up, so I do. I have a soft spot in my heart for these games, especially the second game, Sonic Rivals 2, has a good selection of playable characters, including some characters we don't get to play as much like Silver Espio and Metal Sonic.
The general consensus from what I've heard from the fanbase is that the Sonic Rivals games are okay, they're not great, they're not terrible, they're not good, they're not bad, they're just okay, and I think that explains why these games haven't been re-released recently. No one really cares about this series. They never were. even released in Japan, which is another strike against the release of these games. I would give the series a one in five chance of being relaunched in the next Sonic series. What I have is the Sonic storybook series consisting of Sonic and the Secret Rings released in 2007 and Sonic and the Black Knight released in 2009, both for Nintendo Wii, yes these games will not be re-released.
These games are considered by fans to be some of the worst Sonic games ever made these games are prime examples of dumb motion controls on the Wii these games help turn a really bad but possibly salvageable streak in Sonic's history into a Dark Age. I think these games have a slightly higher chance of being re-released than Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic 06 simply because the entire storybook series is really bad, they don't destroy the brand at the end of the day, all the storybook games are just bad games, they didn't turn Sonic into a joke like Shadow and 06 did since I gave Xiao that Hedgehog a 0.01 chance.
I would give the storybook series a 0.02 out of 5 chance of being relaunched. Next up is Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood released in 2008 for the Nintendo DS. I could give similar reasons as the Sonic Rush series for this game not getting a re-release since it's a DS game, but another reason is that Sonic Chronicles isn't a good game despite being made by a gaming company. highly respected role-playing game like BioWare. The game wasn't a very good RPG, but even that might not be the main reason why this game probably won't see any sort of re-release. It's a huge rabbit hole to go down, but the quick and dirty version is that there are some legal issues regarding some of the Sonic Chronicles characters between a previous Sonic Archie Comics writer and Sega and I'm sure Sega would prefer I didn't waste time dealing with it, so in a rare twist, I honestly see this game as the Sonic game least likely to get a re-release.
I gave Sonic 6 or 0.00001 chance of getting a re-release, so I would give this game a 0.00001 chance of getting a re-release for our last games of the day when we get Sonic. boom series and yes I don't see these games slowing down either the boom series started terribly with the release of Sonic Boom rise of lyric in 2014 for Wii U and this game is considered the second coming of Sonic. 06. On the same day that Rise of Lyric was released, Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal was released for the 3DS, and while it's viewed more positively than its Wii U counterpart, it's still seen as a pretty bad game after it seemed like we'd finally overcome.
Dark Age of Sonic Saga hit back at Sonic, who was once again a laughingstock. We got another game from the Sonic Boom Fire and Ice series and this one managed to get decent reviews, so at least the Boom series ended on a better note. positive note, but I still never see these games being re-released for the most part, the only reason I hear people mention Sonic Boom these days is in reference to Sonic Boom Cartoon, which actually has a fair amount of it. For fans, it even worked well enough to last two seasons consisting of a total of 104 episodes as far as the games go, although yes, none of these had enough of an impact to warrant any sort of re-release.
I'm sure Sega would love to just move. turned on and called Sonic Boomer's failed experiment derived from the alternate universe. I give this series a 0.0001 chance of being re-released, obviously I didn't talk about all the Sonic games that haven't been re-released in a long time, just the ones that were popular, notable or that I felt like talking about, but I hope I can explain why I think some of these games may or may not see some sort of re-release in the future. Honestly it's a shame that some of these games like Heroes and the advanced series and the rush series are still stuck on these


consoles and even for games that should probably be stuck on these


consoles like Shadow and o6 in the book series As a story, I think it would be great to have these games available for preservation reasons as to how bad Sonic 06 is one of the most important games of all time.
Basically it was a rite of passage for any game reviewer in the early 2010s to make a video about Sonic 06, how bad this game is, it's legendary if Sega. I had the balls to relaunch this game, man. I would give them important accessories. No bug fixes, no story changes, no optimizations, just one day at a press event, say, oh yeah, Sonic 06 is out today, have fun, but yeah, I'm pretty sure most of them. These games Sega wants you to forget about, so they'll just let them die on these dead consoles. It is what it is, we'll just have to get out the old PS3 and relive The Glory Days.

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