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Jun 14, 2024
kill. I voted myself, don't vote for him, don't vote for him, don't vote. he can't not vote for him just skip it then because he is he is the I think this is a I honestly think this is a big big I'm going to no, don't vote for him, don't vote for him, don't vote for him, I think it's reverse psychology . I don't think he's a buffoon. I think he wants us to think that he's not a buffoon, he's just being weird, well we'll see, let's watch a KSI cooking session again. They leave, they leave him, whoever the imposter is, they leave him alive, they leave him alive, don't touch JJ, thank God, I hit that Jesus Christ, this guy, right?
sidemen among us ultra chaos mode every single role turned on
I just need to pick someone and kill them immediately, so my job is simply to protect Jinxy from them. However, I'm also a tiebreaker, so if there's a tie in the vote, I can influence it, which is useful. I have to stay alive there. Jinks, you know I'm his lawyer, even though you're in love. Who is it? my lover oh it's Toby he's trying to sabotage my game so I can't kill my lover my lover they said keep him alive I'm just going to kill him what's the worst that can happen? I need to take out Ginge and then FaceTime him, I need to take out Ginge and then FaceTime him, you want to kill, man, you're going to kill ging, oh no, he's not going to kill a kid, you stupid bastard, okay, JJ, you just put a blade to Ginger's neck, I don't know how.
sidemen among us ultra chaos mode every single role turned on

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sidemen among us ultra chaos mode every single role turned on...

Didn't brother JJ just put a blade to Ginger's neck? I swear to God, a full dagger, it's me, vote for me, V me, I think he has to go, he has to go, he's killing our friends, he has to do it with me, this is a double block, do it, I vote for myself, I vote for myself, come on, it's like he's doing it intentionally in front of me, guys, let C not listen to JJ, I don't know what kind of witchcraft he's working right now with what he is. Saying okay, it's like waiting until I see him and then kills like he wants to make it obvious that I'm seeing him, it's strange that it's if he's fair game, he's done it twice, yeah, yeah, yeah, catch him G, It's not just a joke.
sidemen among us ultra chaos mode every single role turned on
V Can a version of Jester and Jackal together be even possible? This means we go to bed. The boy wins, you suck. W no, no way, he hasn't won, he hasn't won, he's an idiot, he's an absolute idiot, he thought he was wrong.


but this this you're a wait wait no why would you do that prick why what's wrong why would you do that you're a troll my only job is to get voted out yeah and JJ dies so I can't get voted out Be your own people man always be your own people, well, I hope you're happy.
sidemen among us ultra chaos mode every single role turned on
Look, black people are dead. JJ. I hope you are happy. Kill me. I can't help it. I'm pretty uncomfortable with that, so I'm just going to walk away, so I might have had an impostor out there, which is pretty annoying. Let me find the damn body that practically cleans Jinxy. Honestly, now I just need the other imposter to hit me with a Time Shield. Do not kill me. I hope you can see that time, your Li, yes, I still don't know what just happened. He's not an imposter, but he's killing several people and he's doing it in front of me, like he obviously saw me walk through the vent and then walk through the vent.
I killed gy I wanted to kill Ginge bro bro ging was like the only person I wanted to kill. I don't know how the trap is supposed to work. Should I wait and see if someone walks into my trap or something? I didn't get either of them, try to knock him to the ground, I didn't get him, oh you, it's Harry, it's Harry. I've been trapped. I'm going to Tok. I'm going to mark the goal. Josh I think I could Josh. I think I could Josh. I did it all. sure so he oh for love okay okay okay the person who was just oh no there has been no wait consumption what oh someone ate uh so can I ask a question to people who know how they work the


s if I'm a The trapper and I set a trap, only imposters can be CAU, no one can be caught, yes you caught me, you caught me bastard, they caught me in the last game and what a WR, can other people who Aren't vultures eating people?
There is a cleaner, maybe yes. maybe the cleaner C can the janitor can get rid of people I think he's right, wrong. I don't know what a Trapper is supposed to do. I'm throwing it out there. I am Time Master and it is useless with these settings. Time Master gives me 3 seconds of cover


30 seconds it doesn't make sense 10% dude you take those we you know what no no we can solve this we can solve this you know because I am I can say it now I'm the vulture yeah okay so you I have joined the good.
I haven't eaten a body yet, so I don't have enough bodies left to eat. I'm a trapper. Lon is a trapper. I'm a tiebreaker. What does a tiebreaker do? If the votes are equal I can have an extra vote basically Ethan, what are you? I'm a thief, I'll vote for you, that's what you're doing right, there's no stealing on my part, oh, that's not very kind, just let me have a little of what you like to steal what you're going to Harry? Bow and chocolate bars. That's pretty innocent, though honestly. Do you have a role? Yes, I'm a lawyer to find out who, yes, we can't find someone nice who is lying.
Someone is lying, you have a criminal, you are someone's asshole. Jump in and let the IBF men win. I think JJ was one by the way, he just threw it out there and wanted us to think he was a buffoon, but I think he was an imposter. an impostor, I think he wanted us to think he was Jester, yeah he was like a BL double, let me chew the body for the small price of £4950, okay my role is the most horrible in the whole game. I really do not know. I understand its purpose well in any capacity, I guess I can also get neutrals, then because I thought


one was passing by and needed to do something quick.
I need to cook something, oh God, what the hell have I seen you do it. Oh shut up. By the way, shut up, the Jinie was there too, unless you're in on this with him and I'm fair play, but since I know there could be infinite roles in this little guy, I'm going to give it a try. I'm smart here, that's fine, but it's you, what happened Lon, what happened it's 2:30 in the morning, shut up, but why would you kill in front of people and then shut up, you're barking, you're barking, you're making so much noise to produce zero results, shut up.
I saw you okay anyway, Jinxy, you know what I saw, probably yeah, okay, so I


my shoulder and saw like a blade entering the body of whoever it was and he fell to the ground, oh, anyway, those This is great fantastic news. I'm a trapper. right, I have a trap, I caught Harry, that's why I called the meeting because I thought I caught the imposter, Harry and I, but we both voted for Ethan last time and there's a convention, there's a lawyer here who was at the scene of the crime and saw. nothing, yeah, I think it's, I think it happened, I think unless there's some R shenanigans going on that I don't really care about, honestly, at this point, stop yapping.
Go into the abyss and pull it out, it's time to go with Love by. the way with love and respect you know you played your game with love and respect um get off me Al has voted for his client wow that seems like a conflict of interest if you ask me big big bra I think we won it guys. I'm the last one, damn guys, I have big problems with that Jinxy Fall, he's not even a liar, why does he say he's a liar? No, but why didn't he just kill whoever the imposter is twice? There were two of us there and he just stood next to Lon and didn't do it.
What do I have? I got what oh well, a guy will do oh oh, okay, that's not good, that's not good at all, I mean. It wasn't me, it's Jinxy though, so I got the lights, turn off the lights, baby, turn off the lights, baby, turn off the lights, turn off the lights, watch me cook, someone fix that, one of you gotta fix that, press the button, well, that's crazy, then, okay? I just fixed the lights so is there any case where the lawyer becomes like an imposter or some if his client gets V like how does that work or Harri is it just because you're a vult?
I don't understand it, I promise you. I'm a vulture I haven't eaten anyone I haven't found any body Is it just Jin? Oh, look, here's the thing. It can't, it can't, it can't, it can't, it can't, it can't be laser because I was. with well then it's you then well then it's you laser laser you were with me when Ethan was brutally murdered where has Harry been this whole game? Yes, you were his lawyer. I don't understand if I were his lawyer. I would have liked. the game would be over I don't think that's how it works nah Lon I I'm pretty Now I'm pretty convinced it's Jinxy I think you could have become a crewmate Jiny oh my god And this I hate when these videos happen like this I hate this no, but no, but I think you're actually sick of this, you're a vulture, although I'm probably going to vote for you brother, I don't know how that works because no, because then you lose because then Jinx is an imposter, so it would be like this unless you're an imposter.
I don't know, so Harry you are a vulture but you have eaten. Nobody has seen any body. You've simply been mindlessly navigating the map with your hand. I've done it on your penis, man, I don't like this, I really don't know. Look Laser, this is what happens, brother, like you have to make a decision between me and Harry. It's happening Look Laser, just think in your heart of hearts what vulture can't find a body for 25 minutes 30 not a


body Lon Lon go with jinxy man it's jinxy you know what Harry I like you bro you can win yeah we've done it, we we've done it I've done it done like we've done it we've done it we've done it I like you bro my impostor sucked Ethan what are you doing J why did you kill the idiot Ethan twice if we're going to do a double kill we do a triple twist which is like rule number one, you do a triple turn before you make me do it and there were even like two seconds where you still could have done it and you didn't do it like he didn't even do it. report it right away you idiot, you could just press the button yes, I'm on a C track.
It takes me about 5 minutes to report something, so I like it. I killed him and then you just watched it happen, he watched it happen and you did nothing. about this you have a knife

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