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'So You're Not In Charge?!': Josh Hawley Goes Absolutely Nuclear On Deb Haaland Over 'Corruption'

May 25, 2024
Thank you Mr. President uh Secretary Holland, are you aware of the group called The Wilderness Society? I've heard of it, yes, and to the best of my knowledge, what is this group? It seems that the name is self-explanatory, well, let me help you a little. It is a left-wing environmental pressure group. Do you know who finances them? I don't know well. I can help you with that too. It is largely funded by a foreign billionaire, Hanzo Oriss, who has funneled his money through all sorts of dark money groups, including the Arabella hzor giss network was investigated by the FEC for illegal campaign contributions because he is not a citizen. from United States.
so you re not in charge josh hawley goes absolutely nuclear on deb haaland over corruption
He is a member of the governing council of this dark money environmental group. Did anyone in the leadership of his department meet with them? The senator of the Wilderness Society. Don't know. This individual and I have someone in the leadership of his department and we met with the Wilderness Society. Well, I'm sure we've met with many groups and organizations in the work we do when we talk about the environment. Does that mean you don't know or won't respond? I don't have a complete list of who everyone has met with, but hey, I can help you with that.
so you re not in charge josh hawley goes absolutely nuclear on deb haaland over corruption

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so you re not in charge josh hawley goes absolutely nuclear on deb haaland over corruption...

I can help you with that too. The answer is yes, their leadership met with the Wilderness Society. They met with the Wilderness Society when that group was a plaintiff who sued the Department of the Interior with an adverse complaint against them and met with them off the books. I have the emails in July 20201 after you have taken office, members of the Wilderness society, when you are suing the department, write to your principal deputy and request a meeting to keep it off your calendar. Here it is July 14, 2021. Can we organize it? In a meeting with these people on July 19, 2021, they proposed how they could calibrate this so that it doesn't look like they are violating any of the court rules and, surprisingly, it remains completely off everyone's calendars, we only know this because it requests the lobby. they showed up and then after having these off-the-record meetings, their request is to cancel the mineral lease rights in Minnesota in the Superior National Forest.
so you re not in charge josh hawley goes absolutely nuclear on deb haaland over corruption
This is an iCal mineral mine. The society wants the mine closed after meeting unofficially with its leadership. it does so a few months later, does so, cancels the leases, and then removes 225,000 acres of critical mining from production and leasing shortly after. It is common practice in his department to meet with dark money groups off the books and hide them. The public senator thanks you for the question and of course I can't answer, if you are referring to our former undersecretary, he is no longer in the department who worked for you, he worked for the president, he was appointed by the president. your undersecretary, are you the secretary of the Department of the Interior?
so you re not in charge josh hawley goes absolutely nuclear on deb haaland over corruption
I thought that's why you were here. Are you the secretary? Don't look at her, look at me, are you the secretary that I am? questions they work for you they work they make reports for you you're not in


work with me they work with you so you're not in


of the department oh my god I thought you were in charge I thought that's why we were here, we work as a team, oh, okay, So who's in charge? So, I provide the vision, I provide the overall direction, but you are not in charge of our mission, are you responsible for what happens in the Interior department?
I take responsibility. Do you take full responsibility for what happens in the Department of the Interior? Well then why do their leaders meet with dark money groups and hide it from the public? Why do they do it unofficially? How many times has this happened? Senator, this is the first. time I heard this, no I didn't, my undersecretary is no longer there and um I can't answer what he did when he was there, how they benefited from this, do you think do you think hzor? Weiss pulled you out of breaking the leases after they asked you off the books, do you know who this guy is, oh right, I mean, no, you don't know, you're not in charge, you're not responsible, we have


. problem in this government Madam Secretary and frankly we have a


problem in your department, we have a foreign bill, we certainly do, we have foreign billionaires who are funding dark money groups coming to meet with your leadership hiding it from the public while submitting their applications. lawsuits adverse to the department do it without the court's knowledge do it, he says, without their knowledge and then get exactly what they want now I don't know how much money he made from it I'm sure it was a lot I know how he made his money he made his money poisoning people uh hanor Weiss this is what your company did in 2009 cyn's USA with Weiss at the head was accused by the US attorney in Philadelphia of carrying out an illegal clinical trial on humans they were injected with a cement that turns into bone inside the human skeleton that is the guy who funds this group that's putting pressure on your department and you meet with them off the books and give them exactly what they want I didn't meet with him, you're implying that I met with him I'm just trying to figure out who's in charge of the Department of the Interior, you said it's not you, it sounds to me like it's the billionaires, it sounds to me like it's the dark money billionaires who make the decisions in the Department of the Interior and all I have to tell you, Madam Secretary, is that It's a travesty, it's a travesty, the American people should be in charge, not foreign billionaires, and the fact that you've let them run wild is outrageous, it's outrageous, thank the lord

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