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May 01, 2020
Hello and welcome to detect or line today we are going to find out with all the excitement if they are liars, oh yes, for the lobbies, go tell a friend or line at John Ball that you miss me, were you okay? I have some gifts for you all okay obviously this wouldn't be a video of me if there wasn't a punishment. So, idiot. Oh, every time you get two, you get a question. Well, I'm not. bad, you lie to me, boy, honey, and we have some other items, so you can look inside to see what you want to bake if you lie to me, so don't lie to me, uh, anyway, are you ready?
sidemen lie detector
I don't think you even do it. So first of all, we're going to have to ask some control questions, let's say about calibration, I'm a little high, have you ever lied about something serious? Yes, okay, it's analyzing mmm very good, very good 97 BPM, you will be nervous, have you ever stolen? anything yeah okay a bad boy uh bad boy on these streets what music do you like to listen to mostly rap a rap of course puts you in the mood to rob me? Have you ever fantasized about meta? Without a long pause, ever? i killed a cat yes it bothers me your heart rate is increasing a little M i had no 146 are you ready to answer the real questions? do you see my fingers tremble do you have a big nose?
sidemen lie detector

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sidemen lie detector...

Yes, but it's relative again, no. I felt good because he blessed. Me with big things. How did you get involved with your girlfriend? Know? You are afraid of me? No, it's good, now you're afraid of me. You know, just say it, that's good, no, that's good, you're gay, no, are you sure, yeah, we don't like the oh-ho. -ho, no, I do things, there is nothing wrong with running away, we didn't know, man, I agree, are you better than the rest of the men? Would you say you are the best technically? no, yes, Do you like to eat more when? he was fat no so you like him more now that's the easy fact that he's the same person thank you so it wasn't funny how and he was fat no he constantly Instagrammed his body when he was fat.
sidemen lie detector
I just punched his car. Instead you said no and said: Are you attracted to Indian women? Yes that is good. Are you vain? Yes. It's okay, it's good. Do you like it? Come on, she, the Chinese, will beat you up. Jake, boy. Yes I believe it. You have to force it. Yes, it's nice. as if it came from within it's okay, it will come from within Italy - are you afraid of your girlfriend? Have you ever made a nine? No, how long have you known your girlfriend of nine years? Nine years and you've never been tempted.
sidemen lie detector
I've been tempted. You lied you said no and you lied to me no sir I was tempted to Are you a local? fine yes or no yes big big will you release us this year? Yes, I'm excited, I can't wait to hear him talk on the bus. Are you going to be good? Does your body look better than yours? Yeah, do you want to be friends with Logan Paul? No, but you're a fan of him. I appreciate the content of it. Yeah, so you're actively looking at mango. Yeah, I can't say I ever have. change I enjoyed this content I don't know who said it out loud have you ever had your butt finger?
Me, who's the hottest, mine outside the side ring, no, oh, you mean who or you just want to leave it. Do you like doing YouTube? videos in your main China what do I do yes I answer yes or no yes yes yes I don't I just make sure you guys look at that question. Very bad guy, sorry, well, Jay Paul, whistle deeply in a boxing match, not this anymore. but since he tried he said all the time to me, have you ever masturbated on your own Instagram? He's just your best friend. Yes, have you ever shined a woman's face?
Yes, I want to know more, I want to leave it at that. here so you've given your girl that broken salsa district is better than KS eyes create specs which is first, what's worse - oh yeah, broken salsa district is better than case I know you're telling the truth, do you know how to make tikka masala? You're an alcoholic no, oh so you don't like it I like alcohol okay but you're not an alcoholic I'm going to say I depend on it now say you're telling the truth too oh you're destroying the visa have you done that ever? smart you are ugly without your beard oh no anymore maybe yes you make better videos than your border money yes then the money goes to this mm-hmm you can't do anything okay don't be so scared okay, you raise Britain if you just If it were happening so fast and you wouldn't know what happened if you were telling it, would you consider yourself the leader of the companions, no, who do you think Aleta is, no one, there is no leader, do you think that's why the Mendoza side, well, if you told the truth, you received the ode. by Fred I loved women no oh no you will never be faithful I mean I have never been friends they are on the phone a lot for women have you been friends or for women?
Yes, everyone and you told All your parents were disappointed that you didn't become a doctor. Now imagine that you are screaming at the video right now. Bring it down, yeah, yeah, positive affirmation. They said it was undetermined. Now I have faith in this. Determined, so don't do it. strange, yes, she fell on a man, woman, woman and you win when you put it like that, but yes, yes, she saw me fall and then you came in and eighty-two. Those ducks made better music than KS. I know you're tight. with money, yes, eaten by me, you are his brother pimping him, but he was allowed eleven ground forces, he spent 20, they had never Died here, yes, there is nothing.
Oh comforter, he's a Jeff Tracy, a better rapper than being zu know, so you think he's a stretchy Tracy ad. Tracy is telling it, so the big question is: are you happy? Yeah, because I think the easy-cough Gallup kept saying you weren't happy. He asked Alex. Yeah, so you think you're happy. I am yes, very happy in your, you know, London. I'm happy. yeah, okay, maybe it's a question, you're funny, no, I tried, you try, I know it less times, I love it because it's not funny, okay, let's try that, don't let people look at my eyebrows today.
Alyssa is much sexier than Erica, still yes. maybe too fast, you hate how all your friends follow your sister, no I don't care, Calix is ​​a better YouTube, a tank is freezing, no he's going to make a video about this, do you really enjoy playing FIFA? Yes, you really enjoyed it, yes, how? How long have you been playing FIFA for 3.99? I knew you enjoyed this game for so long. I enjoy it this year, not the last two years, each one chooses, do you eat the ass, have you never eaten the ass, have you never been bent over?
I've never eaten it like Cory, don't you like it or does it bring back horrible, horrible flashbacks? I understand that they will not understand that it is not a racing wing, by the way, that is a childhood thing, only you are ready for the final question clearly. Shane is going to be excellent. Do you miss your dad? You don't know it one bit, no. I mean, he made you, he put his penis inside him, he created you and you don't love that man, why are you dizzy? he was there for you all the time or that it's a shame you're telling the truth does your mom have instagram?
No, as far as I know, no, no, you're not lying to me. I haven't liked it all the time like the All the time yes, it does, does the incisor suit you? And if you are, what do you like being on this side? Man, yeah, do you eat the ass? Perfect questions, that's in your question. Do you eat the ass? Another thing is that you even looked at the computer once. I don't know, you don't know, you don't eat no ass, I don't eat us, you'll get a handshake after I found out, all the way to India to resort because, for people, that's me, that's where you eat , do you like it. enjoy watching your girlfriend's videos yes, you're gay, life is a bow like, for example, sailing in Star Wars, no, you look like a fool, it never crossed my mind, okay, welcome yo-yo, just the whole session, yeah, I'm a little late, my bag, you know? how does this work huh, I guess I'm just telling the truth question number one, do you think you won the first fight with Logan?
Yes, one hundred percent, yes, no. The first two rounds I'll give it to him, but after that, I was kind of on top of him. You were telling the truth, do you like your brother Deji? These were not invented by me by the way just to clarify this we just want to know yes say yes yes yes yes yes do you like all the companions yes are you a plastic Arsenal fan at the moment yes no is it yes or no are you a Cardinal plastic fan? Yeah, so you were telling a lie. I mean, I really think give him the passport.
Cal Freezy is a better YouTuber than Calyx, he knows how he goes and does more. like me with you which ones have I colored are you telling the truth so me too the taco is a better coach than León I don't want it's not okay this in this yes who is your next session with love León was telling the truth The truth, although they are covering you up, Doctor, have you ever had a finger up your butt that wasn't yours? It is announced. Are you insecure about your forehead? Oh no, your pulse went all over the place but you were telling the truth.
Okay, final question. Do your parents like all secondary men no, the machine has detected irregularities thank you all for watching this counting code was yes

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