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SiMS FAMiLY with ADLEY!! taking care of Crazy Baby Adley! Sim Shaun & Jenny move into a new house

Apr 11, 2024
you're crawling on the bathroom floor you're not serious aly is crawling on the bathroom mom go take


i'm going to use the to go tell mom to take


of you you can't use the bathroom someone should go tell them did you just open the door? I'm magical, oh it's like when you're a


and you open the door to the dogs, I remember. let mommy pick up the


no, oh don't pause okay how is the


game so


? I feel inspired to go play with


, play hide and seek, I want to play hide and seek with you, hello come here baby, do you want to play huh? go g gole no no no don't smile no he's not going to play hide and seek I'm going to change my I'm going to change a little thing snuggled up and then we'll cut oh come here oh oh you're so cute you look so cuddly and comfortable oh mom is reading a book about squid Dad I ask you huh what's your question let me sit here yeah what are you doing Need you're C on me yeah oh hey Jenny uh I love you you just wanna hug and leave the baby on the H watch out you're almost standing About the baby, yeah, but I love drums, but I love TV, do you want to watch TV, yeah?
sims family with adley taking care of crazy baby adley sim shaun jenny move into a new house
I love you, okay, let's do that, I like T too, come find me, oh yeah, no planes, no, I don't like planes. What if it started to rain? It would be scary and suddenly they're playing with starting a fire. Be weird, you know, oh, check out a R


's, oh, it's the baseball episode. She doesn't have a baseball episode you're talking about. I know, this is great, let's get Kidd out of bed. Sorry, we got caught talking. on the couch mom dad my name is Unicorn oh wait you're sad why are you sad no what's wrong wait I have to comfort you my birthday is Thursday so really yeah oh mom has work Al Le Will you be here for my birthday look okay we'll have a birthday party, rock byly, I don't like steps, why does it say I'll rock you to sleep?
sims family with adley taking care of crazy baby adley sim shaun jenny move into a new house

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sims family with adley taking care of crazy baby adley sim shaun jenny move into a new house...

Yes, she is such a pretty girl, she is okay, for you, hey, look, I am a good father, I am a figure. towards each other who would have thought my sim looks like me cl cl okay this kid isn't going to bed what do we do dad I have a question I have a question too darling I also have a question Will you ever go? to bed never that's why I thought, let me pick you up again hey mom, no, don't think about the bed, mom, come in here, mom, wait, the refrigerator is thinking about something, so the feces, honey, are you Are our appliances communicating?
sims family with adley taking care of crazy baby adley sim shaun jenny move into a new house
You can verify? I'm feeding outside. a bottle, honey, just look at our appliances, really, yeah, the refrigerator is falling in love with our sink, okay, and I'm trying to feed Adly, a bottle, bye and the lights just went out, this


is haunted, the sink is what the wall is, wait. you really know what's going on it's the


next door we can see our neighbors emotions through the walls that doesn't make any sense is this entire video just me trying to put you to sleep can we fast forward fast forward fall oh you did good ? sh, what does that time story tell, okay, once upon a time Dracula in the bathroom, blah blah blah, the keys C I'm asleep, finally, the story of Dracula's father always works now I know seriously, although when you were little one you loved watching the father of Dracula episode it's actually true mom is dreaming about the sun night night and that's how we had the best day ever when BBY was a little boy and that's the S it's not the end it's not the final we're going to your birthday we're going to saturday that means this isn't just a game g movie this is a game g movie I suck let's get daddy to wake up what's going on make my bed where am I outside my room?, oh, he's asleep, sh, oh, who's asleep, hi, me.
sims family with adley taking care of crazy baby adley sim shaun jenny move into a new house
I'm just going to wake you up because you stink, you need to change your stretch oh, you dream about poop and flies, uh, oh, mom is talking about stinky boots, oh no, it stinks in here, I know, I'm sorry. I'm going to go give Adly a bath oh I feel uncomfortable I think I need to go to the bathroom or something, what did he say a few moments later? Are you controlling this


well? CLP burp TWP derp skurp slurp per purple T BT CT T CT Zer CT hurt CL, oh, did you have a good bath?
Yeah, bathroom, okay, just sit here on the floor of this bathroom, all right, what are you doing? We still only have 4,000. What if we sell an item? We get money. We get M. yes, but we need our items in our


, but then we can say we can buy them again, okay, what were you going to sell the sink? No, the refrigerator loves the sink, don't break it, remember that love story, what's with that light? You don't need to be afraid of the dark, remember baby, Atley was afraid of the dark, don't sell her NightLight, monster, not bad, it was $40, yeah, where's mom, she went to work, so , where is?
You do not have it. no, wait, what is that?, that's me, you turned into a tornado, you're a little baby, a ball of dust and dirt, let's see what happens to NES, it's not Navy, it's you, this is literally you idea. I wanted Navy and put an inventory so you're a diaper ew, why is it on the floor? Throw it away, where am I dad? where are you? You're sleeping oh I'm putting you on yeah all you do is sleep oh my gosh it's like a real ally baby you just sleep and fart and play in the bathtub. let's fast forward in this life okay guys first we'll start with some chicken dancing what a turkey why until the next day oh I'm sure we'll just do this for an hour 1 hour later.
Are you trying to fast forward to your birthday? uhhuh, we won't make it, it'll take forever, can you skip to that day? No, we're sleeping in a fort. Do you want to see our fort? Should we give it? a forum to see it actually it's cool let's sleep on something tonight you want to see what we're sleeping on tonight our trip wait this is our fort come on look how huge this thing is it takes up almost the entire basement and then we can play and then when we are tired, the fort is right here. Yes, we are going to sleep here tonight.
I'm sleepy, that's Adley's side, Dad's side, it's here. Oh, you have purple, you sleep very well. yeah, that's the fort, back to Sims, back to Sims World, where we are, it's your birthday, but no, oh, we made money, wait, we just made a lot of money, how do we do it? because our mom went to work, look, mom just. What is she? Is that her space uniform? Yeah, let's C Jenny. What did you do? You cut that part out completely. Did you just finish the video? Oh, what about your birthday? Okay, I guess this is it then, thanks for watching the games for four weeks. old water ew she's drinking old water

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