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Small Mistakes With HUGE Consequences

May 12, 2024
we all make


maybe you forgot an important meeting maybe you accidentally called your teacher mom maybe you pressed the wrong button and uploaded your yoga routine to your 11 million subscribers instead of another amazing facts video before quickly deleting it okay , no matter how shameful your mistake is. Can you rest easy knowing it wasn't all that bad, not compared to flipping a switch that plunged an entire city into chaos or failing to tighten a single bolt and causing a cataclysmic meltdown, so prepare to feel better about yourself as we take a look ? for some



that had



, I declare a riot, everyone hates a blackout without television, without internet, without electricity for several hours, ugh, now they are an inconvenience, but nothing compared to the most legendary blackout of all time On July 13, 1977, three lightning strikes.
small mistakes with huge consequences
Con Edison New York facilities in an instant New York City and Westchester County were plunged into darkness, the operator had about 15 minutes to restore power and get the facilities back up and running, a window of time decent to do that, that operator needed to flip a series of switches in the correct order, unfortunately for the people of New York, that anonymous operator messed up, missed a switch and as a result the city was dark and powerless for 25 hours Still, the people of New York are known for being reasonably calm and collected. So no, of course not, they immediately descended into the largest riot the city had ever seen.
small mistakes with huge consequences

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small mistakes with huge consequences...

The stores bypassed public infrastructure. The cars were burned. The city was consumed by chaos. This resulted in 1,000 fires, 1,600 looting, and 3,700 arrests. It is estimated that a lost switch cost the city almost $300 million in damages, however, there was another unexpected consequence of the blackout: the birth of conventional hip-hop music professional mixing and music equipment is expensive and in At that time they were incredibly high-quality products. After this equipment was stolen, it was hot, meaning the police were eager to recover it, forcing looters to sell the equipment quickly and at deep discounts, most of those Buyers were poorer inner-city New Yorkers who would otherwise have difficulty affording it.
small mistakes with huge consequences
A new generation of musicians in New York suddenly had access to the equipment they needed to make the music they wanted and Hip-Hop went from a niche genre to a nationwide phenomenon in a matter of years, maybe if they had flipped a different switch we would have seen my country techno dream. came true, it was worth the blackout to eventually get Run DMC, let me know in the comments below and be sure to like and subscribe for more amazing content on the foreign party when parents throw gender reveal parties for their unborn babies, anyone besides them really?
small mistakes with huge consequences
What does it matter that I'm going to stop being your friend if you have a girl? Well, stupid, as I think they are, at least they are not dangerous, that is, they were not before September 5, 2020, when Ángela and Refugio Jiménez got a little grandiose with theirs. They organized a gathering in the woods near their home in El Dorado California, they decided to do the special reveals with some pyrotechnics, it seems they both had baby brains, because fireworks and dry forests in the summer don't mix well, especially considering September 2020 was 20 degrees hotter than previous summers, a dramatically timed smoke bomb ended up setting fire to one branch which set fire to another branch and another, let's just say things got out of control quickly, the fire quickly spread across the dry forest and soon the nearby houses. and buildings were burning the harsh, dry summer had made the fire difficult to fight and raged for an unprecedented 23 days during this time, families evacuated their homes, roads were closed due to smoke and many businesses were unable to operate when the fire calmed down. had claimed 23,000 acres of land 15 businesses five houses and the life of a firefighter El Infierno caused an estimated 40 million dollars in damages and at the end of it all the Jiménez Family was accused of 30 crimes the name and sex of the baby were Never It was revealed to the public when he was born if he is a boy.
I hope they called him Bernie. It may be hard to believe that fireworks can cause so much damage, but even if they don't set a forest on fire, they're still dangerous. Don't believe me, look at this as another


mistake: an employee at a fireworks factory in Denmark slipped while carrying a box of fireworks, the force of his fall caused them to shoot in all directions, which then caused In a dazzlingly destructive spectacle, the accident damaged more than 2,100 homes, leaving 176 of them completely uninhabitable. Two thousand people had to be evacuated. Dozens were injured and damage worth around €100 million was caused.
That's all. From now on, I am very careful. I'm just throwing fireworks in the microwave where it's safe, there's no time to put spies to sleep, we love them in the movies, they're smooth, deadly and have the best gadgets, but I hate to tell you and they're not perfect, this is Heinrich. Albert and during World War I he was the paymaster for German spies operating in the United States. He made sure that these spies received payment on time. They had the proper supplies for the missions along with all the documents they needed. So he was a big guy and in 1915 the United States was still not officially in the war, but they were providing munitions and supplies to the European allies.
Germany thought this was a good thing, so it created a


network of spies to sabotage American production lines, bribe officials, and cause all kinds of trouble. One day, Albert got on a train in Harlem New York, he sat down and after a while he fell asleep. Now look, when you reach a certain age and need the occasional nap, it's understandable. What is less understandable, however, is falling asleep on a train right next to your briefcase containing the names, locations and missions. All the spies in the country Albert woke up groggily and got off the train before realizing he didn't have his briefcase, he ran back but it wasn't there, it had already been stolen by the American Secret Service agents who were behind him, a Terrified Albert.
He placed an advertisement in the evening telegraph offering $20 for the return of the briefcase, but the US government was not so short of cash, the US now had evidence proving German sabotage. , which they used to send all German ambassadors and diplomats back to Germany this left all of Germany's spies in the dark with no idea where to go or what to do in the White House. He then leaked this news to the press, humiliating Germany's man by making them look weak on the world stage, the United States finally entered the war in 1917 and while this was not entirely Albert's fault, it was a scandal that shocked many Americans. and it shook them out of their old passive stance on war, so remember, no matter how badly you messed up, you never accidentally tipped the scales of a World War Corner story for most of human history. flying was a beautiful and unattainable dream today it is a narrower affair that somehow always sits you between two crying babies yet it was exciting for a while and in 1950 there was nothing more exciting than Davelen's new Comet airplane, it was the first of the world's commercial airliner with a futuristic design powered by four impressive ghost turbojet engines.
Its test flight in 1949 went off without a hitch and in 1952 the sleek new aircraft began carrying passengers around the world just a year after its launch. However, the tragedy Struck One crashed. This was incredibly unfortunate for de Havilland in the 1950s, US airlines experienced around half a dozen accidents per year, considering there were thousands of flights per year, although this was extremely unfortunate, but then another one broke up in mid-air and another, in two years, three comets crashed, resulting in the loss of 89 lives Three accidents in two years was beyond bad luck, something was going on and after several investigations an unlikely culprit was found.
Check out this image of the Comet next to a modern Airbus. Notice any differences here, let's zoom in. They are the windows. Observe how the Airbus windows work. They have rounded corners, while the comet has corners with hard angles In vehicle engineering, a square corner or angle is considered a stress amplifier when pressure is applied to an object, it is more likely to break around a stress amplifier like that , think of a Toblerone, the hard angles where the corners meet is always where you separate them. The square-cornered windows around the comet's fuselage were particularly vulnerable to pressure.
After all, they are in the front of a plane going 450 miles per hour after a few trips. Those square windows sold out when the round ones would. It's sad to think that they have remained strong, but this aesthetic design decision ended up costing many people their lives. De Havilland immediately redesigned its aircraft and no aircraft has featured square windows since today. The last comet was dismantled and moved to an operating air hangar. as a museum, let's just hope that hanger doesn't have square windows or it will never fly, thank you, screws loose, the dream of space travel has always been an idea that unites all of humanity, one day together we can make the impossible possible, no, it's a joke.
It's all about bragging During the 50's and 60's the USSR and the US competed to see who could get to the moon first because as any YouTube comment section will tell you, first is always better, the Soviets were the first to launch a satellite into space with Sputnik. in October 1957 and became the first to launch a living creature into space just a month later, rest in peace Leica, you were real as the years passed, although the Americans began to catch up, in 1962 they announced their plans for the Saturn V which they believed would put a man on the Moon, not wanting to be left behind, the Soviets quickly began work on their ambitious N1 rocket with a similar goal.
They were neck and neck until July 19, 1969, when the N1 launched gloriously before it crashed very, very ingloriously. Back on Earth, the event was a tragedy that claimed the lives of the cosmonauts on board and crushed the Soviet spirits at the time, the N1 fireball was the largest explosion ever created by man, apart from the atomic bomb. , the disaster set the USSR back years both economically and in the future. The world stage to make matters worse The United States' Saturn V launched without problems 13 days later, on July 16, 1969, the United States landed a man on the Moon and that was history, but it almost wasn't.
This catastrophic alteration of history was caused by a loose explosion. It turns out that not long after launch, a poorly fixed bolt on the N1 was sucked into a fuel pump, there it bounced at high speed, interrupting the flow of fuel and causing a huge fireball, if it weren't for that small oversight, we could have seen a Soviet. flag frozen forever on the moon children review their work The Titanic mistake we all know the story of the Titanic, the supposedly unsinkable cruise ship that sailed towards the Atlantic collided with an iceberg and sank in the icy waters, costing the lives of about 1,500 people during decades.
The cause of the disaster has been analyzed especially by James Cameron and the finger of blame often points towards one man, Fred Fleet, he was the lookout aboard the Titanic and his job was to detect obstacles in the water, so he must have been quite bad. Not noticing the enormous Iceberg, like many Titanic stories, is more complex and tragic than it initially appears, shortly before the Titanic departed. Top cruise executives decided they wanted Henry Wilde's esteemed semen on the crew. placed on the crew list, other crew members were demoted in rank to make way for him, that's where David Blair comes in, while Mr.
Blair was also an experienced sailor, his presence was not requested as Mr. . Wilde, it was thought that moving Blair down the rank would be an insult to him, so he was removed from the trip. After all, it wouldn't be necessary with Wild on board. This is where a minor but incredibly tragic accident occurred. You see, when Blair left, he forgot to deliver something small but very big. Important for his replacement was a key, this small key belonged to a vital locker in the ship's Crow's Nest. What did this locker contain? Fred's binocularsThrough this unfortunate series of mishaps, Fleet was unable to access his binoculars the night of his incident.
This meant that she could not see much of the surrounding ship and she was unable to detect the iceberg until it was too late. Fleet would survive the incident, but was wracked with guilt for the rest of his life. He testified in the Senate that if he had He is sure that with the binoculars he could have avoided the disaster. The key was later found and sold at auction in 2007 for 90,000 pounds (about two hundred thousand dollars today), although at one point it would have been technically priceless. A quick breakup. The following story is important because it is about the dangers of smoking, no I don't mean ruining your lungs, developing an addiction or causing debilitating health problems, I mean property damage, our story begins in Ukraine, in the incredibly easy to pronounce town of Novable Danivka, check out the first attempt while the town itself was a rather small and humble place that held an important secret located in the picturesque hills of Novable Danifka, there was an ammunition depot that stored 92,000 tons of explosive material, including weapons.
Ammunition and explosives that the country had little use for. They had been stored after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the ammunition was still valuable and guards were installed to monitor The Depot. The thing is staring at a sad gray building for hours and hours at a time, it can get boring, so they did what everyone apathetic does. Europeans smoke to kill time, so what happened next isn't entirely clear, but one account posits that a guard stuffed a dirty Burger King rapper into the smoking area's trash can while soldiers put out his cigarettes. in the designated ashtray and the smoking area started to stink. so the guards decided to go out to the designated smoking area and closer to the weapons depot, for some reason they were there, a guard dropped or put out an errant cigarette and, as expected, a catastrophe occurred.
If you stack a bunch of explosives on top of each other, it's really difficult to set off one of them. one explosion led to another that ignited fires that caused even more explosives to explode. The slow and steady chain of explosions made it impossible to safely address the disaster. In total, the explosions lasted eight days straight and the effects were felt in an area of ​​more than 150 square miles. Several people lost their lives, many were injured, and 35,000 had to The incident caused damage worth $450 million several years later. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the light off.
Have you ever been confused by a bad design decision, like a post door with no handle or an unreachable outlet, while it could be worse, at least that design? Blunders Didn't Cause a Nuclear Meltdown On March 28, 1979, modest Little Rock on Three Mile Island near Middleton Pennsylvania had a problem. You see, this unassuming Little Rock was home to a nuclear reactor that was about to overheat. A mechanical failure prevented the pumps from working. sending water to the plant's steam generators which removed heat from the reactor core, fortunately there was an incredibly simple solution: close a valve, once closed this valve would act as an emergency stop.
The gap would prevent the reactor from overheating and could be activated with the push of a button. So what was the problem? Bad design. You see, there was a small light above the valve indicating its status. Everyone at the power plant reasonably assumed that once the switch was pressed and the light above the valve came on, it meant the valve was closed and the crisis had been averted. Not so, the light only indicated that the button had been pressed, not that the valve had actually closed, this meant that the workers were breathing a sigh of relief when they should have gotten dirty.
If anyone at the plant had known this, they would have tried another solution or they pressed the button much sooner because they didn't know what the light meant, the plant overheated and went into meltdown. The incident is still considered the worst nuclear accident in US history, forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes causing severe damage to the environment surrounding the man-made plant, but fortunately, achieving only minor effects on workers, the cleanup would take 12 years and $973 million, all because someone thought a light indicating something might happen was a good idea. Shaky Ground During the Second Punic War, some 2,200 years ago, ancient Rome faced the toughest adversary they had ever faced, the Kingdom of Carthage in North Africa.
What made Carthage so terrifying was the leadership of its great general, one of the baddest mofos in history. Hannibal Barca Hannibal won several important victories against Rome, including the Battle of Canny, which is still considered one of the most strategically impressive victories in history, as well as one of Rome's greatest defeats. Rome was so afraid of Carthage that some politicians ended every speech with the phrase Carthage must be destroyed, even if they were talking about something else, and eventually its army was destroyed. So why didn't Hannibal win? It is a great historical mystery. The prevailing theory is that, despite his victories, Hannibal's supplies and men were too few to assault Rome's capital, giving Rome time to regroup and ultimately win the war.
Why was Hannibal left with nothing? Although during the war, Hannibal decided to cross the Alps with his army, this was a miserable and crazy trek, especially considering that he was carrying live elephants on his back. One account reports that to inspire his men to march on Hannibal he decided to give a rousing speech and ended it by dramatically slamming his staff into the snow, triggering a massive avalanche that buried alive a third of his army. Some accounts say that up to 18,000 men and elephants were instantly annihilated. If true, this sudden loss would explain why Hannibal did not have the manpower to seize Rome when Rome emerged victorious, sealing her status as the predominant superpower of the classical era.
If Carthage had one, the world would look very different. Many languages ​​would be based on Phoenician rather than Latin, meaning our alphabet would look like this and we. I would be using words like kitty that's how you pronounce that key lip, eh, without Rome there would be no Holy Roman Empire either and probably no Christianity either, since there would be no Roman occupation of Jerusalem, it's hard to even imagine, isn't it? All this because Grandpa needed to make a dramatic impact on Point Hanshin. 1995 was a big year as Windows released an operating system that would take the world by storm.
Michael Jordan made his triumphant return to basketball and somehow a movie about shooting gorillas with diamond lasers was a hit Japan, yet this year is remembered for a single catastrophic event, the Hunchin earthquake, this monster has a magnitude of 7.3. The earthquake occurred early on January 17, in addition to claiming between five thousand five hundred and six thousand five hundred lives, caused a mind-boggling 200 billions of dollars worth of damage was inevitable, as much of this destruction was. There was one area where things didn't have to go as bad as they did and it was along the Kobe route, this is the main link between the city of Kobe and Osaka, which was home to the mighty Hanshin Expressway built in 1966.
He supposed the net could withstand the tremors of an earthquake, but it had no weapons and the bridge collapsed. Therefore, an autopsy on the bridge suggests that it had inadequate hoop anchorage along with insufficient shear capacity. Simply put, anchorage refers to the means by which structures are connected to concrete, while shear capacity refers to the ability of a structure to resist sliding against itself, while any of these oversights are bad. alone in a structure supposedly designed to withstand earthquakes which made for an especially terrible combo in the 20 short seconds that the earthquake lasted the bridge bent and collapsed and was so completely decimated that it needed to be completely rebuilt at a cost of 4.6 billion of dollars as you can see when it comes to civic engineering everything must be perfect and must receive regular maintenance to stay perfect, take this football stadium in Vitesse in the Netherlands for example, the fans were clapping and stomping after a victory In 2021 when this happened overseas, by some miracle, there were no reports of injuries as fans laughed.
Mayor Hubert Brules didn't see the humor in knowing the situation could have been much worse. A formal investigation did not reveal a single cause, but it did reveal that the structure had been built in the 1930s with almost no maintenance between then and the incident, and if an American laughs at these silly European and Japanese infrastructures, we'll brace ourselves. for a rude awakening because, by some estimates, up to 25 of America's infrastructures are at risk of becoming inoperable with disastrous


. Just look at this Metrodome collapse from 2010. Outsider what you just saw was a huge amount of snow coming through that roof.
The roof of this Minnesota stadium featured an outer layer of Teflon-coated fiberglass with an inner layer of fabric acting as the roof structure. The roof itself was strong and heavy. 580 thousand pounds the problem was an oversight in the material you see even a small hole in a weak fabric can become a big problem if enough pressure is applied to it and all that snow applies a lot of pressure like a torn sheet the small holes and the fabric it grew and grew under the weight of the snow before everything collapsed. Imagine if the team had been practicing, they would have become skiers.
Let's learn from examples like Honchen Minnesota and Vitesse. Review your work and then revisit it every few years. thanks, sweep legs, legs are cool, they let you walk around open doors and spin kick punks who criticize your girl, but you know what legs are not good for buildings, buildings don't need walking or do roundhouse kicks well. 1977 City Corp opened its sleek new building known at the time as City Corp Center, which featured a sleek, modern design with an angled roof and a series of long, thin legs. This elegant new appearance made the building the center of attention in New York after its construction.
The fabulous design gave the building a glaring weakness. However, the wind you see becomes windy at 918 feet because there is nothing imposing air resistance, such as trees or other buildings. Architecture student Diane Hartley realized that the building's unique shape made it particularly susceptible. to strong winds that could destroy its structure Real Integrity Diane contacted the building's designer William Le Mercier with her Discovery William realized his mistake while he had counted heavy wins on the building's facades, he had not thought about the effects on its corners when do some A frantic investigation William realized that a storm strong enough to topple the building occurred about once every 55 years, worse still, its legs meant that if it fell it would not collapse inwards but would fall onto other buildings causing even more destruction.
It sounds bad, right? It gets worse. Because Diane and William discovered this fact just before Hurricane Ella hit New York, Williams sprang into action, creating an evacuation plan with the NYPD and ensuring there were 2,500 Red Cross members on standby. and a team of engineers will work around the clock for three months straight to come up with a solution, working secretly to avoid creating hysteria. Engineers welded two-inch-thick steel plates onto the building's studs to increase its strength. They worked so secretly that the building's residents didn't even notice them thanks to Diane's deduction. William's conviction corrected his mistake and the hard work of those engineers, the crisis was averted without making the headlines, in fact the only reason this was discovered was because an engineer talked about it at a party years later.
Hey, I get it, it's a big boast. While the major consequence of this small mistake was avoided, I think we could end on a lighter note, sue me. Well, those were some awfully big mistakes, huh? What's the worst little mistake you've ever made? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for watching thanks

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