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Skeptical Bear Grylls Gets Mind BLOWN by Master Mentalist Lior Suchard | Bear Uncut

May 31, 2024
Is it possible to read someone's


? You know, I look at people and I know the process of how they think, whether they believe it or not. By the way, I have a picture of the rug that they can't go back because that, so how the hell do you do that? work, I mean, that's ridiculous, crazy, right? I'm still in shock. One of the privileges of my life is being able to meet truly incredible people. Today is going to be special because I want to introduce you to someone who I really think is totally unique. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that he is possibly the greatest illusionist mental magician.
skeptical bear grylls gets mind blown by master mentalist lior suchard bear uncut
I don't know what words he uses to describe himself. We'll figure it out in my


. I think he's potentially the best he's ever had. ever lived in terms of blowing your mind you are about to find out why get ready to meet the brilliant leo sushant hello hello leo how are you my friend very good how are you yes we are great i just got an introduction for you leo ​​over here and i was trying to think how to describe you, the correct term is a



, so I'm not an illusionist, I'm not a magician, I'm basically doing exactly what you're doing with wildlife, but my Wildlife is the brain of the people and you are in Israel right now.
skeptical bear grylls gets mind blown by master mentalist lior suchard bear uncut

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skeptical bear grylls gets mind blown by master mentalist lior suchard bear uncut...

I am in Tel Aviv. By the way, this is Hass, my very, very good friend, because whenever I've seen you doing things, it's always been like this. He always works very well with some. people, right? I love acting, so it doesn't matter if it's two people or twenty thousand people. A


is someone who knows how people think, so I know their thought process. I know how to manipulate their minds. I know how to manipulate their minds. hypnotize, I know how to influence people I meet, read people, but I really understand if it was like a yes or no answer and you see a blink in the eyes or a twitch in the nose or something like that, is it possible to read minds of someone because I am I am


, of course, but it is a matter of definition.
skeptical bear grylls gets mind blown by master mentalist lior suchard bear uncut
It's not like I hear thoughts and stuff like in the movies. So I'm looking at you because of the way I judge your body language. I see how you are sitting. I get little signals, little micro movements, it's like modern Sherlock horns. You know, I look at people and I know the process of how they think. Are you


of this kind of thing? Yes Yes we can. We come from a healthy skepticism when working with someone the person has to be willing they have to want it to work they have to want it to work if you reject me and object and say, let's give them a challenge, it may not work, it has to be very positive if you want it will work, it will work, I love you, but I also want to not be a fool and I want to be a healthy skeptic and I'm not going to let myself be manipulated, yeah, I always tell people it's not a problem.
skeptical bear grylls gets mind blown by master mentalist lior suchard bear uncut
How that works is a matter of having fun and enjoying. Do you have a book around a book or magazine or something like that? yeah, we have one, we have one, we just put it away, a cookbook, there you go, okay, oh, a cookbook, what? many pages 319. uh can you show me the name of the book? I've never heard of it, okay, yeah, all right, hass, I'll try this, I'll try this, okay, okay, I'll save this in case I wonder: have you opened the book to any page, any page, uh one zero nine one zero nine, it's a good page and look at the words on page 109, yeah, point out a simple word, a simple word, yeah, point out a simple word coming. in your mind on that page, okay, what is the word fennel, funnel, fennel, like the ingredient, you know the herb, but the chance of anyone knowing it is very, very small, but I wrote here that you will go to the page 109 and you will continue with the funnel how?
That works? I mean, that's ridiculous, but I was thinking that's how his other hand was there he has everything he has everything no, no, no, no, your best friends in your life are like you know the kid, the people with that you grew up with or your groomsman at your wedding or things like that, do any of them know how you do it? I've done this since I was 10 years old. Some people say it was part of my mask to talk to people when you know when. See me on stage I'm like superman but when I'm not on stage I'm like clumsy and I forget things and I'm shy believe it or not so all my friends realized that so I can talk to someone and tell me who I am, I I present to show them something and show them a puzzle or a Rubik's cube.
Are you amazing with the Rubik's cube? I mean well when I mean I know how to solve it, maybe this way if I hold out. he knows exactly what he's doing yeah he knows oh wow look at a hand and then this and then this this and then this yeah something like this that's crazy that's amazing it didn't take me even a day maybe an amazing week but that's a big


that's interesting to me if you were a kid that i don't know who took risks like skating and hitting places and going places and running or something that evolved over the years, i think when i was a kid, the outdoors was actually a safe place for me, you know, it was my escape and a place where I felt calm.
I did not do it. I wasn't very good at school. I wasn't super smart or athletic or I wasn't a superstar in school. and my dad was an amazing father, he had been commander of the Romarin command and he loved the outdoors and he taught me to climb at a young age and I think as a kid I loved just being around him, I love that bond and my Dad already He's not here now, but you know he was a great inspiration. I think for me at that age you don't have to be a superstar in school.
You know, you just have to go through things in life and learn to fail. okay, keep getting up and be resilient and then from there you just grow, you know, but like with you, it's a journey, right, it's a journey, it's a marathon and like you said, you know failing is part of success. Is it much more difficult through a computer or is it much more difficult? It's a lot harder when I'm on stage. It's a blast in the first five seconds of the show. People are kind of intrigued. Something hits them. Does it ever go wrong?
Yes, there are many improvisations. and a lot of things that you don't know what's going to happen, so if something happens and it's not successful in a live show, okay, you tell a joke, it's a stand-up show, people laugh all the time and so on. is. It doesn't work, it didn't work, it just makes you a human being after all, well that's what adventure is, that is, dealing with the unexpected, you know, they say adventure happens when everything starts to go wrong. It's true, I'm still thinking. maybe there was some magic pen or something because because he has a board you don't know what's going on behind it and he's asking the number could it be like you know even though I can't see his hand or anything written?
Yes, it is something that is written, everything you see here, you can see the life that I really made. I'm going to go to a different position with a different camera so you can see it very, very, very clearly, and it will be very interesting for a second. Look at this, I prepared this, it's very intimate, have you ever seen these shapes? I'm just wondering, look, part of me is wondering if that's pre-recorded, if we're pre-recorded now, so I read, what's my friend's name? It is not a pre-recorded house. and be careful, these are special cards, they are called zener cards, they are simple shapes, it is a circle, uh, plus wavy lines of time, a square and a star, so I will try to influence you, but before that I want to try to see how do you think this.
It's very important I have something here I don't want to show you it's a piece of paper and you can see it in my hand it's inside this cup I won't show you everything but it will be here all the time and no one is going to touch it and I also have this envelope. I'm going to talk about it in a second, so first question for us again, I just want to understand how you're thinking, if you could meet a famous person, who would the famous person be? dead or alive, real or not real, I would choose superman, famous person, anyone, what am I trying to think out of the box?
Don't just trust your wolf, ah, the wolf of Wall Street, okay, okay, it's original and this is something that everyone knows uh, believe it or not, I have a photo by the way of the dicaprio, you prepare the rug, the cow get back up because then you can't when he was two years old, but what would I do if I said barack obama? that's interesting exactly yes, yes, you are ready, you are ready, I was ready, no, no, but now I ask you a creative question. When you ask people to draw something inside a circle, most people will draw a smiley face or a flower, what would you draw? inside something simple I would have drawn another circle ah another circle inside a circle okay, great and the last question the question is to be ready, yeah, what do you think, how do you say it, how do you do it, a place in the world that have you never had?
Been somewhere in the world I've never been Where haven't you been in many places? um I would like to go to Drake Passage, Drake Passage, yeah, what is Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica? from notoriously wild and wild waters, okay, answering three simple questions, now I know how your mind works and let me see what I can do with it look at this, you can't see the faces of the cards only the bags, so I'll start with


, Look at me, which is the matching circle plus the wavy lines, the square or the star, what do you think?
What am I choosing? Yes, tell me what the wavy lines are. Yes, do you want to change your mind? No, no, no, look, let's try it. Let's try it again Let's try it again uh hold on to this what do you think cross cross now you didn't want to change your mind you want to change your mind now it's not okay look hey have you tried this uh square the the square is here yeah a bear this star is here, pass this circle, leaving us with the wavy lines here, now you created this, there are no slides, there is no one who wants to change, should we change one to mess it up, yeah, okay, change the two outside ones? the finished ones I can't believe you're changing you want to change the circle and the star yes, are you sure? yes, are you absolutely sure?
I'm going to do it slowly, so I'm taking the circle and the star and just doing this right, this one and this pair, yeah, look, this is right, this is right, you changed this at the last second, guys, you did a good job, This is correct, future anticipation of our mind, isn't it? I'm always three steps ahead of you. How did someone touch that cup? By the way, no, no one did, no one, it was in full frame, you can see it later, there's that piece of paper I showed you, remember, yeah, no, inside a piece of paper, I made a circle inside a circle. oh wow and I also wrote a direct passage here no no and inside we have to check if there is something no no no no no no no no but but but some hand came in and put that any producer right?
We could verify. so in the youtube episode we will show you something about yourself, but it will be here all the time and no one will touch it, let's take a look at the bottom of the cup, this is, this is a cup, this is a table, this is the cup . this is what I mean it's ridiculous it's ridiculous I can't believe you're really amazing leo I knew I knew you would be you really need to see him face to face and we have to schedule that we're going to have a real life meet up and I and see more things amazing like this I would love for us to be very grateful for your time leo we just think you are amazing and we will surely one day thank you many kisses and hugs for all of us and we will be in touch God bless you thank you thank you goodbye what a legend you have

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