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SNITCH The DIVER To WIN! (Fortnite Hide And Seek)

May 30, 2021
that hmm Josh there's a there's a door here I'm so I'm so sure about this do you think there's anyone here not everyone so okay Josh I found another door come here? there's a door here with an upstairs area look there's no one under the stairs okay okay behind the couch really surprised oh i won no no you didn't yes I found one at exactly the same time Josh oh no way I think I think this one deserves Die oh really because I found that we already found this person we told you that you were supposed to find a good place what is this? you're just chilling by the fireplace trying to stay warm wait you knew we'd put snakes like that it's just not really lame okay just oh i actually miss you okay okay john wick where were you hiding my friend where was this guy hiding?
snitch the diver to win fortnite hide and seek
I want to see if he was good, he was oh yeah, sure, that's pretty good. I would say okay, what do we do with this? Josh boy, I'd say give it a chance, Joey, okay, John Wick, you know where someone else is, is he close? Have we been there? We haven't done it right, honey, telling the truth, because okay, you get 30 seconds in five four three two one. Go, go, oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about, where will he go? Wait a minute, another person in the house, really, wait, haven't we been like that, but on the other side of what's on the other side you saw it all the time? funny oh that was someone else who did a good job guys okay now you can die you know how silly?
snitch the diver to win fortnite hide and seek

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snitch the diver to win fortnite hide and seek...

I've changed my mind so John Wick, I like him too, he's a good guy, I think we're going to recruit him, oh boy, ah. Please ma'am, it's okay, move on, oh my god, I actually didn't expect there to be a tear running down my alley, as happy as if I made him happy by finding someone, that's a lot of emotions, a lot of emotions, that was just bad, that was it. No, but that's the funny thing, okay, let's take a look under this, you're kidding, right, you're kidding, I walked past us, we all did well, there's no one here, you scared me by default, did you do it? purpose?
snitch the diver to win fortnite hide and seek
That was good. It's funny, he didn't do it on purpose, are you sure you can relax? Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hair or something, you were just fine, nevermind Josh, I have a funny idea with my hand, no, Josh, listen, this person can only


on one other person. if he can land on top of one oh you like that idea oh yeah he shows up super cool okay Josh here we go follow me guys you land on top of someone else oh my god he's got one where will he go ? Wait, wait, uh this.
snitch the diver to win fortnite hide and seek
It's a brutal form of genius, you know, it's funny, Kelly too, that person probably made sure to


like 30 seconds away from everyone, okay, I'll help you out, you two will get out, oh, I mean, we have a breakup for a reason. Josh, we have our user, we've seen this person before, yeah, that's sad, okay, you know what we can do, you know what we can do, he has to light up the tree, it's going to be impossible, oh yeah, you're right. right, don't do that Josh, what do we do with this person? I say we just give them 15 seconds to get out of our sight or we shoot them.
Okay, that's four, three, two, one, well, I thought you were going to shoot there, oh. oh pointing, he's out, I don't see him anymore, five seconds left and five seconds we can shoot if we see him, you see him, I don't see him, no, it's okay, the coast is clear, Josh, we completely checked the house, I think Well, three people left. I don't know if any of them are. They are all unique. I don't believe it. You're also how we found that fake jelly on top of a tree. We take a look in the trees. People could.
I'll be doing that. In fact, I think we're done with the house. Do you think so? Have we checked the terrace? I think we have the bridge that we have run around the house maybe on this side where are you? It's on the side of that one. Alright. This is starting to get tough now no fights but people could be in bushes and trees and spawn we don't even place the spawn Josh do you want to see the spawn yeah we could text one we get check the spawn, wait with your right leg, spawn, this is where we start, it would be clever if there were people here.
I don't see anyone shooting through some bushes, you know, just casual, you know, if you're in the bush, I guess you're out of luck, right? I don't think anyone hiding in these bush jars, huh, I'm fighting. I'll be honest, I'm struggling, wait, wait, wait, we have to look in previous places, yes, I don't know how many caches are still hiding something, although we didn't clarify it either. the rest of this stupid tree should have thought about that, oh my god, football scan, what is this? He was right here, he was right here. We found him before Josh, we did that before.
Okay, oh yeah, you could have lied. Two people remained. I wonder. whether one of them is a legit place or not because oh my god we might already have a winner Josh what I just saw something what I see I'm coming I'm coming this is the best place ever existed, stop here, look for it. look for him josh look for his logo man he's crazy he's been found before this is the last person to be found that we haven't found yet there are more people hiding they already found them oh my god this guy is great tell us a funny story sir okay oh , you can't talk, it doesn't matter, yes, yes, they can talk Josh, how are we doing with this person?
I think we're here playing




. Two people left. They haven't found you before. Us. I'm going to give you a chance I don't think it's nice I think it's fair Josh I think it's fair but remember you only get the 30 seconds, just the OK Oh, three, two, one, let's see if we have a winner, oh my god, wait, Do you remember the person? he walked towards the water he did it for a sauce he did it he's going to drown I'm going to drown oh yeah, I have to get up too Wade you're a robot although it's the thing well done you win you're the best, you know what? he wins, he wins a weapon, just by shooting me I already have practically infinite health, but you should have some fun, yeah, you know, enjoy it a little, you're not going to kill us, but do it, yeah, is it necessary? too long oh my god that was amazing thanks for watching the hideout


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