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Silly Science Experiments with Blippi and Friends! | Fun Learning | Educational Videos For Kids

May 29, 2024
There is so much to learn about this it will make you want to scream. Everyone take 10 steps back. We're going to throw in three two. That was incredible. Did you see that paint can shoot up like a rocket? Yes, hello, I'm B. What's up? Your name is Emily Kelli, nice to meet you, nice to meet you Emily, it was an amazing experiment. You did it well. Do you think you could teach us how to do it? I would love to do it. Well, wait a minute, Emily, how? you know how to do a


experiment like that I'm an aerospace engineer, I'm an aerospace engineer.
silly science experiments with blippi and friends fun learning educational videos for kids
I know engineers build bridges and roads, but what does an aerospace engineer do well? Aerospace means I studied how things fly through the air like an airplane. like that can of paint mm and flying through space wow that's amazing well I definitely want to try this experiment come on woohoo flippy are you ready? I'm ready, are you ready too? Yes, amazing, okay, well, what do we need to do the experiment? need baking soda, oh okay, a little baking soda and a little vinegar, that smells a little, and a can of paint and a can of paint, that's right, wait a minute, well why Will we need vinegar and baking soda to do this experiment?
silly science experiments with blippi and friends fun learning educational videos for kids

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silly science experiments with blippi and friends fun learning educational videos for kids...

Well, baking soda is our Base vinegar is our acid, when we mix the two, you start an acid-based chemical reaction that creates bubbles of carbon dioxide, bubbles, yeah, wait and then the bubbles increase the pressure, so what launches the paint can like a rocket, woos exactly exactly, well, I think. We are ready to start the experiment, what is the first step? Well, first you'll want to put the baking soda into the paint. You can pour it all. Well can you help me? Yes, absolutely, here we go. Woohoo, it's snowing. in the paint can, oh, it's a little complicated to do scientific


silly science experiments with blippi and friends fun learning educational videos for kids
Okay, now you want to pour the vinegar into this cup very carefully. Oh, and then we put the cup on the side exactly. Okay, here we go, I don't want to spill anything on the baking. soda before each other, be very careful, we don't want to start the acid-based chemical reaction too early, so just gently drop it into the baking soda like that exactly exactly yeah it looks pretty stable perfect now for the fun part, do you? OK? Let's hammer the lid, oh, that's exactly why you were hammering before, okay, here we go, okay, yeah, perfect and Emily, you want to hammer a little bit, you absolutely need to put some oomph behind that, that's it. some push.
silly science experiments with blippi and friends fun learning educational videos for kids
Alright. I think it's ready, okay, and now we just turn it over, exactly okay, everyone back up 10 steps here we go three two one, did you see that? Yeah, flippy, do you want to see what was going on inside the paint can? That would be amazing, yes. We saw it launched like a rocket, but I want to see those carbon dioxide bubbles bo bo bo bo, okay, so what do we have to do? We can make them right here, so we have vinegar, which is our acid, and baking soda, which is our base. What we're going to do is add our food coloring first because everything is more fun in color, we give you blue and you have orange.
I have orange, yes. I wonder why we are using those two colors. I thought they might be your favorites. so go ahead and add a few drops like this and let's stir it well, stir it well now in one of these. I'm going to add some soap. My hypothesis is that the soap will trap those carbon dioxide bubbles and make it a little more foamy and sudsy. Hey, have you heard the word hypothesis before? Yeah, that's a very long word for basically a guess and Emily, I think you made a really good guess. I think we're going to try it.
Alright. Here we are. ready 3 2 1, check it out, look, see how mine looks a little colder? That's the soap that traps those carbon dioxide bubbles. Yes, it seems like yours has a lot of small bubbles and I have really big bubbles, exactly. Oh, that's great. and Emily we used this experiment using glasses who used a different container we absolutely could oh what's up with that water bottle? This would be perfect huh. I wonder if the bubbles will shoot out. I know my hypothesis is because this one goes from a large area to a small area it will shoot faster and maybe go a little higher, another good guess test, we have to test it, oh and what color should we make this, my Favorite color is pink, or we make it pink, yes, let's make it pink. one two three there let's stir that in waa it's like a pinkish red color oh yeah oh that's going to be some bun bubbles okay so now let's pour it in and see what happens.
Let's test that hypothesis, okay, get ready. These are going to be some big bubbles, woohoo, your hypothesis was correct, it shot up higher, that was cool, that was cool, the bubble release was cool, now it looks so pink, look at that, yeah, we got some pink, some orange and some blue. Look Emily, we've got a fun little elephant in blue water, just take him in a bubble bath, oh wait a minute, we tried a cup and a bottle of water, what if we tried something a little


? Okay, what did you have in mind? An orange, let's try it.
Yes, I love the color orange and I love eating fruit and orange. Okay, so we have an orange and there's a little bit of baking soda in it and here's some Vin vinar, thank you and I want to be sillier with this one so let's do the vinegar. green oo I like it, we haven't made the green one yet, waa perfect, I'm going to stir it up, okay, let's see how this one looks, okay, I don't know what it's going to look like, I'm going to try it. Wait, my hypothesis is that this is going to be a disaster 3 2 1 come on, there's so much soda W Emily, that was amazing, that was great, yeah, look at so many bubbles, those carbon dioxide bubbles went everywhere, it's a Great acid-based chemical reaction, right?
Well, it was fun to experiment. Do you think we could do another one? I think it's okay. I'm going to go clean my hand. Are you ready for the next experiment? Mhm, I'm really excited, but I think we should take a little break first and check out a swing, come on, woo wo, I love swinging, uh, but Emily, yeah, is there something scientific about swinging? Oh my goodness, yes, there is


around us with swings. Gravity pulls us back down and our legs give way. We have momentum to get us back up, yes, and my legs are very strong from dancing, so I can reach very high on the swing.
Wooo wao, well we have gravity to bring me back down or else I might fly to the moon. be fun oh yeah flippy astronaut here I come woohoo oh oh Emily I have an idea follow me okay here we go wow I had a lot of fun taking a break but Emily I'm ready for another experiment okay let's do it o oo fun oo it's a non-neonian fluid and everything what you need for this, you can do it at home is two parts cornstarch to one part water, so let's go ahead and mix those up in WoW, put your cornstarch here, okay, go ahead, cornstarch.
Alright, alright, SM, now add the water, okay, like this, you're going to want to get your hands in here. It's a lot of fun to mix with your hands and you said it was a non-neonian fluid, yeah. A non-neonian fluid is just a special name for a fluid that doesn't follow the rules of normal fluids, oh yeah, so a normal solid has its own shape and a normal liquid or fluid takes the shape of whatever container it is in. find, so if you have water in a cup the water has exactly the shape of the cup but or because it is a non-neonian fluid sometimes it acts like a liquid but sometimes it acts like a solid depending on what we do to it oh wow then, Are there other types of non-Nutonians? liquids exactly, so one that you might be familiar with is ketchup ketchup mmm.
I love that on my fries and when you try to get ketchup out of the bottle, what do you normally do? Normally you need to tap the end a little. exactly because ketchup, when you hit it, when you add Force to it, acts more like a liquid, oh, and when you don't hit it, when you're not doing anything to it, it acts more like a solid and it's harder to get out of. that glass bottle, how interesting, how it can be solid sometimes or liquid sometimes exactly the same as or, so look at this when you squeeze it, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, it acts like a ball, but look at this, as soon as I put it down When you squeeze it, it acts like a liquid that flows between my fingers wao it melts that's so cool wa and why is it called a non-neonian fluid that's a long name it's a long name so Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician and he established some rules for the fluids and this doesn't really follow them mm he likes to break the rules, yeah, and I've heard of Isaac Newton, it's cool that he named this fluid, whoa, oh I have an idea, how about you make one again little ball and I think our friend?
Mr. Elephant wants to play on the black O, here we go wo uhoh, he's getting stuck, well, okay, yeah, if he moves a lot, he doesn't get stuck, look, he's just walking on the oo, if he steps on the oo, he can stay. stay on top look stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp yeah but if he's not stomping he'll sink like water here we go w o well it looks like mr elephant needs to go take another bubble bath Emily this ooac is super fun woohoo it's okay blippy now that you know how OAC works I have a surprise for you, you have a surprise for me, where is it?
Go ahead and slide down that slide, okay, here we go, see you at the bottom, woohoo, this is not so black, this is e blippy blippy. That's a corny joke, a cornstarch joke. W. I had a lot of fun today and it's great to learn about non-neonian fluids and how they can be liquids or solids. W. Emily, I had a lot of fun doing science


. Would you like a very big hug, perhaps? later, blippy, okay, I get it okay, that's the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name.
Hey, can you spell my name with us? Okay, here we go, ready, b l i p p i blippy, good job. Well, I'll see you later. I need to get out of this problem. W wo wo yes, come so much to learn that it will make you want to be shy.

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