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Solving Minecraft’s Unexplainable Mysteries…

Apr 17, 2024
Do your builds really move on their own every time you look away, and what if everything you've ever known about the world of Minecraft has been alive today? We're trying to find the truth, starting with who built the trail ruins and whether they really abandoned this. structure or were forced to do so in the latest version of Minecraft Mojang added the new Trail ruins after delaying them for three updates, but why would they now add these new structures and bury them deep underground unless there is a secret that doesn't wanna? find, except that the entirety of the ruins is practically covered in dirt, stones and rubble, you can't really tell what's going on, so maybe by clearing them we can get a better idea of ​​what's really here. let's use the world edition to replace any stones, dirt, suspicious gravel and grass blocks too, so we'll get rid of the surface, let's get rid of that with air in 3 2 1, what the fuck, so fascinating.
solving minecraft s unexplainable mysteries
I mean, this looks like a The road has this center and is connected to these houses, some giant building in the middle, but clearly everything has been broken and destroyed, how did it end up underground? I started searching each and every one of these buildings to find the clues. and by typing application data percentage to access all the files on your computer, I discovered that it is actually not just one structure, no, these ruins are multiple structures that enter the Minecraft game files. Then we can go to versions and of course we want the version. with trace ruins the latest version currently available at the time of this video 1. 120.4 there it is except all you get is this Json dot which if you open it is a bunch of global gloop and a jar file which if you open this is even more brilliant, Glo, this literally looks like a virus, however there is a trick, if we go ahead and rename this file from jar to zip, this will allow our computer to properly read this file and then we will upload here to compress it. folder tools and extract everything now the extracted folders we can open them and see that the glob gloop was hiding real files, including the ones we are really interested in, internal data from Minecraft structures and finally Trail ruins, there are four folders, which shows that the theory is flawed that this is a single structure, no, it is four different structures, buildings, decorative paths and towers, and upon further examination of these files, you will see a bunch of MBT files that are encoded and show that different Path ruins spawn in different biomes, so what if they were actually all parts of one giant civilization? puzzle, so I traveled to each of the Trail ruins and used world editing to copy each road and Tower building, then pasted these structures into a separate world where I can compare them side by side.
solving minecraft s unexplainable mysteries

More Interesting Facts About,

solving minecraft s unexplainable mysteries...

You won't believe this, in fact, let's start simple. Before I surprise you, see? look a little closer if you see it let me know in the comments below and if you don't let me explain this to you this is a desert that's right it is exactly the same dimensions and it even has suspicious sand that is obviously in the desert along with orange glazed terracotta only found in desert villages, but it's just the beginning, let's go to this structure, does it look familiar? a hole here empty but next to the ovens, that's right, this is a blacksmith from an old village, but why are they deep underground?
solving minecraft s unexplainable mysteries
Look at this one guys, it looks almost identical to the raider outpost, you can see the outlines of the roof here. and then they're using Black Glaz's Terra Cota, which is usually associated with evil things. There are even three different levels here, just like Pillager Outpost, but why would they abandon it and why were they all combined? A well in the desert, a town house, a Pillager Outpost. things are never together unless they are part of a mega civilization. For years, everyone lives together peacefully in harmony in these trail ruins, but trail ruins do not appear near the villages;
solving minecraft s unexplainable mysteries
In fact, look at this official Minecraft Wikipedia page to see the trail ruins it says. that spawn in the tiger snowy tiger old growth tiger old growth Birch forest and jungle biomes, these are all ancient biomes and apart from the tiger villagers they do not spawn in any of the other four biomes, so if this theory It's true, so these civilizations have to exist long before the villagers dispersed, but I'm going to need more evidence for that, I mean, the blocks line up with the glazed terracotta crafting tables, oh aloom, and then in the blacksmith shop we saw before also a blast furnace and a blacksmith table so these are blocks that would belong to the villagers and what's even stranger is that the Pillager Outpost used to have blast furnaces which again suggests that they were in harmony , but how did they end up here?
It was a different kind of species, not raiders or villagers. but actually, ancient villagers, although that's very far-fetched, I mean, there's no real evidence of some kind of ancient villager, right, unless wait a minute, he got suspicious and, remember, three full versions , three in which Mojang promised to add the archaeological function, but got postponed until version 1.20 because maybe it's because they were placing clues for us to find inside a suspicious sand and gravel in the form of ceramic shirs maybe the answer is hidden in they. I mean, look at it closely, guys, it looks like a face of some kind. of villager and the friend is called Pottery Shir, which means that perhaps the villagers were a species that came after the ancient villagers and the ancient villagers created these Trail ruins.
In fact, I think the shs show us a lot of other things, like what they used to do, what they did. They used to be able to do mining archery and I mean they can still do farming now but there was so much more but why would the former villagers leave their home unless they were forced to watch to the end of the video to find the true answer next what if the


world is not flat but round except everything in


is made of blocks? Sure the world may not be completely flat, there are hills and mountains, but at least it has to be a cube, right?
I mean, look. to the cow that thing is a cube look at the tree here it blocks even the sun and the moon they are square there is nothing in this game that is round except the render distance guys okay it's a little hard to say because the world It's not completely flat, but look at the way it curves, it's a representation of a circle, but I mean that's because the world is infinite, of course. I mean, surely, if we looked at it, if we could go high enough and see it from space, it would be a cube, right?
Except, wait. a minute is a circle wait if the world is flat then it can't be infinite you need to fall at some point surely I mean there has to be an end and no the world border is not the end because you can just fly past it using commands so, How can a child's world really exist? Imagine this is your Minecraft world and here you are in the Overworld at some point, if you continue going in this direction, whether it's flat or a cube, you should reach an edge where you would eventually maybe fall off in a previous video.
I showed how it is possible to travel beyond the distant lands and the world border, so I'm doing the same here and flying as far as I can. Then I should eventually reach an edge and prove that the world is a cube, except I've been flying for hours at one point and as slow as the world is, you can see that it's really struggling to keep up with the generation, I haven't found an advantage yet, it still manages to keep spawning and spawning and spawning unless there is no Edge, the Minecraft world is actually round so let's assume this is the answer, it's all one big circle and if we play here means we can continue spinning in this direction, except there's a bit of a problem, how come when you're on the other side your screen doesn't flip or you fall into the void?
The simple answer is Gravity, except it's actually much more complex than that, I mean, like in real life, Minecraft also has gravity, which is a force that pulls you towards the center of the world, the reason why you don't fly infinitely into space wherever you walk or jump. It's that simple, any shape other than a sphere, gravity just wouldn't work, that's just not the case. how physics works, except, again, that's not all, there is another crucial piece of evidence: the nether you see, the nether is not just a mysterious place that can only be accessed through Abyssal Portals, what if in fact it's right under your world?
I mean, why else would we call? this beautiful upper area of ​​the Overworld and found a whole dedicated Reddit community of people who have spent months and even years of their time researching this topic to finally come up with this diagram. Look, it literally got like 51,000 upvotes in like a single incredible month, but this is a masterpiece of work, so here we have the normal Earth and here we have the world of Minecraft and what do we have when we dig into the lowest point of our Minecraft world a Bedrock layer which is this layer here and guess what there is. the lower roof, the upper end of the lower, is also another layer of bedrock and then in between those two layers is a small layer of void.
The other thing about this is that it explains why traveling one block in the lower is equivalent to eight blocks here. in the Overworld because if it's a sphere you can see that the Arc of the Circle distance here in the center is smaller, but when you go out and draw the lines forward, that area actually gets larger on the outer Arc of the Circle. The math all lines up Minecraft literally makes no sense unless the world is round, but then how come everything else is a cube and how can you pass this between the empty layer to get to the bottom one?
Because, as far as I'm concerned, no one has ever done that before? If you thought it was mysterious, do you know the real reason Ghasts cry? Minecraft first, let's understand the basic facts of gas. These are hostile. They are the mobs that shoot fire charges just like the Blazers, except the Blazers. they don't do that the scream the iconic scream and you know what else the Ghasts do they drop these ghost tears why do they cry if they are trying to kill us it just doesn't make sense and they don't magically start crying when we start attacking them no they are always crying, but this is where it gets weird, what do you think these levels of gas do good if we take an awkward potion and some fire dust?
Well, they create a potion of regeneration, something that restores your health why tears restore your health and why something that tries to kill you then magically gives you healing powers. I need to find out. I delve into the history of the Ghasts and if we go to the wiki to learn more about the history of the ghost we will see in version 1.11 that the ghost used to have a life tag that was previously used to separate living mobs from non-living mobs. -dead like zombies or withered skeletons, but in this patch note here, MOJ removed it. is no longer used for anything, we can check this with a splash potion, a poison because all undead mobs are immune to the effects of the potion, we throw this at the withered skeleton, no particles, no damage, we try again, no particles, no damage, now let's go to our gas and see what happens here, okay, it instantly damages the particles until it eventually wears out, so the potions affect the gas, which clearly shows that it is a living entity, It's not undead, but then why would Mojang remove the living tag?
Look at this, there is an unused gas. sound called affectionate cry. OG in the game files, listen to it, that's the affection cry, but why is it called affection? We have been gas friendly for a long time, so the sound effect is not used now. What changed, I need to find out, unless, if they're forcing them, I mean. In one of our previous videos we showed our Enderman screaming because they have humans trapped inside them. What if the ghs also have something trapped inside them? But this list of nether mobs doesn't help me much either, there must be another way. to see the internal cast, yes it exists, this is the mobestiary, Mojang's official guide to every Minecraft mob, so if anything this should contain some clues about the origins of the gas and what I found really interesting is which is the only mafia that doesn't.
Not only does he have a single page like you know all the other mob no no no no no, he has two pages dedicated to him separately in the book so I thought maybe there is something hidden in the picture if you look a little closer , You see it? there guys, here's the mouth connected to the esophagus, the tube and in the back there's a giant black textured thing, you know, and then even further away, if you look, you'll see justOn top of that black textured thing, there is a black arm almost like an Enderman arm but it could also be another black mob and that's what I'm talking about.
I think maybe there's another Minecraft mob here that's black like the Cas spider, but I'm guessing it's a little blue. Could Enderman be inside a gas it seems? It's strange, maybe it could be with a skeleton that has a similar texture to the one used for the inside of the gas. Actually, what if you take it a step further, the Wither himself, after all the Wither skeletons are made by the Wither could have the G also made by the Wither, but no, that just doesn't make sense. We could clearly see some kind of Wither feature like we can with the Wither skeleton, whereas with the ghost it's the only place where we're seeing the same texture, as you can see again, it has the Wither texture, but it's on the inside, there's no way for us to know just by playing Minecraft, unless what if the Wither boss was trying to create another Mo Wither using the burst, but failed.
Does that mean the ghost was originally a friendly mob and now All That Remains is a mutant between the good and the evil ghost, withered and good on the outside but corrupt on the inside? That would certainly explain why the life tag and affectionate sounds were removed and Wait a minute, what if every time a gas troop is viable and screams it's not because it's angry or trying to kill you, but because the unit organization of the body is still good and is warning you and now we find out again who forced the villagers to do it? abandon their homes in the ruins of the trail I found another Pottery t-shirt that could be the answer to all our questions and it is this creeper that seems very normal until you see the name danger why is it called danger other mobs no, I mean The sniffer is Snort, the skeleton is just a skull, the friend is a villager, the player has his arms up and the guardian is M, even the W is not called danger, just the creeper and this is strange, why do the ancients Were the villagers afraid of the vines?
Because if we grab a vine and say a Hosk and then a villager we are going to see a very interesting phenomenon the shells or the zombies are going to attack our villagers they chase them the villagers flee but at the same time Creeper and a villager live happily they coexist what these Villagers aren't afraid of creepers Vines don't blow up villagers' houses Could things have been different back then in the ancient civilization and if so, what changed Unless the creepers could have blown up the ruins of the path and broken their houses forcing them to run?
What causes this peace and harmony of civilizations to end is the reason why these structures seemed destroyed or it could be something much more terrifying. Comment what you think below. Thanks to all these guys for making today's video possible. My new favorite ey Mega fans, if you want a shout out, just click the join button below this video, scroll down and click on ey megaan.

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