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Sofía Vergara on New Cooking Show with Her Son Manolo, Knee Surgery & Hollywood Reporter Cover Shoot

Jun 04, 2024
You know our first guest tonight of 11 seasons of Modern Family. She is now arguing with her royal family on Celebrity Family Food Battle. It premieres tomorrow on the Roku channel. Please welcome Sophia Vergaro. It's very good to see you. How are you? I'm sorry. I come to your presentation. tennis shoes you know what's fine I really don't care I do it I don't even want to look down it's like it's hard for you to wear tennis shoes yes tennis shoes are only for sports activities and correct tourist activities but you are a troop, neither I don't even know how to say that I had a um, a very big operation like the 8 hour operation, eight hours actually, yeah, it was very big, I mean, it shouldn't be here, but it wouldn't be missing. be with you yes no thank you for thank you for coming out here do you feel good or does it hurt?
sof a vergara on new cooking show with her son manolo knee surgery hollywood reporter cover shoot
I'm fine, I've been better, I mean, I'm still, you know, working and doing things, but I can't wear high heels and that's like it's depressing for me. Wow, yeah, you don't like a little break from high heels, huh? You want high heels most of the time. Yes, I am Latino. It's like I want to be in high heels, I mean, at home. Of course, I don't wear high heels unless I have people on me, but what if you get a delivery? What if, like the Amazon guy, you put them on quickly? Yes, but something simple as you know, like a sling that you don't have. to tie or anything just something you go with a slippery high heel slippery high heel you keep them by the door just in case of course I don't know I mean I don't know your wife doesn't do that no no no no , No.
sof a vergara on new cooking show with her son manolo knee surgery hollywood reporter cover shoot

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sof a vergara on new cooking show with her son manolo knee surgery hollywood reporter cover shoot...

No, she wears those sneakers with a V at all times. I think during Co, you know, my wife was like, you know what, enough with the high heels after Co kind of gave up on them. She couldn't wait for the co to start finishing. because I wanted high heels, you wanted to wear heels again, yeah, I don't even know how to sit without them, I don't know, it's so strange, um and I guess that's why I have big EN problems, yeah, maybe that's how it was. The doctor says I want to say it was something sexy like I was in a fight or doing my own stunts, but it's just that I think about wear and tear and old age and I don't know just life who is taking good care of you now.
sof a vergara on new cooking show with her son manolo knee surgery hollywood reporter cover shoot
I mean, I don't really need anything, but at first Manolo my son, your son was taking care of you, yeah, how nice, he took care of me for a while, but then he had other things to do, hey, I had a trip planned and I know No matter how much I begged him, he couldn't cancel it, so what, I was fine, but a friend of mine from Barania came, my friend Margarita and I did the worst thing. Two weeks before, my friend gave me a dog, a puppy, you. A friend gave you a dog right after your



two two weeks and then I realized when I had


that I couldn't handle this little puppy like I couldn't even move from the bed and the couch so my friend flew from Barania and took care of her for two weeks, so it was amazing.
sof a vergara on new cooking show with her son manolo knee surgery hollywood reporter cover shoot
She took care of the dog and she took care of you. No, the dog, just the dog. She loves dogs, so that's what you're on the


. Have you seen this? however, you're on the


of The Hollywood Reporter, super talented actors, drama queens, you know what that was actually two like less than two weeks before after the operation and I was like, my team is like you know what let's do. Cancel because we don't think you're in good shape, you don't look good. They said yes. I couldn't even move. I had to use a walker to walk.
At that point, it was like maybe 10 days later. the operation and I think that I am not missing that cover of a magazine with Jennifer Aniston with Nicole Kidman with everything, I mean Jolly Foster, although I turned green as if you couldn't see it here but there is like a feeling of discomfort and the leg was as if They would have put it on something like a very high cushion and you can see that they obviously cut my leg but then when it came out yesterday or the day before yesterday I realized it's like I don't know what happened.
It's like look they told me come business casual uhhuh look look what I'm wearing oh you're doing business with me that's business look at all of them it looks like they're going to pray or they're going to do it they have different ways of doing business like I say what business are they in in none of them he works in the church or in the bank and for me this business casual is this your son Manolo is here with us and you are doing a


together which is fun is that something you always wanted to do well.
I mean working with him, of course, I didn't think he would want to do something like that to host a TV


, but he did it and he did a great job, you know, I didn't host the show with him. I was one of the contestants. I am one of the. It's like a family show, so I was one of the contestants and I'm a producer on the show with him. Is it fair for you to be a contestant and a producer on the show because I know that, um, you know Alex Beck wouldn't do that, no, I mean, I don't know about that, I don't care what I think, but I thought it wasn't fair that It was a


show and my son, who is the one who screws me over everything I cook, was like judging me or he couldn't come and help me.
That's what wasn't fair. He didn't help you. No, your son helps. Well, let's get it out, we'll let you know. , let's take a break and uh, we'll be back, uh, so Manolo, Sopia's son, will join us. His new show is called Celebrity Family Food Battle. We're back. Sophia grabs a bowl and begins to separate. eggs like what do you mean how do you break an egg? I wouldn't really call Claudia a rude director break an egg never SE I have never seen an egg break I have never seen an egg break open it it opens it opens everything separates the egg and I'm going to vomit I can have gloves we go back to Sophia water and Mano González waits wait a minute you may have never seen your mother crack an egg before never in 32 years do I do it in private oh in private how are you alive?
That's how I learned to cook out of necessity so I didn't start when I was a kid you were hungry yeah wow that's something else and then you really took the cook


right you're really interested I did it when I was 15 I was cooking Thanksgiving for the whole family Thanksgiving for the Latin family 60 people, the whole Latin family yes, the 60 was incredible because since he was young, it was like something he already knew how to do, how did you learn to do it? I taught him, yes, you and the Asian emerald ALK, oh, so you learned from television, yes, yes, I learned to cook on the streets, as they say, and now.
You took that cooking that you learned from television and applied it again to television. Yes, I am very excited about the circle of life. And now you cook for your mother? Are you the chef of the house? I cook for her all the time. I always help, I don't go on a trip when she has surgery, I help you know, regardless of what she says, no, he, for example, the pandemic, he saved me because he, you know, I didn't really know how to cook and we were. He would be there for about 5 months and we were in quarantine and he moved into the house with my niece Claudia.
Claudia is the other girl that's on the show, oh, she's fine, and yeah, and she and he cooked every day for us like we had. a chef liked sushi and middle eastern food it wasn't just chicken and rice it was like everything that would happen when you went to school if there was no packed lunch what would it be like? how would it happen? I would pack my own lunch the night before you got your own lunch, I know that all the time. Wow, if your mom made you a lunch, what would you remember about your mom making any meal for you at home?
No, but there was a lot of yogurt and fruit, apparently yes, very healthy, yes. This is homemade yogurt and, of course, homegrown fruit. I am organic. Could you leave a little note in Manolo's lunch when you sent his lunch to school? Listen, listen. First of all, she was a single mother. She was 19 when I had him. What else do you do? you want from me I don't have it's like I don't know peanut butter and jelly sandwich maybe you might be too pretty to cook I mean yeah I couldn't have everything what's the idea of ​​the show?
In the competition, two celebrity families face each other in two rounds and both teams receive money for charity, so there is one winner, but in reality everyone wins, making it a nice and fun show for the whole family that decide which food is best. We have two amazing judges. farel abdulahi, who is right now at the most popular restaurant in New York, his name is huar and Kaylin Allen, who you will know from Tik Tok and social media, how does that work with two judges? What happens if they don't agree? Then I get the tiebreaker if a judge is needed.
By the way, this is not the first time that you have done a food-related project together. We were actually able to unearth this nugget. You see, that would make sense. I was cooking, you were cooking. everything that was wrong was she was frying frying in a bikini like they do in the 90s Manola was your mother a strict mother with you I don't really think so I don't remember you being very strict no but she behaved well then I didn't need to be strict, she didn't know He found out about the things I did, it's good, would you get an allowance and that kind of thing?
Yes, actually, she would pay me to go to the gym, but I would never do that because I hated moving, I wanted to play video games and then she would pay me to read lines with her when she was auditioning, which is horrible when you're 10 and reading scenes romantic with your mother, but yes, I moved to Los Angeles and then I didn't. I hadn't really met anyone else, I mean I had to use someone to read me lines for an audition and he didn't do it, he hated it and the minute I said listen 20 bucks he was doing accents, everything, yeah, Of course, yes, love. scenes whatever Tak, yeah, well, it's really good to see you both, um and uh, boy.
I mean, everyone is lucky to have a child like this. I mean, he seems like a really good kid. I mean, Tasio actually stepped in and did something. The Big Celebrity Family Food Battle Premieres Tomorrow on the Roku Channel Sophia Manola, Everyone's Back with Andre Valen.

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