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May 30, 2021
alarm. okay, yeah, let me get another one. I'm just raising alarm, thanks diamond, okay and now I'm going to work on getting you a full diamond. Well, I guess just because I can. I think I'm going to kill that blue boy. I do not do it. like him, yeah, see, I didn't take him out just because you tried, you caught him, oh my god, okay, let's keep doing it like, what are they going to do, nothing like, oh, okay, he brought us four diamonds, come on , buddy, okay, yeah, update. Our defense is going to say whatever Morgan does?
skeppy bbh vs trashtalkers lol
Right, I literally don't know if we can put more glass on every update that needs to be done, man, yeah, we're all, we're updating the rest of the stuff right now. I need to get us another alarm, okay, I'll be back. I don't have diamonds of course, yes, how many emeralds do you have? We have five, okay, seven, okay, so what do you want to do? What do you think we could achieve? I need diamond armor, okay, get this full diamond. it's for you oh thank you and then I have seven the only reason you guys are beating me in 1v1 because you have better team not because you're good haha ​​bad is literally not as good as being good if it's better you know what?
skeppy bbh vs trashtalkers lol

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skeppy bbh vs trashtalkers lol...

I have a gift for you, I don't even know buddy, but it's for you, okay, if we buy more diamonds we can upgrade them to total profits, well I have three, okay, sorry, I threw it off the bridge. Alright. I'm going to put that in twice to look for more emeralds. Am I doing this right now? More layers No, it's probably not right like you're early. Surely, why is it not working out for me? What if we had a Jen emerald at the other base? we even do that oh my god oh no we can't we can't upgrade their base okay that would literally be the best even if you take this come to the diamond generator.
skeppy bbh vs trashtalkers lol
I threw some emeralds in there, we're on the diamond. I'm coming, I'm coming, oh, you're gone, you're gone. Oh, bad, he's going to kill me, he's going to kill him, he took me to the Esmeralda, oh, so it doesn't matter, it's okay, it's okay, you'll talk bad to me, oh God. Oh my god, it's so good, there's an obsidian. I don't even like it at all. Okay, we're literally in this, just look for a diamond sword. Okay, I'm going to clean up our defense, so I think you're good. Should we enter the game now? OK, what happened? the wait, why would we finish the game?
skeppy bbh vs trashtalkers lol
We have a great defense. I don't know, you want them to come, yeah, saying we built all this, we might as well use it. Yeah, it's literally, what are they going to do? We can destroy them, but yes. never leave his bed, we're never going to win, this is true again, beds break sometime, oh that's true, okay then yeah, let's get emeralds, we should attack him like before, attack the rings, yeah, let's save and alone. get super beefy okay max everything okay yeah they literally will yeah wait let me see what we got okay we got all the promise if we get four more here we go we literally maxed everything except Dragon buffs, jeez, literally, this is it. cool okay I don't even know what to work on anymore we're so beefy I just don't know what to do I don't know if we're literally going to get fees dude this is unfair this is unfair I should get a group of defenders with those like them defenders of dreams, you know, those are like iron 120, oh, let's all pretty expensive, yeah, yeah, do you need anything else with emeralds?
I guess I get an ender pearl, yeah I was thinking You should be fine so now we're practically unbeatable. I have like a super bow. I maximized the arc. If we go, do you want to kill them now? Yeah, get a diamond pickaxe and a lot of teeth, oh you're right. we need a diamond pick, that's right, that's going to be very important, yeah, I think we should go, let's finish the game and win now, GG guys, ah, we should be nice to them, yeah, next thing we should do It would be saying that you were.
Fun opponents to play against How's that? Well, what do you think of that? I guess that's a bit sardonic of Kenna. It's like another way of saying sarcastic. Kind of like that dragon. Why not? I have six if you. I want to take it, put it there, let's go grab them, I need a pick of diamonds Kenny, uh, there's two emeralds there if you drive, what the hell, don't even get your pinion, pearl, Tara, oh, I'll do it. Get into this pot, okay, yeah, good idea, this is good, I think we're good, you ready, oh, I'll save this, come on, you guys are great, yeah, look, there's a guy on the left, Skippy, and there's a boy that I don't.
I don't know where the other guy is, definitely love, should we end it? Yeah, but look right there, there's a guy there, dude, drink that one, guys, come on, come on, like Odie's coming, he's coming, let me get ready, he's coming, we just let him try. and get it, oh, he's going to do, what's he going to do, what's this poor guy going to do? He did nothing. I'm ready for another alert oh my gosh oh yeah that's good oh oh you're right cuz he had the milk we didn't hear him okay here we go I've got a walrus and I'm drinking a speed and those doors are red, ready, let's go have a drink, come on, come on, and this is ready, I don't see, yes.
I'm going to drink my Invista, hell yeah, okay, what if they're pretty good? We have the alert, yes, we are fine, I mean, they could use milk, but we should be fine, come on, we don't know which direction to go. yes, it's like that, I'm almost in his bed, oh, you're there, okay, okay, wait, I'm coming after you. I'm going to drink my other picture, okay, I'm okay, I'm here, oh, they're having a great time. defense I think it should be all they don't even know buddy, they don't even know oh yeah, they're not going anywhere, they're on alert oh, no, watch out, they release TNT I'm waiting, I'm doing it wrong, I'm doing it oh, I put TNT nice oh im not too bright on the red oh i got the red me one thanks for watching if you liked it like comment subscribe this is how you get the most hopi defense of all time and yeah subscribe to bad, subscribe.
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