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Sir Laurence Olivier talks about Marilyn Monroe!

Jun 17, 2024
inside somewhere rather she doesn't want to act she wants to show herself that is something else she is a model by accident or by a villainy of nature forced to be an actress that is the answer for her you made a phone call to Prince and the showgirl that she directed and you acted with Marilyn Monroe, what was it like working with her? Well, she was a very curious little person she was in, there's an appropriate word to describe it, but I had to understand it. It always sounds so horrible, she had a split personality when I first met her, I thought she was the loveliest thing I'd ever met, man, and it was impossible then, when she was like that and she was like that, in ordinary life it was impossible not to. fall in love a little, although absolutely. at the first meeting and I really wanted to work with her because I admired her so much that I thought you're kind of a witty actress as well as being dazzlingly charming and I wanted to make a movie with someone like that and it was a very exciting prospect for me, but it didn't turn out to be neither exciting nor pleasant and I found out the reason for this later, she was always late, always late, sometimes hours late and that's obviously not just being naughty, that's obviously something that's kind of a chronic thing about her, I mean, that's a problem, yeah, she would just say wait a minute, I have to apologize for a minute and I know it'll be an hour and a half before I get her back. and she used to get in a bad mood and people used to be quite afraid of her ultra bit.
sir laurence olivier talks about marilyn monroe
I used to have quite a bit of fun, but after some madness there was no assistant for a gun, Cola and Jack Cardiff, who was the cameraman in those days. He and I used to take turns going to Marilyn after the same thing, but she had a lot to offer, but what we had was not the right thing to offer, she was wonderful at just saying a very simple little line of seven words and she can do it. like no one else could Terence Rattigan wrote the thing he wrote it he broke comic literature he wrote beginning a knot and an ending a joke a joke a joke a joke a joke and a bourbon joke at the end and that had to be what you had to build that had to be designed and she couldn't understand those kinds of things that she had gone through there is the studio school in New York and her little head was full of all kinds of ideas.
sir laurence olivier talks about marilyn monroe

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sir laurence olivier talks about marilyn monroe...

I don't think she could deal with realism and she had never thought about realism in her slightly younger days, when she first appeared on the screen, a splash of water fell all over the islands. For her, I wasn't thinking about realism or any style or anything like that, she was herself and what you had to give was just that now that precious thing, I think, was ruined by people talking big to her and giving her all kinds of intellectual ideas that I couldn't yet face. She tried it because she had just married Arthur Miller, who after all is a great intellectual, so it was a problem and she was a terribly new phrase.
sir laurence olivier talks about marilyn monroe
I know confused kids at the time and it was a very painful thing if it's quite humiliating, she would do it, she wouldn't know how humiliating she was being to a person and we ended up somehow, we got the movie on time, on budget somewhere way or another and we arrived, but with long terms, I finally sent a message to Marin. saying, look, I've seen the picture and as far as I'm concerned, I was producing it by interacting because I'm perfectly happy with it, man, perfectly happy, but I gotta tell you, I'm not happy with yourself.
sir laurence olivier talks about marilyn monroe
I know you could do better. It's up to you if you want or not, if you want to come see it with me, I will do it with you and I only need two days, absolutely agreed, every little bit annoying that I needed and had. I walked them around the studio and filmed that, filmed that was there God, she said yes, okay, she would agree. I said, I'm very happy, I really am because I want you to have wonderful success in this. that you did the most wonderful thing we have ever done. You know otherwise I was perfectly happy and I knew I couldn't suffer as a director, I didn't believe it and as an actor I didn't believe it, so she agreed and did it to my absolute horror.
She spent all morning doing the first scene and couldn't remember it. I remember her. She had a mentor who was sort of her guide, a spiritual comforter and guide who came from this sanctified guy's apartment. theater that existed in New York of which I heard her say no Marilyn, all you have to think about is her Coca-Cola and Frankie Sinatra and she finished it for me then when I finished with it under my arm I went to close I went through the New York show to Jack Warner there Milton Greene was his producer the man who invented his company and he said hey why do I have you I'm sorry you have to have a session with Marilyn I don't have exposure I said oh thank you Can someone else say It's me I don't know Thank you very much and they said No, no, so you have to do it.
I did it and he knew how to treat the man and from the beginning you remember Arina Barinova, do you remember her? wonderful dance, she is great, my dear friend, her husband died three years ago in a car accident. He was my manager for years and years and years. I installed it for 35 years. I wouldn't know how to tie my shoes or buy an Iowa ticket. I couldn't live without it and she came and looked at me one day and said, do you know what's wrong with that girl? She is inside somewhere, rather she does not want to act, she wants to show herself, that is something else, she is a model. accident or by a villainy of nature forced to be an actress that is the answer for her and I thought about that and said: "she's okay, she's not helping me pass the piano." I made it like I said and this here was this quiet session when I was just dreading and he was like, Marilyn, just show a little more of that today, just take care of Larry, but give him a little more, hit him, hit his ass some more and Emily, yes, the enemy, absolutely you.
You had never seen a girl so happy in your life and then I realized that she really was her Mickey, she was going to be a model and there was something in her that resisted being an actress because she had to get on the floor and do it, she never did. You'd know. when it was easy for her, when she got it due to some glorious circumstance or another, I don't know, I very rarely got it, I didn't get the best out of the subject and other directors did much better with her than me, but a little later, I remembered the Marilyn that I met at the Mariner and that I really fell in love with when she first got engaged to Arthur Miller and Arthur Miller's people are Orthodox Jews and they went there and said Marilyn's hope, you liked the matzah balls Matzo balls are like unleavened bread that you put in super lead to build.
I wish she would say that she's had it good, so they turned black they started and told both Madeleine that she liked the matzah balls last weekend. in the end to give him even a bit of nuts for sitting there, pile of fish and dinner time, she didn't name it, she didn't guess that lunch saw him during the time again we give him once more the matzah balls and shed I said, I hope that's all. with his right hand he washed it very well he said but there is no other part of a mat for you to eat that was what they could see it was the kind of creature that one met for the first time wonderful this kind of charming and cheerful light It looks sweet , a little dazzling and she was absolutely irresistible.

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