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Somebody is outside our Home at 3am..

May 08, 2024
oh my god, what was that, what was that, what was that, oh my god, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, there's some weird stuff going on in the house, I'm telling you we literally just see someone outside our house, oh my god, I just swear, I just hope, wait, wait, wait, wait a second, wait a second, guys, wait, I swear, run by, okay, we have to get out and see what it is that we have to do. come outside I'm not going out there's no way we literally only saw a couple of things pass our eyes we gotta go out and check it out well who's coming with me outside come on come on haunted boys let's go outside This house is haunted bro it's not haunted come on , you know what I'm going out to, it is what it is, come on, come on, come on, come on, worry, oh my God, what was that, what was that, what was that, what was that, what was that.
somebody is outside our home at 3am
What are you talking about? Did they activate that? No, seriously, are you sorry? Okay, okay, someone go turn it off. One of you has to go check it out. I'm not going to turn that off. Okay, turn it off. off hey, turn it off, turn it off, watch out, watch out, watch out, guys, everything's going to be okay, everything's okay, let's be me, me, me, me, you guys that turned back on, did you see what's going on in this house? I've been telling you it's haunted, okay we have to go see what's going on. I'll be right back.
somebody is outside our home at 3am

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somebody is outside our home at 3am...

I'm going to turn that thing off. I'm going to turn that thing off. Wait baby, I swear I'm going to keep going, this is crazy. okay, I'm going to turn this thing off, oh my god, okay, that turned off, that literally turned itself off. Okay guys let's collect our thoughts maybe we're just overreacting we're nervous because we were watching a scary movie maybe we're just going to calm down a little wait we saw the same thing at the exact same time like there's no way we're tripping, okay, okay, maybe it's just the sink not working properly right now wa wa oh my god I run, run, run, run, I, I, I go, I go, I go, I go to the bathroom, I go to the bathroom , I'm going to the garage, garage, bathroom, bathroom, wait, wait, me, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, did you see what's happening was? that a play that was a play we escape through this wait for babab from here okay stop, stop, relax, relax, okay, let's take a moment, just breathe, breathe, oh my god, yeah, someone's scratching, someone is scratching, you hear right, it's just Gucci, it's just Gucci. that's Gucci, come, come in, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, close it, okay, let's go outside one at a time, we won't do one at a time, let's go together, okay, let's go together, wait, wait, leave go to Gucci first. all Gucci goes first gu, come on, okay guys, come on, let's go out together, together, together, together, come on, come on, come on, wait, wait, did you hear that, what's that sound?
somebody is outside our home at 3am
What's that noise? I'm turning on the lights. I'm going to turn on the lights oh my God I'm turning on the lights oh my what happened what happened you are you Being is I who turned that on I am I I'm out I'm out I'm out We're out, we gotta go, wait, wait, baby, I wouldn't go out , I wouldn't go out, I want to go out, baby, close the door, come in, close the door, bring Gucci inside, baby, bring it in, come in, come in, come in, come back, come in. Back in, okay, let's stop panicking guys, come on, stop it, we should go outside, we're always safe inside, yeah, we're safe inside, I'm not going out.
somebody is outside our home at 3am
They're happening here okay just come with me guys let's go to the movies I think we should go to the movies let's go to the movies I'm telling you to the movies the G truck just turned on okay sure we're not going out we're not going out like in the The world is that possible, so wait, do you have the keys? No, I don't have the keys, baby, you drove the car last. You have the keys? I think I think I had to wait Where are the keys? Let me think Let me think I think I had the keys in my bag, okay, go get it, make sure the keys are still there, maybe someone took the keys, where's your bag, take it, take it, take it, Check if the keys are inside.
The keys to the Mercedes are there. You have it. here, okay, that's weird, you still have the keys, someone starts the car, you know what I'm going out, I'm going out, you guys have to face our fears, okay, you know what I believe. Maybe they're right, I think I'm going to start facing my fears too you want to come with me everything is coming I don't want to go please baby come on both of us you're going to come with us no don't leave me alone in the house B come with us come with We have to see what's happening, there's no way we're going to sleep like this, we can't.
How the hell did this turn on? Okay, that's just part of the decoration, it doesn't help to have this decoration right now, it doesn't stop, stop, stop, stop, there's no one inside, I don't know, wait, I'm going to open the door, please, guys, it's very Dark, but I'm going in, wait, wait, wait, we need the flashlight. I can't see anything, it's okay, take the flashlight, take the flashlight, baby, take one, take the flashlight, oh my god, the lights come on, boys, boys, stop it, boys, the lights come on outside lights, come on Outside lights, turn on the lights, basketball lights, I don't.
I know how they light up they light up good give me the flashlight I'm going to get in the truck G give me the flashlight I want to hold it do you want to hold it yes I'm going to hold it well I'm going to get in guys, there's no one here, there's nothing there, open the back door, Back door, back door, back door, open, this is weird, turn around, how weird is this, turn off the car, turn it off, turn it off, baby, I swear. When you were inside, those lights turned on by themselves out of nowhere.
I'm serious, what's going well? Do you have another flashlight? No, I only have one, where is the other one? Oh, I don't know, I don't hope. Did you hear that? What's that noise? Oh my God, my God, my God, baby, what maybe they are? What is moving? They are moving, the swings are moving. I'm out, I'm out, I'm leaving. to the garage I go to the garage yes, I can see things better there come with me just go, go, go, I'm going to the garage, I'm going to the garage, wait, wait, just follow me you guys, follow me Follow me, how come those move on their own?
Okay, come in, come in, turn on the lights, turn on the lights, turn on the lights, turn on the lights. I think at this point it's safer if we go in because outside, wait, you pushed it, you pushed it. stop, you pressed it, I saw you pressed it, no one pressed it, stop, stop, press, don't lie, you pressed it, I think someone's outside, guys, let's meet at the movie theater, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, there, there, there that way that way that way oh my God, guys, come in, close the door, okay, listen seriously, guys.
I have a question: is anyone involved in this? Are you involved in this? Is playing? Be honest. to run, I fully promise, I'm not playing anything, be honest with me, are you playing with us? I'm being honest, I'm not playing with you about you, no, of course, no, baby, are you sure? We're on the same team, okay guys, so we need to relax and think about what's next. Okay, for now we'll stay in the theater, we'll stay inside, it's been like 30 minutes. I just left the movie theater I'm going to go get some water but you know what I think I realized what's going on I think someone is messing with us and we're going to find out what's going on together here's your water I have a solution, whoever is messing with us has to be outside, okay, if you say it's not you, it's not you and it's not me, that person has to be outside and we're going to catch him, oh, we're going to go outside, go outside, go outside like that. way, go outside, go, go, hurry up, hurry up, go fast, go fast, open it, open it, oh my god, no what, no, no, are you serious, wait, wait a second, wait, this is it, is it? what is this?
Are you kidding? You're not funny, man. Honestly you're not funny at this point this is weird this point is isov the movie you left the movie there for I left for a second oh yeah we went into the water doing this I was with you the whole time when everything was happening. We all know you guys are being weird, honestly, no, it's okay, go back inside, go back inside, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, oh my god, what was it? The piano is on the piano, the boys are Are you kidding me? I'm going here, where are you going?
Where are you going? I'm turning this off man, oh my god, what the hell where are you guys? Where are you? Close the door, close the door, game room, come. here, come here, game room, yeah, obviously, no matter where we go right now, someone is messing with us, someone is doing something to us, sure, let's get together, can we find out what's going on? Well, we went out and there were swings moving. true, but inside the TVs were on, the piano was on, but the lights were on outside, what could that mean? That means someone is messing with us because of course not all of this is going to happen, there may be more than one person involved in this and and they're messing with us, yeah, there's so many things happening at the same time, okay, the window , oh my God, me, me, me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, back to the cinema, there, cinema, cinema, cinema, guys. go faster go go go open the door open the door okay, I'm tired, I'm tired of this, it's too late, it's late and I'm tired, oh my God, I want to solve this now, okay, I have an idea why three of us don't go out and we only confront whoever is outside I already said that but every time we go out we get scared how about this now we understand that it's nothing paranormal and it's just someone messing with us so why should we be? scared, yeah, that's true, you're right, you're right, nothing to be scared about for confidence, okay, let's go out with confidence, okay, let's go out with confidence, we know someone's messing with us, let me ask you guys something, If something happens outside, please don't do it.
Don't run away, okay, we'll stay together. Which I think I just heard Gucci break in. Which I think I just heard Gucci bark. Someone outside We saw someone outside It's time to go out you guys, come on, come on, hey, flashlights, flashlights, where's your flashlight here? No, don't run away, seriously, that's not necessary right now, let's go out together, come on, come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, guys, come on, come on, come out, come out, look at that, oh my God, me, me, me, did you see that? They saw that? They saw that?
That's it honey, what are you doing? open it inside the car, guys, get in the car, hurry up, open it, open it, open it, close the doors, close the doors, close the doors, oh come on, it's closed, it's closed, someone's outside, someone's outside, someone's Outside, guys, he's outside. I'm telling you he's outside, where is he? Where is the? I'm telling you guys, what is that. Close your doors. It's open. It's open. It's going around. It's going around. Where he goes? Where he goes? The door is locked no no. no, I'm going to get out, I'm going to get out no, I'm going to get out, I'm going to get out, I'm going to get out, come on, come on, no, hey, leave us alone, yeah, leave us, Al, leave us alone, man no he's going next to you I'm not afraid of you man I'm not afraid of you bab bab please oh my god bab just calm down now guys I oh wait I I give me a second wait I want to tell you something I want to tell you guys something super important why they got pranked That's My Boy Stellar, my coach, come on, good job, I got them, come on, so how did they do this right?
So my boy salar and I have been planning this for a couple of days. and we literally set up every prank and we have them so good, you guys, I have you scary, come on, it's not even funny, we have this so good, you stay like kings, we leave in peace, I love you all, royalty.

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