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Simple Ring Tutorial - Eps 14

May 04, 2020
how to make super wire wrapped


s incredibly easy and a unique style that actually makes the


s adjustable to the finger which is something you will find very impressive. I'm sure we have something


here, this is some red tiger's eye. chips some of the lapis lazuli chips some aventurine chips you have two different little mother of pearl discs right here this is a natural mother of pearl this is a little olive green here we have an abalone shell it's so pretty if you can get a shell of abalone, it's iridescent, it's completely natural, look, it looks like, it looks almost like an abstract oil painting, let's look at that up close, it's so cool, look at that, oh, look at that, let's turn it around.
simple ring tutorial   eps 14
Li, the other side. Wow, okay, anyway, here we have a nice little Jasper rectangle of some kind, very pretty. He's okay, let's get started. I'm going to do all of this with 20 gauge silver, non-tarnish silver. 20 gauge is very thin for a ring you want. The ring should be strong and will be strong except for the part that goes around your finger while it is on your finger. It'll be okay if you drop this thing and step on it, you'll have a problem, so that's the only thing except 20. The gauge really makes what we do possible, you could do 18 gauge, once you get good at this you could force it, but let's make the 20 gauge for now, so that's the only downside, these rings will be a little vulnerable to being crushed if you put a lot of weight on them, but as long as you wear them on your finger and store them in a safe place, you'll be fine, so let's just start with this pretty mother of pearl and all of these are pre-drilled as well.
simple ring tutorial   eps 14

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simple ring tutorial eps 14...

This method only works with stones that are pre-drilled and have a hole in them at some point. Now, of course, there are many ways to do it if they don't have a hole, but we'll do that in another video or you can probably figure it out. It went well so I cut about 16 inches of wire and brought it to the center of the wire, it doesn't have to be exact, you want it to be exact, put the ends together and then you can test it, but here it is. is deciding which side you want the front to be and then we're going to give it a little curve here, give it a little curve there and that's it.
simple ring tutorial   eps 14
Now I'm just going to go around this side so the two ends are together. we'll go up almost all the way around the stone you don't even need to go all the way around and then when it gets here I'm going to bend it so it comes out straight like this and then we'll get our ring maker do you want to get one of these many of these that they sell are completely smooth and gradual so you can know what size ring you want one that is stepped is actually stepped in all sizes so you can get it right there.
simple ring tutorial   eps 14
I have this one from jo-ann fabrics it's about ten dollars great investment. I have to keep writing the numbers by hand because they wear off very easily. The average woman in the West is around six or seven. I'm going to make a seven if you're a woman and your fingers are very different from that don't feel bad there's no right or wrong you could be a tiny four you could be a ten or eleven it doesn't say anything about anything else so I put it on I put it on the ring maker I wrap it tightly around the size I want, tension is important, you want to tighten it all the way and then I hold it firmly in place.
This is one of the most important things I find with wire wrapping is simply holding the piece tightly by pulling on the wire. tight, making sure everything is tight, so I hold it on the bottom with my finger. I'm pulling on the top with my thumb holding it so I can hold it with one hand. The other hand is free to negotiate the wire surrounding this. It is very


to go all the way around and that is more or less you remove it you put it upside down you take our cutters we are going to leave these two ends a little less than a centimeter long enough to insert them separate them a little and This is the part that inserts the ends sharp.
You're going to want to change positions. Sometimes you only move it half a millimeter. You change another position. I'll grab it like this. It's hard not to slide when you start. but you force it right, look, I had a little slip right there and take the other one. I'm starting like this underneath, holding it and then I'm going to rotate it, reposition it, rotate it again, reposition it and pinch it right there. you could make a bigger one you could make them go all the way through the bottom of the stone that's fine and then II 6000 is always our friend remember six tiles and it dries incredibly fast you only have a 30 second window before that thing starts to get rubbery. put the top on right away or it will just keep coming off and the beautiful thing about e6000, even though it is an industrial adhesive, it dries as clear as glass if you just wipe it once or twice and give it a good clean and The other nice thing is that it erases from your fingers like the Elmer's glue you had in school, so boom, and it instantly turns into some kind of skin and just comes off super cool, so now look at this from there the e6000 is going to be completely It dries in about 20 minutes, the first minute it gets sticky when you rub it so fine, it's a really good thing, but you have to be quick, you don't want to keep rubbing it if you keep rubbing it more than three or four times.
It starts to develop little air bubbles and instead of drying clear, it will dry white and look gross, just not, so get it once, wipe it off quickly, maybe twice if you have to and you're done. I'm going to put that right there. Make another one, get more wire this time. I'm going to put a little design on top. Give away all my secrets. All these trade secrets. Now you will get rich thanks to my hard work and pain. I love olives. green color, look at that, well, come over here. I would really like to make 18 gauge, but some of these drill the holes so small. 18 will never make it reach the middle again.
Let's do this crimp, crimp, crimp, crimp, look. This time we are going to fold a design on top. What I'm going to do is a very simple S-curve, bend it in one direction, hold it, write and vice versa, pressing all the time, what a nice little S-curve, done. and then we will put the two ends together. I like working with double ends, it gives more strength, it looks more interesting. Sometimes you separate the ends and put them back together, but I like to work with a double thread like that and then I'm going to walk you through this, let's choose, let's choose an eight this time, squeeze it tight there, squeeze it tight.
I'm going to go through the other side like this and how do you want this to be? I want to be a little out of place. like diagonally, this gives it a cool effect and I'm going to hold it tight, I'm going to wrap it here. I'm pressing it hard against the ring maker so the wire doesn't slide under it, it makes a nice circle going around, I see it's kind of an oval and I turn it and again we're going to cut the sharp edges, we're going to tuck them in and We'll grab both of them at the same time once you get good at this.
It's fast, it's 6,000, a good clean voice, maybe two, and I mentioned they're adjustable. Well, how can they be adjusted? Notice when you encounter a diagonal like this. See how it starts at one end and then goes to the diagonal end. it's a unique curve so let's say this is a size or it's a 7 yeah it's a 7 so my pinky is about a 7 so it can go on like this now if someone wants it bigger they hold it on the back top and bottom if you rotate it. one way it actually opens up to a larger size you can go up to an 8 8 and a half maybe a 9 turn it the other direction and that diagonal closes and becomes more like a less open circle and more. an oval but somewhat closed, it's hard to explain because it still takes the shape of a circle where it would fit on the finger anyway, you can turn it the other way and you can turn it down until you get to a six or even a five or even a four , that's one way to resize, there is another way to resize and this will work on many rings if you have them.
I would say anything in 2018, even 16 gauge, put it in your ring maker. Tell the person I love this ring but it doesn't fit me, it's too big. I need to go down to sizes. Look at this, let's go down a size. Separate these first, take it and just give it a very tight, firm crimp and then another. Look. Also, I changed it to a six, let's go even further, I changed it to a five and you might say yes, but you also made that weird shape. Believe it or not, people sometimes often find it even prettier with that cool shape.
A little design there, so there you go, you guys are going to get rich from all this hard work I did. Let's do this guy. I'm going to pick a nice, let's do a vintage bronze for this, like I said, some people call it vintage. bronze some people call it antique bronze antique brass depends on who the manufacturer is bronze and brass if you look it up they are both very similar metals they are both about 90 plus 90 percent copper and copper is our ideal metal for wrapping wires . it's just strong and flexible, take it to the middle crimp, sometimes you want to give it a little bit more on the side you're going to play with, so this side I would have made it a little longer and bent it.
There are some crazy fun loops happening here when you start, be very careful, go very slow and do it, push hard. I'm going a little faster because I've done this hundreds of times, that's right, you're in the presence of an experienced ring. maker, calm down ladies, I know it drives you crazy, look at that, it's a crazy little thing, cool, come back up, look, I've got my double strand going, oh yeah, let's make a seven wrap it around, this is going to form a diagonal very wide. this stone I would really have preferred to make 18 gauge, this is a larger stone. 20 gauge is pretty flimsy at the end of the day, but if people like it and buy it, then you can't always have everything you want, just cut this and this.
These sharp ends also keep it in place. There are hundreds of other ways to make rings. This is not necessarily the best way. This is the way I like it for the reasons explained. Something I forgot to mention after you told him to put it in. sharp edges you'll always want to check take your finger put it in there rub it you feel some kind of prick or scratch if you feel a poker scratch go back find out where it is readjust it as necessary you always want them to be as tucked in as possible pressed against another piece of wire pressed against the stone and then once you put that e6000 in there it pretty much holds it and cements it forever but there is a chance that something will stick out.
There's another artist I know who actually made a ring that didn't stick the sharp edge right in. The person actually scratched their finger enough to bleed when squeezing it, so no, no, you never want your sharp end sticking out, shut up. , last ring of the day, this abalone shell, but it's in the middle, we're going to do something different this time, we're going to make it super tight right now, here normally we would wrap it around the ring maker, but this time we won't, We'll hold it very tight, take the Double Thread and make a tight swirl.
You have to hold on tight or the two ends will try to flip over each other. You want to keep them next to each other to get this really nice look and make it as tight as possible. the more you tighten it the better and to start with it's going to be a little bit loose, I always take my flat pliers, I flatten it out, it's going to keep trying to bunch it up, it tightens it more, I just try to bunch it up a little bit more, flatten it out, bring it back closer. to the stone and let's give it one more, going to the other side.
Later I will show you how you can make an amazing bracelet, very simple, just by making these little loops back and forth with the double strand. just make a very long section and then fold it into a bracelet shape anyway, very pretty, right, it's kind of folding it there, right, I'll make one more loop, there we're going to take the rest straight out, look at that, so now we have a way. There's more here, press it hard against the part of our ring, now we always wonder what would secure best and I'm always with rings too.
I always try to press each little part into the shape of the ring. I like everything. so that it lies flat against the finger as much as possible, doesn't stick and look crooked, so this particular one we'll wrap it right there to keep it tight, come and see, you can do more if you want. I'm going to reach out here to see how this can be loose separately. We want our ring to be a little bit stronger than that, so I'm going to wrap it under here, since I had this extra wire, be patient with your patient. and strong patient and strong wins the day okay these come back this way that's something you can always do it's great you have a long finish you want if you don't need to put it in we don't need to put it in this one is quite strong and grab it right here make it very small , hold it tighter, you'll slip and scratch it, make it really small and then you squeeze it here, try not to slip and then hold it sideways, bend it, hold it. keep it bent keep repositioning it you're just pulling it like two millimeters at a time hold it down until you have that nice swirl now if you have a longer piece of wire you can make a really fat swirl pull it pull it bend it could sing a song keep the beat bend it bend itbend it you might be super cheesy well there we go and I'm always playing with my rings if I see something I don't like press that little part you be careful you gotta know your stone know your wire you'll break something now if you break it that's learning , just don't give up, as long as you don't give up, you can do almost anything right now, see how.
Those don't really stick out too much. I want them to be pressed into the shape of a ring and I also want the stone to lie flat on the finger. That's pretty good there and we're still going to throw some e6000 in there. e6000 saves the day the 6000 all the way oh yeah that will be a very nice rating alive a little over seven million ah there you go and if you want to see the chips this is what I did I thought I had this on The video turns out not to I did it. I had it on pause the entire time.
I basically took one chip at a time, did a little swirl, did a little curl and then added the next chip, did a little swirl and then wrapped it all up. You're going to have to imagine how I did it because I thought I was videotaping and I wasn't. The camera betrayed me. Don't ask what happened to this one. In fact, I broke a chip. Sometimes they drill these chips but the hole is in the strangest place and then the force of the wire will break it, but this is lapis lazuli and aventurine and this one turned out very crooked and strange, but that's what you do, you make mistakes, you move on , you make mistakes, you move.
It's better to make a thousand mistakes and then stay there paralyzed and scared.

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