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Sister Wives' Janelle and Christine Say Kody and Robyn 'Deserve Each Other' (Exclusive)

Mar 07, 2024
I want to ask you about the status of the program. Robin is now Cody's only wife. Yes, she has always maintained that she is a big plural marriage girl. She wants to be in a plural marriage, but she's the only soldier type. on the left in this fight now, do you see the two staying together long term? Robin and Cody yeah, yeah, yeah, I think their marriage is great, I think it's great, I think they're equal and they have the same heart and they




. may have done that it sounded bad it sounded sarcastic in some way say clarify say it wasn't sarcastic it was a little I think she meant just a little bit of shade there they completely




and I really hope they have the best life possible.
sister wives janelle and christine say kody and robyn deserve each other exclusive
That sounded sincere I want them to be happy I want them to find each other and I know what it feels like to find your person and to be able to have that I know what I have with David and now I can understand what they have with each other and I'm like, oh yeah, Please have a good life, please go, enjoy your life, please, being plural marriage. Defend that she has no



currently. Does she see them inviting new



into the fold? No, because then you'd have to tell the other woman, you know you're probably great, but I really love Robin, so I don't know what you're going to do with your life, you know, so Robin will always be Numero Uno.
sister wives janelle and christine say kody and robyn deserve each other exclusive

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I think she It's going to be. Why would they look for anything else? They can, we meet. I know she talks about wanting to have a sister. I get it and I've heard her talk about it for a long time. I just don't know if. If Cody is really interested, it's a lot of work for a man, it's a lot of work for a husband and I just don't know if he really wants to do that, he really loves Robin and it's great to see them, it's great, you know? What do I mean? Where is your relationship with Mary today?
sister wives janelle and christine say kody and robyn deserve each other exclusive
I'm not going to be friends with Mary. I'm not going to be close to her. I wish him well. However, I hope she finds what she is looking for. I know that she. I would like to have a romantic part of her just because I've heard so, so why don't you go have a relationship with her? There are too many things in the past, but I'm going to leave it in the past. I'm not one to drag the past around and go to therapy and figure out all the things if it's not necessary, it's okay and it doesn't sound like there's a little bit of pain, yes, and no, I'm just not going to do it.
sister wives janelle and christine say kody and robyn deserve each other exclusive
There are some relationships that I'm going to keep and hold on to and people that do, people that benefit me and that I can benefit too, yeah, okay, so no relationship with Mary, no, but I wish her the best, absolutely, I wish him well. very sweet What is your position with Mary? You know, I think it's the same thing. I mean, I have no ill will towards her. I hope she does well. I hope she. I mean, I think she. I hope she's happy. I'm really focused on what we are doing. I'm doing what my kids do.
I mean, if I come across an event like it's not going to be bad or like we're not going to ignore each other, we always greet each other, of course, how did you feel in the end? Seeing Mary and Cody split up for the damn time God praise me, she's her, she's loyal to a fault and I feel like I'm glad because now she can do her thing wonderfully so I'm glad she can do her thing. I'm glad she was able to do it. To finally move on, I needed to. I am very proud that she took that step.
The thing is, I think she was waiting. She really would have liked to have been freed from Cody, as if he said, "Okay, now we are." She never wanted to be the person to end this, so the way it happened is sad, but I'm glad she's done. Where are you both with Robin today again? I'm not going to have a relationship with Robin, you don't support Robin, no, okay, no, is there any reason you would like to clarify? I'm going to have people in my life that I trust and you don't trust Robin, no, no, I don't trust Robin.
I think there is something unique that she did to break your trust. I'd say he says one thing, but I see no evidence that he really means it, so I'm going to have people that I trust and that I know have my back and I can back them up just what comes out of their mouth, right? So? I don't know, she doesn't have the actions to show that that's really how she feels about me and how I see it, it's these things. which are again like deep wounds from your past, yes, and it is not necessary.
I mean, I have no interest in digging up the past to fix a present relationship, yeah, and if that's what it takes to fix a brother, I won't do it. Okay, I'm not going to be with someone who's going to jump into whatever. Not okay, then you don't have a relationship with Robin. Are you in a relationship with Robin? Look, I think it would be the same. I really didn't even have it. There's a lot of rapport with her, I never like her, we just never get along, we just work together as teammates for the good of the family and it's like one of those things like with Mary, like I'm really invested in what I'm doing. with my life, what we are doing and if paths cross, we will be friendly and cordial, but I really don't need to be friends with her or seek her out.
I want to make a state of the union. I would love to know where you stand today with Cody. Well, I'm not with Cody. I don't have any arguments with him or wish he had a great relationship with all of his children. I fully support his relationship with his children. I want him to get along very well with them. I want them to get along very well with him. I would love to see him have a good relationship. with them and I'll do everything I can to make that happen. So when I hear you're coming to town, we do everything we can to slow down everything we're doing to make sure you can see your kids.
That is the most important thing for my children. How are things going with the kids and his appearance? crumbling relationship with their father some still hope for a better one. I think he wants to have a good relationship with his children and I think I hope that happens, okay, sorry for what you're saying, yes, no, I think. I think that's probably the goal, right, eventually she'll figure out how to have a relationship with his kids. I mean, I hope it does over time, but for now it's still a little fractured, it's a small fracture, I don't know.
I hope so, how did you feel about all that on the show? Will you continue with the program? If you know. For me, I think it's because we've always been allowed to be very authentic, we, we, we don't really do scripts. We don't act, we don't act, it's like what you see is what you get, so I feel for better or for worse, for better or for worse, depending on your perspective, you know what I mean, but that's how I felt. as you know what I'm going to continue to be authentic and show myself as myself and it's been nice how everyone has been so supportive of me.
I was very surprised, I didn't know it, but I knew what I had. to do it, I say, well, I'm going to have to do it and the chips will fall, you know what I mean, yeah, well, we travel for our girls and we just want our girls to be happy, so we're so committed to continuing with Sister Wives committed to continuing with Sister Wives, how does the show work considering your relationships with Cody, Robin and Mary? will you film with them? So we will do it exactly as we would in our real life. Okay, and there will be times when we'll be in the same room together and you'll see in the next season there will be some times where we'll all be in the same room together for the sake of the kids, for the sake of kids and things like that. um and explosiveness or is it cordial we're going to be cordial because it's about our children we're going to be adults we're going to be mature and we're going to be apprehensive and nervous and not I'm sure it's a good idea, but then you get involved and everything will be fine , so there will be some moments like that where we're in each other's space and we'll be fine and then we'll just move on, okay, so no, there are no hard and fast limits, like I won't film with this person, no we can be in the same thing, no, I mean, there will be times when we CU have children together and, since we have children together, we will be in each other. spaces like interviewing them sitting on the couch no, probably not, no, I'm going to say no, I would sit with Chanel on a couch at any time, but I wouldn't interview them anymore, they don't need to know what's in my heart and what's there in my heart.
In my soul they already did that and so I'm not interested in them being in my life but little distance little limit putting many limits and a lot of distance uh because they no longer get to have that part of me um I only share it with Janelle, you know? So no, that's healthy. It's a good example. You have to be able to set limits.

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