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May 07, 2024
Everyone is gone, it's Daniel's phone, where is it? it's near here oh yeah spy ninjas you know this is daniel's phone the pc killer after taking my friends do they even deserve me to answer this phone? look outside, what is chad b daniel regina chad chad don't worry, I will go there and save you. I'm going to prove that you're not worthy of being a ninja spy. Chad is


in a container at the bottom of the pool that is rapidly filling with water. prove yourself worthy of being a ninja spy by saving Chad, shut up pzk I have what it takes for you to listen, check this out, it's a live feed of Chad inside that box, okay at least he's alive, give me some time Yes, Chad, come in.
sinking underwater trapped inside a box i can t escape
Oh my God, Melvin, it's you. I'm in this black plastic container. Look how small it is. I can see the light coming through this yellow lid. But I'm in a black plastic container. The PC killer just told me about all this stuff. I have to save you they think it's because I'm not worthy enough Melvin hurry up there's water dripping right now this is filling up with water it's too far away again ah I'm going to get in there okay just hold on tight it seems easy enough I just have to get in there and save the chat and then together we can find out where the rest of the spy ninjas went and then I could prove to the pz assassin that I have what it takes.
sinking underwater trapped inside a box i can t escape

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sinking underwater trapped inside a box i can t escape...

Why would they assume I'm not a fucking idiot? The PC killer is just an idiot. Alright spy ninjas, time to save Chad. Yes, I can see his body swimming on top. The sunlight enters. That's velvet. Yeah, you can do this, yeah, but I'm not a good swimmer, I could barely hold my breath down there, Chad, oh come on, don't believe it, you really believe it, so this thing is filling up with water fast, the whole floor here it's filled with a couple inches of water, I wish it was a very picturesque size right now, oh, there's so much modern stuff down here, okay Chad, ah, this is a yellow top right here.
sinking underwater trapped inside a box i can t escape
I probably have 10 feet of water above me right now, weighing me down. It means it's going to be very difficult to push up I have super strength I'm Chad Wild Clay I'm a spy ninja I can push this thing there's no more right leaking out as I try to push it I've got it I've got it I've got a lot of rope to climb, you know how it goes on the missions. I can find some way to tie the rope around the box and I'll get you off the ground. I don't need to hold my breath for that. long enough to tie it around the box, that's exactly what Spiderman would do around it and take out the box.
sinking underwater trapped inside a box i can t escape
Funny Thoughts Chad Funny Thoughts Hold on tight, I'll be back, you really have to hurry buddy, this thing is filling up with water fast, drip it everywhere. I don't care about the safe house okay I'm sorry regina your room is wet but I already went to bed a long time ago through the hatch okay in the games lab here's the rope okay don't jump through the computers I have this rope it's rated for al minus 600 pounds okay okay okay okay okay it's new rope it should be enough rope to tie around the box okay hold on tight tyler belvis come on man oh my god there's so much water in here Now, don't worry, Chad, I've got you tight. there's more water there's more water again come on, come on, oh my god, okay, please be a spy ninja, please be a spider, please be a spy ninja, what do you want again?
Pzk, you can't save him, you're not a real ninja spy. let's make a deal don't save your friends join me we'll be the best fighters you'll be famous just let your friends die do you hear yourself an easy killer you sounded like an idiot there's no way I'm going to allow it? If you continue your killing spree, I will save my friends and show you that I am here for a reason. I'm a ninja spy. It's okay and I belong here. You, you, you hung up on me. I can say it. the oxygen is running out maybe i can find a way to get oxygen or something.
One of the builds we made for v involved a tube and an air pump. I think this has to work. Just hold on tight. 10. I already have it. of you, if you are seeing this, I wish I wasn't here and I am so sorry, I lost my temper, got angry and impatient with you, just know that I may never see you guys again. They are my best friends. I'll miss you so much. What am I doing? I can't give up yet. I'm not going to give up. Hold the moment here. You can still save me. TRUE?
Melvin. It's okay, if the PZ killer has done this. to chad, who knows what the pz killer has done to daniel regina and v, where is the tube? okay, gorilla tape, green tape that's on the mark, oh, the flucus tank, I could use the hose I used to clean the lucas tank, it's long and thick enough. enough to move some air in and out Chad, I'm back, I have a solution, I can tell I'm getting really dizzy right now. I feel dizzy because the oxygen must be low. I'm going to find a way to stay. a hose in the box so there won't be any more water leaks you got it chad I have duct tape and it's green with express air delivery oh shit oh no wow he's moving the lid oh there's more water coming in here , what are you doing?
I need you to seal the lid buddy, I don't want you to let any more water in here ah, shoot, oh man, wait, there's a hose, yeah, I see the hose, yeah, I got the hoes in their chat, what a great job, their air come through the house, yes. the hose is right up here and there's definitely oxygen flowing through it. I can feel some air, genius, work, dude, yeah, uh, it's not fish, it's oh, it's lucas lucas tube, wait a chat. pz, the murderer keeps calling me because of daniel, easy murderer. I hate this, what if you think you're a ninja spy?
Let's test your honesty. I know three things you've lied about. Admit them and you could free Chad and others. What are you talking about? You don't know anything about me. Easy killer. Keep lying and see what happens to your friends Shoot three lies, I told the spy ninjas, come on, I'm like the coolest. I once had Daniel make me a miniature and I didn't tell Chad it's not even that. It's not even a lie, okay, maybe I lied once about, you know, between the bed, I already told everyone that. Actually, it was very good. I guess if there is any ninja to tell these things to, they will definitely be the most honest. ninja spy, it's good I have you helping me loyalty you're showing right now honesty bravery you have it all man chad, stop right there I have two out of three tenants chad, well I cheated on one of last week's challenges I was supposed to have I was blindfolded and I was wearing the scarf like you know halfway through you can still see through those things sometimes that's why I was able to hit those balloons so well I cheated you kicked them and hit them like crazy can you?
Look, and I also have double lunch with the ninja spy credit card, yeah, double lunch and double Starbucks, Chad, I'm really hungry, but I don't know, I can't be honest, I suck at being honest, one more lie. You, I pooped in your bathroom, yes I know you and I are supposed to keep the bathroom to ourselves, but I'm so tired of sharing the bathroom with Daniel and I just wanted to see what a different bathroom was like at the same time. So it's all good, man, it's all good, you're being honest now, that's the important thing.
Oh wait, Chad, he's the killer once again. What do you want? Did you hear that however you're listening to this? I did it. I told the truth. He was honest, it's okay, look, you're lying, you shouldn't be a ninja spy, you know what I changed my mind, I'm not going to save your friends, you better hurry, he doesn't have much time left when you finally reveal yourself. I'm going to show you how that name sounds, I'm going to be Chad, it looks terrible, man, I don't know where, where, what I am, you'll know what to do, what you're saying, Chad, I gotta be confident, no, nothing about like a balloon thought, yeah Chad, that's right, a floater, I'm going to find a way to get you out of there, just hold on tight, I think we're there, okay, this has to work, I know what to do, float you out, duh, this science . but to get it out there, i know, oh this is going to be so good, oh man under or genus ben, we have a guest bed here in regina's room, they're these air mattresses that we used for challenges a long time ago , I don't know if this is right, I just remember, but in some pool challenges we only had inflatable mattresses to use, so I'll take this plus the pump, but since the pump is electric, I have to find some way to extend it.
I have to find some way to extend it. I have to find some way to extend the motor. I have to find some way to extend the pump to the bottom of the pool on this thing and then I bought more flucus tubes. Yeah come on. I'm going to grab the Lucas Tubing electric air pump and let's go. I'll plug them in and take the other end and insert this into the air mattress directly into the nozzle and hopefully all of this should work when you slide the mattress under the box and then turn on the power then all of this should just float to the surface drop it in the pool slide it under the box swim out turn on the electric pump and rescue the cheese let's go for my mouth oh my god this is going to be the hardest part of the whole thing but it's the last oh okay just I have to turn on the power and see if everything works, yes, the water has to be very hot, if everything works well, then the pump should work, if the mattress implodes, better bring the box and we'll talk, here we go, it's time to See Chad.
It seems like there's too much air pressure for it to overcome the load, but you know maybe all together it could work if this introduces a little bit of air into the mattress, then maybe it's light enough for me to be able to get it out. let's do it all together yeah, yeah, I'm taking some slack from the road, oh the water, oh my god, oh god, I thought it was the Goddard, I thought it was the gutter, I knew you could make a velvet, you're a real spy , ninja man, oh, sorry for slapping you. I was there, they were all Goddards yesterday.
I didn't find anyone. Where is everyone else? We need to find them. Do you know how I was talking to PZ Killer? The pizza killer has been trying to test my injured spine. tenants and stuff, well you sure showed him that you're a real spy ninja, huh, well it's just Chad's ass, what about the rest? What the hell was he on what the hell is he waiting for? I was in this. This was the cover, yes, the yellow cover that says. vq right there what oh yeah that's very picturesque surrounded by a ton of teslas wait this must mean v is surrounded by a ton of teslas it must be the tesla dealer or something maybe the tesla dealer your phone is ringing no it's not mine it's daniel daniel come on chad we need you back in action he says he's the PC killer what do you see?
You almost killed me, you hear who he is. I saved Chad, yeah, big deal, can you save me? Watch this video of her. It's getting very difficult. Breathe, raise your hair, she can't hear us, she can't hear us, she must be inside a Tesla right now, look at this, I think she could be in the trunk of a car, we have to go to the Tesla dealership right now. That's definitely where we'll find the most Teslas Chad, it's time to save the rest of the spy ninjas together, let's go.

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