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Slayer Interview on Henry Rollins Show

Jun 08, 2021
The new album is called Christ Illusion and it was a line from the cult song that works really well with the cover and Tom suggested it and we ended up using it after a fight. We were giving everyone false leads. Everyone thought they needed to enable it for the alamin. in the end we ruined everyone and decided to call it that or Slayer, we never read about religion it just means war against Jesus, when we make things up I think we just try to make them up from perspectives no one would think of or I'm just coming from you-know-the-guy directions bad, so to speak, we have a common theme that runs through all our albums and that theme is evil death, yes, that's the only thing all the albums have in common.
slayer interview on henry rollins show
We apply the cool factor, which means if we come up with a song and yeah, it's cool, that song stays on the record, we don't work with Rick. Rick pretended he oversaw the mixing a little bit, but we, the producers, Josh, recorded it. Abraham, who was everyone and his Rick Rubin, used to be the guy you guys did a lot of, you know with me working on this record was John Ewing Jr. The engineer you'd see was the Magic Man, sure, yeah, you know, our manager had this really cool idea days ago: to get everyone back together to make this thing lasting for this record, so she went to find Larry Carroll, who came. with the album with the cover upside down, so he, you know, here we had all approached Rubin and Rubin was busy doing other things and he stopped us for a while to say, man, you wouldn't even like to answer us, yeah, him. stopped us but he told me he was too busy doing other things so we filmed we started waiting for him we would still be recording yeah he came in when we were doing the mixing of some final mixes when I felt like we were good with the mixes already You know, he's his record company, he has the final say, even with the packaging, you know, I mean, we're all cool, cool, cool, well, put it like this, which one did you like?
slayer interview on henry rollins show

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We like that one. Okay, I guess we can figure that out, but the mixers we put it out, yeah, but the mixers were you know he has to have his, you know what he brings as far as the mixing goes, the final mixes of everything that He actually has pretty good hearing. for that kind of thing so, you know, we don't, we don't hesitate with that, it's the other things that were, but musically yes, he's a good year, an outside person and, you know, he, they, they did the that I had. I asked and in general everything sounded very good.
slayer interview on henry rollins show
I mean, we've recorded the same way for man since at least it rains in blood, if not hell, it's the only strange thing, it was the first one when someone suggested you not play the cymbals and you went back and played your cymbals, yeah, I don't know who convinced us to do that, but it was dumb moms that we've done the same thing forever, man, only that was a slave. I couldn't. Although I knew the member of Zimmerman's tour. was Slagel, that was the first thing you said, everyone does it, yeah, where they overdub the cymbals, that was our first time, so we're like this, so we're good, then he played his drugs without cymbals and then Aaron came in and overdubbed with cymbals , so the first drink of mercy, our first record, we, these guys, we have songs that bind us, we listen to them and then we click with the ones we like, we learn them, we work with them, you know, I mean, no have. 30 songs, we don't sit there and say, "Oh right, let's go to this, you know, we would come up with 50 songs and pick the best 20 and on the other you know the rest of them can go to your next albums that end up being a shit". we just stuck with a number that we saw we liked and on this one we had eleven, you know, I had a I went out for a while so I couldn't finish the last song so we'll only have ten on this album so our fans They are the most loyal hardcore fans.
slayer interview on henry rollins show
I mean, I'm impressed because you still have the older fans behind the crowd and we're still bringing young faces to the front now right in front of us younger kids. We're in front of Oakland, but we still have the older kids or our same age or whatever and they're still in the back and they're in the back, we know all the songs that the kids say, the older kids are in the back, that I would be on. . the two oldest kids, a lot of second generation fans, they literally came from a mother and a father, they were big Slayer fans, we have quite a few of those, that's really impressive, you know, you know some of them and they say: you know or you know the kid that my dad turned, you got me excited about you guys, like your dad is like yeah, he's a big fan, you said dude, you checked out his band, you know, he finds out his son likes that music, which is nice. cool, which is really cool, we make up songs we like about topics we like and you know, after we finish the record, we say well, let's get this one, this one's going to get us in trouble, but cool, I'll be the first we play and you know we've learned to ignore that if you ignore them they'll go away which is basically true you know that and then the ones you can't ignore you listen to them and then tell them to go away they know they don't really need to respond or respond because they know we know what kind of band we are, we know what we like to ride in if they can't understand it or deal with it.
Shut up and don't listen to our record, yeah, exactly, don't do it, yeah, you know, turn off the seasons. If we had done any other


besides episode 1, we definitely couldn't play these two songs because they all would have. About half of the lyrics came through and you know you didn't even have the idea, so the idea came up of being able to play the song as it is and know when it's on TV or on the web or whatever they do with it. It's going to be just the way we played it, yeah, that's the best part about it because when their cult song came on the radio, the one we just did, it plays everywhere and I'm like even on satellite radio really I blew my mind.
I really can't believe they're beeping. You know, I point out.

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