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So I Made Minecraft More Satisfying...

May 23, 2024
it's time to make




he's in my head there's a ghost in my head okay let's start with a simple tnt pool so that when a tnt block explodes it will spawn


honestly i think it's pretty simple to code so Let's do it for real. quick, okay, this will be the absolute first test, so I'm going to be honest, it's going to go wrong, it's probably going to go wrong, but we'll see how it's going to go wrong, I still don't know how, yeah, it probably will. You're just going to keep doing this right, back to the drawing board, here we go, here we go, it's going to happen again, wait, it works perfect, wait, no, oh that's it, oh my god, oh my god, wait, oh my god, it's beautiful, yes, oh. it's going to crash my computer in like three iterations oh my god, look at the patterns it's creating, it's loud, it's so loud, oh, but it's beautiful, okay, now I need to kill them, I need to kill them and then there were 2,000 of them, oh god mine, we started it here, it literally traveled there.
so i made minecraft more satisfying
Holy shit, is that a good pattern? Wait, is that so? No it's not, it doesn't work well, you can see a pattern in it, yes. I eat a little good, but it has to be more


, even if we fix that, it's okay, I just


one change, but honestly, it should be a lot better, well, okay, it's necessary, they went together very well, oh, this is going to be really good, oh yes, yes. I really like this, in fact I quite like that they don't explode so quickly because you can see the pattern for a second.
so i made minecraft more satisfying

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so i made minecraft more satisfying...

Oh, this is going to lag on my computer right now. Can my computer survive a while longer? It is so nice. And if? You're down here, yeah, that's good, so remember how I said, "surely, uh, creepers weren't going to be a problem, check it out, maybe oh boy, oh, that's, oh, that's terrible, "Wait, wait, wait, how about now it's going to go progressively?" get worse, okay, but we have to make this worse, right, we have to do the real man stuff, the explosion, okay, so for this one I had to make it so that it only happens once because my computer will die, otherwise , this is 50 Stupid joke, okay, that was 50, the next 200, let's see this one.
so i made minecraft more satisfying
Wow, no, I don't like what happened at all. Oh, excuse me, why did that happen? Why wasn't it great? Wait, what needs to be fixed, please, look, that's better. that's all i do i didn't plan that but it was awesome why does he just turn into pac-man i don't know what's up with that i think we should move on i want to make a bucket so when i right click on any water source it instantly cleans the whole river. I want to do something cool like that, after that we'll see if the ocean can destroy my computer.
so i made minecraft more satisfying
This video seems to be mainly about destroying my people. Hey, very fast. I want to show you this cute fox. I'm sure nothing strange will happen. OMG they turn it into an nft. Just kidding, they're monster legends. Monster Legends is a mobile game where you can collect hundreds of monsters to build your legacy and us. They teamed up to create a custom monster for their game and oh my goodness, does it look good? I mean look at it look you can get these monsters by combining them or as they call it Funnybreeding.mp4 and then you can feed them, level them up and increase their powers with runes to turn them into absolute gods and by them I mean me of course I am god, the game has pvp battles, it has events, it's building, I mean, it even has a youtuber island that contains, I mean, a bunch of weirdos. so if you want to check out this game, there is a link in my description or a QR code on the screen right now to get 20,000 food, a hundred thousand gold, and three gems.
I know three oh and also ten loving monster cells, which you can use to include me in your game, so thank you monster legends for sponsoring you and continue watching the video, I love you, okay, so the reason why I do it here and not there it's because I'm too scared to try there. I don't know what's going to happen yet, maybe it'll get stuck in an infinite loop and I don't know, I'll just try it here, okay, so if I right click, yeah, exactly, the way it works now, it will be infinitely. go in that direction theoretically if I do something like this, yeah, look at that, okay and now we're going to do that not just in that direction, but you know the six of a cube, because also up and down, but that's it.
It was fast but it did it right I mean wait what happened come on it does it but it's instantaneous I don't want it to be instantaneous I want it to be like this instead of correct does that make sense? I think it's okay, let's try it. again so we empty the bucket and I hope this works well are you ready? I'm going to do that here we go in three two one yes no, I forgot uh I'm stupid yes, I forgot to go down look at the Although the goal, oh, it's actually going to go very far, oh oh, don't be an ocean, oh no, no , don't be an ocean, this is actually going to take a long time, block it, here we go, the tidal wave, oh, those are good, that's interesting.
I'll have to do that too, oh is it done? Why not? Yes, that's a problem. Well, I mean, we did good, like we had a lot of them, but oh boy, how far is this address? Oh please, no. It won't be infinite, oh, how far did it go? Okay, it stopped here. Well, good Jesus, I mean Moses, he's fine and on the second day Fundy said, "Let there be air." Yeah, oh yeah, come on. I thought I did it. How are you not soaked in water? What are you doing? you mean wait what did he say yes wait wait wait he just said yes somehow wait what did I click on that he said yes what okay I really hope this is contained correctly because I'm terrified If this accidentally comes loose, okay, here we go, I hope.
This works, so now, oh, look at that, yeah, wow, wow, wow, what's going on, why is he doing this? uh guys my computer is lagging with this stop it okay how can we prevent that? I don't know how to prevent that, oh boy, just go ahead, oh no, I'm about to drown, whatever I do, I only have this bucket, I hope it helps oh no, no, no, no, there was a gap, there was a gap , stop, no, oh, I'm so happy this works. unintentionally, I'm so sorry for this little house, no, I'm so sorry, oh, I ruined it for you, I mean, I could make it worse, leave me alone, uh, he's running, he's running through the water, that's so bad, no, no, no, no, no, that's it.
The worst thing is where is the other guy? Oh, he's dead too. Alright. Holy cow, we're still catching up. This is what we initially thought was great and then look at everything that's gone. Oh no, no, oh, I


a mistake, oh. i made a mistake oh no there you go jesus i almost killed the dolphins oh that would have been soap just kidding i don't really care ok so if you've ever played


you know with an elytra yes You go too fast and hit a wall. You get this weird message saying that Fundy experiences kinetic energy, basically it's a bug in the Minecraft code and you know that for some reason you die, which I don't quite understand.
I'm here to solve it in a fun way. Well then my idea is. that when you fly with ally swap you can basically travel directly through anything including blocks. The first thing you should do is make the blocks disappear around the player regardless of whether you are flying and let's try it, okay, that way nothing happens. it happens as soon as I hover over my fireworks rocket, yeah I fall straight to the ground, okay that's good, so when I hold them up, oh it doesn't go up, it's easy to fix though, yeah that seems like a lot better ok it looks pretty good my problem is I want it to be in the direction you are going because look when I go this direction it removes a lot of blocks from left to right that I don't really need to remove if that makes sense , so I don't really know how to do it.
I'm going to do that still, okay, I'll try something and yeah, it looks a lot better, so now it's more of a sphere around you, it's a little bit more of a capsule because I want the top and bottom to be a little bit higher. So as you can see, it's a bit of a cave down below, sorry, but yeah, as you understand, I don't know why I need to explain this, you're not stupid, so the funny thing is that this only happens when you know, hold down. Fireworks rocket and you would only do that when you are flying properly, so I have it on.
I'm going to jump down here, shoot up and now, as long as I'm holding this fireworks rocket, I hope so, I can basically fly straight through, oh God. God, it runs at such high speed. No way, I really thought I'd like to give something a good one or two, oh, that's great, that's so much fun, so I can, oh my gosh, look at that and now I can remove the fireworks rocket. and fly back through it, this is really fun, wait, so if I see this mountain here and I just go like this and now I let go and now I try to do the same thing along the same route, can I?
Well, this will be difficult, yes, that's right. cool oh that's so much fun oh this is so cool like it doesn't even matter if I accidentally hit the ground I'm not going to hit the ground I'm not going to hit the wall it doesn't matter it's just that I'm a village Look, oh I hope I don't have a casual walk in the air and just oh no, oh no, oh oh, I'm so sorry, oh, oh, oh, no, oh, what a shame, what a shame, guys, what happened, well, why did it happen? Just kidding oh no oh then well see ya okay I want to end the video with something really funny so you know how zombies sometimes when they show up they can be in chickens.
I'm trying to see if I can find one. I don't know if you can actually find or spawn zombies like this with a chicken, I actually don't know, yeah there we go, so you can do this kind of thing fine and of course it would be a baby zombie, but either way you can get mobs. that are on top of each other and it made me think I want to be able to do that to myself, but I just named the command, what are they? Oh, I'm right, yeah, here we go, I call chicken time, I forgot, yeah, okay. and now the next guy does the next job this is exactly what he wanted and I can keep doing it infinitely yeah, look at my chicken friends, look at them, I don't know why they're leaning, but look at that, you know? what cook can be cool oh the chickens would love this the chickens with this are like zelda oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that oh what but the command is pretty boring I don't want to hold it back you know press the chicken moment is annoying and also it's just chickens that's a bit boring so let's find a better way to make it work look at that okay now a cow and our pig and now let's make a sheep maybe oh my god , man, this is so strange.
Wait, wait, what's with the hostile mobs? Will they still shoot me? So if I act like a chicken or something or I mean a skeleton, he's trying. Wait, he's totally trying. How about like a fire? What will happen? Let's run away. Oh, look at that. So how many llamas can I have that are mad at me? This is so stupid. This is literally so dumb. What about a guest? What about a guest? I have to be quick with this one, though no, yes, he's in my head, there's a ghost in my head, what else summons the witch?
Let's put that witch there. Let's put in a normal villager too. Oh no, my God, he killed a mob in the middle and now there's this thing. It's a baby sheep. What have I created? What was that? It was the most dangerous thing I've ever seen in my life, it was like a baby sheep with a million flames and I gasped, okay, wait, I want to say it, no, this is not going to work, I have a very, very stupid idea, okay, pick up all the The chickens are tall enough I think so I have to be quick oh my pile of chickens comes back to my head so I click on his head stop him what part of you do I do?
Oh, um Minecraft, oh huh, how does it not crash into a bazillion tnt right? It clashes with ocean evaporation but it clashes with putting chickens on my head.

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