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SML Movie: The Life Of Goodman!

May 20, 2024
Stranger, sorry if I scared you. I like to sleep with my eyes open because if I close them I'm afraid that someone will come in and steal all my money. Hello, my name is Mr. Goodman and welcome to a day in my


. I wake up every morning at 6 am not because I want to but because the sun shines through that window chives close the curtain very well Mr. Chives I made a stinky I'm going to need you to change me very well sir look don't get up to go to the bathroom because that's for poor people.
sml movie the life of goodman
I just stand here and poop in my pants. That's a shitty anus sound. Well, then pressure wash my ass. Chives, how about a bath? Sounds great. Do you know how I like it? Chives, sir. come with me to the bathroom your bathroom is ready sir thank you chive every day I start my morning in a bathroom a 15 million dollars 100 and I even bathe with my suit on so I save on washing clothes okay so let's wash That ass, Could you stay in charge and don't forget your snorkel very well? Oh, and chives can't turn on Tom and Jerry, so it's 6am. m.
sml movie the life of goodman

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sml movie the life of goodman...

Tom and Jerry are not tall, are you serious? Drive and Jerry's streaming service no more sir, my road has been ruined, go ahead and remove the drain plug, it's very good and chives, go ahead and prepare my breakfast very well, your breakfast is ready, sir, mash of potatoes loaded on a medium rare steak, thank you chives, uh chives, is there a problem, sir? Where are my peppercorns? We're out of peppercorns, whipping very well sir, thank you sir, every morning I start my breakfast with a filet mignon cooked medium and loaded with mashed potatoes, are you ready for your wine, sir?
sml movie the life of goodman
What kind of question is chives serve it very well? Sir, thank you chives, you are welcome sir, hmm chives, is there a problem? Sir, there is a speck of dirt in my wine glass. I can assure you that I just washed the glass well. There is dirt. They were glasses, but sir, there are many. of clean glasses here I don't believe you because that one had dirt now go to the store and get me new wine glasses very good sir now where is my fifteen year old maid uh Mr. Goodman my name Patricia whatever the paprika I spilled my drink and I need you to clean it clean up, look Mr.
sml movie the life of goodman
Guminaki. Right on that, are you wearing underwear? Nomi Circle, well this is my enchilada partner and I have gotten her pregnant seven times because we don't believe in Plan B, only plan C because C holds up. For cash we get the kids, I claim them on my taxes and then we send them to Cancun or some uh Mr. Goodman, who is she talking to? I'm talking to the camera because I'm making a documentary about my


. Now bow down. and clean up that mess. I am planning to have an eighth child. I wanted a good view with my meal.
Speaking of children. Where is my son Richard Richer? He comes in here and eats your breakfast. What do you want? Dad. He was playing Fortnite. I was paying everyone. lose so I can win uh filet mignon again I wanted lobster if you want a lobster, stick your ass in that water and catch one yourself I hate you dad I hate you too son uh dad I see the maids why looking go eat somewhere else ok dad I will eat in my room grateful piece of this I have kept you with your new glasses of wine I am no longer thirsty chives I would like to play golf bring me my clubs very well sir okay sir, I have your balls in your club chives, ew, there is a worm on my green, a worm, chives, I'm very sorry so I'll remove it immediately, no chives, I want you to eat it unless absolutely necessary, sir, yes, chives.
I want you to eat them like a bird, like the white ibris that I have a painting of in my kitchen, very good sir, how does chives taste? It's chewy, sir. Yeah, I bet now watch me make this hole in one look. You did it, sir. That's what I thought. You're so good at golf, are you being a smartass? chives no absolutely no sir you know what Charlie don't go looking for it in the water not in outer space yes in the water because that's where it went but sir there are sharks in the water I don't give a damn you stick your old wrinkled geriatric ass in that water and you get my ball which was my favorite ball, well maybe you shouldn't have hit it on the water bank, yes sir, no you get your ass in. that water and you get my ball very good I'm cooking a golf ball now spit it in the hole chives very good mister hole in one now it's pot time but it's pot time mister chives call the police my pot has been stolen so you You sent your boat to be painted yesterday well then go to the neighbor's house and tell him I want to buy your boat but sir your boots would come back in four hours whipping why are you punishing me sir because during my bath this morning you didn't remind me I didn't have time by boat today very good sir thank you sir now I'm going to go sunbathe in the pool very good sir should I undress you for swimming Sir Charles what is that at the bottom of my pool it seems to be a Sir, the leaf probably from the tree directly above of your pool.
Well, I want you to jump in there and get it out, but that's the poor boy's job, sir. Well, now it's his job. So, do I call the poor kid and let him know that he's been fired since I was? I'm taking responsibility for him, no, I want him to show up and I want him to see you doing his job, so you know he's fired, very good sir, that sheet ruined my swimming time. I want you to drain the pool and clean it. I'm going for a ride in my Lamborghini very well sir, this is my Lamborghini.
I buy a new one every week when the odometer hits 100 miles because then it's too worn for me. Oh chives, what do you need sir? Call the airport. and I have my private jet ready and where are we going this time, sir? I'll be flying for a few hours so I can think: are you sure he doesn't want me to come with you? and you need help, sir, no, but what I want you to do is bring me chimichanga or whatever the hell it's called, I think you're referring to Patricia the maid, don't correct me, whipping chives up there, sometimes you go to your room and stay there yes uh chive lives in a small space under my stairs like Harry Potter I had to put him back in this room because Snappy was there today Mr.
Goodman Why do you need my help? The car is now clean. I don't need you to clean the quesadilla out of the car. I need you to clean something. otherwise, oh um, this is my private jet, it's fast, let me give you a tour of my jet, it's the most expensive jet in the world, all the seats are made of elephant skin, this is where Chives flies the plane, his old ass wherever I. touch the screen my private jet will get snacks out of my dick the water bottles come straight from Fiji so I'm flying for a few hours I'll see you when I get back chives I'm back my flight oh no he's home no no oh chives , you can come out of your closet now oh yes sir, okay now let's walk around and do a house inspection to make sure you stayed in your closet the entire time no, we don't have to do that, oh, we absolutely have to do that Come on, chives, did you touch my pool balls?
No sir, you must have hit them before taking your private jet. No. I would have remembered that when I left they were perfectly wrapped right here. No. how strange we should move on, no, you got your old ass drunk with this Brunswick label, very good sir, oh, oh, more than one sir, yes, how old are you again, old 67, uh, 67 spanking, it's oh, stay in your room, oh, yes, sir, crunchy, oh. man, oh, butts, okay, let's check my bank account to see if there are still four commas and they say there should be ah, yeah, a billion dollars, like it should be, oh, it has the biggest payment this month, ah, let's do it a visit.
We don't, I'm at Marvin's house to get house payment from him, he never gets house payment from him, come on let me show you hello good man what are you doing here? I came to receive your house payment, why is there a camera crew here? I'm filming a documentary about my life now do you have your house payment or not uh I don't have it this month okay good, come with me come on let's go okay Marvin since you didn't pay your house payment you're going to live under my stairs for about No days, please don't make me do that, go in there, but no, it doesn't smell that bad in there because that's Chad's little room and he has a saucepan in there. that he has to urinate and defecate and then every day he is supposed to clean it and because of the smell he hasn't cleaned it today so go in there please don't make me go in there go in there, okay?
You sit there and think about what you did, chives, you're cold to me, sir, I made chives tonight, you'll have a roommate, but sadness doesn't have enough room, you won't make his life hell like you make my life hell. , but I help you. Sir, chives because I don't see a mimosa in my hand and it's Mimosa time and you should know that without me having to remind you, here are your mimosas, uh, it's the glass, clean chives, of course, I double checked. I dare to look. right on the chives there's a fingerprint in my glass a fingerprint chives well I can assure you it's not mine so I'm wearing gloves did it touch my mimosa? chives no sir, maybe it's your fingerprint maybe it is Sorry chives, no Don't worry sir, I'm tired of the tribes and I don't want this Mimosa anymore, so I want you to stick it up your ass and come to tuck me into bed.
Put it where, sir, put it nicely, sir, after a long, stressful day. I like it. have chives come tuck me into bed jives come tuck me into bed very well sir thank you chives you're welcome sir is there anything you need before going to sleep maybe a bedtime story oh yes yes a bedtime story chives and what scare everyone Well, once upon a time you were poor, two scary chives, show me the money, show me I have money, look at a hundred dollars, all right, that was so scary. Chives, never tell me a scary story like that again.
I understand, sir, is there anything else you need? before I go to bed maybe a lady for the night oh yes Charles oh lady friend for the night because I'm lonely and what's the budget sir thirty thousand dollars ah going cheap tonight I don't see chives actually this is what I want I want you find a girl asks her to shave her head and wear a monocle like the Monopoly guy, then I want you to take her to the hospital and have her legs amputated because I want to know what that's like, ah, no expense spared, I see, yeah , so go get it.
Well, how about I bring you the lady from last night? Sir, okay, I guess that will do. Hello, it was fast. She never left. Well, she smells very good. Does she know what I want her to do? I want it to come out. and run three miles, but I want you to do it barefoot because I like little black asphalt feet, okay, close the door, chive, but, lord, how are you looking back? She will not. I don't want dirty asphalt feet on my 100 geese. down the sheets ew, but you were the one who told him to go for a run sir, I know chives, but you know what to cancel it, close the door, but I want you to hug, come here, how about I go get the ladies up, big spoon, me, little spoon? chives, I want to smell that dirty old bald head of yours, you understand sir and that ladies and gentlemen there is one day in my life and that is just my day off and make sure you tune in for when you see me go to work

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