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Solo Overnight Building a DIY Mud Hut with Fireplace in The Woods and Fried Chicken Gizzards

Mar 30, 2024
foreigner that time again until another so we spent the night in the


and I'm thinking let's continue with our badass theme let's hunker down let's dig and finish it let's do it this right here do it right one more time we I found a ready-made frame . I'm thinking of an A-frame style shelter with a wooden skeletal structure. A


in the back. A nice little door shaped like a hobbit hole. Enters. This bad boy. He retains that heat. Stay warm. The most important thing is that we will bake it. from the inside this way, when water hits it, it will come off immediately.
solo overnight building a diy mud hut with fireplace in the woods and fried chicken gizzards
Look once again at a shovel. This is a military electronic tool. Any shovel is truly worth its weight in gold. Man and then some fat people over the years tell me he brought a shovel. walls well guess what I did this in about five minutes and the footprint is complete now rubble cut logs cut branches cut branches just make our A-frame style like a rubble cabin and we're working looking at this we have our backbone in this Arch, there's also a log right here. I'm thinking we do it by hitting that log now that we have our natural door that works for me and as you can see there is no missing debris, there are foreign objects everywhere,


it diagonally so we can cover the back. here the initial foreign shelter is ready we have about three inches of clay here and the real trick would be to improve the shelter every day add another three inches another six inches pack it in with some grass add some straw another three inches get that a foot thick, so we're going to switch gears right now and move on to a fire pit and then to the


solo overnight building a diy mud hut with fireplace in the woods and fried chicken gizzards

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solo overnight building a diy mud hut with fireplace in the woods and fried chicken gizzards...

All of the gear in my videos can be found in three places, one on my Amazon influence page and two on myself for your influence lines. page if you are interested in Corpus Corner merchandise that can be found on Teespring all three links are located within my foreign description box right now it looks like we can run like a toilet just saying it's time for a break



foreign foreigners, it's not Lee's Chicken, but it will work, I'll catch you all in a few if you like what you see here, please do me a favor, hit the like and subscribe button, then ring that notification bell once are in that bell, select all notifications and then take.
solo overnight building a diy mud hut with fireplace in the woods and fried chicken gizzards
It's a step further, grab your cell phone, download the free YouTube app and log in just to receive push notifications when my new videos drop, let's clear something up here, okay, I've seen this several times, there is a computer program or someone or several people participating. about impersonating my channel, telling you that you won a prize and contacting them on Telegram. Well, first of all, everyone who has contacted me on Messenger or Instagram, why, since I don't have a Telegram profile, I don't even know what Telegram is. So if you get that on YouTube or Facebook or Instagram it's probably not me and if you're watching this you know it's not me so don't contact me do it yourself and me a favor report them report them immediately it's a spam profile.
solo overnight building a diy mud hut with fireplace in the woods and fried chicken gizzards
So YouTube most likely doesn't care if nothing is done about it but for what it's worth let them know so next order of business yes I am fully aware that my website has timed out. I sent an email to the company. I have renewed it for some reason, it doesn't appear there. I lack computer skills and frankly I'm not going to be held hostage for eight or ten hours trying to figure it out and I appreciate everyone who has offered to help, but I'm not doing it. I don't know you and I don't feel comfortable just saying here are all the passwords and codes and blah blah blah have a nice day and let's hope everything works so I'm lost right now until I can track down someone who O I built the site or you know exactly what's going on and I know you, so I'll understand, but until then I apologize, just go to my description box and the links are fine, we're talking about links there.
I'll End With this in the description box you will see my self alliance Outfitters affiliate link. If you click on it, there are two new things there: the annual Pathfinder meeting for 2023, as well as a master class I'll be teaching on intensive land navigation. you want it all to do with land navigation in a three hour class taught by me, click on that bad boy, buy it, buy a meeting ticket and I'll see you there one more time, that's inside my description box , so on that note I'll catch you all. in the morning, so I went to get my coffee and tried to talk a little bit about our shelter while I was half asleep, so once again we have a skeletal wooden frame and this tree is actually growing horizontally and it's a willow, so that willows are known to do that and when "You see something like this, it's a perfect place for something like this, we got as far as we could in one day, that is, before it got dark, now something like this, I'll cover it now because someone is going to say that the rain will go through you.
As far as I know, you're going to get wet in a 14 hour day, so in the morning, what are you going to want to do? Eat, drink, hydrate, wake up with protein and then the real work begins. We're talking about a foot thick. of clay around this bad boy, you want to lift the chimney and blow it up a good three feet that way the wind won't blow into it and smoke out the door. I might want to make that door longer like an igloo so any rain that falls will come out and keep me dry inside and then eventually what I might want to do is start climbing the walls on the inside and then at that point the Safe bet is that the shelter would be one hundred percent weatherproof um, basically like a tank, it's a skeletal structure and dead trees or something with a fall, you'll be protected, here we go, another one of those Pathfinder supply meals , so my self alliance Outfitters affiliate Link in in my description box we have blueberry oatmeal and it tastes like blueberry oatmeal.
These dehydrated meals are more freeze-dried, lightweight, and weigh ounces, so why not check them out and Death Wish coffee? Another one for the books. More wonderful things that come with that. I will find my videos in three places: one on my Amazon influencer page and two on my Reliance software influencer page. If you are interested in Corpus Corner merchandise that can be found on Teespring, all three links are within my description box, so please let me know. a please hit the like button and subscribe then ring the notification bell once you are on that bell select all notifications and as always thanks for your feedback if you can support thanks for watching if you are in the field, have fun.
I'll catch you next time and now it's time for the corporals' final thoughts. About a month and a half ago, somewhere in there we talked about the phrase that actions speak louder than words, now a little side quest or transition to that would be talk is cheap. Or are you a man of action or a man of conversation? Now I'm going to apply this to the world of YouTube because that's where we are now on a lot of channels and the reason most channels fail, probably around 99, is because I want to talk, okay and I'll provide that to the reality where you are in your workplace, your relationship, your workplace, employment, etc., relationship of friends, you meet many people in this world who want to do this, they want to talk, they want to tell you what you should do them they want to tell you how it should be they're going to tell you what they're going to do what they want to do but as the years go by you realize that they never do those things but they always seem to tell you what you should do, what you should do, talking is cheap, that's where we're going with this, anyone can sit there and just talk and do this, wag their gums, so to speak, and tell you in your life and in your relationship and their career path, what they should do when they don't they've done it themselves or they're not willing to do it themselves, they don't want to put in the effort, so as we started this whole conversation, this final thought, is that you? a man of action or are you a man of words a man of action will be there first stand out from the crowd get noticed be that first penguin so to speak the penguins walk towards the ice there is a small hole everyone is standing around looking waiting for the first dives, the one who dives has two options, one will swim across, come out on one side or two will be eaten by sharks, however, he was a penguin of action, a leader, so to speak, and the others follow so Once again I ask you to speak is cheap so you are a man of action or a man of words so take care of yourself and take care of others.

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