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Simplified Recipe • Super Crispy Pork Belly 脆皮烧肉 Airfryer/ Oven • Chinese Roasted Pork • Crunchy!

May 30, 2021
hello welcome to flavor the extremes today we will show you how to make a simple roast



so let's start cooking we are not prepared the



this is 450 grams of pork belly try to choose the piece that is not too greasy the case it will be


and very rich and not too greasy for you for your own illness, so basically you just need a device like this, if you don't have this at home, what you can do is just tie some skewers and then you can put it on this skin this way.
simplified recipe super crispy pork belly airfryer oven chinese roasted pork crunchy
There are now some videos that show you how to pop the Boilie first before pricking it or stimulating it before pricking it. You can also do them. The main difference is that after vaporizing them, the engine separates. it's softer and then it's easier to burst, but then of course the skin will have more moisture and you spend more time trying to dry the skin. Now the method I'm showing you now is very traditional, you don't have to do it. any steam or boiling of the bursting data so all you have to do is throw everything well now first to make it easier if it's not just a small piece what you have to do is just throw it up a little bit be careful with your hand only for those who like the skin to have a lot of blisters, please pop more drops in the pot, the more host you have in this skin, the more blisters you would have more, let's do it, you are not going to marry Deepak and I'll show you how to do it.
simplified recipe super crispy pork belly airfryer oven chinese roasted pork crunchy

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simplified recipe super crispy pork belly airfryer oven chinese roasted pork crunchy...

Do this so the marinade goes into the pop more easily. They are going to make some cuts behind, but I continue. Cutting like this would be fine, little by little, a little after you've made some cuts in the pop. I'll show you how to make the marinade before putting it in the pop. I'm making a very simple marinade right now, just with a tablespoon of Chinese rice wine, two teaspoons of salt to one and a half teaspoons of five spice powder and also hot pepper, if you've seen my previous video, what I actually made is use canned tofu or something, but it may not be available in some parts of the world.
simplified recipe super crispy pork belly airfryer oven chinese roasted pork crunchy
This one only uses a few basic ingredients from this mix. We lifted them up good and rubbed this on the bottom of the top and slowly placed the Ernie on top. I get up again when I'm ready, we turn around as you can see, solve this Morini, this on the jumper, we'll just use a kitchen. towel and dry debit repair a piece of aluminum foil are good to cover the exposed flesh of the top Fanny with the aluminum foil so that the moisture is lost when we are drying the skin so now you say paper towel and just try the skin don't worry about the MA stem on the skin as it is actually edible so it will still be fine on the skin after roasting them but it is not as visible so once you are done with this just contact them a little bit like this should get a little bit on the skin okay remove this part oh I'm so sorry they're going to do a little foil swap because this is from any living deep skin ex post now what we're going to do is We're going to prepare the skin so that when we lift it it's nice and


and light, we all need half a teaspoon of baking soda, this is to dry the skin faster and also make it fluffy or so, just pat it on.
simplified recipe super crispy pork belly airfryer oven chinese roasted pork crunchy
On a top like this we are going to add some photos of our own, so just add 2 teaspoons first and rub them all over the pot, this will help draw the moisture out of the skin to make it crispy, this step is actually very important because for To make the skin crispy and not hard, you need to dry the skin a lot, don't worry, a bodybuilder 40, you won't trust me. I have done this many times, make sure to balance each part of the skin with baking soda. like this, as you can see, the moisture actually comes out of the skin, right water, don't worry, just remove it again, so apply a little bit more, another half or two teaspoons and wrap it again after you do this. we are living in the refrigerator for at least a day but we are going to put this in the refrigerator for two days so that the skin is dry and nothing is because we don't have time to do this tomorrow you will be working like this We will do it on Tuesday, which is a year difficult for us, so see you in two days.
The soda has been dry in the refrigerator for two days already, so I'm going to put it in the air fryer and Grill it now, keep the aluminum foil on because you want the meat to be moist and don't try it too much with the air fryer, so just put everything like this , close it and we're going to set this to 180 degrees 45 minutes just to cook it and to dry the skin more, so 25 minutes is already degrees Celsius. See you in a while. Five minutes are up. Let's take a look at how beautiful the skin is.
Pop-up window. Now we have removed a new point. Get up from the Airfryer I'll take the foil off and put it back on now. I put it back in the air fryer. You just don't want it to brown any more, so put it in and spread a little bit of oil on this kid. This will bring out even more and make this even more beautiful just a little bit of oil on the skin without raising the heat to 200 degrees Celsius and fry this for another five to eight minutes the meat is ready let's take a look if you want the color to stay still darker, you can actually fry this for 12 minutes.
Also, I'll do it at about 8:00 in Miami, about an hour, so we're not going to cut this right away, we're going to let the meat rest. The important thing is Look how this disease is actually very good, let's just get on with it. We put another piece of aluminum foil. Let's cover the exposed flesh. Finally, it's just skill because we want the juice to settle, just cover the meat. lots of exposing myself here like this and just speeding up like this the cutting is about half an hour so at this point we just let this sit and the entree is it, you have very crispy skin with a lot to see me. so we'll see you in a while, we've rested on me and now it's time to cut them off.
I'm using clear over here. I'll take it because I like my meat to be big and thick, so make it the most. uh from the corner here, but somewhere around here just to create a line first and I know where to cut it to see how crispy look how beautiful and juicy it is, so I'm going to cut this into smaller pieces, cut it in total now . I'm going to try to make you measure us like this, so cut it like this big business is going very well with beer. A good belly should have very crispy and very looking skin, so this is what we are trying to achieve. here, now it's time to give it an extremely


taste and we try it, not very strange to see variables, sorry, needs and gentlemen, I hope you liked our video, please like our video and subscribe to our channel, thanks for watching.

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