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May 30, 2021
year Britney Spears appeared, whoops! I did it again, it went very far. way beyond the millennium or before the millennium 1990 something I would say eight remember you can't ask the other team this question don't pass it okay it's already passed - the pink team got 15 seconds for 1999 a year after it was - yeah, they I was wrong, okay, okay, go now, how did you do that? The blinders, yeah that's cash, come on baby, is it? Oh, JJ, what I didn't do, nothing was done, honestly, is that these men have been screaming in your head all day.
sidemen 50 000 tipping point
What I do is give you a good, easy one here which is the fastest land animal. Okay, that looks pretty appetizing to me. Okay, but I suggest. Can I lock three? Please latrine, just ask the machine to be blocked with a machine. Tell me when, when. Now oh. Oh my gosh, oh just a second, wait, wait, wait, waiting list on an ovary, wait guys, just a second, but you have one that is effective and scary. Thanks, what are we doing right? Well, we have another question for the green team. The question is Mozart. Look, from which European country are you going to play it?
sidemen 50 000 tipping point

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sidemen 50 000 tipping point...

You don't need a bus. Pausing doesn't do anything if you think so. Mozart is from Austria, which means that when we pause him, he is pink. team play again I was going to say free three please tell me when when okay this is a question for the pink team Cadbury's world is located in which you can city, you know, the leg and London have pre-world possibly nine okay, try to push us hard because See, I feel like I'm going to be out in about 15 seconds here. I'm going to go out on a limb and randomly say Brian, we have ten seconds for the final answer.
sidemen 50 000 tipping point
It's brilliant and your ending, are you serious? t bridge so okay I just get up please now he's Birmingham so that's another coin. Rome again, you owe all three of them, please, yes. Of us we thought, oh, okay, can you come back to your podium? Please, I am very happy. Now it's a question for the Green Team at a formal dinner. What cutlery sets would you use to eat your first course? Take the names of the cutler I know. names don't do it no private school come to the location a name or a location I will give you 15 seconds to pass or respond a gentleman, you have a 4% counter so your response is for our surfing yes that is correct.
sidemen 50 000 tipping point
If it's the most external thing you've ever owned, what's it called, I don't know what it's called, but it's the most alpha that we are, hey, let's continue again, wait, wait, no, no, why are you telling me? boy that's good though that's good I said hello or you're okay and they probably have cash they just want something just give us something yeah Happy is warming up that team needs help our team is there about 500 pounds behind them let me let me get out of the machine , you know, you know, go back to your podiums, I feel like you've been robbed, so you know what, I'm going to give you half of them.
I'm going to give me 300 commission right here, okay, there's one more question for everyone. this round the pink team has 800 the green team has 500 whoever has the lowest amount at the end of these two questions will leave the program and then the final team will face the final round and you know what this round is worth double counters here we go this has back to the pink team what is the highest mountain in the uk uk okay that's why I'm thinking right well we're saying it now because what do you think your initial reaction is right now? off, still good, I think just put it wherever you guys Josh, yes, yes, but 360 before you do it, we can, we can, we can choose today, know which one you want to delete everyone please, okay, zone four, Please tell me now. now everything is at stake it all comes down to this obvious question Green Team if you have conjunctivitis you have an infection what I don't know about, you are going to answer, you are going to get an eye infection, yes, that is correct, yes, this is so that you need to get at least two counters on this, at least okay, now it makes sense, okay, so the closest clothing is if you got it there, could you?
I could turn around and leave three, okay, they've locked themselves in. Three and walk away now, I snuck away, buddy, so unfortunately don't expect one more from Garrett thirty-thirty Bangor and the Green Team, so unfortunately the Green Team, even knowing everything I've tried to do for you, you've been eliminated from the game, however, I'm going to let the winning pink team take one of you to the finals with them. Now it's up to them to decide who they want for the final pink team. We just want to make it clear that no one voted for Toby.
Oh wait, I want to. I wonder why I like white. Hey, do you think you'd play against white power? I see you, I see you, it's nice, well played, guys, congratulations, pink team, you made it to the final. You have eight hundred pounds, although your equipment has increased in size. considerably Wow, anyway, the way this round is going to work is that you're going to place the bonus star. This is worth ten thousand pounds if you can get it out of the machine. What is the challenge? You will receive six questions and you will be able to.
Earn up to a total of eighteen counters if you answer the most difficult questions and get six of them right, you can choose the level of difficulty, okay guys, where do you want to place your extra star? the universe decides just do it whenever you want when you feel good sometimes today even though it's going to come out a lot we don't have money yet even though it's money it's your money for us peace so these are categories would you like to start with story , geography? music of animals or human bodies or news music please okay you have chosen music if you want to play it for one or two or three counters and now he wants to pass let's find out let's find out let's do it and then we can know. futures, what do you have for?
Because I'm happy, we choose music, we can do three, well come on, big man, we'll play all six categories, you're just choosing where to start, yeah, let's put our dick on the table. I'll have 3 please okay music for 3 in musical rhetoric what does Allegro mean let's go over things in music we have notes we have tempo we're done I'm just trying to prepare yeah I might have to rephrase it in music. What do I like when we have a track? We have reverb. They know what they know. I like you guys, so I'll give you a hint.
It has something to do with rhythm. What they think quickly. When it accelerates. up just wondering when the tempo speeds up like a change of pace 10 seconds 9 come on 8 think man again doing it here you go these are your last big tokens of music 3 please 3 here we go ready to play I'll just come in whenever Yes, how are you today? Be a winner today keep 3 oh that's good boy yeah money money money money okay guys what category do you want for that animal? You are playing for 1.2


s or 3


s, big thank you, massive pigs, animals for Three points that Swiss law prevents animals from owning only one, as they are social animals and do not like to be alone: ​​dogs, dogs or hamster.
I think dogs are hamsters. You're asking for love, dog, sure, hamster. you can buy a hamster for five euros - no need to disrespect hamsters my dog ​​had separation anxiety it's a strange animal for free that's too easy hamster rabbit slowly I think it will be out there and I think it probably will be as a gerbil hamster, something about that rabbit, I hope to double the Z list, listen to these hamsters, there are gerbils instead of guinea pigs, you know how there's like a baby, time to make money here, that's so big of you guys , you know a thousand and I went for more, okay? category would you like the following? you're going to need science history history how many points like the three big penis point three listen shut up consistency or work when will it start Oh, what century was the Declaration of Independence signed yes, I think there was 125 years ago I was an old man from the 19th century because where I only liked 125 years not long ago the trees of 2010 too soon 2020 wait, we are in 21st place right now we are twenty years nineteen of the boom of 1919 was 1776 how many points would you like to go for free what body of water borders Turkey, Greece and Italy, okay, I'll fart some names if training in the Caspian Mediterranean is Italy, whatever, if everything can wait, which countries are free what body of water is Turkey, Greece and Italy, Greece and Italy, the Mediterranean They are the three.
Italy is in training, the center, you are saying Turkey is on the far right. The reason is in that small moment. Josh seems very clear. I know it well when you burn a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. long ago the three in Turkey why two against one and one against three oh yeah, look down oh oh, he's going over which one we sound guys - okay, how many points are you playing? what movie has been pulled from some theaters who the question is there are three ok the question was what movie was pulled from some theaters recently due to the outbreaks of violence and it was the blue story yeah that's good bang, I'll put Harry's life into it again, all so solid. it's that's consistency and I was bad please big gap there that's not going anyway that's not good at all do it again yes yes it's okay please think I'm in oh that's what you wanted no you wanted does a job salmon already You know what you guys are having a stinker here, you've won, you give that back, you lose the hundred, but you can play, you can list a hundred, do you want it?, do you want to do this again?, take a chance, okay, then you've lost . 100 feet score, you're consistent, come on, will you get more than 100 out of this?
I hope your final category is the human body over a thousand here, okay, semen, well, you're going for the three-point question, yeah, he jogs, what? It is the average healthy temperature of a human being in degrees centimeters. Why turn your back on the camera? But at the same time it's that 20, he's good, you know what's on the road, yes, I'll give you two degrees on each side. what you get I'm giving you two degrees here side two degrees on each side I think 135 that covers covers 37 36 35 36 let's call it man yeah the basics okay it was 37 so again I'm going to give you three points but I had to help you tell me when oh yes you know when when tell me when now I know I know well now well you have some money here actually we've been before him there he is that's the place oh it's a great unit oh you're good, you're good, you're good, Oh, 400 pounds right there, you know, we'll leave it, you can add to that, you'll add to that.
I'll go for different, unorthodox, hmm, I probably won't leave anything out right now. I think his mouth told me, you know? I'll give you an extra hundred if you get something, when now I'll actually give you 200, wait, he's getting fat, not semi chubby, okay, he went for number two, number two. come on now we're hanging it up it's a hit it's the same place it's a hit what do we have here if you can get three here Ethan you've doubled your score from a thousand to two thousand this is your last piece he's gone 40 your last days in a solid consistent eight, so on your last four albums you added a thousand to your score, which means the four of you take home two thousand pounds.
Oh, it shows that if you work hard, go all the way, you can always make it. better, so be sure to sign up for the shade of a side bed before you leave. Yeah, we're trying to get through five people. Subscribe when you see these videos. What's happening? Fix it up. Subscribe. Can we get through phase two? Ten thousand easy dubbing. Make it easier. your we are going to be better one in 7d the chip is just a spray of water

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