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May 27, 2020
person, the Chris Brown song and the marijuana song, okay, I can't, I guess I can't hate her, the next person, well, I have to do it, I have to go down like THIS because I'm I'm going to fall on you and Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. I have a big cock. In fact, I really like that song. Bo. I haven't heard the first one, but I'm going to go. I'm going to go listen to it. It's good, no. i want to know why boss okay next person anything on ki simulation because it just came out and everyone should download it oh hey he sounds like a good friend so i respect him so if i have to delete one , the person would probably say.
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That said something about three three I'm sorry, what's your name? I'm so sorry, the show must go on. What would you consider too far in the bedroom? The end of the bed because I'm not very tall. I'm fighting So I mean you're even taller, okay? The next person, as long as it doesn't involve poop, I mean, I'm fine. To be honest, because I don't really like that either, there's something like $1.00. I think it's going to fall. Okay, that would be super awkward, just a little. Okay, next verse, anything in my office is a No, that's anything in my ass, except everything is fine, I mean, honestly, I respect that one hundred percent, you're being honest, a real one, it's well, is there one more person?
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Yeah, to be honest, anything over four inches is too much, okay, so what does that mean? You're only four inches tall. Is that even because I was big, not another - what did number six say? Well, I agree, I'm sure that one two, I'm a real one - on that, well, I mean, Poitras is better than what you had before Oh, number five has chlamydia, he's out of control, the ship of Bobby, one of them came out quickly, okay, okay, the person in Minnesota is probably, oh, I don't want to do the end of the bed, boy, I think I'll just do it. that let me see if you can get back to us Cameron hi hi hi Toby I'm so sorry everything's fine so next question next question if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? pasta should be so versatile I love pasta, are you talking like red sauce or white sauce? just butter like butter, yeah, like soaking, okay, next person, I would say bottom, well, I mean, I'm just going to do miss, okay, wow, you really get in there.
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Okay, is there one more person? Yes, I'm going to say breast milk, anything you can survive on. Yeah, okay, that's interesting, so okay, no, I don't think it works like that. I think you have to be with someone like that. has a baby like or is close to having a baby so if that's what you like what could be arranged yeah I teach his like I respect that okay so those were all the that I will have to remove, probably probably the breast. dairy boy Sorry, hello, nice to meet you anyway, what's your name? Simon, yes, nice to meet you, Simon, let's forget the breast milk, yes, no, okay, okay.
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I'm not judging you, you have to survive, you really know what you have to do inside. Yes, really, you are sincere, I respect that, thank you really, if you could change one moment in history, what would it be? It would probably stop those people from eating the Batsuit in China, my boy supports, okay, when the United Kingdom joined the European Union because I would have said 35 years like tall men. I don't know anything about history, but I know about UK history, but I respect guys for your people, for your country, okay, okay, okay, last person, yeah, I'll probably change. lose to Jay Paul, yeah, yeah, yeah, over, then it probably wouldn't be good, you know, all would be right in the world, yeah, and he's super annoying, so I would, I'm honest, I'm honest, there's no cat, I liked everything. the answers probably because coronavirus is important so I would probably say the middle one about UK history well I like your tones thank you very much thank you very much okay you can move with it last question what Are you more afraid of him? very deep noise and it doesn't really exist anymore, okay, yes, no, that's real, it's scary.
Wow the last lap dancer got raped oh Jesus like a few guys just knocked me down and I think I'm terrified so if I had to take something away. Like, how can I order another costume? I saw you, you can put on makeup if you want if you want a tiebreaker hmm, what do you love the most and my penis? Yes, I can see the last person too. Yes, hello then. I live in the UK oh yes, yes, courage and Jesus, we are about to be the way we are.

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