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Snow ! Elsa and Anna toddlers - Ski lift - Skating - LOL dollhouse

May 03, 2020
the queen these foxes are so cute yeah this is the mom and this is the baby oh and hey little one hey there's a cute hedgehog up there here's the


rink we told you about the girls that come with my skates How does it feel when you walk? in them it feels a little strange whoa eh elsia this is not an ice


rink there is no ice in it well, let's put the ice in later oh well, eh, what is this big house here? Surprise girls, this is actually why we came here oh wait.
snow elsa and anna toddlers   ski lift   skating   lol dollhouse
Yes, thank you very much mom, we have to hug you, no problem, as long as they are good girls, they deserve it. Can we go exploring? Yes, you can explore well. If you want to go exploring, we have to take off our shoes. I can not wait to go. skating, good news delivery, new furniture is here, very excited, wait, Elsia, look at this, it's a chair and it has a glass-like theme and it has some fur, some furry


, wow, it's very comfortable and we have a shiny ice table, very nice, huh? It looks like some kind of blankets or something, what is that, how cool?
snow elsa and anna toddlers   ski lift   skating   lol dollhouse

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snow elsa and anna toddlers ski lift skating lol dollhouse...

Oh, and these must be the blankets for the yellow dolls. Well, dolls, look how hairy they are, mommy, look, mommy, look, mommy, look, mommy, look, what's going on here? You see these cool jellies. pillows, wow, isn't that great, I love it, here's the next box, yeah, we'll open it together, come on, elsia, look at these frozen beds, there are like the chairs too, look, they look like they're made of ice cubes, yes they do and you are so furry let's decorate the beds pink blanket and I have a green blanket on a green pillow and I have a pink blanket and a pink pillow perfect then open it and what do we have here wait there is an on and off switch does this make something that lights up look at that anya wow this could be like a light for the yellow dolls right oh it's the click of the fire that can light the fire nice fireplace it looks so pretty and real I know I love this house are these frozen couches or could they be beds, but they're so nice and soft, wait, there's like this button here, does it turn on?
snow elsa and anna toddlers   ski lift   skating   lol dollhouse
It lights up at the bottom. Look, mine has blue lights. Nice purple light means hot and oh, blue light means cold. Yes, of course, any small one. There are boxes left we will help you this one feels a little heavy I wonder what are these ice seats you see how cool they are and they shine wow and we can fit in them yeah yeah they're as cool as ice Girls see what if we put it on too close to the fire will melt what's here. Look at these cute drawers and it's ice cube style again, yeah, and you can open them p.
snow elsa and anna toddlers   ski lift   skating   lol dollhouse
Look, what did we get? What did we get? I have a frozen table and look at this zigzag in the middle cool elsia yeah there's a cool toilet like an ice bucket oh elsia look what I have eh oh can you plug it in oh I think it's supposed to be a table from some type yes, I think so too and here we have a disco ball like the other house hahaha, let's start decorating, let's put the beds upstairs, let's go up the frozen stairs, let's put the beds here, there, let's look at this frozen wall, it looks like cubes ice, right?
Yes, it's like the bathroom door and I have an idea. You can use it as a door. Look, now the door is closed and now it's open. Oh, that's great, we can also use it to separate our beds for a little alone time, but we'll do that. just leave it here for now, the kitchen is all the way up, well let me put the refrigerator here in the kitchen, hey look where I am, you're so high up, the toilet goes to the bathroom, look at this little one. window, it's a cool ice window, what do you think of my setup?
Oh sweet, I love the frosty chairs and here this is like the living room with the rug and the couches. Nice jump, jump, jump, I'm going to place the disco ball here, yeah. I made it perfect and the last chair there I love this view of the balcony where we relaxed on the balcony and finished yeah yeah good job girls so are you ready to start playing? We are always ready to play. Let's make some ice so we can. skate with the yellow wells pour that water it's going to be so cool hmm I don't want to wait to put it in the freezer freeze it freeze it so you want it to freeze on pawn day yes yes yes okay should I do it?
Did you girls behave well? Yes, they deserve it. Yes, thank you very much mom. I feel my hands get cold and frozen. Wow mommy, they did it again. Wait, that's my power. Real ice. Yes of course, oh it is and it feels cold. Don't wait for the lols to go out skating well what are you waiting for look here are some skates who wants to go first I I I skate in the heart now let's move on to the cat in the tiara shape now zig zag zig zag okay it's her ? turn now skating peacefully on the ice hey girls look there are some lights under the ice oh can you turn off the lights so we can see what it looks like?
Yeah, that's cool, I know he can skate with the lights now, let's turn off all the lights. Yes, I love that idea. I didn't know it would look so cool. It is so cool. It looks like my mom's ice castle when she shines at night. Look at the fire. How wonderful. Look how amazing, the house looks so great. The face is shining, I know, look at me skating with grace, skating and spinning, can we skate with light? Oh, okay, but let me turn it now, done. I think Anya should try it now. Elsia, yes, Anya, aren't you coming?
But remember, I don't know how to do it. skate, come and hold my hand, I'll help you, but I'm scared, don't worry, just believe in yourself, okay, now, don't walk on the ice, you have to try to slide, oh, okay, ready, take out the leg and slide. In fact, I did it all right now, slide back, oh no I see water, the fun won't last long, but I think I'm ready to try it on my own, here I go and slide, yeah, yeah, I did it, did I? how about a twist? Whoa, whoa, I guess I need to practice more, but it's still pretty good.
I can't do a full turn, but look at me, I can do this. You see me? Good job. We go out, wait again, ready, I got it. It looks like a puzzle piece. but oh no I guess the ice is melting oh it's so cold put it back in shape I'm the queen oh it's not melting in my hair I got it I got it great this heart is for my cousin love skate skate skate skate okay girls, I think that's enough skating for one day. Wow, that was so much fun. Hello girls, have you seen this?
What is this? It's a pool of ice cubes and look at these footprints in the ice. It looks like it's full of slime. Some frozen slime. Ah, my favorite doll hahaha. jump it's like there are


balls inside, so sticky, I'll go down the stairs of the igloo, that's how you make a slime window, ready and it breaks, it cools the whole hole, oh, it stuck to my hand, these Aloe vera dolls are perfect and shiny, hey girls, look. I found another package that you didn't open, I thought it was furniture, but look, they're dolls hahaha, oh, these must be the dolls that come with the house, yeah, here's a little husky, listen to the brother and here's his sister, hey , look, and there is even a little. portrait sticker oh cool, where should we put it?
How about in the bedroom there is a space there? Oh, well, here we go. I think some of the female aloes are sleepy. I want you to sleep. She is she is sleepy. She will get the pink. the bed first no no my dog ​​my doll no good blue is still good oh elsia you know that nothing is better than pink there is no blue is better no pink blue pink blue oh what is this anya did it she thinks pink is better She's bad girls come Are you fighting over a color again? It's just the color blue, it's the best.
Alright. Still, pink is the best. I'll go upstairs, but okay, then I'll play with my blue dolls. It doesn't matter because I still have a nice view. from the kitchen okay lol the dolls are warming up by the fire click there come on crackling fire and where should the cute husky stay let's put this rug down look mommy they are warming up by the fire cute and we are warming up in these seats that I like. them I need to go to the bathroom quick, quick, go upstairs, here we go, okay, here's a bathroom and I'll give you some privacy.
There you go, I better be quiet because they're sleeping, I'll put this blanket on so she can. Look how she feels I'll actually put her to sleep in the blue bed and my doll lol can sleep in the darkest blue bed and she sleeps in the lightest blue and now they're both perfect blues hmm I love pink that's why I'm sitting in a pink chair, ah, the view is so pretty. What is it? There is a doll lol in the kitchen. I think he wants that bottle. Don't worry, I'll get it for you. Here you have.
You're done? Oh, you're done. Alright, now we just need to flush the toilet, close the lid, and make sure to wash your hands. There you go, nice bottle, oh, a


that looks fun to use and is a button. I'm going to ask mommy if I can go. What's that noise? Something is going to happen to the house. What is it? What is it? What is it? Wait, wait, uh, it came from there, oh, I pressed the button there and what's that noise? Is that a leaf blower up there? Well, actually it came from here. and there was like air, I don't know, it could be like a weird pipe, honey, I heard you wanted to go on the snow


, that's right, yeah, okay, I'll help you up, let's raise the safety bar, it's okay, sit down.
Inside, this is going to be a lot of fun, the seat is furry, nice and soft, click on it, okay, let's make sure it's tight, yeah, everything's good, this is a blast, oh boy, it's starting to snow, look how much, look at all the snow. oh yeah oh yeah come on elsia whoa there's a lot in my seat come play with me elsia look ready it feels like it's really snowing yeah it's snowing it's snowing it's snowing it's snowing there's so much snow ready poof ready look at this maybe I can blow it away, no, no, more, yes, no, it won't, it will go all over the place.
Can I please try a little with Elsia? That was great, let's keep doing it, look at this big hole here and now, let's bring the snow back, push. push elsia you have to come with me on the ski lift you see excellent views and there is snow falling on you um well anya I'm sorry, I can't what do you mean you love things like this am I telling you? I'll miss a lot of fun things, yes, but I don't like pink, so no, Elsia, please, for the puppy, no, honey, I have to stick with blue. Sorry, I don't like pink, but please.
Please no, Anya, I can't wonder what happened to her. I really want to go to her, but I can't, I can't because I have to show her that blue is the best, not pink, I just don't know what. what to do should I go or shouldn't I go or should I shouldn't shouldn't should have I guess I'll take you come with me mommy Elsia doesn't want to go with me so I guess I just have to go with my lol onion doll wait I actually want to go wait for me really yeah sorry lol but you'll have to go next time come on elsia spacey strap isn't weak she's really sweet look my hair has a lot of snow in it all the girls got it ok Anya this is definitely the best thing I've ever met.
Ready, let's jump three, two, one. Wow there's so much snow you guys like yeah it looks like you guys made all this snow and here are your dolls lol. I can also join, bring them all, bring all the friends, I'm going, the foxes are enjoying themselves, they love the snow, here you go girls, the rest of the dolls lol, okay, this is very fun and slime, I I also want to jump. jumping is okay too if I sit here and watch the girls sure um what are you guys doing here girls have fun have fun let it snow come on kristoff can we go in there too yeah yeah ready come on Okay, let me take off first? not my cape, no, come on, push your brush, oh no, girls, I'm still going to take it off, look at this, Anna is ready to play, come on, let's make a snow angel, mommy, come on, jump too, we're leaving having a lot of fun.
I don't want to, I'll just stay here, come on mommy, no, this is for kids, this is for kids to play with, I don't, oh, hurry up and get her with the girls, you always do that to me, yeah, big splash, she's coming my turn, my turn ready and splash now I'll make a snow angel and I want to do it too here I go too oh so much snow on me there's no snow snow I wish this was real snow but then we'd freeze this is like snow fun no chill, kristoff, come on, you're missing out, come here, not much fun, best winter day ever, best winter day ever, for more videos go to our channel and subscribe .

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