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SML Movie: Cody The Movie Star!

Jun 09, 2021
yeah, you know, 'cause that's what I'm famous for holding ice cream and saying my line without ice cream, oh, okay, you give and give and give and people still always want more, okay, I mean, yeah, well , he signed them, Joseph, that's really cool, yeah, these are really valuable. Do you know how many strings I had to pull to get them for you? They're not even on the market yet. Sorry, thanks Cody, yeah, yeah, okay guys, I have to go back to Hollywood and film more


s, you know, since we're your friends, is there any way we can know? ?, possibly, you know, go with you and watch you perform, please.
sml movie cody the movie star
Yeah, okay, I guess, but I'm shooting five


s today. Okay, stay out of my way. Okay, we'll be quiet on set. Wow dude, this is a movie studio. This is great, calm down, calm down, it's not. That's cool, okay, it's just a movie studio, I mean, I practically live here because of all the movies I made, so now it's all green screen, yeah, junior, those are modern movies, it's all green screen, like that So, how do you know who you're talking to? It's green screen I'm eating junior ice cream It's not that hard Oh, can we get into the scene?
sml movie cody the movie star

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sml movie cody the movie star...

Yeah, yeah, okay guys, how about you guys stay there? Well, I really have to focus on my work, I really have to be up right now, you know? okay, okay, don't make any noise, okay, we're ready to film Toy Story, are you ready, kid, okay, okay, I'm ready, let's do this, aren't you forgetting something? Wait, no, I'm fine, come on boy, your ice. cream, oh yeah, the ice cream, that's it for me, okay, sorry, okay, I've got my ice cream and I'm ready, let's do this and let's act. The toys were alive this whole time, I was just eating my uh, my whats.
sml movie cody the movie star
Oh, my ice cream, I'm sorry, I don't know how I forgot the ice cream, it's here in my hand, I'm sorry, let's do it again, this time from above and act on the toys that were alive all this time. I was eating my ice cream and I heard ah wait, what did I hear? What did I do? Oh oh yeah, okay, sorry, sorry, uh, yeah, the toys, yeah, yeah, I know, I know the toys, sorry, come on. Take it one more time, feel it and act. The toys were alive all this time. I was just eating my iced coffee.
sml movie cody the movie star
Damn, boy, the ice cream is in your hand. Yes, yes, I know, I know. It's okay, it's hot in here. and the ice cream is melting I'm angry, okay, okay, I got it, we'll do it again and act on what's been stolen, now it's going to be sold to a private collection and there's a horse this time too, wait what. No, no, that was the sequel, what am I doing? I don't even want to do this movie. Okay, this is stupid. I don't even want to do this. Look, I'm going home. forget this he just doesn't have it anymore


are you okay yeah yeah I'm okay I'm okay I'm just exhausted you know I like 25 of these movies a day and it's always the same line you know, I heard something different and something different happened but it's always the same line, I'm tired of it oh, it's like you forgot your line, although no, I know the line, okay, I'm a professional actor, I know the line well so say the line, okay, oh, she wants me to say the line, okay, I'll say the line, I'll do the Jaws one, okay, how about that?
What's that? There was a shark attack. Uh-oh, I was just holding. Oh my god, oh oh, what was he holding? Don't tell me I don't need help. I'm a professional actor, for God's sake. I was. He was holding on. It's cold and you eat it. Was it a paddle? No, no, it wasn't. a popsicle, it was mate, he lost it, I haven't lost it, it's okay, I'm at the top of my game, I'm the best I've ever been, I just need to think about what I was holding, it was like a push pop or a shake , yeah, I was just holding my milkshake, no, it was ice cream, wait, ice cream, yes, very good, of course, it's ice cream, obviously, it's always ice cream, what else would it be?
You hold it, you have a cone, okay, okay, yeah, I was holding my ice cream and I heard it, what did I hear? Oh God, I don't even know what movie I'm in anymore. Oh God, I can't do this anymore, junior, okay, Cody Judy, you know when I


ted all this. I was so excited because I heard a car accident and I ate ice cream and I was happy, but now I don't even care. You try to hold the ice cream for 24 hours a day. Your fingers get cold and itchy. I don't. I even like strawberry ice cream already, it's disgusting, Cody, okay, okay, some people just don't have it anymore, the phone rings, what my phone rings, well, I was just holding on like, oh God, what?
If I'm a cat? It's okay, you don't have to. Just answer your phone and tell him you don't want to do it anymore, he's really breaking down, dude, yellow, famous actor, Cody, here, how can I help you? Hey kid, I'm Steve, oh Steve, let me guess, you want me for another movie, oh. No, actually we talked about it with the studio and we're going to have to let you go, let me go, but I'm the ice cream boy. Because? Well, your movies just don't work like they used to. It's almost as if the public doesn't. I really don't think you're a kid with an ice cream cone or you've heard something that's


ting to get stale and you should know I'm Steve Stillberger, well yeah, but there's got to be other things we can do, you know, like Godzilla, right?
Do you know how? about this look at this look what Godzilla is attacking Tokyo well he was eating my this is exactly the kind of thing we're talking about you just don't have it anymore finish what happened


they fired me well is that what you wanted You were tired Of that, yes, but I was a famous Hollywood actor, now I'm nobody. Well, do you want to go have ice cream with this 20 that I have, it's a gift from me, yes, do you want to come, Cody, yes, although I'm going to buy chocolate. Well, maybe we'll hear a car accident, very funny, young man, Hey Jose, where did you get that 20 dollars?

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