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SML Movie: Jeffy's Car Accident!

Jun 06, 2021
hmm, my 8 hours of hard work is finally over. I can't wait to take it out of the oven. What's happening? Jeffy. Oh, my choices. Actually, gravity made you drop your legs on top of you, you kick the ball in my face Sippi, I did that, oh yeah, you did, yeah, well tell him you're sorry, Chef Pepee, I didn't, Yes, you do, Jeff, if you say you do. Sorry, I'll make everything really better, yeah, well, sorry, chef peepee. Could Mario vert chef peepee still accept the apology from him. I'm trying to teach Jeffy manners, so I'm teaching him how to say I'm sorry, so accept his apology, he knocked over my lasagna, well, fix it, just say, just accept his apology so he learns to say he's sorry, you know what.
sml movie jeffy s car accident
Jeffy, I accept your apology, I'm so happy you knocked down my lasagna, you're welcome. Happy sun if Jeffy when. You say I'm sorry, it makes everything better, okay, I'm sorry, Danny, it doesn't work like that, my phone rings hello like you, she, where are you in jail? How did you end up in jail? Because the rest of me for trick-or-treating like you're sure it's not Halloween how you get arrested for trick-or-treating, let me explain people, so I was walking around the neighborhood and I saw packages on people's front doors. , so it would be too soon, but like you her.
sml movie jeffy s car accident

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That's stealing people's packages, what do people do on Halloween? They put candy at the front door for people to take so I thought they would put packages at the front door for me to take so I took them so it just means they haven't received. His package inside still look how much your bail is between four and five thousand forty-five thousand blacks you, what did you do? Swami took the whole car, you stole a car, yes, look, I don't know if I can bail you out. I'm going out this time, but it's too much money. I'll see what I can do.
sml movie jeffy s car accident
The only rich friend I have is Goodman. I'll call him oh, hello. Morgan, you asked me to come. Yes, I need a favor. Come inside. Wait for Mario. I want to show you something, look, that's a black car, not a disdainful black car, it's a Tesla, what a Tesla, it's a self-driving car. Mario, it can drive itself, yes it can drive itself while I sit there and look at my bank account. You see how rich I am. I can even look at a Tinder and find myself a new maid. Okay, yes, it's my favorite car. It drives itself, so I'll never have to drive again.
sml movie jeffy s car accident
Mario, he's absolutely brilliant, that's really cool. Yes, it is my favorite car. I would never die if something happened to it, well nothing will happen to it, because I can drive it by myself, absolutely Mario, there are cameras around it, so it avoids


s, so it will never get ruined, that's really cool, but I need you Come in because I need a favor, okay Martin, okay Mario, so what favor did you need from me? Well, my friend will wait right there, wait a second, look at that, Mario, you know what money is, money in my background, I call 11pro, okay, anyway.
I invited you because I hope you're not about to ask me for money because then I'd get angry. Well, wait, let me explain first. My friend needs help and that involves you. You can solve the problem. oh, how could I see the problem with him? Well, many of you say it, you have a lot of intelligence, yes, right, what has given you the opportunity in your life to make many good decisions mm-hmm that have led you to the realization of frequent is a large amount of money in jail and he needs the money to bail him out, why would we bail him out?
Actually, me, why would my money be needed to bail him out? Well, actually, I mean, I just want him out. from prison because you don't like being there, do you contribute to society? Well, he plays a lot of video games and I mean he gets arrested for stealing people's packages. That's where my package ends nicely. Anyway, why is Richard calling me a reject like you? I'm not going to answer that, no, so go back to your friend Mario, ah, I can't believe I had to drive to this poor neighborhood because my dad wasn't answering his phone, we'll see what he's doing, where's my data?
Sure we can drive your Lamborghini, sure, kid, whatever, where's my dad? Oh I think he's upstairs with my dad okay thanks oh man I can't believe Richard is going to let me conduct the Borghini exam he's back again how do you start this? Oh, it's a low plate bar Oh, oh man, I shut your hand, that Gatorade scratches someone's car, but I don't know whose it is, but my dad said that, as long as I tell him I'm sorry, no You may be angry, so I'm going to leave you a note saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry now, you can't be angry sir, if you could give me the money, how about my friend?
I promise I'll pay you back, dad, "Why the hell?" Aren't you answering your phone? I see it's there, Richard, what are you doing here? I drove to the port town to tell you that you need to shoot chives, shoot chives, because I wanted to go out on the yacht today, but he said no because it was going to rain or something, Richard, you know you can't go out on the yacht while it's raining because it will They might bite, speaking of chopped scallions, I also burned my pork chop this morning, so you have to fire it.
Well, Richard, we're not going to have this conversation now. You have to go home and deal with it. I hit you dad. I hate you too, son. I wish I had a new dad, but he was still rich. Richard, go home. I hate you Dad. I want a new dad, kids, uh, Mario, yeah, kids, mm-hmm, oh, I hate my dad, what's that sun oval? So the answer is no, Mario, I'm not going to give you money so you can get your friend out of jail, okay? Dad, dad, dad. The weird guy in the blue helmet wrecked my Lamborghini.
What did you do? I'm going to go check my car to see if he hit it. Okay, what's the problem? Well, I'm sorry, you're sorry, you better be sorry. sorry doesn't fix my dog ​​I wasn't saying sorry I was reading sorry oh so you're not sorry well I didn't do this Jeffy did it well well since you're the father that you are I'm still going to fix this look. Jimmy didn't know what he was doing. I told him that as long as he said he was sorry after doing something wrong, everything would be fine, then you didn't teach your son or key cars well.
I didn't know how to say you were sorry for doing that I don't even know what that is Mario, well, maybe it will get better, let's try that, oh, look at that more, you won't get it better, oh, okay, well, if you give me a chance fix it oh yeah, you'll fix it because if you don't fix it, I'll take everything you have, I'll take your house, I'll take your car, I'll take your hat, you know what? Mario, give me a hat now, you'll get it back when they fix my doors, so no more hat for you, dad.
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't even know what you're doing. The next thing you would do was take a detour. I know boom hit the car, chubby, you gotta go fix it 'cause I can't get my hat back until you fix it, okay, just use your spirit, man, oh yeah, I forgot, I got more than one hat, you're gonna use five , TRUE? I'm going to fix that car, okay Danny, I can fix your easy, yeah, you better fix it, easy, okay, Jeffy already fixes it, dad, that's a marker, yeah, it's like magic, just look at it, yeah , but it doesn't seem to work. almost done, come down here Chevy looks really bad, come back in two minutes and we'll be fine, okay, I'll trust you, okay Jeff, it's been two minutes, how are you doing?
He looks PP, he looks baby, he looks colorful, he looks black one day. I ran out of blocks here so I decided to make two. I'm sorry. Oh, very, very, very, very. It's a pair of puppies. Cut me, I can't accept this. Danny, it's colorful. Sorry, it's better than not colorful. I'm sorry. in a black car it looks better with black doors and I'm not sorry Danny I ran out of black okay Goodman is nothing for show you can't see this look let's go in and try to think of another way to fix this clock , it's okay, it's okay. nervous if we have to find a way to fix Goodman's car hey mortgage you fixed my car yeah I mean not really a little more you how did you get your hat back?
Give me that's my second hat, it's not my second anymore. Half okay, why don't we just check the car insurance? You have that I thought you are too poor. No. I have car insurance. Alright. Well, let's do that. So I guess, oh, really, yeah. You still don't get your hat back. My hat. What about the money for my friend? Well, well, at least we solved that problem. Hello, there are no black ears. I didn't forget about you, but I don't think I can get you out of jail. Why don't you say sorry, dad?

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