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So I CHEATED in Wool Wars with Creative Mode...

May 30, 2021
Hey, how are you guys doing, welcome back to another video. Okay, so I'm going to make this intro super quick because one I don't think I have much time and two, this worked perfectly for me basically a few days ago. I made a video cheating in sky


against bad-boy halo using



and that was the video very well done, no, well, yes, but here let me explain the bad message, it complies a little just asking to play world


, that's it, video, diving, no message. for you to play


wars, so right now I'm going to play against him and I thought why not, you know, make a video with that and not only make a video with that, but she again with the



, she's okay, let's do this? before we start, if you could subscribe and watch super quick, let's aim for I don't know 69 thousand likes today, that's it, let's change the channel hello, I'm on your server, oh, you want to go now, let's do it. oh they are going to destroy you, is it okay if I record it for a video so I can show everyone that I won and beat you? okay, no, I can't record, no, I need you to, okay, I'm just saying you're ready, the reason I invited you was so I could show you how good I am.
so i cheated in wool wars with creative mode
I thought it was a bit unusual. I'm not going to lie about what you invited. let him play Woolworths because it usually means no, you bought to roll up your sleeves or something, yeah, prepare to die jumping, do you really just want to play normal world wars and nothing? Yeah it seems strange because the last time you invited me to play Woolworths it was never just we're dead in the world wars if we run away we don't buy each other wow so I can't invite my friend are you bad at the game? I send you a door request accepted okay, come on, let's do it, right? ready, no, I want to be, I've been practicing, oh, so you've been practicing, that's why you have to play, look every is like Oh, bad sketch, be so good at Skywars, well, this is my Jillian Skywars guess and You know, it's okay, no, you


. and no, no, no, normal, skyward, you can't even touch me, yeah, well that's different, it's my skywars, I'm going to get wet, it doesn't even make any sense, oh my god, pants time, literally I'm leaving as the best start.
so i cheated in wool wars with creative mode

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so i cheated in wool wars with creative mode...

Did I ever get the diamonds, yeah, yeah, exactly whatever I say, oh, like that, I'm here ready, okay, so even though I'm about to destroy you, oh, look at all this stuff, I got Skippy, what do you got? Friend, what have you been? What do I have like López? What am I loaded, oh look, this is an iron breastplate, oh, I just got a diamond one, okay, that's good, it won't be and I have an iron sword, oh, yeah, well, no, well. I'm almost complete, good year, no, you fall, no, you almost did great, you knew it, I didn't know it, I didn't guess who would come to you I don't even know what just happened, what happened, nothing, what It happened, nothing happened.
so i cheated in wool wars with creative mode
You're about to die, nothing happened mmm What's the best way to destroy you? Are you talking about that was close? What's happening? Too much damage. Did you take too much damage? Bad because you don't handle the amount of damage you were taking. Well that's not a The picture of the problem was that the problem was that you couldn't take the hurt hurt oh oh so now you're threatening me uh no I mean you know you just threatened me threat I'm telling you I'm going to be oh like that That's more than a threat, it's not a threat, you know what a promise is, oh, I'm going to beat you, it's right in the game, so get ready, come on, fight me, then you really are oh oh, look who's coming .
so i cheated in wool wars with creative mode
Oh Craig, I have the same son. like you I can do that and I'm the winner by bad thanks for playing wait, no, wait, don't play again, we have to make the first two five or something. All I know is that I only play with the bets on the table. Oh, oh, it's my victory, if I win, aha, it's the best. What happens if I win? You have to go bald for $10,000, okay you're going to bring this up again, yeah Cappy, $10,000 if you lose, that's the best deal ever, okay, what do I do? get out of this if you win hmm yeah if I win you get 10k for free okay that's too much weight 1,000 for free wait really yeah Gibby are you sure you want to do that?
I'm really broke, literally, I just got destroyed in the last game. I don't understand what stopped you from finding me to win this. Don't you realize how good I am? That was like luck. I am basic. What keeps luck. Yeah, it was like. Okay, you went, I'll accept it, but look how. destroy you here and now no oh yes yes yes no yes no yes we can start doing this mm-hmm Oh ready, no, let's do it it's about to be zero for me oh my God Oh, what will they escape, what will you not I don't even know where I am, you're right below me, you don't even know that I do know that I'm literally, literally, literally, down, literally, I don't know I can't see you.
Do you think that's going to do something for me, okay, yeah, wait, actually do something to me, just like that. Well, can you stop me against an enderpearl? Yes or no, yes, I can. Oh, like that. Oh, no, Oh, what exactly is it, get away from me? I don't think you can stop me with my enderpearl. yes if you are the ender pearl kit I have an ender pearl you know you chose the glider I know but for the pet models you or not it doesn't matter if you do I'm going to win what's up ? I don't need to bet because I win, oh yeah, oh my god, like what do you mean that's my only final pearl, yeah, ready, get some pretty muffins, oh look at that, hello Signore, what is he, headless, they were Potato head, yeah, that's you, is it? a potato strange don't say that you are down there I see you so do you agree yes I agree what hello hey what is good what is good in the neighborhood well do you know why I would have five Oh you today I won a five oh come on the next one Cappy tool Oh no, I didn't win I'm going to win this one, okay, I'm starting boom, oh my God, no, no, no, no, wait, you're done, what do you mean? no way, no way, love the server, I'm looking at you, nothing, you're weak, hey, don't say you're there now haha, I literally have no excuse, five zero, okay, you want, I'm going to beat.
I'm going to beat you I'm going to beat you I'm going to beat you oh here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go now what are you going to rap no I'm gaining height oh just played oh yeah what did you get exactly what I needed? what did you need everything? I'm really getting good things that don't normally happen to me oh that was a bad muffin don't worry what did you do? Don't worry about it, what did you do? Don't worry about that. I'm a little worried, but at the same time, you know?
Speak English. I said, don't worry about it, hey, don't do it, you don't want to die. Where are you? I can't even find you. I am above you. I think I'm ready to kill you. Oh, I think I'm ready to kill you. But where are you? It doesn't matter where you are. I will always be. where you're not looking I know, I literally see you fine Mike - laughs I'm on my way I'm on my way in your expected pain at four oh you, let's do it hey Skippy, have you ever seen the idiot, wait what?
I mean, Skippy, I've never seen, no, wait, no, what's wrong with you? Why are you so bad? I meant, have you ever seen the clown that hides from idiots? It's not that you, oh, haven't you seen the clown that hides from the idiots. How are you trying to get me into some practical joke? I said have you ever seen the clown that hides from idiots and you say no? Well, you said it wrong. I know I said it wrong at first because I'm a fool. but then I corrected myself where you bite me oh my god hurry up and go like wait I don't want a five oh you today Skippy there's a clown hiding from me oh my god he's that one oh come on oh now I'm upset I was saving that all week and I said it wrong.
Why did you save that joke for when I played Wars and you said it wrong, so you're mad. I'm Matt, I have a four week kepi. That? Okay, I'm so upset. It was like this. a good one, can we remake it? Yes, we do it well. Hey, Skippy, have you seen the clown hiding from idiots? No, I haven't exactly seen the clown who hides from idiots. Oh, because I'm the idiot, get it, yeah, I just thought it was so funny, you know, I'm so glad you didn't ruin that joke, otherwise it would have been enough. Hello friend, Piero.
Thanks to those Skippy that make me feel a little better, you're welcome because I was saving it for a while. Are you really saving that? Yeah, oh my gosh, do you want to hear another one? Yes, let's listen to it. Hey, no, no, no, I was about to say you can't do that. Look, stop the killing. Oh, are you going to no, no, no? You dog, no, hurry up, I just want to escape this good, no, come on, hey, Skippy, I saw you, dog, what's up, dog, does it mean there's no scab, you're supposed to go, what's up, dog, I said that, no, you said, what's up, dog.
I literally asked the same thing, no you have to go, what's up, what's up, dog, ah, I don't know, dog, what's up, bro, I'm back, okay, I'm an adult, okay, I'm not a dog, I'm a quack , I'm a doc and how am I going to end you, oh come on, the puns are gray, no, now I'm going to end you, that's literally what I'm going to end you with right now, that's a song right here, right now, okay, half a heart and that's for one for me I just wanted to get here to teach you a lesson What's up dog?
What's up Dog? What's up Dog? Oh, no, it hasn't started much. I have you with that Haryana started. I'm going to choose a different kid, oh wait, nevermind. I can't say hello Skippy, wait, no, there's another one, but a camera. I was saving the dog one two, your Savior, how many more have you saved? I don't know, I have one more, but I don't remember which one it was. right here and now oh no, no, um, you don't want to fight me, look sir. Skippy, stay away, no, listen, it's for two, it's not even close. 1000 potatoes, come to me, it's not even close, yeah, it's double.
Skippy, hey, you have to go. Vince Cove, why are you a member? Because I accidentally left. Okay, listen, there's only one. I know it's for two good lights Maps socks you're going to die, this is not a good way, okay, look, just salty, look, you're a salty boy, Skippy, no, your boy, Yoda, likes salt, your healer, hello, you are a healer. Going up so fast it wasn't even good, it wasn't even good, yeah, I do. Oh, ridiculous, come on, yeah, no, no, it's okay, you like it, I'm having fun, oh, great, come on. Skippy is getting potatoes for three this.
Time, if I really get my kit, I should be fine, wait, why are you right next to me? Go away, okay, let's do it right, give me a sword, give me a sword, give me a sword, good luck, good luck, I don't agree, where is it? Anyway I don't remember, I win, wait five to nine, wait Gigi no Gigi, you have full diamonds at the end, yes, I know the golden helmet, how from the chest, from the chest, yes, you have full diamonds. Armor, okay, I'll see you. when you go bald deceived by disconnected

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