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SMii7Y lives out his deepest fantasies in Gartic Phone

Jun 01, 2021
What do you mean it's not garlic? How did you get this? Do not call me again. Damn, what are you and there's a


watching? What about these prank calls nowadays they suck? It's a real victory number one, yeah, yeah, get off right now. clicking normal clicking start let's fart let's wait what is this? start a story i don't know what to do here can you guys draw dicks on youtube? okay okay I know how to do this I've watched enough streams to know how you got hot tub streamers there's oh my god there's no past samples button I'm embarrassed bro what have I done that's right how I feel mate, I must, I must, I also got a strange message, you know, I'll do it Be honest bro, let's go with the mouse, it's hard, horrible, oh John, do you have the tablet?
smii7y lives out his deepest fantasies in gartic phone
No, I'm using my mouse, oh obviously, I'm using the tablet, dummy, you've got to have some good drawings. Oh no, I did. Don't add scale, good luck, oh my god, there is no perfect type, are we all looking at the same one? No, no, I didn't get anything, oh brother, it's terrible. I feel like Eli just got mine right there. Don't finish the sentence, I'll just say oh he got mine, oh my god this is terrible, this is so bad, I think he might be an artist. No, it definitely shouldn't be. I never realized he was so good at this.
smii7y lives out his deepest fantasies in gartic phone

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smii7y lives out his deepest fantasies in gartic phone...

I found my true calling, goodbye youtube, you know what I won't, bro, okay, yeah, this is worn out. I know you're frowning on this handy, practical record, no buddy, okay, I'll just do a little bit of this in there, I guess not. Now I don't know, I know the amount of time I have to guess, oh, that's a bad one. Is this a Pacman ghost mixed with Bigfoot? Looks like someone got mine. That's all. I'm writing Pac-Man Chocolate Rice Cake. with a razor on it yeah, yeah, you know, that's a good guess, that's enough, yeah, okay, schmidty, what did you draw?
smii7y lives out his deepest fantasies in gartic phone
Okay, that's pretty good, that's pretty good, thanks man, it looks like a micro


, now I get the flow of this, okay, old lady with dementia. bakes muffins for her grandchildren, I can see it, I see it, there was a sexy little man with a hairy chest who is not a little man, she was not a little man when I saw that she was trying to put scales on the apple, but I didn't understand it in time and It was just a floating orange block so adorable Bigfoot, hey we got it, we landed on Bigfoot together. Okay, Schmidty put up something very boring.
smii7y lives out his deepest fantasies in gartic phone
I just said to describe such a mundane scene, brother, next time I will. Wow, this is what I do, it was a troll face, man, it made me so angry when I had his battle. I had to find a mass murderer, but yeah, I was going to say the mass murder just happened in the, but then, eli, I thought it was. oh my god, oh look yeah we're the same page, the same page and then grizzy, what did you spell wrong? There we go to slaughter, no, hey, properly, so who cares how we get there? I go to the store.
You can blame Swagger for that hot tub. streamer oh yeah well I guess and then I made sure Kanye West had his yeezy stolen. Oh, it really was that easy, wasn't it? It was really that easy. Oh, that's what I guess, although I need a good one, whoever gets mine, I hope it's made beautifully. Sorry, no, you know what I hope it's done beautifully. I think I gave a good message and it will be fun to draw. Oh my god, this is an arrogant message. I think it's just the first. They are reacting like this, there are still no drawings like, what happened to them?
I'm nervous, who has such a dirty mind? Hi John, how does your hair look now? I have a mullet. Okay, wait, why do you need to meet that dog? Don't worry about it right now this is so dirty I'm going to try to censor it as much as I can I'm not ready I'm ready I'm ready bro this is so stupid I'm just going to press ready yeah really this is terrible oh my god oh Oh my god what did I get out of mine like what I would say just to make the next one more interesting bro hmm okay who put this up?
Who put this up? Why did I keep this quiet? I think I have an idea for this oh now I know I need to know what my hair looked like oh I read that wrong oh no what is this oh my god is this I have it done buddy I already nailed that one there it is No way that's any different than that the person wrote the first time, so I said aliens get a bending criminal, what is a fender? A car accidentally hits him and his fender bends and he struts. Put good alien insurance. Scam insurance.
Ben Shapiro owns feminists with facts. and the logic, this is so specific, so I drew a sausage and now he is the one I was. I was so confident that this one would be exactly the same, as the joker sneaks into the hospital in disguise. This changed, although yes, I changed it. it's the other way around brother it's the other way around there's your thumbnail you're disgusting and then i drew this jesus christ is nailed oh god they don't throw money at god jesus goes to saint moly strip club that looked like a piece of cash that's what i was going for to look for uh sky strip club hey I think I think no I wasn't I didn't stay on the right oh wait no I give someone a really annoying message to draw oh okay okay okay .
This message is probably the funniest I've ever seen. You're not laughing. I am drawing. Damn, that's funny, bro. Once he finishes drawing, just wait, he's going to laugh. Which sucks. This is if I add anything else, it becomes racist. just draw the message just draw the just draw the front bro it looks like damn I didn't do it yeah I tried oh what the hell this is probably my best drawing this is like a raccoon bro this is the funniest thing I've ever done. I've seen it bro trust me bro very funny bro this is like please laugh the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life please laugh bro I hate you okay okay , okay, I listened to the FBI.
We've been tracking everything you've been sending, let's see what we do. said that a huge pile of snow falls on a snowy field on a cloudy day. I was just trying to think of the whitest, most mundane, most boring scene I could imagine. Wow, you did a good job, though it seems that way. pretty cool blizzard asian man doesn't do anything special what i just finished drawing my wii character bro thanks for not making the eyes more slanted that's what i'm saying like what else got it russ smith smitty took out a ruler just to be sure him, what didn't become racist when Anthony doesn't show up, well I guess it's something very different, oh my god, oh my god, load the shotgun, the big jiggly panda dead, yeah, that's what I'm thinking, Where is he with five idiots playing telephone with garlic? meta boy what do I draw though grizzy I'll say I tried I ran out of time not bad so bad that's pretty good for epic players hey something completely out of my pocket but I won't be broke keep pulling out of my pocket bro you're sitting why are you guys , guys, in your pocket, pickle, someone, brother, oh brother, that's what it looks like, believe me, brother, it's the funniest thing you'll ever see, brother, please always laugh if this is what I think it is , what did I do, what a bridge, oh yeah, I nailed this. a guy, I think I understood it too, I really knew it, I knew exactly what it was, it's that a foot, it's not a foot face, hey, who wrote this and doesn't know how to spell grinch and put grind, that's all, I'm leaving, I love it when you guys are concentrating on drawing shut up I have to make this really good bro I don't know oh I forgot a whole part of this oh god what memorizes this drawing you have to replicate it wait it was three minutes ago dude, I just hate the person who did this one because I won't say it but you're an idiot I actually don't even know you well I do know you but I don't know who you are right now dude it's good enough maybe another one bro, there was something here and in here I think this is semi-accurate to what I saw, mine is more accurate, but they definitely gave some room for freedom too, I don't have time to mess with all the custom colors , friend, I have to describe them. oh, this is easy, I don't know what, this is not the time to think about what it could be, just write down the first thing that comes to mind come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, well, who, What did I say, are you? writing that school that's what my no, that was good this was this was a yes, yes, that's okay, that's okay, this is your brain on drugs, I'll say this one feels like it has more depth, okay, That's close to arrogance, what did you do? ramsay yelling at raymie I'm so sorry you were thinking yeah yeah I honestly thought smitty came pretty close but you guessed Gordon Ramsay no rat pooped before getting that tattoo it was so hard for some reason for me to draw oh wow you sweated on the drawing the ingredient, what do you mean because you did the same thing?
You could say that what swag the grind did by stealing christmas, but with I don't know if it carries christmas, tim's the grind carried, yes, it came back, this is all I saw dreaming angry. in the Vatican cardinal, that's a good guess, wait, he also holds the ratatouille, that room he made, yeah, camel calling the bank, why did he feel so strong? Wait this was oh my god wow there was something here and here it started out as a camel I thought it was a dinosaur so I drew it as a t-rex and a pterodactyl power rangers okay dinosaur vs bird twitter damn, look at that, that's what happens when you take academic studies, yeah, I feel stable, I have my money where I am.
I wanted it to be that way, I can't complain, I just bought it from the first assistant who actually tries to flirt with me, I don't know, maybe it's a possibility that I destroyed 14 hours.

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