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Sometimes social media is hard (and that's ok)

Apr 21, 2024
I feel like I don't make a lot of videos where I just talk. This past week, the month of my life has been so crazy, so unpredictable, and truly, truly, such an incredible blessing. I told myself I wouldn't cry on the Internet, because it's really embarrassing, but here I am crying on the Internet about something that no one can fully prepare you for. I think with



people assume they know who you are based on some videos they see of you online. Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, this week was the first time I think I, uh, had to watch videos that people made about who I am as a person, people I've never met before. that they have every right to make any video they want, so do it, this is not an attack on them, this is zero, this just send love to each person, but I think with full transparency, because that's what


We need more on the Internet.
sometimes social media is hard and that s ok




the Internet can be


, and sometimes it can be absolutely incredibly amazing, and you can't let it get to you because, at the end of the day, people who are willing to say bad things about people who don't know, or people you shouldn't listen to today was one of the most important days of my life so far, because I accomplished something that I'm really proud of and I was able to. I wouldn't have done it without any of you, really, I couldn't be here if it weren't for you and



is so incredible and powerful in that way that it changes lives and it changes people's careers and it opens up.
sometimes social media is hard and that s ok

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sometimes social media is hard and that s ok...

Things they never thought were possible. I never thought I'd be on the Oscars red carpet. What it is, it's crazy, but with everything good comes things that might not be so good. Yes, this week, for the first time, unfortunately I saw them. um, a lot of videos, a lot of not so kind videos directed at me, but it's part of the job and at the end of the day, I'm very grateful for what I do. I'm so grateful that you guys trusted me and gave me a platform and, um, even see the things that I do.
sometimes social media is hard and that s ok
I am beyond grateful for that. I always thought I was someone who could handle massive amounts of hate or whatever came my way and I can. Don't worry guys, I got this. I'm totally fine. I'm a human being, so you obviously know that some things affect me more than others, but yeah, I don't really know what the purpose of this video is. I just started recording. but yeah, I hope you know that if you hate me, hopefully I'll change your mind, uh, if I ever get the chance to meet you and today was the craziest day of my life and I can't believe it, I think even though it was .
sometimes social media is hard and that s ok
It was very difficult, it was very good for me that this was the difficult week, which was when I really saw, maybe, the not so good sides of social media because, because something really surprising also happened, so you take the good with the bad and that's it. life and that's a job and that's what happens, but uh, yeah, yeah, okay, now I'm going to have a steak, I love you, bye.

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