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Simulating a Reef for 100 Days

Jun 22, 2024
Inside this tank lives a miniature world... Animals will adapt, associations will form and life will have to face Mother Nature itself. The ocean is a dangerous place, but despite everything, some animals have evolved to survive! It was transformed from an arid wasteland to a thriving ecosystem. To understand the mysteries within, we must go back to day one, where it started with the tank, some rocks, and a lot of sand. At first the water was murky, but as it began to clear it revealed a hauntingly beautiful landscape... It was completely lifeless, so I introduced plankton, the bottom of the food chain.
simulating a reef for 100 days
For the first 10


I did nothing but let them multiply. Plankton may not seem like much, but it is the basis of all life on our planet. So they are something important. On day 12 I introduced macroalgae. They are the equivalent of an underwater plant, they are covered in small snails and even the occasional starfish, along with plankton and algae, will fuel the fire of life in the aquarium, starting with the hermit crabs, most of them explored the tank in search of debris and algae. of them were quite big, while this guy is smaller than the head of a penny, but this one had another idea, he was looking for a new shell, maybe this one will do, he had to inspect it for size, shape and quality and then made the move fits perfectly, will use this shell as home for many months.
simulating a reef for 100 days

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simulating a reef for 100 days...

By the 20th, the snail population began to boo, they were taking over the rock, glass and even started to leave the aquarium, many of them harassed the hermit. crabs and the glass was covered in eggs I had to stop them, it was time to introduce a predatory snail, I met the pistol shrimp and an expert snail hunter. I added it to the tank, but there is a catch, it is completely blind and the hermit crabs can try it. to eat it they outnumbered it 10 to one it needed protection and that is why it is not alone these are goby fish they have incredible eyesight and they will protect it with their lives in return the shrimp will build a home for them but after adding them to the tank they all They seem to have disappeared, but underground they were building a fortress, they were safe, they were home, meanwhile, on the surface, the Rock seemed barren and empty, it was time to introduce Coral.
simulating a reef for 100 days
They may just look like colorful rocks, but over time they begin to emerge. Coral serves as a refuge for


life and this jewel coral is no different. It is covered in holes that house a very special type of worm. Christmas tree worms use colorful feathers to catch passing food, but when they get scared, they disappear back into the coral. I even added some fish that will use the coral as a hunting ground and hiding place, but at night many of the corals started to close up, the fish hid and Knight eventually fell, the tank may appear empty so I have a dead anchovy this fish has an irresistible smell that fills the aquarium zombie snails are attracted by the smell of blood very soon the anchovy was completely surrounded even the hermit crabs joined in all this commotion attracted something even bigger a leopard snail which is a snail that eats snails and the main predator in these waters, but in this case it was right behind the anchel.
simulating a reef for 100 days
Use a retractable mouth to pierce the skin of the fish. After a few hours, it was as if nothing had happened. By day 40, life was in full swing. The pistol shrimp spent all day digging their burrow while the go stood guard as the algae grew rapidly, the tank was outgrowing the tank and taking over the job at The Rock, so I introduced a sea urchin who will spend his entire life grazing algae and maintaining it. in Bay, but a hermit crab stopped him in his tracks. This hermit crab got too curious and went for a walk, but something in the aquarium was a little off.
All the corals began to close and the animals took refuge. They were doing it for a good reason, it was about to simulate a hurricane, the storm left a cloud of dust, the water column was full of dirt and debris, but all this debris was going to be food for the sponges that use hundreds of holes in his body. to filter the water, but this sponge is not like the others, it started to move because it is a sponge crab, it is disguised, unlike sponges, it does not help filter the water, it was still cloudy and full of debris, that's why it They added feather duster worms, they use these feathers on their head to filter and clean the water, but if they sense danger, they can disappear by day 72.
The Reef has become a refuge for many life forms. Each animal has its own role to play and each animal. has her own story to tell, for example this sea slug was on a mission that I started with three of them and now she is the last of her species, but it was not her destiny to die alone, she climbed to the top of the aquarium where she started . To put it, she created a spiral of hundreds and hundreds of eggs in the hopes of raising the Next Generation, in the meantime I decided to introduce an anemone, it is huge, it is destructive, it looks a lot like my mother-in-law's anemones, they are deceptively beautiful, each package of tentacles a lethal stinger that it uses to hunt look what happens if I give it a fish it puts it in its mouth where it will swallow it whole in a few hours there will be nothing left but a bunch of bones the other fish must be extremely Be careful or they will also become a meal, but there is one fish that is immune to the deadly sting.
When he meets the clown, he has a layer of special slime on his skin to protect him from the anemone within seconds of adding them as they form an unbreakable bond. The enemy protects the clown and in return the clown will feed him and keep him clean during the day. The tank looks like a peaceful paradise, but when the day sets, tonight everything starts to change, all the fish hide and for good reason I added some dead ones. shrimp to bring out the night life snails emerged for their ritual hunting and also something new some animals are best left as a mystery in the next few


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was ready for a new predator, meet the hawkfish, it's an ambush predator after adding it the tank started the hunt which is enough food for the day now when the sun started to set the corals put on a show they light up the night to attract the plankton there was a feeding frenzy they weren't the only ones making the plankton glow Also , is one of the most impressive exhibits on our planet and made me realize that coral reefs in the wild must be even more beautiful or so I thought.
More than half of our coral reefs are now nothing more than a graveyard, those that remain are fading into memory, but it's not the end, there is still hope and thanks to your support, I am donating $10,000 to the Coral Restoration Foundation. Here's another video of mine that you should definitely watch.

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