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Something SCARED MY DOG While We Camping in the Forest.

Jun 15, 2024
This weekend's challenge will be finding a place to disperse camp on Memorial Day. Fingers crossed this is my plan from last year this weekend. Mandy and I found a campsite that was completely trashed and spent the entire afternoon cleaning it up in case there was time to find a dead spot. The body that would be today is a shower curtain, um, it's some kind of heavy canvas. I know a couple of people in the comments said why bother because it's just going to get trashed again. Well, let's find out. I'm curious to see. it gets wrecked again, the good news is I've only seen two vehicles here so far and a couple of open spots and the place I want to go is on a steep hill, you're not bringing a camper.
something scared my dog while we camping in the forest
Back there I've only seen tents. I hope it's still clean. I'm going into the woods a little late this weekend. My youngest daughter, Adele, graduated from high school yesterday, so we had the celebration and that was really cool, I hope. that Mandy can leave Sunday night and come here, that's the plan anyway, well, here's this hill, let's check this out. I think we're going to stop here, first she walks there and sees if anyone is home. You have to stay. Well, I found it for the first time. This place was probably 10 years ago and that summer there was a car here for a couple of months straight.
something scared my dog while we camping in the forest

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something scared my dog while we camping in the forest...

Great, I think it probably broke down or they were just hanging out here, we're not too far from town so sometimes people come over. They are not here to camp, they are looking for a place to stay. I found a couple different trash sites in this


. It doesn't look like there will be anyone here. Oh, there is garbage. An old cot with


on it. kind of rubber sheet or


, but other than this, I don't see much trash, there is a windshield scraper, if you remember watching that video, this whole area was completely full of trash, I think I'm going to be able to do this.
something scared my dog while we camping in the forest
I work on time and I know it's not big beautiful views or anything, but we have bodies of water on both sides. I brought the bicycle. There are some beautiful trails in this


. We're going to call it home for the weekend, but first I need to get the truck over here. You're being a good boy Toby, we'll get you out of here soon. I started a little late but we still have plenty of time to set up camp, it's a bit of a walk around the sides of the caravan but once you get back here the space opens up nicely.
something scared my dog while we camping in the forest
It looks like the perfect place for the campfire. There's no spruce ring here, so this is where this fire pit will really come in handy, let's see if I can. I can remember how this is all going perfect look at this I was walking along the edge of the truck and I noticed there are these raspberry plants and then I noticed the poison ivy, there's a lot of it too, I definitely have to keep an eye out for that, I have to take care of you I don't want to look at that all night see how this works here we go okay that's not so bad we can take it home sit in your chair Toby good boy let me show you this pond that is on the north side of the camp.
I thought I would make the most of this 3 day weekend, so at 6:30 this morning I was out in the yard cutting down branches that fell during the winter months and I must have pinched a nerve in my back or something because at the base of my neck right at my shoulders is absolutely on fire tonight. I'm not even going to worry about making dinner. I think Toby and I are going to let the fire burn out. I'm going to watch the sunset and then we'll call it a night. We have many things to do tomorrow. There are some new trails that I noticed


going through the forest.
I don't know if they are recording this. winter or what, but maybe they go to


places. I bought the bike, so we're definitely going to find out. I will catch up with them tomorrow, since it rained very hard last night and this morning we are going to start. champion's breakfast coffee bacon and eggs we'll see how this works to cook the coffee it smells very good I'm going to let this pan heat up a little and then we're going to put the bacon in it, it's going to be perfect just the right level of crunchy texture I'm still thinking we're good for the egg it's not too hot I hope I didn't break it that's not right here we go that I didn't break breakfast is ready they got a little warm this In the morning I had to put Toby in shorts and I'm going for a little walk , but we will have them tied up.
This state forest is very popular with people who ride horses and I want to make sure I have a very good handle. From Toby, I don't want you to scare any horses, come on Toby, I thought we could take a look at the lake across the road. I've been hearing big trucks beeping this morning, so I'm sure they're inside those nice workers. I'm not sure if I'll go in with the bike or not. This lake is so beautiful. What is it? Toby, come on, I have no idea what he sees, but something on the road caught his attention.
What's going on? Toy. He always stays next to me. I have no idea what he sees up there, but maybe we won't go that way, we'll come back, come on, Toby, yeah, he doesn't like it up there, okay, we won't go that way, I have no idea what he's up there, past. Scared, I'm not going there on the bike either, not after that, oh, he wants to go back to the trailer, that was weird, I want to get on your chair, come on, weird, I've never made him act like that. Before you go down, you'll have to let me know in the comments what you think is there.
I have smelled a bear before I knew it, it sounds weird but you can smell a bear when they are in the area. I have no idea why he freaked out like that, what do you think? Toby, are you just lazy or was there something there. I know of a way to get there, but Pillsbury State Forest is the oldest state forest in Minnesota and I'm sure. With over 25,000 acres there are many wild animals that can hide. Mandy texted and said she'll be able to stop by later tonight. She leaves work at 7:30, which means she'll probably be here around eight fifteen.
I'm going to make a dessert with dinner tonight, so let's start with that because it's going to take a


to prepare. Remember that peach cobbler I made a couple of months ago? Well, today I'll do it again. with cherries I think it was one of my favorite desserts so let's try it again if you haven't tried this dessert I definitely recommend it it's very easy to make and tastes absolutely delicious the first thing we're going to do is pour a can of cherries into the Dutch oven , then there will be a box of cake mix, just pour it right on top, now about half a cup of brown sugar looks good and lastly it will just be a stick. of butter, so we're going to cut this up and put just four ingredients in it.
It really is a simple recipe. We're going to put this on the heat soon the last time I cooked it, I think it was like 35 40 minutes I'm using. the mocking oven over the top of the stove. I have been able to easily hold it at 350°. This should look good. That should work. I'll review it probably in 35 minutes. Fortunately, my back feels a little better today. I think that was my body's way of telling me I needed to slow down a little. Luckily I carry Tylenol and Ibuprofen in the camper. Toby's surgery last week went without a hitch, he turned 6 months old, so we can get the neuter done, what we're going to do is wait two more weeks, make sure he's recovering very well, then I sign the papers, The adoption is final, I am going to talk to the surgeon on Friday and I had the MRI last week.
I'm going to find out what they're going to do with my shoulder. He has a piece of bone that is floating in the rotator cuff and it is damaging the rotator and the cartilage and that is what the MRI was for last week to see how. Actually, a lot of damage has been done there, hopefully they can go in and remove the piece. of bone and then I'll be ready. I'm actually looking forward to it because it might give me a week, maybe two weeks off work, who knows, but then I'll finally be able to catch up and do some things for the channel that I haven't been able to do.
I like that Patreon page. It's a shame it's going to take surgery to find enough time, but it's just. That's right, I think Toby found himself a bone. Toby, do you have any idea how many people are going to tell me that you shouldn't chew it? I bet someone hunted a deer here, that's what it looks like. I like OB. I think Mandy will be here very soon, so we better prepare the rest of dinner and eat steaks over the fire. I brought some mini potatoes, onions and green peppers. I'll probably cut one of those. them in the foil bags, put them here too, they had a special run at Cub Foods buying a two-pack, so yeah, we're going to have some leftovers, we're going to use a roasting bag again because it was so helpful. last weekend and the potatoes we'll put a little olive oil, salt and a little pepper, we should probably go out, let's take a look at the shoe rack, it smells amazing, that's for sure, oh wow, look at that little burn on the edges, but oh well, it's going to be Okay, I should have looked closer, okay, yeah, it's my fault, the inside is going to be delicious, the edges got a little darker for Mandy and I are going to share this dish and then We will sit outside. fire look at the stars eat some of that dessert this should be a good night he's happy to see mom that's for sure I think we're going to have some stars out there tonight are you jealous are you jealous are you good for?
It started raining around 3:00 and has been on and off ever since, every once in a while it starts to fall hard, sometimes we are sitting inside relaxing, we would like to walk the dogs here in a bit but I'm not Surely if we're going to take a break in the rain, we're watching MAV. I see it's on the north coast. I always love seeing people there, I hope they catch the fish. The puppies are just relaxing. Let's relax in here, watch TV and, uh, move around a little, hopefully we can take the dogs for a walk, oh, put her in there, yeah, yeah, that's exactly how it was supposed to be.
If this happens, we're going in a different direction today, we'll see if Toby gets


. One thing is for sure though this rain has brought the mosquitoes for the past few weeks. I have been saying that there really were no insects and it was not bad yesterday this morning the mosquitoes are thick well, it didn't take long and the sparks started again. I was looking at the radar and it will be on and off all day, so I think we're going to go to camp and start cleaning things up trying to take advantage of this break in the rain.
There are a few things we didn't accomplish this weekend, but that just gives us a reason to come back. Take the bike out on these forest trails one of these days, maybe I'll find new places to camp, but for now I think we've got this video in the bag. You've been hanging out with Mandy Tilly, Toby and I all weekend, that's enough. Do this again next Tuesday until then, be kind, be honest, see you on the road.

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