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Solving a $30,000 Puzzle!! - BEST PUZZLE EVER!!

May 19, 2024
now we have the rough shape of an r here we just need to find where that middle is what are we missing here? we're missing a little corner here is what it looks like oh wait the outside part there that's now a r yeah g now we need to go oh my god so again it has to be in the middle somewhere they went all out on this really they did what does that do? g it looks like it looks like this okay, it's really hard to see ah, my eyes just hurt right now ah ggg, where would it be? that beginning oh here's like a corner here that corner looks like it could be part of the g because if you look at the g it looks like this and that corner that is there looks like that no, that is the r that is the corner of the r so it is this one over there that is a u that is going to be the u for sure that is the u that's the r that's the u that was the a this looks like an s so this one here is this this this line here is the one we have to follow that candy cane pattern over here I'm just looking for a little top line it's just right there so all this has to change here right there oh I'm so lost it goes like this and it goes there and it comes here like this that's already done we're looking for you come on you I think it was the easy one you now the s and we had the s the s was uh This one here is the big one with curves I think I think so the last chess piece this is hot it's hot there is the last chess piece, we have the four and you know what, look at these little triangles on the side this is where the knight goes , which is the knight, no, that's a rook, this looks like a king and queen pawn, no, that's a knight, sorry, and the bishop. we have to look at these symbols here, oh the symbols underneath too, I don't think any of them match, although no, these symbols don't correspond to those, okay, it definitely looks like a bishop, I'll just put it here randomly and see what. it happens then, oh, about to use this, yes, oh my gosh, I have a nickname among my generation, I was a person of faith, I mean clergyman, a priest among my generation was a person of faith, a bishop, obviously Bishop, I am the uncle of another chosen one, okay, I am an ancestor.
solving a 30 000 puzzle   best puzzle ever
Of the other two chosen ones I have less than three children I have the same as a first degree relative one of my in-laws is called Mary oh that's this the names as they said okay wait I have a nickname among my generation that I have a person of faith so the father wilfrick and father john but he has a nickname and from my generation what is this line here it would be this guy is from his generation or it could be Godfrey we will go with Godfrey Godfrey the eldest I am the uncle of another chosen that is quite broad I have the same name as a first degree relative one of my in-laws is called mary the same name first degree relative one of my in-laws is called mary so we have to get married here mary here will wilhelm it can't be that because it's not like that, we have robin and lady robin, so the same name and the mother-in-law is mary, is that, in-laws mary, the same name is a first degree relative, one of my in-laws is called mary, so robin Robin in laws oh brother-in-law would be here because it is a different family and I have the same name as a first degree relative, so it will be one of these two.
solving a 30 000 puzzle   best puzzle ever

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solving a 30 000 puzzle best puzzle ever...

I was also Maria here, so it could be either of us. to be one I am the ancestor of two other chosen ones it is that a grandfather I have less than three children I am an ancestor oh I am an ancestor so I could be wilhelm I am the uncle of another chosen one so yes lord god free lord god then one of them would need to have a sister or a brother, okay, even if we have this, what helps us? How does this help us with the order? I don't understand how this helps us with anything. to this crest here, oh, that guy we have and that's an order somewhere, okay, so that was that guy, we have a crown, we also have that one there, oh, the order of three and that's one, no , wait, one would be crown, it will be Again, these symbols correspond to these, but they can only be placed in a certain order.
solving a 30 000 puzzle   best puzzle ever
So this is there, which means I can have that. I can't have that symbol, so it has to be that symbol or the other one. so let's say it's that one, which means this one would have to be with that no, no, that one, no, oh, so if it's this one, then that one, no, that one has to be that one, because there's only one symbol in that, okay, that means if that one is there, let's say we put that one there, this works, that would have to be with that and then we're fine, they all work, so now this symbol is this symbol, which means that the king goes here, this symbol is this, what is this. one would go here uh this symbol is this what is this and this is this nothing happens unless it can be in the wrong order what does this say what does this say even by their names you will know their order, I'm pretty sure


ything is fine here by their names , you should know them by their names, maybe we should put them in order from top to bottom, the first one was the one with the crown, this is really complicated to understand, the one with the crown was this one, which ended. here, okay, so let's take them off here so they go to the right place.
solving a 30 000 puzzle   best puzzle ever
I just had to maybe place them so that this was the first one because he's the crown, he's on top, yeah, one, the hammer, which was next, he's number two, that's what Although then we had this one or was this first one? was the one was the other one was this first uh so that's this one though oh wait this one definitely bought their names another order this one was oh god I lost All of them though I think Wilhelm was on top in the W so he shouldn't go in first. We had Robin, we had Everard and Godfrey.
And he would be the first, so it's this one, so that would be one. This is me. take a risk here I don't know if this is Godfrey it would be too much Godfrey was this guy who is over here two then we have Wilhelm, who is with Godfrey Everett, Wilhelm and Robin, who are so Robin would be next, so I will be this and then this It's still not like that, Godfrey is one and Godfrey was this guy, which one is this one, which one is Godfrey's, one robin would be two robins, no the gopro just died like the fourth time it's still dying at this point so I'm using I'm going to use this DSLR to finish this, so we had one there and then we needed Robin Robin, which was this symbol, which is that symbol that was here, so that's Robin and we said that instead of continuing instead of continue with Everhart, I'm going to change his name to younger so he's the last one, so the last one is that symbol, so it's this, oh, get out of here, oh, what's that s


ed finger?, oh, there's Oh, there's a secret compartment with a deck of cards. of wild cards and a thief playing cards very nice card games, but what is this?
I literally have a cut finger here oh my god okay let's read the final note before finishing this chapter right now oculus initiative this is the end of your journey as a Student, soon you will be knighted and join the ranks of those who know in the name of your brothers and sisters. Let me congratulate you. You are now a real member of Argos society. Therefore, I present to you the enclosed sacred seal of Saint Oculinus. and a knuckle attached as proof of your skills, please take this to your initiated master, not a word to any other oculus digia, I was loading this here, the tablet says congratulations, initiate now your eyes are ours, it says more, the last time, last time.
We did this, we put this on the deck of cards. Aha, inside you'll find a gift from the future on the card that looks like you. This is a sealed deck. I just had my finger cut off on my desk right now. Card that looks like you. What's that? Oh my god, you guys can't see this, it looks so cool, amazing, these guys know how to set mines, look at that thing, what a trip, this has been absolutely crazy. I don't even know where to start. It seems we are. I'm not done with this story, let's talk about this Labstherium that continues to not only surprise me, impress me, impress the audience that is watching these videos, but continues to raise the level of quality of ingenuity, intelligence and all that in its


s, I mean to the fact that I.
Now I have this on my desktop. I don't know if that makes me happy or worries me about what awaits us in the future of Labsterium. This video was a little different using the GoPro. I think it did offer some insight into how to solve


s. I definitely won't use it for every puzzle, but for very complex ones where a lot of things are happening and I don't want you to miss anything, sometimes stagnant camera angles don't capture every little moment, in this case we were able to capture I think than most of them, so if you like it, let me know in the comments.
I'm heading to British Columbia to film a TV show. We have nine weeks of filming. I will return to the office from time to time. to film more videos and upload more videos for you guys, but expect some content to come out of the west coast from me and my friends. On that note, thanks for watching, consider subscribing like this video, see you in the next piece.

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