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Sodapoppin Makes Us Uncomfortable

Mar 29, 2024
under 20, but it was still the second hardest, let's see when you get to the boss I fought. Halloween I think probably yeah, what's the beef, the dragon, oh I didn't, that took you a while, it took me a while, but it was because my controller likes the bike, it's the controller's fault, guys , one that doesn't, I'm being serious, but this was actually the second hardest, but for some reason I could use Moonlight Butterfly, the laser beams. I got impatient and annoyed and then, like Artorias, who was the most difficult in Asman, I beat him in nine tries and the Butterfly. on that for like 15. well the thing is you have to keep in mind that McConnell was on Discord with me okay so wow yeah he's ruining me exactly yeah he's ruining me all the time ironically a Nerf, oh yeah, I was so angry I was so angry.
sodapoppin makes us uncomfortable
I remember I killed that boss. My expression didn't change. He was like guys. I'm done for today. Um, I was literally yesterday doing the Eldon ring randomizer. I managed to beat him. I was surprised you killed that boss. like because I saw Melania because I thought you killed her in the first phase and then she went to the second phase and I was like, well, we'll tune in five hours later. I know I had to do it. cheese, but I killed her, good idea, um, the thing is that another sub boss came out, um and I have so many, you saw that too, no, because every time I did it, I'm doing very well, so every time I get to the same boss it will tell me what you got so yeah basically there was a small room and there were three bosses that spawned the ones I got.
sodapoppin makes us uncomfortable

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sodapoppin makes us uncomfortable...

I mean, to be honest, I thought they were pretty easy, so what did you get? There were two of them with a spear and a Caster, well, that was easy, no, it wasn't the Poke boys, the Poke boys with the Caster, it wasn't easy. I only got what just get 'em, what do you mean just get 'em? It had, it had taken three jump attacks to stagger them and even then they hit me before I can do anything and there's not enough room on this small map to even get to the Launcher to get hit without getting nailed and rotting Scarlet.
sodapoppin makes us uncomfortable
Scarlet rot is the worst I'm going to be. I actually beat it really quickly but I haven't used it uh well okay so it's a crystal on my mobs right yeah so the way they work is they take a lot of extra damage from bludgeoning damage you know? right, I used an axe, so that was the mistake you made. Also note that I knew but everyone kept trying to help me but you used a blood weapon and said I did the same. People told me what they would like to give me. advice and say no, I'm getting over it like I was originally doing, yes that's exactly it, I'm the same.
sodapoppin makes us uncomfortable
I'm angry, I abandoned my last two streams because someone said, oh well, you should use this, you should stop doing this. it's like, yeah, you, no, I'm not going to do it, you made it harder for me, yeah, you, yeah, um, you think I'm not good enough for this, yeah, and on top of that, uh, or the point that I mentioned, you said your expression. It didn't change during those three guys he was killing with the axe. I and I want to say this. I didn't say a word for 40 minutes. Oops, I didn't do it. I was angry.
I didn't check my chat even once. locked would, no I was mad, yeah I was, I wasn't locked like, yeah gamer, no I'm just mad bro so I killed it and my vibes were so ruined I just turned off the stream, yeah yeah There is no way to recover from this. Yes, I tried, I entered but it was. I turned off the camera and put on a lakari to pretend I was playing, that's what happened, oh you saw I was wondering what it was about. Yeah I just put look I was so mad that's sick so yeah it's all coming together now it was a terrible time dude I'm stuck cause I'm starting old randomizers oh that's cool it's actually get money, it's the equivalent of getting Madness instead of the Taurus demon, oh yeah. was bad, so how does it work with damage distribution, it does well, it depends, uh, but they're usually scaled to the uh, like the level you're supposed to be in that area, okay, that's it. well, yes, that's right.
It's not as bad as you might think, it's like you have to fight her at full power, but it's still obviously a much harder boss than some of the others of course, but also like when you first start, so your character, your stats, everything is random, yes. Random Weapons I ran straight towards the boss. I'm there. Fortunately, he had a really good spell that he could use with a mace and a spell. He had a really good build, but someone could be there with a torch because the gun. they spawned with they can't use like that it's a possibility I have a weapon that bled damage oh you have a bleed weapon yeah wait mine too yeah we were op like yeah summons no I've never used someone yeah I'm summons are embarrassing actually Well, that's like when you admit I'm not good enough, yeah, exactly, that's how I felt putting on a Mason, so you're going to play Dark Souls 3.
Yeah, I'm going to do Dark Souls 3 next, why? that? Am I playing Minecraft first? You are playing Minecraft. I haven't played Dark Souls 3. Oh well, I just want to beat Minecraft once just to do it, so maybe next week I'll start Dark Souls 3. Never beat Minecraft on me. and I played like it was in beta or whatever. I'm so jealous of your oyster of games you can pick up and haven't beaten yet. Yeah, I didn't play dark. I realized I only played league for a while. I have so much variety of game content that it's like everyone has done it, but I, yeah, I should be happy after all of them, after all of your souls, like games you have Until Dawn, you have Heavy Rain, have you played The Last of Us, right?
I have, I mean, I could go on because I just refused to play single player games for a long time because I thought I wasn't beating someone because I thought I wasn't beating someone's ass. What is the point? Yes, there is. It doesn't make sense to them, no, because most multiplayer games, well, I never realized that most single-player games have a very similar community aspect to them. That's what I liked about League. It's like he's playing with and against people we like to talk about. League of things, but like Dark Souls, everyone has their own experience that, you know, you talk about when Dark Souls is unique in that sense, like you, oh really, you won't get that from a lot of other single-player games. player, but for a single player. gamer game I won't play if I don't stream.
I wouldn't play single player games a lot, but I do and it's fun to play them on streaming and that's probably why a lot of people like to watch them because they're fun to watch and play and they're like, yeah, that's a cool game. I prefer to play the league. Yeah, experimenting with valuable people stuff like that, so I felt like I was doing the Final Fantasy questline like I knew you played Final Fantasy 4. playing Final Fantasy right now, yeah, I saw you, you were online like music yesterday or the day before yesterday , well, she played well for me.
I'm playing Final Fantasy for her, yeah, um, and right now we're still on and what's the first A Realm Reborn, yeah. Is it so boring right now? I really love it. I thought it was great from the beginning, from the beginning. Yes, we are like at the end where we have defeated all the primaries and now it is just politics. Yeah, I thought it was okay. No matter, it reminded me of the good seasons of Game of Thrones. I mean the thing about Game of Thrones is like you said with World of Warcraft, like they try to make these complex characters, yeah, and they fail, but it's really nice when they just go back to the evil guy, good guy, uh, it's so blatantly like normal school on the chest, um, but Final Fantasy is like Game of Thrones, but really simplistic characters, it seems evil, like a guy is like I'm an evil guy and I.
I'm going to abuse these people and it's so soft, it's like bro, this character is what's the evil guy, there was a random guy who was right. One part maybe you remember where a merchant is and it's all that, um, what are they? I called the people who are trying to move there, yes, from the beginning. I don't know, he's an old dog. He was shot with an arrow. He died right after. Yes, but he made you feel better because it's like my evil plan was finally coming to an end. to achieve it, it's like no one said that, look man, my evil plan just so you know I'm bad, it's like what I can get, yeah, Telegi allergy was a bad guy, yeah, whatever, it's still I live of course that's great, I played the game that's crazy, you have an amazing memory.
I noticed that you remember the game, yes I will say the game is fun, the story is not bad, there are just a few moments that I think about and also Evan's word is much better, little people are annoying. they get worse, yes they are so stupid, they are clearly little children, even their gestures are like little children's tantrums, but this person is in power and runs people's lives, but he is clearly a child even through his gestures, yes, that's annoying, they even ring. Like a child, there are hundreds, shut up, yeah, like I'm a child, they act like they're crying, the best part, right, is that there are like three big different factions and like the first part of Final Fantasy and it's like the flower from crystal mom.
Girls, there's the pirate sense and then there's basically a group of big, hairy, muscular men, but the leader of all the big, hairy, muscular men is as small as lalafel, those are the little ones and it's this girl and whenever she wants talk To everyone, the second in command literally extends his arm like this and she stands over him like a parrot, yeah, and she's giving a direction to the whole city, yeah, it's actually cool, it was so fun. They told me not to those two. I guess I don't know. I've said that there's a serious thought process behind this that says those two that you know, which actually yes, the people who leave comments on Apple podcast reviews, have you seen them about me?
Yes help. to set up a lot so I actually have one of them here you guys are on apple pie yeah Apple podcast Spotify YouTube I think those are Twitter Tick Tock that's right thanks you're telling me I could put them on my Spotify and listen to them when I go for a walk, yes, yes, you can download it in advance before it goes out, like you can set it to Automatic download, it helps us a lot, so this is from acemendy on Apple podcast five star review, on actually an initial quote that you can listen to. question mark podcast and quote five stars laughs throughout the podcast helped me get the job done can't wait any longer thanks Ace great thanks so much for that Ace so you can listen to the podcast while leveling up in Final Fantasy yes theoretically Yes , be little kids, yes, absolutely, gosh, no way, and you can like, comment, subscribe and ring the bell to get all the notifications at the same time.
Imagine now because if you're already here, you might as well do it. Yes, yes, soda, thanks for coming. and uh, being a part of the show, being our first guest, I was the first guest, I hope I didn't do it all, I feel like we talked about this, it was great, this is the longest I think we've ever recorded, oh yeah, it's been all while, did you have fun? I did well, some good conversations talked about some good things, a lot of stupid things, but yeah, the fun part, I guess yeah, that's usually about how everyone is going, so, yeah, thanks a lot for watching guys, remember. uh follow us on uh Apple uh Spotify YouTube wherever Twitter you know what it is oh yeah Tick Tock I forgot, make sure you follow the tick tock.
I didn't talk about Tick Tock and uh, no, no, okay, guys, listen. Thank you so much for watching, we really appreciate it and we'll see you all in the next one. Peace and look at me. A sparkle in your eyes


me realize that all we need is you and me from your eyes.

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