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So I Cheated with an AUTO BUILD MOD in a building competition...

May 05, 2020
I already am. I have an idea. I'm going to put one in this pot. I'm going to go like this. I'm in Vistula. Look at me, let's go here. Steel has a structure like that. Sweep, copy and then paste it here. Alright. I hope you're ready to lose your microphone. I do not lose. Well, you're going to lose, but I'm not okay. Let's call him. Can I have 30 more seconds or not? 34 good. I'd give you 30 more seconds, oh yeah. I gave mine as a little custom


just because I thought it looked cool, we'll make it so you can go.
so i cheated with an auto build mod in a building competition
Here it is cool, custom, custom, custom


design, stick one of the towers on Skippy's head, he can go like this and go up to here and beyond, oh my God, perfect, perfect, microphone on, okay, bad, done, I almost gained more world than I thought. they were ready, uh, I was doing a little bit more because you're like, oh, I'm taking a little bit more time, okay, yeah, great, okay, we should get yours or mine out first, let's see yours, okay, come do this. It's not terrible, I mean, it's pretty terrible, but not very good, okay, okay, I'll give it to you, okay, you couldn't, you don't like it, you're right, why would you do what you think?
so i cheated with an auto build mod in a building competition

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so i cheated with an auto build mod in a building competition...

Wait seriously, yeah, where is he? the spine this you're standing on that what you just did a little jump forward here did you copy this from my side no wait what I built hmm oh yeah you built these towers yeah yeah whatever I don't see you


any of this complicated stuff , you're kidding, so you said I can build the art, but none of this, this box looks like something you would build, not these towers, so I win, no you don't win, I built the towers, yes I did, no There is a way for you to do it.
so i cheated with an auto build mod in a building competition
I want to see myself, yes, I want to observe a little. I want you to build the tower right now. I went like this and then once I did that I got stone bricks and then once I got the stone broken all I did was say this across the width and then the same for all four sides and then I got this block this tower is nothing yes he does that is cheating you


I have a mod and it's not a mod he hates any image I spit painting you cheat yes okay then then the losing declare UFC I have to go no no
so i cheated with an auto build mod in a building competition

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