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Skeppy vs BadBoyHalo MOST SECRET House Battle! - Minecraft

Jun 06, 2021
here boom boom boom boom another trap this is the only way to go up, come down here what happened to the muffin not here, okay uh, fix the little thing that was up here, this looks good, there's a little trap on the wall, like this that's okay, let's go up to make it look good, the only way nothing here, go away, yeah, he'll never notice that, okay, perfect. I think I'm ready, okay, skippy, okay, you're ready , ready, yeah, I'm ready, my


, good luck, I don't even think I can find it, huh, okay, bad, well, go to your side and I'll go to the top of mine and we'll meet, okay, oh, Wait, let's go up and wait, why is this wall so high?
skeppy vs badboyhalo most secret house battle   minecraft
I made it very high so you wouldn't cheat. and copy me no, I wouldn't cheat, okay, where are you? I'm next to me, where are you? okay, I'm just going to come here, okay, come to my side, okay, hey, where is your


?, uh, I don't know, let's go look. yours imagine all the time I just didn't build a house excuse me you better not be a troll okay, it's here it's a


okay let me go and if I can't find it in 60 seconds then we'll walk past me and then you'll have 60 seconds, by the way, You can't break anything, okay, oh, that wasn't very


at all.
skeppy vs badboyhalo most secret house battle   minecraft

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skeppy vs badboyhalo most secret house battle minecraft...

What is this? It is not like this? You are in the wrong place. you make a lot of replacement edits of the world hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, okay, I'm not going to fall, I don't know what this is, okay, what did you do this? No, you replaced a bunch of stones, we would be fine, well, this is it. I'm not supposed to be here, so I'm closing that. Ignore this. That must go somewhere. Why was there a random hole? I don't know, did you do it? house, that's not all, it's okay, oh look, the lord can't find my house, no, no, it's okay, okay, I'm not going to break anything, don't break, break, don't break my heart, my sore Broken heart, am I doing it?
skeppy vs badboyhalo most secret house battle   minecraft
I'm around? No, you're not even close. What are you doing? I'm trying to find your house. Cold, colder, colder, you're cold, your ice, okay, you're hotter, oh, you're quite hot, this can't be seen, this is it. cold what are you cold this is the wrong way oh yes you are oh wait oh where are you going oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that was wrong that was wrong that was wrong place go up here you're going the wrong way not up here there you go go back outside you're cold so it's not in there you're hotter oh no you're colder warmer there's no one I'm sorry I'm sorry that's what happens to you when you break blocks I'm done breaking, okay, can I? by contrast?
skeppy vs badboyhalo most secret house battle   minecraft
No, let's go to my side, we'll be back. Well, I have a good idea. No, you will not. Yes, I will do it. Okay, go. Alright. I can't break blocks, you can't break. blocks, okay, if I were you, I'd probably put something in the water. You have 45 more seconds here, now we're going to go back to your side, okay, so the goal is I have to get to your house, yeah, like my goal. It was like this I'm close I'm hot you're not freezing but you're not on fire either I don't know in 30 more seconds I don't know bad you're pretty cold right now there's like a big okay it's scary is this no oh what is this my house oh it's this it's this my house yes this is wait what's this good follow me wait I didn't find it yes this is me okay so everything Okay follow me hello I was waiting for you to complete the parkour in less just wait what is this?
Complete the parkour in just 10 seconds for a thousand dollars, oh yeah, okay, okay, let me put you on Game of Thrones one two, okay, this is it. easy, I can do this, okay, now I'll be ready three two one one two three four five six seven I understand I have a chance better, now it's 500 oh come on, it's 500 now okay three two one let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine nine wait there were barriers there I know there weren't yes there are they were there oh yes what is this oh oh oh good bad come here calm down there's a way to solve it oh really how oh my gosh wait oh , really, oh, one of these, oh, very funny, very funny, you did it to everyone on the puzzle map and you didn't do it yourself, okay, I did it for fun, okay, so this is the way correct, yes, over here, like this.
I'm going this way and this is the entrance to the winners' box. This is your house. Then no. Well, this is part of my house. Where is the house? Back here. Oh my god, you've got to be kidding me. Alright? here mm-hmm it's in, well, it's up, this is my mind, obviously, it's just a normal mind, there's actually nothing secret in it, so I should go back up, there's nothing cool here, okay, nothing, nothing, okay, yeah, let's go back up. Okay, nothing below. Here and there is one more secret thing about my house that I really don't want to tell you about, but it's there.
Did you press a button? No, I heard a button press. Okay, so is it down here, where, oh, where are you going?, oh. This is just a cool little place that I added hey, this is what it is, this is your house, no this is nothing, my house is just a cozy little room here to spy on, were you spying on me little one? that's what that room was that you were spying on me come here don't come here don't come here I'm still going to show you I have something to show you come here look look at this look this is fine so over here once you get up you leave very calm very quiet, hey, you blocked all this, I did what the hell, okay, come here, very quiet, very quiet, very quiet, very secretly, quietly, come down here, here, here, very good, here and then look, I'm spying on you in your house, what a guppy, what. come by look at it look at it you would never tell me if you were spying on me no that's not like that you wouldn't even notice your muffin okay okay then it was your house that was yes, that's how it was wow, your house is just spying on me no, I don't It's, that's it, there's stuff too, yeah, whatever, come here, I'm going to find my house, then good luck, okay, so you said I was pretty hot when I toured the caves, so I haven't looked around here. oh I called um how about now oh I see a button? the button didn't do anything it doesn't work but it's supposed to work it's a little broken wait you turned to stop oh yeah that's your fault okay it's your fault haha ​​nothing to see here yeah no no no no, No, no, no, oh, I didn't find it all now where are you?
This is great, thank you. I'm going to look at all the paintings that admire art, but do you know what to do next? Yes of course. You know what to do next, you open the doors and then you realize you missed something, what the hell, oh you found that clever, oh my god you didn't even go through any of that, I thought you were going to try something, even though you didn't , I was. I'm not going to review the paintings you're going to do now, review a painting now, how did you know it was there? I can't break anything, no you can't break anything, hmm, knowing you, there's probably more to this, hello scammer, oh. what i thought happened there maybe you tried am i doing it wrong?
You may be doing it wrong, how do you do it wrong? what oh in the lava what I only went there because you did it literally I avoided it well then look find out how to get to my real house this is my decoy house by the way you really have a decoration how did you have so much time to build a decoy house I'm a big brain Go ahead and find out your little scoundrel can't find it, can you? No, actually I can't, this is great, I like it, it's great, thank you. Oh look, here are your little sneaky windows, but you're just looking at the decoy house.
Oh no, I knew you changed the location of your house because I. I was trying to sneak you earlier and I couldn't find it oh oh I thought you saw it didn't you? I thought so oh there it is, that's a pretty good placement pad for hiding thanks, what was that? Oh, I have to do it. Be quick, oh, maybe, oh, I got it, you found it, is this your real house, yeah, oh, what I like the other decoy house more than the main house, actually, there's one more thing, what I'm, I'm fine, there's a secret room here. look ready oh and look ready this is the bedroom boop that's not so cool that's really cool bad I like this hey thanks wait what does this do? it's a light switch oh oh yeah you have to turn off the lights when you're going to bed oh yeah hey you just broke my lights no you didn't you didn't do it anyway yay so I win of course , you win, I win, you win, I win, you don't actually win because at the beginning you said let the comments vote ooh, you're right, okay, okay, but everyone will vote for you, yeah, let's see, maybe they will vote for you and you are pathetic, what I have done, thanks for watching if you liked it, like, comment, sub, bad, last. words um I love you guys vote for me no no no bye bye bye bye bye

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