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May 24, 2024
What's wrong with everyone? Hello, my name is Brian. I am a



owner, real estate investor, and avid scammer. Welcome to my channel and my PCH swing. Sit back and stay a while to determine the best





I took. a couple of things to consider number one for repeat business with a small population, this is one of the key aspects of running a successful business because if people only need your product or service once, you may do very well over a period of time, but with each sale your potential customer base shrinks and once you have served everyone you will run out of customers, your business is finished;
small town business ideas that work
However, don't completely rule out an idea that doesn't lead to repeat business. I mean, it may not be a long-term business. but if you can make a lot of money in a short period of time it's probably worth it and secondly a reasonable upfront cost. Small


s often can't support the type of pricing structure that larger communities can support, there just isn't as much money floating around. smaller communities and so we want to make sure that your initial investment is reasonable based on the amount of income this business can generate, but as a side note, a big benefit of doing business in a small town is that it doesn't cost as much money . operating there your rent will be cheaper your labor will be cheaper your living expenses will be cheaper so your income figures may not look as good as their big city counterparts, but it may not be necessary because your dollars will stretch further, okay, let's jump to the You're here for food truck number one.
small town business ideas that work

More Interesting Facts About,

small town business ideas that work...

Food trucks are usually found in trendy, emerging urban areas, but don't discount the small town idea. Small towns often have limited fast food options and a food truck is really an option. inexpensive way to start a business, you will have much less risk and overhead with a food truck than with a brick-and-mortar location and some national restaurant chains simply won't build in rural areas, so let's use that to our advantage, but let's stick with it. Simple, the fewer menu items you have, the easier it is to start and operate the business, so at first focus on one meal and do it very well, be the best at it, for example, let's take everyone's favorite good burgers and fries Americans, while You'll need a few basic ingredients for customers to choose from all your burgers and fries to cook or, if burgers aren't your thing, maybe chicken strips, tacos, or quesadillas, just choose an item that you think will


. well in their community bar. to that and do it and once you can run this business while you sleep, if you need it at that time, you can add additional menu items, but if it


s as is, leave it as is.
small town business ideas that work
I always like the acronym kiss, keep it simple. stupid, you make good food, make it fast and price it right, you will build a loyal clientele, no doubt, now don't forget to check with your community and health department about permits. You don't want to get in trouble with that laundry room number two. Laundromats require a physical location and for that reason alone this is probably the least profitable idea on this list but it is also the least interventionist business on this list in a rural town you will have a good portion of the population working in labor jobs and that means there will be really dirty clothes in your community, clothes that are so dirty that many people won't want to wash them in their home washing machine, just provide some commercial washers and dryers and you If you have a good business, you should be able to find a small building commercial for a pretty cheap rent and it doesn't have to be a beautifully renovated space, just a clean, well-lit facility with working equipment.
small town business ideas that work
It might even include some vending machines. there to earn a few extra dollars. Oh, and maybe you could park your food truck in the parking lot, too. People could eat while they dried their clothes. Little engine repair shop number three, if you've ever taken your lawn mower in for repair, you know? that these guys always have a huge waiting list and it can take weeks to get your machine back if you know a good mechanic or if you are a good mechanic this could be a great deal for you the average labor cost at least in my area is around $60 an hour so it doesn't take a lot of machines to make a pretty decent wage and you could start your own garage to reduce your overhead if need be so if you have the knowledge and tools this It's really a good option.
Good option for a small city. Almost everyone in your area will have small engines that will need to be repaired at some point. Number four, junk. I don't mean that you personally go look for the metal. You could do it if you wanted, but. That's not the point. I'm talking about buying scrap metal from scavengers for less than you can sell it at scrap metal facilities and why would people do that? Ask well if you are in a smaller city, probably the junkyard. The facility is a decent distance from you so let's say it's 1 hour from your city if someone has 50 pounds of aluminum and the scrapyard will give them a dollar per pound.
I have no idea if that's what they would actually give him. I'm just using it as an example, but we'll say you would pay $1 for every pound of aluminum and someone has 50 pounds, it's not worth that person driving 2 hours for $50 worth of scrap aluminum, but if it could get to you in 10 minutes and get 50 cents a pound. Well, you don't have to drive 2 hours. You can buy it for 50 cents and you can sell it for a dollar. All you have to do is throw it in your trailer. and hold on to it until you have enough to make the trip worth it, so now you've saved your client from having to drive 2 hours for 50 bucks and you can make a little money off of it too, it's a situation where everyone wins. and the best businesses are symbiotic transactions when everyone wins everyone is happy and when everyone is happy a business will flourish number five a welding or metal fabrication shop there are a number of things that can be done with this type of business your particular offering will be to be strongly influenced by your knowledge capacity and the tools you have at hand in a rural community people tend to use more machinery and equipment that needs to be repaired or modified for their needs and often their repair is substantially less expensive than they It is to replace if you are in a farming community, farm equipment is under a lot of stress and parts break, very few people have the knowledge or skill to work metal by themselves so competition will be low.
You could also get into building or manufacturing custom products. things like deer stands, tables or stair railings, utility trailers, you name it, the only limitation is your skill set and the equipment you have on hand when you really start to think about it, the opportunities for metalworking are almost endless. , the sixth heavy equipment operator. Are you familiar with heavy equipment like bulldozers or excavators or even smaller machines like tractors? If so, you could do dirt work or land clearing and in rural areas there are always people looking to have their gravel roads repaired or a plot of land prepared for their house.
Clearing for pure land or building a pond may now seem like a really expensive undertaking due to the cost of heavy machinery, but you can always rent it and as long as you factor the cost of rental into your price. You'll be totally fine with that as the business improves, you could buy your own equipment if you needed it or maybe just keep renting it, that's something you'd have to determine once your business really takes off and you see what the needs are. number seven, an online business, okay, small towns have a small population, fortunately we have the internet, which gives us access to everyone on the planet, so if you have skills to do things like making custom jewelry or leather wallets or wooden bowls or anything. that you could make and that you can sell online through Etsy or Ebay, maybe you could start a blog or a YouTube channel.
Country life tends to do very well on YouTube, especially when you can show something unique about your country life, maybe you're an organic person. Watermelon Farmer As silly as it may sound, there's an audience for you, there's an audience for everyone, all you have to do is record some videos, figure out how to edit them so they're halfway interesting, and eventually post them to YouTube. You will find your audience and let me tell you, I am learning by experience. The YouTube paychecks are pretty good, they're a lot better than I expected and you'll see my channel isn't that big at the time of recording this. over 2,000 subscribers in my first week monetized I made $800 The opportunities online really are endless.
This video doesn't even remotely touch on all the


out there, so if that's something that interests you, don't stop at my video, keep looking. So many ideas and there are so many good videos that can guide you step by step on how to do it, just be careful, don't get fooled by those gurus who want you to pay them a lot of money to learn how to do it. to do whatever they want to teach you how to do it just don't be fooled by those guys if they ask you for money just walk away now there are some courses that are probably worth it but there are also a lot of shady people too so just be careful make sure Do your homework before giving money to someone.
Guys, making money is really not that difficult, all it takes is a good idea, smart work and a positive mindset. Mentality is everything. They will always have problems with their finances. Those are the people in the comments section below listing all the Under the Sun excuses why the ideas in this video don't work. Look, they're there. I promise if this video gets a decent number. of opinions and comments you'll see what I'm talking about, there will always be the Negative Nancy out there to tell you it won't work, it can't work, you can't do it, those people just exist and I really don't I don't know why I don't understand why people has that attitude, but they do and like Henry Ford said, whether you think you can or you can't, you're right, so if you're the person in the comments below.
Say this idea is silly, you can't make money doing this, you are right, you can't make money doing this, money is everywhere and people are always looking to spend it, so keep your attitude right and find out what value it has. you can offer other people in exchange for money people are not going to give you money in exchange for nothing you have to find a way to create value for people money is not scarce it is everywhere it is around you and you must take into account That money has a different value for everyone, while $1,000 can be life-changing for you, there are people out there who might drop $1 million on the street and not even bother to bend down and pick it up because it's not worth their time.
And i mean it. People exist and people who have money will pay whatever it takes to get the things they want or need, you just have to figure out what those things are and speaking of attitude towards money, if that's something you need help with, look at this. video here seriously this video will help you think well guys thank you for your time I sincerely appreciate it and if you like this video please take a moment to like this video and while you're there go ahead and press subscribe button and that notification bell and that way YouTube will notify you when I publish the next one thanks for watching until the end and see you in the next one, bye.

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