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May 08, 2020
all the mystery of Smosh Oh mystery of Smosh we have to get to the gift we are all hanging here in the squad room we have others we have these guys over here we have those guys over there some guys over there girls and there is a Christmas Tree, oh yes, lots of gifts. We're doing something a little weird. We're doing a Secret Santa mixed with the white elephant. No, we will go crazy. You already know how this will work. Let's pick numbers out of a hat. that we know the order in which we are collecting gifts now you have a tree under the tree you take your gift because there was a Secret Santa every second person right, yes, we have someone, yes, yes, yes, we miss Olivia, she is vacation, reporter, is bathing seals. and Newfoundland oh well she's a better person than all of us, it'll all make sense first, you know, oh my gosh, so technically it's last, but you're sitting pretty because you could pick any present there is in the field.
smosh family secret santa
I thought she wasn't a good son of a bitch. You will have the first opportunity to exchange Olivia's gift. No way, this is too cool a train. It will be our final little


, the red knight from Dark Souls 3, because Dark Souls. it's my favorite soon, thank you all, it really makes me angrier when I steal, yes it takes three months off, that's lucky China, because I have the ability to see Olivia's gift or whatever you know, I usually just hide in the other one. Will it do that, it's heavy, wow, it's dry baby cement. Plus, you're contractually obligated to finish all of that.
smosh family secret santa

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smosh family secret santa...

Now stay curious or who gave it to Shane because the only person who thinks about you should get the gift you want. Listen, I watch these videos. shoot like opportunities my own gang this feels closed what is it why are you so scared? Oh I want to keep this short and sweet, whoever takes this away from me is nothing more than bothering my friend. I'm going to see what good friends know he is. a mouse, I'm so happy, Sam is delivering live bees, that's what sucks, now the office will never be quiet, you know, no one takes a good look at you, so broken, you know, Noah, I love you and respect you, and there's nothing else that I.
smosh family secret santa
I want you to have a great Christmas holiday, a nice Christmas holiday. I'm going to steal it. Can I steal? Technically, it can't be a surprise to the young man. You're not going to buy the gift you were supposed to have. Bluetooth speaker, but it says "the best." Friend Joe, dreamer, enjoy your friend, oh no, what do you want? There are universal goodies like music in that box real quick, not for me because I wanted to hold it, it would look like an office or it would be so cool if I was making a video like in the background. just try it Sleep number six, number six right here yes, you have a lot of pop figures, this is a very nice gift that I really like, I don't like you very much, now you know, I know how much you like pop figures and I'm not going to take That, I can take it, but don't look at me like that speaker, it really is the Holy Grail.
smosh family secret santa
I'm so curious that one would think of catching me, he already has one, oh yeah, it's chow mein, heavy sour pork. Keep going. to sanitize your hands Roy, yeah, honey, okay, so the serving size is 190 calories, there are 60 surfaces. I can read it, I should say it right now, Olivia, of course, this is Martin, that was like, I'll get you some other stuff, lots of copies of Space. Jam and I don't know if I need so many things I don't know any ration well, you haven't opened it yet you haven't fully accepted it you've still seen it you can train are you going to do it? you're grabbing something else, you know, I'm glad you're talking young man because I don't like how you treated yourself knowing that I think Bluetooth is an old-time staple, you can use candy bars like a little honey or Charleston, chew what you get like. your way of saying oh wait a second in swimming that's the most you'd like the Roos no that's too much for one life okay my slippers here don't work yeah a pair of socks cuz my feet are so cold , that's good, Courtney, I know you.
I love you, yeah, choice Ricki Morty Ricki, I say, okay, boy, what's the choice here? I thought this was going to be super easy, but the dunkaroos look really good, but you know, I feel bad, thank you. He knew that Bose was the person he was giving a gift to. and I was like, "Okay, I'm going to take advantage of this and get him something that no one but me wants because I need a lot of whey protein right now. We're going to run out of these great nests, but how long are the dunkaroos going to last you?" You're not going to use that, I knew you wouldn't want that, I hope someone bought me the medium size Hershey bars, you like books, you like to learn, yeah, go back to a series like now, I'm done, I don't know, I think so. could they just be the first three hard covers of the last man no they look like an anthology no right now those are the first three I don't know how I know it's just the first thing that's really good which was actually the one who got it which is a very good gift, I would love that, but I have to keep thinking about everyone except Olivia, that was very strange, so I'll have to go with mine, okay, here's the presence here, this one is soft, it's, it's, it's.
This bomb Ross, I've always said I can't rock high tops and you're about to see why this is a new frontier for me. Yes, turning 30, this would be the decade of high-tops for me. I want nothing. everyone has oh oh wait no that's Smokey the Bear Smokey the Bear or Pharrell oh that's uh I want that Ultra Mountie head that's awesome yeah that's cool Cara Williams that singer songwriter Oh Canada oh yeah you got reason, wait a second, it's no hardware tombstone oh, you're trying to load Oh, sighs, I think Keith was hoping to be late for the hovertrain.
Do you think you're supposed to get a gift for yourself? um, I'll take it if you don't want to, I'll take it. I don't like your gift if it's not what you want sighs friend it's very selfish everyone likes the same height that everyone is now you know it's so crazy that you do it so it's okay you thought you weren't going to be okay so we're up Olivia's gift, now Olivia couldn't make it, she's saving the world, so Damien, if you want to join me here to open up, okay, I have to say I'm a big fan of the show I've been on.
I have been a big fan of yours for years. I must be honest with you. This is a gift for Olivia from Secret Santa, who is another me. If you can see the scratch here, it actually says Damien about work as much as I love that phone. and put in those Funko pops. I already have one of them, so it would be beneficial for me to accept this gift because I know what, so you are officially exchanged. I'm officially swapping because I know Olivia likes to read so I was really sweet and I got Olivia oh well and now I have a reason I get oh you were so sweet.
I have a question. When have you seen Olivia read a book? Someone told me that she likes to read books. Oh Fonz and I had a lot of stuff. lined up, we have no real proof that Olivia can swim man, she can barely walk, but number two, who is number two? Would you like pop figures or would you like to keep the why the last man? I want my graphic novels or okay, sweet. I'll take this one that had number three and then I'll keep it. I did it well. Would you like to, ha, do you want to keep?
I want to keep your super gift card or these three wise little common ash men. I want it all, you know you can't. Okay, I'll stick with number four. Hi Lillian, I think so. I was talking to you the other day and I was like, wow, I've never had a graphic novel before. I think I'm in a position to do it. these charts I don't think you can hold them oh no I can who is number five run with the napkin five oh wait I'm number five. Oh no, you don't have to go anywhere. I have no use for this either, so dude.
I'm going to give you this. You can trade with them if you want to try. I was excited to see that no, no, I'm not expecting a second number nine. I'm very excited, yes, I'll keep this. It's more fun to leave her with her own gift or leave her without sighs forgetting don't do that Olivia looks good in any outfit she would make it work you have opened up a realm of possibilities for me with these high top sneakers covering your ears oh I'm going to keep it high, they actually look really good, yeah, trust me, it's okay, so I think that's what all the gifts are okay.
Wait, what's one more gift meant for a person in this room for anemia? shame test oh and I said say promise say from Santa yeah put on the glove and do it right oh no it came with a glove I got it all right so glove okay okay I'm so excited to see what this is jaylen allergic are you allergic to butter? I think there's something here, of course, sighing, it's hair, even with a random chance, it's a matte steal. Pin Strikes: Yes, sorry, Olivia, we're looking into your present. This is the second time this holiday season I have received peanuts. butter you guys are smart smart Noah guys that's been our twisted ass best


s and a little white suit and the Holy Family from all of us here at Smosh I just hope you enjoy it all but enjoy the end of the week, happy holidays.
Christmas Oh Oh Merry Christmas from all of us, have fun and enjoy each other's company as if we had good company. Here's the video on the left when we made some Harry Potter nests at Universal Studios Hollywood and on the right is the video that maybe like I.E.

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